Social Learning Career Theory

  • Environmental Conditions

    • e.g. job opportunities

    • e.g. people in rural areas don’t have access to education that well, so they might be behind in education then people in the rural areas

  • Learning Experiences

    • Instrumental Learning

      • e.g. realizing that one kind of job isn’t for you, so you resign and find another one

      • e.g. some people can’t “makisama” with other people in work which is something that they need to fix and observe within themselves

    • Associative Learning

      • observing consequences of OTHER’S actions

    • Task Approach Skills

      • ! people skills is very important to know how to deal with people, it’s no use if you have a lot of skill, but can’t mingle with people

Planned Happenstance Theory

  • the career of the individual is not planned or predicted

  • composed that a lot of planned and unplanned learning experiences

  • there can be detours in terms of career plans, things can’t really go the way you wanted to

  • someone doesn’t have plans to become a certain profession, but an event occurred that made them have the profession they had now

    • e.g. someone what doesn’t want to become a k-pop idol got scouted in the street, they agreed, then they become successful

Planned Happenstance

  • Focuses your attitudes and actions during the process

    • e.g. how would you accpet and let it sink in that you’re not gonna become what you wanted to be?

    • Curiosity- explore learning opportunities

    • Perseverance- exerting effort despite setbacks

    • Flexibility- changing attitudes and circumstances

    • Optimism- viewing new opportunities as obtainable

    • Risk-Taking- taking action in the face of uncertain circumstances
