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Socialization The process by which people learn customs and values of their culture.

Resocialization the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors

Anticipatory Socialization processes of socialization in which a person acquires the values and orientations found in statuses they will likely enter in the future

Agents of Socialization various individuals, groups, and organizations that influence the socialization process

Looking-Glass Self sense of who we are that is defined by incorporating the reflected views of others

Role-Taking ability to see oneself from the perspective of others and to use it to formulate ones behavior

Generalized Other perspective of the larger society and its constituent values and attitudes

Role Identities Statuses/roles in social arrangements

Group Identities membership groups

Personal Identities qualities

Stages of Marihuana User 1. Learning to Smoke Drug

2\. Learning to recognize the effects and connect to drug use

3\. Learning to enjoy the sensations that are perceived

Status named social position

Role set of expectations for a particular status

Norm a rule

Value standard of judgement by which people decide on desirable goals and outcomes

Ascribed Status social position acquired at birth or taken on involuntarily

Achieved Status social position acquired by effort and taken on voluntarily

Role Conflict conflict between roles associated with different statuses

Role Strain conflict between competing expectations of a role associated with a single status

Panic an alleged form of behavior that involves people reacting to a real or perceived threat with irrational, frantic, selfish, and often self-destructive behavior

Dramaturgy study of social interaction as theater, in which people ("actors") project images ("play roles") in front of others ("the audience")

Impression Management act of presenting a favorable public image of oneself so that others will form positive judgements

Performance Team group of people who cooperate in staging a performance

Front Stage area of social interaction where people perform and work to maintain appropriate impressions

Back Stage area of social interaction away from the view of an audience, where people can rehearse and rehash their behavior

Aligning Action action taken to restore an identity that has been damaged

Account statement designed to explain unanticipated, embarrassing, or unacceptable behavior after the behavior has occurred

Protective Practices actions taken to help another person restore or maintain a desired identity

Civil Inattention practice of signaling mutual awareness and then withdrawing attention

Studied Nonobservance practice of ignoring flaws in another's performance to avoid embarrassment for everyone involved

Cooling Out gently persuading someone who has lost face to accept a less desirable but still reasonable alternative identity

Brutalization being violently subjugated, observing others being violently subjugated, being coached in violence

Belligerency reaching the decision that they need to start using violence themselves

Virulency if the first violent performance results in victory, the persons self is defined as violent by other then himself

Sex a way that life forms reproduce by mixing chromosomes from two different organisms to produce a new one

Romantic/Sexual Scripts norms that define what is a romantic/sexual situation and what ought to be done with whom and with what feelings or motives

Principle of Least Interest pattern that the person with the least interest in a relationship has more power

Exogamy marriage outside ones social group

Endogamy marriage within ones social group

Polygamy marriage of one person to more than one spouse at the same time

Companionate Marriage ideal of marriage based on emotional ties between husband and wife

Assortative Mating (marrying someone like yourself) has increased (with a possible effect on inequality)

Value Rationality involves commitment to a binding conviction

Formal Rationality involves cost-benefit analysis (instrumentality, calculability)

Bureaucracy hierarchical organization governed by formal rules and regulations and having clearly specified work tasks

Impersonality Decision-making criteria that ignore personal characteristics not related organizational goals

Written Rules and Documents procedural rules, contracts, position descriptions, written evaluations, and job files

Separation of Person and Position Resources of each position are to be used only for official purposes; positions require full capacity of office holder

Specialization organizational positions are assigned based on special skills and training

Hierarchy of Offices ranking of positions so that lower positions report to higher ones

McDonaldization the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world

Efficency the search for the optimum means to a given end

Calculability emphasis on things that can be calculated, counted, and quantified

Predictability emphasis on things being the same from one time or place to another

Control through replacement of human with nonhuman technology