like the central nervous system has memory, and the capacity to learn, it could be said that intelligence is located not only in the brain cells that are distributed throughout the body, and that the traditional separation of mental processes, including emotions from the body is no longer valid and the mind is defined by brain cell communication as it has been in contemporary science then  the entire lighting of the intestines from the esophagus each of the seven tinctures is line with cells, nurse cells and other kinds of cells that contain neuropeptides and receptors this model of the mind can now be seen naturally to the entire body since neuropeptides and the receptors are in the body as well we may conclude that the mind is in the body the in the brain with all that that implies to see what this means in return for a moment to the

The Silk Road was a vast network of trade routes established during the Han Dynasty of China that connected the East to the West. It was named after silk, the most valuable commodity traded along the route. However, other goods such as spices, tea, porcelain, and precious metals were also exchanged among traders.
