calla- pre Columbian city and state in central Mexico, allied with the Spnaish Empire (1348-1520)
Motecuhzoma II- ninth emperor of the Aztec Empire who reigned while the Spanish came (1502-15200.
Tzintzuntzan- pre Columbian ceremonial center and group they hold off the Aztec Empire until the Spanish arrived (15 th century)
Mixtecs- Indigenous Mesoamerica people of Mexico inhabiting the region La Mixteca, lasted 1500 BCE until being conquered by the Spanish in 1523
Quiche (K’iche)- Indigenious people of the Americas and are on of the Maya people (950-1539 AD).
Soconusco- region in chiapas along with Guatemala
Taifas- small, indpendent Muslim Kingdom that emerge in the Iberian Peninsula after the fall of the Umayyad calpitate of Cordoba in 103; Spanish didn’t like them
Reconquista- series of military and cultural campaigns by the European Christain kingdoms to reclaim the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rule (711-1492)
Spanish Inquisition- was a Catholic Church office that persecuted Hersey and punished those who deviated from Catholic Doctrine
Cholulain- important city of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica dated by to the 2nd century , suceced from the Tlaxcala triple Alliance to betray the Spanish
Hernan Cortes- (1485-1547) was a Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empirie and brough large portions of what is now mainland Meicon under the rule of the King of Catille in the early 16th century
Noche Triste- is a battle between the Spanish conquistadors and the Aztecs that took place on the night of the June 30- July 1, 1520, many historians believe that if the Aztecs had fought back the spanish would have not invaded the Aztecs
Cuauhtemoc - Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlan from 1520 to 1521 and the last Aztec Emperor, very short term during the Spanish conquest
New Fire- was significant ritual in the Aztec culture that celebrated the start of a new 52 year cycle in the Mesoamerica cycle because of this lots of human sacrifice (13th-15th century)
Venus- important part of Aztec culture and was represented by the god Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, sign of bad things to come and caused dread and hysteria in the community
Tzitzimime - a type of celestai deity associated with stars in Aztec mythology, deities and related fertility ( 13the -15 the century)
Sepulveda- Spanish humanist, philosopher, and theologians of the Spanish Renaissance (1550-1551)argue superiority and domination of the SPnaish over the Native Americans during the period of the conquest
Encomienda- was a Spanish labour system that rewarded conquerors with the albour of conquered non-chirstain peoples; conqueries provide the labourers with benefits including the military protection and educations (beginning of the sixteenth century to the seventeenth century).
Repartimiento- was a colonial labor system imposed upon the indigenous population of the Spanish America, tribute-labor system. It declined as the indigenous population decreased due to exposure to European disease and increasingly relied in enslaved African brough to the Americas for labor 16 th century
Smallpox - highly contagious and deadly disease caused by the variola virus that has been eradicted and no longer occur naturally (1507-1524). Killed a huge population of indigenious population
Moors- people who lived in North Africa and they began to move and more into Spain but the Spanish did not want them and were tyrna kick them out
al-Andalus- was the Muslim-ruled area of the Iberian Peninsula (711-1492). Boundaries changed constantly through a series if conquests Western historiography has traditionally cahratcerized as the Reconquista
Asturias- was the first Christain kingdom in the Iberian Peninsulaand it provided the Spanish court with high-ranking aristocrats and played an important role in the coloization of Americas
Francisco de Cordoba (1388)
Reduccion- it facilitated the Spaniard’ access to Indian labor, the promulgation of Christianity and the collection of taxes and tribute
Almohads - a Berber Muslim dynasty that ruled the Maghreb and Andalusia from 1120- 1269, they were th elast major Muslim dynasty to rule over a signifcant part of the Oberian Peninsula and it temporarily halted the Christain reconquista
Almoravids- a Berber Muslim dynasty that ruled over a large part of North Africa and Spain from the 1050s to 1147
Alhambra Decree- order issues in 1492 by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle of Spain to expel Jewish people from Spain
Carib- Carib people
Granada- it was the final stronghold of the Moors in Spain built 889 and renvoated in the 13th and 14th centuries
“Conversos”- a person who was Jewish and converted to Catholicism in Spain or Portugal in the 14th and 15 th centuries or a descendent of such person
limpieza de sangre- cleanliness of blood and meaning blood purity was a racially discrimminatory term used in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires during the early moden period to refer those who were considered to be Old Christains by virtue of not having Muslim, Jewish, Romani, or Agote ancestors
Sweatbaths-pratice that cleanses the body, used for rituals and to build community
Ballgame- was a sport with ritual associations played since at least 1650 BC by the pre-Columbian people of Ancient Mesoamerica
“virgin soil” - refer to epidemics that occur when a population is exposed to a disease for the first time and there is no immunity
Quetzalcoatl- a Mesoamerican god also known as the “Feathered Serpent”, deity in Aztec culture and literature
Bernal Diaz- was a Spanish conquistadors who particplated as a solider in the conquest of the Aztec Empire under Hernan Cortes and late in his life wrote an account of the events
Pedro de Alvarado- was a Spanish conquistador abd governor of Guatemala and participated in the conquest of Cuba (1485-1541)
Santiago Velasquez Narvaez-
Valladolid Debate- (1550-1551) was the first moral debate in European history to discuss the right and treatment of Indigenous people by European colonizers Debate between Bishop of Chiapas Bartolome de las casa and Juan Gines de Speulveda
Chert- a dense hard sedimentary rock rich in soillica primarily composed of microcrystalline quartz and chalcedony
Atlatl- handheld tool that uses leverage to therow dartsor javelins with greater speed and distance than a peerosn could throw by hand (Paleoindians 10,500-800 BCE)
macuahuitl- weapon, a wooden sword wioth several embdded obsidian blades, used by different civilization including the Aztec
Nahua- Mesoamerican Indigenious people who are the ancestors of the most living in central Mexico
Turquoise- rare, blue-to green mineral and gemstone that is a combination of alumium and copper phosphate, important to the indigenous people.
Tariq ibn Ziyad- (670-720)was an Umayyad commander who initiated the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula agaisnt the Visigothic Kingdom in 711-718 AD.
Jaguar Warrior- members of the Aztec military elite
Otomi - an Oto-Pamean language spoken by approximately 240,000 indigenous Otomi people in the central altiplano region of Mexico
Torquemada- Roman Catholic Dminican friar was group of ecclesiastical prelated created in 1478 and charged with the somewhtat ill-defined task of ‘uploading Catholic religious orthodoxy” within the lands of the newly formed union of crowns of the Castile and Aragon known as the Kingdom of Spain
Champoton- small Maya city in Campeche and the famous battle “Mala Pelea” occurred 1517and the first Spanish exploration were they defeated by the Maya
Jerónimo de Aguilar Malintzin- Franciscan friar who laster was shipwrecked on the Yucatan Peninusla in 1511 and captured by the Maya and Hernan Cortes was rescued by Aguilar and engaged him as translator
Tayasal- maya archeological site in Guatemala occupied during middle preclassic and lat epreclassic