Presentations cover chapter objectives outlined at the beginning of each chapter.
Customizable to fit specific class needs.
Contains figures from chapters; additional images available on the Instructor Resources disc.
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Systems Architecture, Seventh Edition
Focus on computer technology.
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Learn to:
Define systems architecture and related terms.
Explain the relationship between architecture, design, and technology.
Understand required technology knowledge to develop information systems and manage computing resources.
Identify sources of architecture- and technology-related knowledge and effective usage of each.
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Systems Architecture: Structure, interaction, and technology of computer or information system components.
Computer Architecture: Design of a single system or cooperating systems.
Information Architecture: Structure of data/information, such as a database schema.
Network Architecture: Structure of a network, involving hardware (e.g., routers) and communication protocols.
Software Architecture: Structure of a program or system.
Technology Architecture: Combination of all architectures with focus on performance, reliability, compatibility, and extensibility.
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Complex devices in daily life include:
Automobiles, cell phones, home theatre systems, computers.
These devices are often simple to operate without knowing their internal workings.
Importance of understanding inner details despite ease of use.
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Higher knowledge needed for acquiring technology than for everyday use:
Key considerations:
Memory requirements.
Processor compatibility (Intel vs. AMD).
Disk space for current and future needs.
Upgrade potential for graphics chip-set.
Understanding needs, alternatives, and technical compatibility is crucial.
The use of complex technical language like "Core i7," "802.11n," etc.
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Configuration requires even more extensive knowledge:
Memory expansion options: requirements for specific devices, cost vs. benefits.
Performance issues with minimum system requirements.
VPN configuration for remote work.
Troubleshooting multiplayer game communication issues (e.g., firewall configurations).
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Follows the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Unified Process (UP): Most common SDLC used today.
Key concepts:
Discipline: Related activities with similar skills.
Iteration: Short time frames for producing deliverables.
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Overview of disciplines and iterations in the Unified Process.
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Business Modeling Discipline:
Low technical knowledge unless in tech-oriented industries.
Requirements Discipline:
Typically low technical knowledge requirements.
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Architectural Design:
Requires broad knowledge of required components.
Detailed Design:
Higher specialization for internal specifications.
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Implementation Discipline:
Very high technical knowledge needed (programming, databases, protocols).
Testing Discipline:
Deep understanding of system components for effective testing.
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High technical knowledge required for transferring systems to a production environment.
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System Evaluation and Maintenance:
Upgrading and modifying systems requires broad and deep technical knowledge.
Managing Computing Resources (CIO):
Broad technical knowledge needed for technology evaluation.
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Classification of computer professionals:
Software developers.
Systems programmers.
Hardware personnel.
Systems managers.
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Importance of continual learning due to rapid tech changes:
Sources to stay updated:
Professional societies.
Publishers and their web resources.
Vendors and manufacturers.
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Association for Information Technology Professionals (AITP):
Targeted at IS managers.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM):
Focused on computer science professionals.
IEEE Computer Society:
Aimed at engineers with publications on computer technology.
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Academic focus may overlook current practical issues and products.
Specialization of content and limited news coverage.
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Potential biases due to revenue sources (advertising, sales).
Balance sources to get an accurate picture of technology.
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Detailed product information.
Useful insights on technology.
May provide biased information aimed at selling products.
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Technical knowledge of computers is essential for:
Developing information systems.
Managing an organization’s technology infrastructure.
Continual updating of knowledge through self-study and online resources is necessary.
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