Core Concepts in Health 16th ed.
==Autonomous:== physical, social, emotional, and intellectual independence. They direct themselves and act independently of their social environment.
==Authentic:== not afraid to be themselves
==Distressed:== non-specific symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
==Optimism:== a tendency to emphasize the hopeful and expect a favorable outcome. Can be learned.
==Pessimism:== a focus on the negative and the unfavorable
==Assertive:== expression that is forceful, but not hostile; being able to say no or yes depending on the situation
==Aggressive:== behavior that is intended to harm another individual who does not wish to be harmed
==Passive:== personality pattern that is submissive, compliant, easily influenced by external forces, and dependent on others
==Anxiety:== fear that is not in response to any definite threat
==Specific phobia:== fear of something definite like animals, high places, enclosed spaces, and air travel.
Sometimes the fears originate in bad experiences with the feared object.
==Social phobia:== fear of humiliation/embarrassment while being observed by others
Very shy people may experience these fears in nearly any social situation.
==Agoraphobia:== fear of being alone away from help.
Fear and avoidance spread to a large variety of situations until a person is virtually housebound.
==Obsessions:== recurrent, unwanted thoughts/impulses
==Compulsions:== repetitive, difficult-to-resist actions
==Serotonin:== a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) produced within the central nervous system (CNS) that contributes to feelings of happiness.
Antidepressants work by targeting key neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin.
Increased serotonin has been revealed to help depression and other bodily conditions.
Physiological needs—most important
Safety & security
Love & belongingness
State met by people who have fulfilled a good portion of their human potential