
Introduction to Expository Text

  • Expository text explains, informs, or describes a topic using factual information.

  • Its main purpose is to teach something in a simple and logical way.

  • Common in textbooks, how-to guides, science lessons, and other educational materials.

  • Provides clear information, making it easier to understand complex topics.

Purpose of Expository Text

  • Main Goals:

    • Provide clear and concise information.

    • Educate readers on specific topics, making knowledge accessible.

  • Examples:

    • Explaining how volcanoes erupt or detailing the life cycle of a butterfly.

Common Examples of Expository Text

  • Textbooks

  • News articles

  • Encyclopedias

  • Instruction manuals

  • Science reports

  • Recipes

  • Brochures

Features of Expository Text

  • Organized Structure:

    • Introduction, body, and conclusion format.

  • Factual and Objective Tone:

    • Focus on facts rather than opinions.

  • Use of Visual Tools:

    • Headings, bullet points, diagrams, and charts enhance clarity.

Types of Expository Text

  1. Sequence or Process

    • Explains steps or stages in a process (e.g., recipes, how-to guides).

    • Structure:

      • Introduction introduces the process.

      • Steps presented in order.

      • Conclusion summarizes the process.

    • Transition Words: first, next, then, after, and finally.

    • Visual Tools: flowcharts, diagrams, timelines.

    • Sample Paragraph: Making pancakes involves steps like gathering ingredients and cooking them in sequence.

  2. Comparison and Contrast

    • Shows similarities and differences between subjects.

    • Structure:

      • Introduction names subjects.

      • Body covers similarities and differences.

      • Conclusion summarizes findings.

    • Transition Words: similarly, both, in contrast, on the other hand.

    • Visual Tools: Venn diagrams, T-charts.

    • Sample Paragraph: Cats and dogs both make great pets, with each having unique behavioral traits.

  1. Cause and Effect

    • Explains how one event (the cause) leads to effects or results.

    • Structure:

      • Introduction introduces the cause.

      • Body explains effects.

      • Conclusion summarizes the relationship.

    • Transition Words: because, therefore, as a result.

    • Visual Tools: cause and effect webs, fishbone diagrams.

    • Sample Paragraph: Deforestation leads to environmental issues due to tree removal and habitat destruction.

  1. Problem and Solution

    • Identifies a problem and suggests solutions to it.

    • Structure:

      • Introduction details the problem.

      • Body discusses solutions.

      • Conclusion emphasizes the best solution.

    • Transition Words: one solution is, the problem is, furthermore.

    • Visual Tools: problem-solution charts.

    • Sample Paragraph: Plastic pollution is a critical issue; recycling programs and promoting reusable materials are potential solutions.

Understanding Text Organization in Writing

  1. Elements of a Well-Written Text

    • Unity: The topic sentence should be supported by details like examples and reasons, ensuring focus on the main idea.

    • Cohesion: Refers to how well the components of a text connect with each other, ensuring a logical flow. This is achieved through transitional markers such as "however," "similarly," and "next."

    • Coherence: Concerns the overall structure and clarity of the composition; it ensures that the text is logical and understandable in its entirety.

  2. Differences Between Unity, Cohesion, and Coherence

    • Unity: Focuses on the relevance of each part to the main idea.

    • Cohesion: Pertains to the grammatical and lexical connections between phrases and sentences.

    • Coherence: Reflects the logical arrangement and clarity of ideas throughout the text, allowing readers to easily follow arguments or narratives.

  3. Cohesion and Coherence in Writing

    • Cohesive devices used (grammatical or lexical) are essential for creating a text that flows well and is easy to comprehend.

    • Cohesion (the "glue" of writing) connects ideas within sentences, while coherence connects the overall structure of the composition for clear understanding.

Comparison and Contrast

  • Comparison: Highlights how two or more things are alike or similar.

  • Contrast: Highlights how two or more things are different.

Comparison between Cats and Dogs:
  • Both are pets.

  • Both can be trained.

  • Both can be playful and provide companionship.

Contrast between Cats and Dogs:
  • Cats are independent; dogs are social.

  • Cats require less maintenance than dogs.

  • Dogs need more exercise than cats.

  • Cats are generally quieter than dogs.

Signal Words
  • For Comparison: Similarly, both, likewise, also.

  • For Contrast: However, on the other hand, but, although.

Methods of Writing Comparison and Contrast Compositions

Block Method (Section by Section)
  • Description: Discuss one topic fully before moving to the next.

  • Process:

    1. Describe the first topic thoroughly.

    2. Describe the second topic thoroughly.

    3. Compare similarities and differences afterward.

Advantages of Block Method:
  • Keeps similar points together, reducing confusion.

  • The organization helps the reader follow along easily.

  • Avoids repetitive summaries at the end.

Disadvantages of Block Method:
  • Readers may struggle to see similarities/differences immediately.

  • Requires more time for readers to connect topics.

Example of Block Method:
  • Similarities: Both cats and dogs are pets that provide emotional support, can be trained, and are affectionate.

  • Differences: Cats are independent and low maintenance; dogs are social and require more exercise.

Point-by-Point Method
  • Description: Presents facts about both topics side by side.

  • Process: Compare or contrast point by point.

Advantages of Point-by-Point Method:
  • Presents the complete picture of both sides.

  • Makes the comparison more dynamic and engaging.

  • Works well for shorter essays (3-4 pages).

Disadvantages of Point-by-Point Method:
  • Can overwhelm the reader with information.

  • May feel unorganized for longer essays.

Example of Point-by-Point Method:
  • Similarities: Both cats and dogs are beloved companions that provide support.

  • Differences: Cats are independent, and dogs are social; cats need less exercise than dogs.

Importance of Visual Elements in Text

Definition of Visuals
  • Visuals include images, graphs, charts, and other representations to convey information.

  • They enhance understanding and make information engaging.

  • Types of visuals:

    • Images (photos, illustrations)

    • Charts and Graphs (bar, line, pie charts)

    • Diagrams (flowcharts, Venn diagrams)

    • Maps (geographic data)

    • Infographics (combination of texts and visuals)

    • Videos (moving visuals with graphics/text).

Importance of Visuals
  • Clarify and emphasize ideas for better understanding.

  • Human brains process visual information faster than text.

  • Visuals can highlight key comparisons and contrasts effectively.

Analyzing Visual Elements
  • Step 1: Identify the type of visual (chart, diagram, infographic).

  • Step 2: Look for labels and captions to understand the visual’s message.

  • Step 3: Connect the visual to the main text being discussed.

Summarizing Information

Importance of Summarization
  • Summarizing is crucial for condensing key points from longer texts, especially in comparison-contrast essays.

  • It helps focus on main ideas while omitting unnecessary details.

Steps for Summarizing Information:
  1. Read the text carefully to understand its scope.

  2. Highlight key points or significant similarities and differences.

  3. Write a brief summary in your own words, avoiding verbatim copying.

Example of Summarizing Comparison
  • Original Comparison: Online learning offers flexibility; classroom learning provides direct interaction.

  • Main Ideas: Online learning allows for independent pace using digital tools; classroom learning fosters collaboration and quick feedback.

  • Summarized Version: Online learning is flexible and digital-driven; classroom learning involves face-to-face interaction and immediate feedback. Both aim to educate in different ways.

Defining Journalistic Text

  • Journalistic Text: Specific type of writing delivering factual information about recent events.

    • Found in news stories or articles, providing details about:

      • Who was involved

      • What happened

      • When and Where it happened

      • Why and How it happened

    • Characteristics: clear, simple, and straight to the point for quick understanding.

Key Characteristics of Journalistic Text

  • Unique focus on the Five W's and H (who, what, when, where, why, how).

  • Aim: ensure readers comprehend important story details without personal opinions.

Exploring the Five W's and H
  • Who: Identifies individuals involved (e.g., the mayor).

  • What: Describes the event or action (e.g., details of a protest).

  • Where: Indicates the location of the occurrence (e.g., where a fire occurred).

  • When: Establishes the time or date (e.g., when a storm hit).

  • Why: Explains reasons or causes (e.g., government policy approval reasons).

  • How: Describes the manner or process (e.g., how firefighters controlled a blaze).

Features of Journalistic Text

  • Timeliness, Relevance, and Accuracy: Provides recent, pertinent, and accurate information. Essential for conveying updates during important events (e.g., storms, elections).

  • Neutral Tone: Journalistic texts present facts without personal feelings or opinions, allowing readers to form their own judgments.

  • Inverted Pyramid Structure: Organizes information with essential facts upfront, followed by supporting details and less critical information.

    • Example: News of a fire should start with where and when it happened, who was involved, and then details about damage.

Diction and Writing Style in Journalism

  • Diction: The choice of words in writing that affects clarity and style.

    • Importance of diction:

      • Establishes tone (serious vs. casual).

      • Enhances clarity and accuracy of the story.

      • Appeals to the target audience by matching language to readership.

    • Example: "Kids are starving" (casual) vs. "Children are experiencing severe malnutrition" (formal).

Writing Style in Journalistic Articles

  • Writing Style: The crafting of articles for clear, effective communication.

    • Key aspects include:

      • Simplicity: Utilize easily understood words.

        • Example: "Heavy rain flooded the neighborhood" vs. "Precipitation levels have escalated significantly."

      • Precision: Deliver exact descriptions.

        • Example: "Over 5,000 people gathered at City Hall" vs. "Many people attended the rally."

      • Brevity: Keep sentences concise.

        • Example: "The committee met Thursday to discuss community proposals." (concise) vs. "The committee members convened a meeting on Thursday..." (verbose).

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

  • Quoting: Repeating someone’s exact words, enclosed in quotation marks.

    • Importance of proper citation to avoid plagiarism.

  • Paraphrasing: Restating someone else's ideas in your own words while retaining their meaning.

    • Example: Original: "We must work together to help our community." Paraphrase: "We should unite to support our community."

  • Summarizing: Condensing information to focus on the main points, making it significantly shorter.

    • Example: Original: "The game was long and had several breaks..." Summary: "Many teams from across the country participated in the long game."

Differences Among Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

  • Quoting: Uses exact words with quotes.

  • Paraphrasing: Rewords ideas while keeping the same meaning,

  • Summarizing: Condenses to main points, often shorter than the original.

"Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing help us use information properly. When quoting, we use exact words. Paraphrasing helps explain ideas in a new way, and summarizing gives us the main points quickly. These skills are important for learning and respecting others' work."

To paraphrase means to put it in your own words.
Steps to Paraphrasing:

Step 1: Read the text.
Step 2: Cover the text.
Step 3: Explain the ideas aloud using your own words.
You can repeat steps 1-2 before coming back to this step if you need to.
Step 4: Write the main ideas in your own words.
Step 5: Refer back to the original text to make sure you have kept the idea the same but have used different words.

A summary is a short version of a text that includes only the main points. When summarising a text you need to decide which information is important and which is not.

What makes a Good Summary?
You can remember this by thinking on SUM!
Uses your own words
Includes only the Main points

 "A journalistic text aims to inform readers using accurate facts presented with simplicity and precision.

Key qualities include:

: Avoiding complex words.
Brevity: Keeping sentences short.
Fact: Reporting verifiable information.
Opinion: Adding perspectives only in editorials.
Precision: Using exact and clear information.

Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing: Quoting repeats someone’s exact words, paraphrasing rewrites their ideas, and summarizing condenses the main points."

Journalistic Text

  • Definition: Written materials aimed at informing the public about current events through news articles, reports, and press releases.

  • Primary goal: Provide factual and unbiased information; focus on the facts, avoiding personal opinions or emotions.

Types of Journalistic Text
  • News Articles:

    • Provide updates on current events, covering various topics like politics and natural disasters.

    • Focus on answering the who, what, when, where, why, and how of events.

    • Aim to report events without personal opinions.

  • Press Releases:

    • Official announcements from organizations, companies, or government bodies to share updates.

    • Written from the issuer’s perspective; communicate specific messages formally and clearly.

    • Serve as vital tools for public relations and corporate communication, helping maintain a positive reputation.

Key Components of a Press Release
  • Headline: Engaging summary of the release.

  • Sub-Headline: Further clarification of the headline.

  • Body: Contains the main message, background information, quotes, and data.

  • Call to Action: Encourages reader action, such as contacting for more information.


  • Definition: Information spread to persuade and influence beliefs and actions.

  • Goal: Not only to inform but to change perceptions and opinions.

  • Forms: Advertisements, speeches, news articles; manipulates emotions and triggers strong reactions.

Types of Propaganda
  • White Propaganda:

    • Shares truthful information from unbiased sources.

    • Example: Accurate news reports without hidden agendas.

  • Black Propaganda:

    • Spreads false or misleading information with intent to deceive.

    • Designed to manipulate the truth, leading to decisions based on false premises.

Common Propaganda Techniques
  • Testimonial:

    • Use of celebrity endorsements to enhance trust or credibility.

    • Example: Celebrity advertising skincare products.

  • Plain Folks Technique:

    • Regular people presented to make messages relatable and trustworthy.

    • Example: A mother sharing family experiences using a product.

  • Stereotyping/Name-Calling:

    • Negative labels to discredit individuals or groups, promoting bias.

    • Example: Calling an opponent a traitor in a political debate.

  • Fear Appeal:

    • Using fear to influence actions or beliefs; instills a sense of threat.

    • Example: Ads conveying dire consequences of inaction.

Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions

  • Fact:

    • A verifiable statement based on objective evidence; universally accepted as true.

    • Example: "The Earth orbits the Sun."

    • Characteristics:

      • Verifiable through evidence, describes past, present, or future events, helps evaluate information across platforms.

  • Opinion:

    • Subjective statements based on personal feelings or beliefs; cannot be proven true.

    • Example: "Chocolate ice cream is the best."

    • Characteristics:

      • Subjective, reflects personal attitudes, lacks verifiable evidence.

    • Often introduced with phrases like "I think" or "In my opinion."

Importance of Facts and Opinions

  • Facts:

    • Build credibility, allow readers to evaluate and analyze journalistic texts, distinguishing truth from bias.

  • Opinions:

    • Encourage critical thinking and personal reflection; offer unique insights.

    • Spark meaningful discussions on various topics.

Veracity of Information

  • Definition: Truthfulness and accuracy of presented information.

  • Importance: Ensures that the information we consume is accurate and reliable.

  • Key Questions To Evaluate Veracity:

    • Is the information accurate?

    • Is it supported by reliable evidence?

    • Does it align with known facts?

What is a Newsletter?

  • Definition: Regular publication sharing news, info, and updates.

  • Formats: Print or email communication.

  • Content Variety: Includes announcements, articles, and events.

Purposes of a Newsletter
  1. To Inform:

    • Shares facts/news about important events (e.g., school updates).

  2. To Entertain:

    • Keeps readers engaged with fun stories, snippets or games.

  3. To Persuade:

    • Encourages action, like joining events or supporting initiatives.

Newsletter Format Components

  • Articles: Informative writing on various topics.

  • Pictures: Enhance visual appeal and interest.

  • News Reports: Short summaries of events.

  • Advertisements: Promote events/products/services.

Expository vs. Journalistic Writing

Expository Writing
  • Definition: Explains/informs on a topic clearly and logically.

  • Purpose: Provide facts and help reader understanding.

  • Example: Comparison essay on traditional games.

  • Structure: Intro, Body, Conclusion.

Example of Expository Writing
  • Comparison: Tumbang preso vs. Patintero.

    • Similarities: Traditional, teamwork-oriented.

    • Differences: Rules, number of players, equipment.

Structure of Expository Text
  1. Introduction:

    • Includes a hook, clear statement of subjects, purpose, and thesis.

  2. Body:

    • Discusses similarities/differences with point-by-point or block methods.

  3. Conclusion:

    • Summarizes key points and reinforces thesis.

Transition to Journalistic Writing

Journalistic Writing
  • Definition: Style used for news reporting.

  • Purpose: Inform about recent events quickly and clearly.

  • Key Features: Inverted pyramid structure.

Inverted Pyramid Structure
  • Components:

    1. Headline: Attention-grabbing summary of the article.

    2. Lead: Initial paragraph with key details (who, what, where, when).

    3. Body: Expands on the lead with supporting details.

    4. Details: Specific examples and descriptions.

Crafting an Effective Headline

Guidelines for Writing a Headline
  1. Keep it Short: 5-10 words for clarity.

  2. Use Simple Present Tense: e.g., "JDC School Hosts..."

  3. Active Voice: Focus on the subject performing actions.

  4. Avoid Conjunctions: Keeps the headline concise.

  5. Proper Capitalization: Capitalize initial word and proper nouns.

Writing a News Report

Steps to Craft a News Report
  1. Identify the Core Event:

    • Choose something impactful or newsworthy.

  2. Compile Facts:

    • Gather accurate information about the event.

  3. Write the Lead:

    • Summarize key details upfront.

  4. Write the Body:

    • Organize supporting details using inverted pyramid style.

  5. Revise and Edit:

    • Check for clarity and correctness.

  6. Finalize Format:

    • Include headline, lead, body, and details in the newsletter.

Writing Process for a Newsletter

Stages of Writing
  1. Pre-Writing:

    • Plan using diagrams or outlines to structure thoughts.

  2. Drafting:

    • Create the first version without focusing on corrections.

  3. Revising:

    • Improve clarity and organization.

  4. Editing:

    • Check for grammar and punctuation errors.

  5. Publishing:

    • Finalize and format content for the audience.

Components of a Good Newsletter

  1. Accuracy and Clarity: Make sure all the information is correct and easy to understand. Avoid mistakes to build trust with your readers.

  2. Relevance: The content should interest the people who will read it. It should be engaging and meaningful.

  3. Readability: Use simple words and clear writing. Choose a good font size so that it is easy to read.

  4. Visual Appeal: Add pictures, charts, or diagrams that go along with the text. Use colors and designs that make the newsletter look good.

  5. Conciseness: Keep your writing clear and to the point. Don't add extra details that are not needed.

  6. Objectivity: Stay neutral and do not show bias. Report the information fairly and equally.

  7. Engagement: Use interesting headlines and visuals to grab the readers' attention and keep them interested.

  8. Ethical Standards: Follow the rules of professionalism. Do not copy someone else's work, keep personal information private, and be sensitive to different cultures.

  9. Responsiveness to Feedback: Listen to what others say about your work and make changes to improve it.

  10. Consistency: Use the same style for fonts, designs, and tone, so the newsletter looks neat and organized.

Parts of a Newsletter
  • What it is: The name or title of the newsletter.

  • Why it's important: It shows what the newsletter is called and makes it easy to know its purpose.

  • Where it goes: At the top of the page so people see it right away.

  • What it is: The title of the article inside the newsletter.

  • Why it's important: It catches the reader's attention and tells them what the article is about.

  • Where it goes: Just above the article, usually in bigger or bolder letters.

  • What it is: The name of the person who wrote the article.

  • Why it's important: It gives credit to the author and makes the article seem more trustworthy.

  • Where it goes: Below the headline or at the start of the article.

Article/Text Body:
  • What it is: The main part of the newsletter that tells a story or provides information.

  • Why it's important: This is where the main message is shared with readers.

  • Where it goes: In the middle of the page, where it is easy to read.

  • What it is: Pictures or graphs that go along with the text.

  • Why it's important: They make the newsletter more interesting and help explain the information better.

  • Where it goes: Close to the article they are about.

  • What it is: Short explanations or descriptions for the images.

  • Why it's important: They help people understand what the pictures are showing.

  • Where it goes: Below or next to the images.

Masthead/Editorial Team:
  • What it is: A list of people who helped create the newsletter.

  • Why it's important: It shows who worked on the newsletter and adds a professional touch.

  • Where it goes: Usually at the end or in a corner of the page.

Page Number:
  • What it is: A number that tells you which page you are on.

  • Why it's important: It helps readers find their way through the newsletter.

  • Where it goes: In the top or bottom corner of each page, in the same spot on every page.

Basic Rules for Layouting a Newsletter

  1. Avoid Tombstoning:

    • What it is: When two headlines are next to each other in the same space, it makes it hard to understand.

    • Solution: Put headlines in different spots or use pictures to separate them.

  2. Avoid Bad Breaks:

    • What it is: This happens when text is cut off in a weird way between columns or pages.

    • Solution: Start a new column with a headline or picture, not in the middle of a sentence.

  3. Balance Text and Images:

    • What it is: Too much text makes things boring, but too many pictures can be confusing.

    • Solution: Use a good mix of text and images so it is easy to read.

  4. Ensure Consistency:

    • What it is: If you use different font sizes, colors, or spacing, it looks messy.

    • Solution: Keep the same style for everything in the newsletter.

  5. Provide Captions:

    • What it is: Pictures without words can be hard to understand.

    • Solution: Add short descriptions for all pictures.

  6. Avoid Gray Areas:

    • What it is: If the layout is too messy, it looks unappealing.

    • Solution: Use clear headings, bullet points, or sections to organize the content.

  7. Ensure Readability:

    • What it is: Using fancy fonts or really small text makes it hard to read.

    • Solution: Use simple and clear fonts in sizes that are easy to read.
