
Judicial Branch


original vs. appellate jurisdiction

Marbury v. Madison

Senatoria Courtesy,

Litmus Test,

Rule of 4

Briefs, Amicus Briefs, Types of opinion's

Judicial Activism, Restraint

Procedural & Substantive Due Process


Bill of Rights

De Facto vs. De Jure Segregation

Civil Rights Act of 1964"

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Fiscal Policy vs. Monetary Policy

Debt Deficit

Federal Risene Board: Interest Rates, Reservisevents Welfare Reform Act

TANE, Food Stomps, WIC, Medicare, Medicald Flattax, Progressive tax, Regressive tax, (like sales tax)

Social Security

Dealignment, Split-ticket voting, Straight ticket voting

Impact of 3rd Parties


Unitary vs. Federal us. Confederate gov

Declaration of Independence

Weaknesses of the Articles + Shays Rebellion Convention: NJ Plan, VAPlan , Great Compromise

3/5 Compromise, Fed. 51, Fed 10, ways to Amend the Const. Fed 70, Fed. 78, Brutus 1

Federalism - Dual Federalism (orLayer Cake) Marble Cake Federalism,

Fiscal Federalism

Reseved Powers

Enumerated Powers, Concurrent powers McCulloch MD,

'U.S. u. Lopez

Grants-in-aid, Categorical grants, Block Grants Americans with disabilities act, Motor V. -Voter Act, etc. Welfare Reform Act of 1996 (Devolution)

Legislative Branch - Incumbent advantages Powers of Congress (Art. I, sec. 8)

Committees: "Standing, Conference, Select, Joint Seniority Closed Rute, Open Rule

Bill to a law (Fillbuster (loture in Senate) Redistricting, Regoportionment, Gerrymandering Baker Ker v. Carr, Shaw v. Reno

Executive Branch - Qualifications, succession

Electoral College - How it works

Powers of President

Impeachment process

War Powers Act

The Judicial Branch is a crucial component of the U.S. government, encompassing the Supreme Court and lower courts. It has the authority to interpret laws, ensuring they comply with the Constitution. Key concepts include:

  • Original vs. Appellate Jurisdiction: Original jurisdiction refers to cases heard first by a court, while appellate jurisdiction involves reviewing decisions from lower courts.

  • Landmark Case: Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review, allowing courts to invalidate laws that contradict the Constitution.

  • Judicial Activism vs. Restraint: Activism encourages broad interpretation of the law, while restraint advocates for minimal judicial intervention.

  • Due Process: Substantive due process protects fundamental rights, while procedural due process ensures fair legal procedures.

  • Civil Rights Legislation: Key laws include the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to eliminate discrimination

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Swann V. Chorlette

Militen V. Bradley

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