1492 | Christopher Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue and “discovers” the Americas Begins the Columbian Exchange |
1494 | Treaty of Tordesillas signed by the Pope to split New World between Spain and Portugal |
1512 | The Encomienda system is established to control American Indian labor |
1513 | Juan Ponce De Leon searches for Fountain of youth and lands on Florida Vasco Nunez de Balboa first Euro to see Pacific |
1519 | Hernan Cortes invades current day Mexico and the Aztecs believed he was a God |
1532 | Rise of the Atlantic Slave Trade |
1565 | St. Augustine becomes the first ever European settlement as the Spanish set this colony i present day Florida |
1585 | Roanoke unsuccessful as Sir Walter Raleigh returned to missing inhabitants |
1602 | Dutch East India Company |
1607 | First permanent English Colony Jamestown Virginia led by Captain John Smith Indentured servants first arrived sponsored by the Virginia Company |
1610 | First Anglo Powhatan War between Indiana and English colonists |
1619 | Slavery introduced for the first time (VA) |
1620 | Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock, Mass Signed the Mayflower Compact |
1626 | New Amsterdam was founded (now New York) |
1629 | The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded |
1630 | Puritans arrive but did not break from the Church of England and migrated towards Massachusetts |
1636 | Roger Williams founded Colony of Rhode Island Harvard College was founded |
1643 | New England Federation was created |
1667 | England takes over New Netherland |
1676 | Bacon’s Rebellion takes places King Philip’s War takes place |
1680 | Pueblo Revolt takes place in Spanish New Mexico |
1681 | Pennsylvania founded by William Penn |
1692 | Salem witch trials took place in Mass. Bay |
1714 | American Enlightenment begins in the 13 colonies |
1731 | First Great Awakening took place led by George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards |
1733 | Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe |
1754 | The French and Indian War Began |
1763 | Proclamation of 1763 said that Colonists could not explore past the Appalachian Mountains |
1764 | The Sugar Act is passed by British Parliament to raise revenue Currency Act is passed and prohibits colonist from issuing paper money |
1765 | Stamp Act imposed on printed material Quartering Act requires housing to British troops Virginia Resolves claims only taxed by an assembly which they had elected reps Stamp Act Congress from colonies send grievances to King |
1766 | Stamp Act is replaced by Declaratory Act |
1767 | Townshend Acts placed duties on imported items to America |
1770 | Boston Massacre saw British soldiers firing into a crowd of protesters in Boston |
1773 | Boston Tea Party took place |
1774 | Great Britain passed the Intolerable Acts First Continental Congress held in Philadelphia |
1775 | Patriot Patrick Henry urged “Give me liberty or give me death!” Paul Revere warns local militia during his Midnight Ride Battle of Lexington and Concord Battle of Bunker Hill |
1776 | Thomas Paine published Common Sense Second Continental Congress approves the writing of the Declaration of Independence Battle of Long Island, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Saratoga |
1778 | Treaty of Alliance between the US and France but was annulled after the death of the King |
1781 | Articles of Confederation were ratified The British surrendered at Yorktown |
1783 | The Treaty of Paris (1783) ended the Revolutionary War |
1786 | Shay’s Rebellion took place amongst farmers who were former soldiers |
1787 | Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was passed Philadelphia Convention took place to create a US Constitution |
1788 | Federalist Papers are published to the US Constitution with #10 being most important |
1789 | US Constitution is ratified and lead to the creation of a new Government George Washington is unanimously elected first US President Judiciary Act of 1789 establishes the US Supreme Court Alexander Hamilton appointed Secretary of Treasury |
1790 | Samuel Slater establishes first textile Mill |
1791 | US Bill of Rights was ratified The First Bank of the United States was chartered |
1793 | The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality to neither support England nor France |
1794 | Whiskey Rebellion takes place and led by farmers |
1796 | John Adams is elected 2nd president defeating Thomas Jefferson Pinckney’s Treaty - Establishes border of Florida with Spain Washington’s Farewell Address warns the US of a) permanent foreign alliances & b) political parties |
1797 | XYZ Affair takes place with France |
1798 | The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed making becoming a citizen more difficult Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were issued and nullified the Alien and Sedition Acts |
Period 4 1800 - 1848: Growing Pains of the new republic
1800 | Slave Trade Act of 1800 forbade the purchase of Slaves Thomas Jefferson elected 3rd President during elections of 1800 |
1801 | John Adams appointed several Federalist “Midnight Judges” which furiates Jefferson |
1803 | Marbury v. Madison in Supreme Court establishes Judicial Review and a law unconstitutional Louisiana Purchase was made and nearly doubles our country’s size |
1804 | 12th amendment is ratified and establishes the electoral college to elect US Presidents Burr Hamilton duel as Alexander Hamilton is fatally wounded Lewis and Clark began their Journey West |
1807 | The Embargo Act of 1807 was passed by Jefferson & was hated as it stopped trade with England and France Robert Fulton invented the Steamboat |
1809 | Non-Intercourse Act was passed lifting all bans on embargoes except for British and French |
1812 | War of 1812 begins by president Madison against England |
1814 | Burning of Washington saw British troops setting the White House on fire Treaty of Ghent was signed and ended the War of 1812 |
1815 | Battle of New Orleans occurs after Treaty of Ghent as Jackson defeats the British The Hartford Convention concludes and eliminates the Federalist Party as a force The American System was created by Henry Clay to promote 1) tariff 2) banks & 3) roads |
1816 | The Second Bank of the United States was chartered |
1818 | The Cumberland Road opened Treaty of 1818 divided US and Canada border out west at the 49th parallel North |
1819 | Panic of 1819 takes place and begins a cycle of US Economic recession around every 20 years The Adams-Onis Treaty was signed to acquire Florida McCulloch v. Maryland prohibits states on infringing upon Federal authorities (Banks) |
1820 | Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820) added Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state and set rules of slavery based on the parallel of 36°30′ north Joseph Smith's first vision of God in New York beginning the roots of Mormonism |
1823 | The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed as we will not allow foreign intervention in Western Hemisphere First Lowell factory opened and employed female employees |
1824 | Gibbons v. Ogden affirms state authority in interstate commerce President Election does not have a president with majority vote and House controversially elects John Quincy Adams |
1828 | Andrew Jackson is elected and ends the so called Era of Good Feelings as a second major political party returns
Nullification Crisis saw S. Carolina nullify tariff acts that Pres. Jackson had placed |
1830 | Second Great Awakening saw a large Christian Revival take place The Oregon Trail comes into use by settlers heading to the Pacific Northwest Jackson issues the Indian Removal Act Maysville Road Veto by Jackson halts construction using federal funding |
1831 | Southern slave Nat Turner leads a revolt Anti-Slavery paper The Liberator begins |
1832 | Supreme Court rules in favor of Cherokee Nation in Worcester v. State of Georgia Jackson’s Bank War vetoed the charter renewal of the Second Bank of the United States Nullification Crisis saw South Carolina nullifying Jackson’s Tariff plan |
1834 | Whig Party emerged in opposition to President Jackson and his Democratic Party |
1835 | Texas Revolution begins as Texans fight Tejanos (Texas Mexicans) |
1836 | Battle of the Alamo takes place as Texans lose to the much larger Mexican forces Battle of San Jacinto saw Texans get revenge and defeat Mexican troops as they shouted “Remember the Alamo” Jackson destroys the Bank of the United States (BUS) |
1837 | Oberlin College becomes first college to enroll female students Dartmouth College v. Woodward affirms that property rights can be overridden by public need Panic of 1837 sees economic recession Horace Mann (father of education) began school reform in Massachusetts |
1838 | Cherokee Nation is forced out and march down the Trail of Tears |
1840 | William Henry Harrison is elected President but would die only a month in office kicking off the Curse of Tippecanoe |
1842 | Webster-Ashburton Treaty is signed settling border disputes with Canada (Maine & Minnesota) |
1844 | Presidential Election Day Act establishes the Tuesday after the first Monday in November as the day on which electors are elected |
1845 | The term “Manifest Destiny” is first used for the white man to travel west and take land |
1846 | Mexican-American War begins Wilmot Proviso is introduced but always failed in the Senate (dom by South) to ban slavery from land gained from Mexican American War |
1848 | Mormons migrated to Utah Seneca Falls Convention is held to fight for women’s rights and suffrage The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war and adds new land to the US |
1849 | California Gold Rush begins as miners head west to strike it rich |
1850 | Compromise of 1850 added California as a free state and New Mexico’s fate decided by popular sovereignty Wilmot Proviso proposed no slavery in new territory from Mexico but it failed |
1852 | Uncle Tom’s Cabin is published and the world sees the cruelties of American Slavery |
1853 | Commodore Matthew Perry opens up trade with Japan |
1854 | Kansas Nebraska Act is passed nullifying the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Gadsden Purchase is finalized adding land from Mexico Ostend Manifesto is issued to purchase Cuba from Spain but was a fail Creation of the Republican Party |
1856 | Preston Brooks beats Charles Sumner with a stick in the Senate Chamber |
1857 | Dred Scott v. Sandford declares blacks are not citizens and do not have the right to a lawsuit LeCompton Constitution is rejected in the Kansas Territory to add slavery Panic of 1857 takes place |
1858 | Lincoln-Douglas Debates are held as they run for a seat in Illinois Senate |
1859 | John Brown leads a raid on Harper’s Ferry to attack white slave owners |
1860 | The Crittenden Compromise is rejected as it proposes adding slavery north of the 36 30 N line US Presidential Election of 1860 and Abraham Lincoln is elected South Carolina becomes first state to secede from the Union |
1861 | American Civil War Begins at Fort Sumter First Battle of Bull Run takes place proving the war is going to last longer than 90 days |
1862 | Homestead Act is passed and promotes the settlement of plains in the West Morrill Land-Grant Act is passed and encourages land to be used for Agriculture and Schools Second Battle of Bull Run Takes Place Battle of Antietam takes place |
1863 | The Battle of Gettysburg takes place as largest battle during Civil War followed by the Gettysburg Address Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation |
1864 | General Ulysses S Grant takes over a commander of Union Force Wade-Davis Bill is passed |
1865 | Robert E. Lee surrenders at the Appomattox Court House practically ending the Civil War Lincoln is assassinated at Ford’s Theater by John Wilkes Booth and VP Johnson takes over 13th Amendment is passed outlawing Slavery Freedmen’s Bureau is established to help newly freed slaves |
1866 | The Ku Klux Klan is founded |
1867 | The Alaska Purchase often referred to as “Seward’s Folly from Russia Radical Reconstruction begins as south is divided into 5 military districts |
1868 | Impeachment of Andrew Johnson but was acquitted by the Senate The 14th Amendment is passed giving equal rights to all US Citizens |
1869 | First Transcontinental Railroad connecting to the west is completed 15th Amendment is passed allowing any citizen to vote despite their races, color, or past |