Flashcard 1
Q: What are the six totally irregular verbs in the present subjunctive?
A: Dar, Ir, Ser, Haber, Estar, Saber
Flashcard 2
Q: Conjugate "Dar" in the present subjunctive.
A: dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den
Flashcard 3
Q: Conjugate "Ir" in the present subjunctive.
A: vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan
Flashcard 4
Q: Conjugate "Ser" in the present subjunctive.
A: sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean
Flashcard 5
Q: Conjugate "Haber" in the present subjunctive.
A: haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan
Flashcard 6
Q: Conjugate "Estar" in the present subjunctive.
A: esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén
Flashcard 7
Q: Conjugate "Saber" in the present subjunctive.
A: sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan
Flashcard 8
Q: What happens to verbs ending in "-go" in the present subjunctive?
A: The "-go" form from the present indicative is retained in the subjunctive.
Flashcard 9
Q: Conjugate "Tener" in the present subjunctive.
A: tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengáis, tengan
Flashcard 10
Q: Conjugate "Venir" in the present subjunctive.
A: venga, vengas, venga, vengamos, vengáis, vengan
Flashcard 11
Q: Conjugate "Decir" in the present subjunctive.
A: diga, digas, diga, digamos, digáis, digan
Flashcard 12
Q: Conjugate "Hacer" in the present subjunctive.
A: haga, hagas, haga, hagamos, hagáis, hagan
Flashcard 13
Q: Conjugate "Poner" in the present subjunctive.
A: ponga, pongas, ponga, pongamos, pongáis, pongan
Flashcard 14
Q: Conjugate "Salir" in the present subjunctive.
A: salga, salgas, salga, salgamos, salgáis, salgan
Flashcard 15
Q: Which verbs undergo stem changes (vowel changes) in the present subjunctive?
A: Pedir, Sentir, Dormir, Morir, Seguir
Flashcard 16
Q: Conjugate "Pedir" in the present subjunctive.
A: pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidáis, pidan
Flashcard 17
Q: Conjugate "Sentir" in the present subjunctive.
A: sienta, sientas, sienta, sintamos, sintáis, sientan
Flashcard 18
Q: Conjugate "Dormir" in the present subjunctive.
A: duerma, duermas, duerma, durmamos, durmáis, duerman
Flashcard 19
Q: Conjugate "Morir" in the present subjunctive.
A: muera, mueras, muera, muramos, muráis, mueran
Flashcard 20
Q: Conjugate "Seguir" in the present subjunctive.
A: siga, sigas, siga, sigamos, sigáis, sigan