Business management chapter 5 PLANNING
Management process
Involves the four major management functions planning organizaing leading and controlling
Planning, strategy and strategic management
Failure rate for new business is 50% in first 5 years and 66% within 10
Poor planning is one of the top reasons small business fail
planning= setting goals and deciding how to achieve them
Planning aids managers in thinking through how they are going to position their company to survive grow and thrive
plan= a document thay outlines how goals are going to be met it si a product of the planning process and represents a roadmap for future action
Business plan= a document that outlines a firms goals, the strategy for achieving them and the standing for measuring success
strategy= sets the long term goals and direction for an organization it repsrents and educated guess about what ling term goal or direction to pursue for the survival or prosperity of the organization (not something that can be decided on just one reconsidered annually)
Strategic management= is a process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and the implementation of startyegies and strategic goals
Process that involves managers from all parts of organization
1. Establish the mission and vision and values
2. Assess the current reality
3. Formulate the strategies and plans
4. Implement the strategies and plans
5. Maintain stargeic control
Now feedback: revise actions is necessary based on feedback
Strategic planning= top managers
Tactical planning= middle managers
Operational planning= first line and team leaders
Why are planning and strategic management important
Provide direction and momentum
Help people focus on the most critical short term and long term problems
Encourage new ideas
Encourages new ideas by stressing importance of innovation
Develop a sustainable competitive advantage
The ability of an organization to product goods or services more effectively than its competitors do
purpose= goal or wish or mission
Where you want the organzation to go=vision
Whats important to the organization=values
Mission statement= what is our reason for being (who we are and what we do, determined by top amnagment and board of directors must fomuate a mission statement to express the purpose of the organization)
Vision statement= what do we want to become
Vision is a long term goal describing what an organization wants to become
Should motivate the team and be clear, future focused, abstractness and challenge, idealism
Values statement= what values do we want to emphasize
Values are deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a personas behavior
Shared values are the glue that keep employees wokeing together to achieve a common goa
Values statement is what the company stands for and its core priorities and what its products contribute to the world
Strategic planning= done by top manager for the next 1-5 years
Process that determines what the organizations long term goals should be for the next 1-5 years with the resources they expect to have available
Begins once the mission and vision statement are established
Tactical planning= done by middle managers for the next 6-24 months
They determin what contributions their departments or similar work units can ake with their given resources during the next 6-24 months
Operational planning= done by first line managers for the next 1-52 weeks
Determin how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within 1-52 weeks
Top management= make long term decisions about overall direction of organization
Middle management= implement polices and plans of top management supervise and coordinate activities of first line managers below
First line= direct daily tasks of nonmanagerical personnel
Long term and short term goals
goal= aka objective is a specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a stated period of time
Long term goals= strategic goals they tend to span 1-5 years and focus on achieving the strategies identified in a companies strategic plan
Short term goals= tactical or opertational foals they generally span 12 months and are connected to a strategic goals in a hiervhy known as a means end chain
Mean end chain= shows how goals are connected or linked across adn organization
Operation plan= a plan that breaks long term output into short term targets or goals
Action plan= defines the course of action needed to achieve a stated goal
Contingency plan= are responses to possible future events that could threaten a companies operations
Smart goals
Specific measurable attainable results oriented and has target dates
The 4 step process to motivating employees
Called management by objective MBO
1. Managers and employees jointly set objectives for the employee
Involve employees in setting goals
2. Managers develop action plans
3. Managers and employees [eroipdcially review the employees performance
Employees and managers should meet oftwen 3 month
4. Managers make a performance appraisal and rewards to the employee according to results
Purpose is to motivate rathan than control shows what success looks like and rewards
Proactive learning orientation= fuels the achievement of learning objectives resprents a desire to learn and improve in pursuit of personal development
For goal setting to be successful what 3 things need to happen
Top management and middle management must be committed
It is best to cascade goals
Goals must cascade be linked consistently down through the organization
Cascading goals= process of ensuring that the strategic goals set at the top level align or cascade downward with more specific short term goals at lower levels within and organization
Planning control cycle (feedback loop)
Is a continuous process managers use to evaluate the progress in achieving strategic goals and to make modifications as needed
Formulate strategic plan 2. Implement the strategic plan 3. Monitor progress 4. Take action
One and 2 are planning steps and 3-4 are controlling steps
Chapter 6 Strategic management
Startegic positioning= attempts to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by preserving what is distinctive about a company ex: performing different activities from rivals or similar activities in different ways
Strategic positioning is based on 3 key principles
Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position
Emerges from 3 sources (few need many customers, broad needs few customer, and broad needs many customers)
Strategy requires trade offs in competing
Needs to know what strategy to follow and what not to follow
Strategy involved creating a fit amount actiites
Fit has to do with how a companies activities interact and reinforce one another
Strategic management takes place at 3 3v3ls
Level 1: corporate level strategy
Focuses on the organization as a whole
Level 2: Business level strategy
Focuses on individual business unit or product service lines
Level 3: functional level strategy
Is a plan of action by each functional area of the organizatin to support high levelo strategies
Strategic management works for both small and large firms
Many large corps review their strategy ever 3-5 years
Startegic formulation= the proess of choosin among different strategies and altering te to best fit the organizations needs
Strategic control= monitoring performance to ensure that strategic plans are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed
Current reality assessment= assessment to look at where the organization stands and see what is working and what coil dbe different to mazinmize efficient and effectiveness
Sustainable competitive advantage= exists when other companies cannot duplicate the value delivered to its customers
In the Swot analysis SW is internal environment and OT is external environment
external= task enviromant or external groups an organization interacts with on a routine basis
General enviroment= macro external forces that influence organiztion outside of its control
Organizational strengths= skills and capabilities that give the organization special competeceis and competitive advantages in executing strategies in pursuit of its vision
Organizational weaknesses= the drawbacks that hinfert and organizaiton
Organizational opportunities= enviromental factors that the organization may exploit for competitive advantage
Orgaizational threats= environment factors that hinder and organization achieving a competitive advantage
PESTEL= a strategic management took to analyze macro opportunities and threats stemming from 6 societal factors
Political (taz polices, gov, trade teffirs)
Economic ( inflation, exchange rates, interest rates unemployment)
Social (population demographics, cultural norms)
Technological ( research and development, automation)
Enviromental (climate, feographic resources)
Legal (employment laed, antitrust laws)
VRIO= a framework for analuszing a resource or capability to determine its competitive strategic potential by asnwer 4 queestion abou tits value rarity imitability and organization
If you answer yes to all 4 you sustained competitive advantage
If you answer yes you are in a competitive position if no you are at a competitive disadvantage
forecast= a vision or projection of the future
Trend analysis= a hypothetical extension of past series of events into the future, the idea that the present can be projected into the future
Scenario analysis: predidtic alternative futures
The creation of alternative hypothetical but equally likely future conditions
Benchmarking: comparing with the best
A process by which a company compares its performance with that of high performing organization
Three overall types of corporate strategy
Growth strategy
Is a grand strategy that involves expansion as in sales revenues market share ect
Often takes form of an innovatio strategy= growing market share or profits by improving existing products and services or introducing new ones
A grand strategy that involves little or no significant change
Or a retrenchment strategy is a grand sytargey that involves reduction in the organizations efforts
The BCG Martix= a management strategy that companies use to evaluate their portfolio of strategic business units on the basis of 1. Their market growth rates and 2. Their market share.
The purpose of evaluation ecah business unit is to calibrate the companies portfolio or identify which business units to invest in and which to divest from
Involvews question marks stars dogs and cash cows
Question marks invest cautiously (can either become starts or dogs)
Dogs divest ( businesses no longer succeeding)
Cash cows redirect profits (investing profits from one or more successful but slow grow)
Starts invest (new product or services)
Market growth rate= how quickly the entire industry is growing
Market share= the businesses units share of the market in relations to compeitors
diversitfication= the strategy into new liens of business, companies generally diverfift to either frow revenue or reduce risk
Related diversification = when a company purchases a new business that is related to the companies existing business perofiolo, the organization in implementing related diversification
Unrelated diversification= occurs when a company acquires another company in a completely unrelated business this reduces risk because losses in one business or industry can be offset by profits from another companies in the corporate portfolio
Vertical integration= a firm expands intro businesses that provide the supplies it needs to make its products or that distribute and sell its products, increases financial performance by increasing quality and lowering cost
Porter five competitive force
Harvard professor micgeal porter
Porters model for industry analysis= that business level strategies originate by evelauating 5 competitive forces in the firms enviroment 1. Threats to new entrants 2. Bargaining power of suppliers 3. Bargaining power of buyers 4. Threats of substitute products or service 5. Rivalry among competitors
Threats of new entrants
New competitors can affect an industry overnight
Bargaining power of suppliers
Companies ar readily able to sitch suppliers in order to get components or services
Bargaining power of buyers
Informed customers become better negotiators
Threats of substitute products or services
Porters 4 competitive strategies
First two are wide market and last two are narrow markets
Cost leadership strategy= is to keep costs and hence pieces of a product or service below those of competitors and to target a wide market
Differetnion strategy= to offer products or services that are of unique and superior value compared with those of competitors and to target a swide market
Cost focus strategy= is to keep costs and hence prices of a product or service below those of competitors and to target a narrow market
Focused differentiation strategy= to offer products or services that are of unique and superior value compares to those of competitors and to target a narrow market
Welches executive approach tword strategic development
What does the playing field look like now
What has the competition been up to
What have uou been up to
Whats around the corner
Whats your winning move
Functional strategy= is a plan of action by each functional area of the organiAtion to support high level stratwegies similar to goal cascading
execution= they say is not simply tactics it is a central part od any companies strategy using wuationing analysis and follow through in order to mesh startegy with reality align people with goals and achieve the results promised
Three core processes of business ) people strategy and operations
You need to consider who will benefit you in the future
You need to consider how success will be accomplished
You need to considere what path will be followed
Execution roadblocks
Misaligned organizational culture
Poor performance management leadership
Conflicting function objectives
Employees resistance to change
Employee management= set of activities designed to assess and improve employee performance as a mean to improve organizational performance
Maintaining strategic controll
Monitoring starfic implementation and taking appropriate action based on results
Chapter 7 Individual and group decision making
decision= a choice made from available alternatives
Decision making= is the process of identifying and choosing among alternative courses of action
Rational model of decision making= also called the classical model, explains how managers houls make decision
4 stages associated with rational deicisoin making
Identify the problem or alternative
Think up alternative solutions
Evaluate alternative and select a solution (ethical feasible effective)
Implement and evaluate the solution chosen
problems= difficultires that inhibit the achievement of foals
opportunities= situations that present possibilities for exceeding existing goals
doagnpises= identifying and anylizing the underlying causes
For implementation to be successful you need two things
Plan carefully
Be sensitive to those effective
What should you do if the implemented decision is not working
Give it more time
Change it slightly
Try another alternative
Start over
Whats wrong with the rational model
It is prescriptive it does not describe how managers actually make decisions
Nonrational models of decision making= explain how managers make decisions they assume thay decision making is nearly always uncertain and risky making it difficult for managers to make optional decisions
The nonrational model and descriptive rather than preseciptiive
Nonrational models are satificing and intuition
Bounded rationality= satisfactory is good enough, herbert simon
The concept suggests that decision makers ability to be rational is limited by numerous constraints
hubris= defined as an extreme and inflated sense of pride cetinty and confidence
Satificing model= managers eeek alternatives until that find one that is satisfactory not optimal
Intuition model= it just feels right
Making a choice without the use of conscious thought or logical inference
Holistic hunch= intuition from expertise knowledge about situation
Automated experience= intuition based on feelings
Top reason for CEO departures is unethical behavior
What is causing the growth in ethical lapses
Organization level factors (poor board oversight, unclear role expectations)
Group level factors (intense commitment to mission vision and values)
Individual level factors ( personality and social characteristics)
5 reasons for increases of firings of CEO die to ethical lapses
Public is less forgibing of executives
Regulations are more stringent
Companies are expanding operations into debveloping counties where ethical risks may be higher and laws less protective
Digital communications increase ecposeire to risk from both hackers and whistle blow
The 24/7 news cycle and proliferation of media
Ethics officer= sometone trained about ethical matters in the workplace particlaryly about reoloving ethical dilemmas
Decision tree= a graph of decisions and their possible condewquences it is used in ethical decision making and plans to reach a goals
Evidence based decision making= the process of gathering and analyszing high quality data to develop and implement a plan of actions
Big data= a warehouse where information is gathered
Descriptive analytics= identifies trends and relationships within big data (what shows are trending and promote them to other customers) usually driven by humans interested in finding answers to specific questions using historical daya
Machine learning= is the process by which computers use algorithms and statistical models to detect patterns in data without being explicitly programmed
Predictive analytics= combines historical data with statistical models and machine learning to specify the likelihood of future outcomes\
What makes big data= volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value
Refers to quantity of data and the storage capacity required to house it
Refers to dfofferent sources of data generated by humans or machiners
The speed at which data accumulates
Refers to the degree to which sata is of high quality and comes from a trustworthy souce
The extent to which analyzing dta produces insights to contribute to an organizations effectiveness
Autonomous devices= because they collect dataty to make calculations define probabilities and generate reason based decision according to programmed goals
Rely an AI
AI four functions
Automate, Robotic AI
analyze, Biometric AI
advise, Converstagional AI
Anticipate (algortitgmic ai
Ai can positively effect a organition is 3 ways
Match product supply with customer demand
Cusotmize pricing
Proactively schedule maintenance
AI drawbacks
AI implementation
Data issues
Decision making style= reflect the combinations of how an individual perceives and responds to information styles vary among two different dimensions value orientation and tolerance for ambiguity
Value orientation= the extent to which a person focuses on wither task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when kaking decisions
Persons tolerance for ambiguity= the individuale difference indicathe the exztent to which people have a high need for structure or control in their lives
When they are combined they form 4 styles of decision making directive, analytical, conceptual, and behavioral
Directive style= action oriented decision makers who focus on facts
Analtucal style= careful decision makers like lots of into and alternative choices
Conceptual style= rely on intuition and have a long term perspective
Behavioral style= the most people oriented decision makers
heuristics= strategies that simplify the process of making decision or rules of thumb
Availability bias= ising only the informational available
Representiveness bias= faulty generalizing from a small sample or single event
Confirmation bias= seeking information to support your point of view
Sunk cost bias= money already spent seems to justify continuing
Anchoring and adjustment bias= being influence by an initial figure
Overconfidence bias= fiziating on the posotbes while dismissing the negatives
Hindsight bias= the i knew it all along effect predictable
Framing bias= shaping the way a problem is presented
Escalation of commitment bias= feeling overly invested in a decision
Cayehorical thinking bias= sortinginformation into buckets
Advantages of group decision making
Knowledge diversity
Different perspectives
Information accumulation
Better understanding of decision rationale
Depper commitment to the decision
Disadvantages of group decision making
A few people dominate or intimidate
Goal displacement
Sham participation= which occurs when powerless but useful individuals are selected by leaders to rubber stamp decision and work hard to implement them reduces creativity
groupthing= occurs when group members strive to agree for the sake of unaminmity and thus avoid accurately assessing the decision situation, go along to get along
Goal displacement= occurs when the primary goal is subsumed by a secondary goal
Characteristics of group decision making
Less efficient
Size effects decision quality
May be too confident
Knowledge counts
Minority dissent= dissent occurs when a minority ina group pubvlicly opposes the beliefs attitudes ideas and procedures or polices assumed by the majority of the group
consensus= which occurs when members are able to express their opinions to reach an agreement
brainstorming= help groups generate multiple ideas and alternatives for solving problems
Electronic brainstorming= members group come together over a computer network to generate ideas and alternatibevs
Devil advocacy= assigns someone the trol eof the ciric
The dialect method= identify a truth or thesis by exploring opposite positions or antitheseis
After action reviews= also known as a project post mortem is a review of recent decisions in order to identify possible future improvements learn from success and failures benefits are - process improvement - closure - boosting team cohesiveness - imporvin moreal
Chapter 8 organizing
Organization performance depends on the extent to which three factors work together to enable its strategy
Organizational culture
The shared assumptions that affect how work get done
Organization structure
Who reports to whom and who does what
HR practices
How the organiation manages its ta;e;t
Corporate structure= the set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives thinks about and reacts to various environments
Leadership created alignment among culture structure and hr practices
Three levels of organizational culture
Observable artifacts
Most visible and least resistant to change
Physical manifestations of culture
Observable artifacts= myths and stories about organization
Espoused values
Explicitly states values and norms preferred by and organization
Enacted values= the values and norms actually being exhibited in the organiAtion
Basic assumptions
Least visible and most resistant to change
Core values of the organiation
Culture is transmitted to employees in several ways
Symbols (used to convey most important values) object or action represents idea
Stories (narratibed nased on true events
Heroes ( accomplishments embody the values of the roganization
Rites and rituals ( activities and ceremonies planned that celebrate important occasion)
Socialization ( people learn the values normans and behaviors that permit them to participate in organization) 3 phases
Anticipatory socialization phase( before you join learn from others)
Encounter phase (first hired behin to learn)
Change and acquisition phase ( develop sense of work role fine tine skills)
Four types of organizational culture : clan adhocracy, market and hiechyy
Competing values framework CVF provides a practical way fo rmanagers to understand measure and change organization culture
Horizontal dimension inward or outward focus= expresses the extend to which an organizationfocuses its attention and efford inward on internal dynamics and employees or outward on external enviment like customers and shareholders
Vertical dimension flecibility or stability= expresses the extent to which and orgazationa prefers decentralized decision making flexibility and discretion versus centralized authority
Combining these 2 creates 4 types of organization culture based on different core values
Clan culture= has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control, want people to feel part of a family training and developing employees they
Adhocracy culture= a risk taking culture valuing flexibility, creation of new and innovative product
Market culture= a competitive culture valuing profits over employee satisfaction, has a strong external focus and values stability and control
Hierarchy culture= a structured culture valuing stability and effectiveness, internal focus and values stability and control over flexibility
Culture in workplace
Organization culture matters
Clan and adhocracy cultures are more strongly related to desirable leadership behaviors than the other two
Market cultures have the strongest relationship with high performance work practices
Employee outcomes are related to all four organizational culture tyes
Clan adhocracy and market cultures are more strongly related to innovation than hierarchy culture
Adhocracy market and hierarchy cultures are more strongly related to operational outcomes than clan cultures
Clan and markert culture are more strongly related to customer outcomes than adhocracy and hierarchy
There is a relationship between culture types and financial outcomes
Companies with market cultures ten to have more positive organzational outcomes
Person- organization fit or PO fit
Reflects the extent to which you rpersonality and values match the climate and culture in and organization what was the last costume you wore
Know your orgs culture
Identify which aspects of culture drive organizational performace
Use the right addrssment tools
Know yourself
Know the business
Formal statements = a way to embed a preferred culture statements of mission vision ect
Slogans and saying= another way to create a more desirable corporate culture is to express it in company language
Rites and rituals= provide meaning consistency and support
Stories legends myths= help to symbolize the orgs vision and values to employees
Leader reactions to cirises= how top mangers respond to cirital incidents
Role modeling training and coaching= in depth introduction into values
Physical design= office layout
Rewards title promotion bonus= strong desire to be rewarded
Organizational foal and performance criteria= goals and criteria for selecting prompting retiring
Measurable and controllable activities
Organizational structure
Organizational systems and procedures = modifying work systems and procedure to be more collaborative
Major features of organizations by edgar schein
Common purpose: the means of unifying members
Coordinated effort: working together for a common purpose
Division of labor: work specialization for greater efficiency
Hierarchy of authority= chain of command
Flat organization= one with an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle managemet between top managers and those reporting to them
Unitry of command= in which an employee should report to no more than one manager in order to avoid conflicting proiortites and demands
Three more the most authorities agree on
Span of control: narrow or tall verses wide or flat ( refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager
Narrow span of control: limited number of people reporting tall when they are many levels with narrow spans of control the number of workers reporting to a manager one level above them is relatively small
Wide span of control= manager has several epoeple reporting first line supervising may have 40 or more employees 7-10 best
authority= refers to the right inherent in a amenagerical position to make decision five orders and utitlize resources
With authority goes accountability, responsibility and ability to delegfate ones authority
accountability= managers mist repsort and justify work results to the managers above them being accountable means you have the responsibility for performing assigned tasks
responsibility= the obligation you have to performt he tasks assigned to you
delegation= process of assignimg managerial authority and responsibility to managers and employees lower in the heicahry
Organization chart= is a box and lines illustration showing the formal lines of authority and the organizations official position or work specializations
The vertical hierarchy of authority= who reports to who
The horizontal specialization= who specilizes in what work
Organizational design= is concerned with designing the optimal structures of accountability and responsibility rhat an organiAtion uses to execute its strategies (traditional horizontal or designs that open bounds)
Traditional designs= simple function division and matrix structures
Simple structure= has authority centralied in a single person a plat hierarchy a few rules and low work specialization
Functional structure= people with similar occupational specialities are put together in formal groups this is a quite commonplace stricture seen in all kinds of organizations both for propft and non profit
Divisional structure= people with diverse occupational specialities are put together in formal groups by similar products or services customers or clients or geographic regions
Product divisions= group activities around similar products or services
Customer divisions= tend to group activities around common customers or clients for example a savings and loan company might be structured with division for making consumer loans mortgage lons eect
Geographic division= group activities around defined regional locations
Matrix structure= an organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures vertical and horizontal
Horizontal structure= also called a team based design teams or workgroups either temp or perm are used to improve collaboration and work on shared tasks by breaksing down internal boundaries
Boundaryless organization= is a fluid highly adaptive organization whose memeberes linked by information tech come together to collaborate on common taks
Hollow structure= or network structure the org has a central core of keu functions and outsources other functions to vendors who can do them cheaper of faster
Modular structure= a firm assembles product chunks or modules provided by outside contractor
Virtual structure= employees are geographically spread apart usually co working through remote working software such as a slack zoom or microsoft team organizations with a virtual structure often appear to customers as a single indeed org with a real physical location