0211 Blanket Exercise

Acknowledgment of Traditional Territories

  • Recognition of McMaster University's location on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations.

  • Reference to the "Dish With One Spoon" wampum agreement, emphasizing peaceably sharing resources around the Great Lakes.

Early Life and Historical Context

  • The significance of Turtle Island in relation to Indigenous history.

Two Row Commemoration

  • Discussion around the Dish with One Spoon Wampum agreement, which symbolizes mutual care for shared resources.

The Indian Act of 1876

  • Legal measures enacted to govern the affairs of Indigenous peoples, including:

    • Superintendent General: Oversight of Indian Affairs.

    • Definitions:

      • Band: Definition involving land ownership and shared interests.

      • Irregular Band: Defined as tribes without ownership of reserves.

Residential Schools

  • A reflection on the impact of Residential Schools on Indigenous communities, including lasting traumas and cultural loss.

The Sixties Scoop

  • An ongoing discussion on the effects of systemic discrimination and forced separation of Indigenous children from their families.

Transgenerational Impacts

  • Highlighting the lasting effects of colonialism and systemic oppression across generations within Indigenous communities.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

  • Article 17 emphasizes the rights of Indigenous peoples regarding children’s protection from exploitation and ensuring their education and welfare.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

  • Overview of the Calls to Action aimed at fostering reconciliation and addressing historical injustices towards Indigenous peoples.

Experiential Learning and Kinesiology

  • Description of learning activities focusing on systemic oppression and intergenerational trauma.

  • Mention of the Blanket Exercise, aimed at deepening understanding of these themes in a kinesiology context.

Assignment Overview

  • Students will engage with the film "Indian Horse" and write a reflective piece connecting the film's themes with their experiential learning experiences.

  • The reflection will explore:

    • Personal reactions to the film.

    • Connections to the Blanket Exercise.

    • Historical contexts of Indigenous experiences and possible roles for kinesiology practitioners in fostering social justice.

Reflection Instructions

  • Structure of the reflective piece:

    1. Personal Reflection: Emotional response and existing knowledge.

    2. Connection to Experiential Learning: Linking the film to the Blanket Exercise’s themes.

    3. Addressing Key Questions: Exploration of the film within broader historical and social contexts.

    4. Evidence-Based Reflections: Use of peer-reviewed articles to support insights.

Formatting and Submission Guidelines

  • Word limit: Max 500 words, double-spaced, with specified formatting requirements.

  • Requirements for a title page, reference page, and adherence to APA 7th edition citation style.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Grading will be based on depth of reflection, connections made to course materials, and adherence to academic writing standards.

  • Deductions for formatting errors, exceeding word limits, and grammar issues.
