The French Revolution


France was an Absolute monarch after Louis 14th

  • Absolute monarchs: didn’t share power with a counsel or parliament

    • “Divine Right of Kings”

Louis XIV (14th):

  • Ruled from 1643-1715

  • Reduced power of the nobility

  • Fought four wars

  • Greatly increased France’s national debt

The Seven Years’ War

Louis XV (15):

  • War fought in Europe, India, North America

  • France ends up losing some of its colonial possessions

  • Increases French national debt

French and English troops fight at the battle of Fort St. Philip on the Island of Minorca

Causes of the French Revolution:

  • Influence of the American Revolution

The Good:

  • Inspired by Thomas jefferson

  • Declaration of Independence

The Bad:

  • France goes into more debt by helping us

  • Influence of the Enlightenment Ideas

    • Individual Freedoms

    • Natural Rights

    • Monarchy does not have divine right to rule

France was in a lot of debt and the king was a weak leader

Marie Antoinette

1755 - 1792

  • Married Louis at 15 (was the dauphine)

    • Big spender $$

    • Bought new dress almost every other day

  • Austrian

  • Unpopular in France

    • “Madame Deficit”

Louis XVI (16)

Insecure, clumsy, man with a good heart.

  • Disliked being King.

  • When one of his ministers resigned, he said, “Why can’t I resign too?”

The Three Estates

First Estate - The Clergy (The Roman Catholic Church)

  • Less than 1% of population

  • 2nd richest of the three estates

Second Estate - Rich nobles

  • Held highest offices in government

  • Exempt from taxes

  • 2% of population and richest of the three estates

Third Estate - Everyone Else

  • Bourgeoisie, urban lower class, and peasant farmers

  • Had little power in the government

  • 98% of the population paid taxes. Poorest of the 3 estates.


Due to economic and agricultural problems, King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General

  • Each Estate meets separately to vote on tax reform.

    • Each estate gets one vote.

  • Third Estate calls for a National Assembly where each rep gets a vote.

Events of the French Revolution

Storming of the Bastille - July 14, 1789

  • Marked the beginning of open rebellion against the king

Reign of Terror - 1792-1794, led by Robespierre

  • Most famous victim was Marie Antoinette.

  • About 18,000 people were killed during that year. About 85% were peasants.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Adopted by National Assembly on August 27th 1789

  • Enlightenment ideals

  • Outlined basic freedoms held by all

  • Asserted the sovereignty of the people

  • “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite”

First French Republic

September 1792

  • Monarchy Abolished

  • Introduced a new calendar

  • Louis XVI (16) put on trial

    • Convicted and sentenced to death

The Guillotine

Invented in 1792 by a physician as a “humane” way of executing people

  • Before the guillotine: burning, strangulation, hanging, beheading by an ax, being pulled apart by horses

Some doctors believed that a victim’s head could still see and hear for up to 15 minutes after the head was chopped off.

Maximilien Robespierre

Tried to wipe out every trace of France’s monarchy

  • Became leader of the Committee of Public Safety

Enemies of the Committee were often tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon.

  • This became known as the Reign of Terror

Outcomes of the French Revolution

  • End of absolute monarchy of Louis XVI (16)

  • Rise of Napoleon
