week 9 Soc 360 Article-Friend Game week 9


  • Article: "Friend Game: Behind the online hoax that led to a girl’s suicide"

  • Author: Lauren Collins

  • Publication Date: January 13, 2008

  • Focuses on the tragedy surrounding the suicide of a girl, Megan Meier, due to a MySpace hoax.

Background of the Incident

  • Location: 251 Waterford Crystal Drive, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri.

  • Suicide incident branded as the "MySpace Suicide Hoax."

  • Megan Meier, age 13, faced cyberbullying after interacting with a fake online persona, Josh Evans, created by local neighbors.

  • Megan was described as a volleyball player and volunteer with a love for pets.

  • An acrostic poem in her profile reflected her feelings of neglect.

The Nature of the Hoax

  • The persona of Josh Evans was fabricated by neighbors of the Meiers.

  • The hope behind creating Josh was to monitor Megan's potential remarks about their daughter.

  • The online dynamic transformed quickly, causing severe emotional distress for Megan.

Psychological Impact and Online Behavior

  • Adolescent experiences included a tumultuous emotional landscape characterized by insecurities.

  • Megan's participation in online social networks allowed her to explore self-identity in a potentially harmful environment.

  • Social media behavior can create real-time public disputes that can be more damaging than personal confrontations.

The Sequence of Events Leading to the Tragedy

  • Adjustments to Megan's social environment: bickering with peers and relationship tensions with the Drews’ daughter.

  • The Drews were seen as unwelcoming neighbors causing ongoing conflict and tension.

  • Eventually, distrust and negative interactions peaked when Megan was subjected to cruel messages from the Josh account.

Megan's Struggles

  • Megan had a documented history of mental health challenges, including being placed on medications for depression and attention issues.

  • Social dynamics also contributed to her feelings of inadequacy and rejection.

  • Struggles with self-image were evident, illustrated by her reaction to online commentary and interactions.

The Act of Suicide

  • After escalating hostile exchanges on MySpace, Megan attempted to cope with intense pressure, leading to her tragic decision to end her life.

  • The immediate family discovered the incident; Megan used a cloth belt in an open closet.

Aftermath and Community Reactions

  • The community reaction was widespread and included significant backlash against the Drews.

  • Media scrutiny intensified, leading to legal and societal discussions about bullying and cyber harassment.

  • A local columnist revealed the story behind the hoax, evoking strong emotions from the community.

Legal and Social Ramifications

  • The legal aspect explored whether the Drews were culpable for their actions through emotional and psychological manipulation.

  • Community outrage resulted in the local government introducing new cyber harassment ordinances.

  • Discussions around parental involvement and responsibilities in managing their children's online interactions remain critical.

Conclusion and Observations

  • The article raises essential questions about the dangers of online interactions, particularly among vulnerable youth.

  • Reflects on how familial and community dynamics can exacerbate emotional distress leading to tragic outcomes.

  • Calls for awareness regarding the implications of cyber bullying and the responsibility of adults in monitoring youth behaviors online.
