Mosque - Holy Islamic place of worship
3 Holy Cities - Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem
Caliph - A political and religious leader
Shea - Group that believes Mohammed’s successors should be blood related
Sunni - Group that believes Mohammed’s succcesors should be of a highly status of a religious and political leader
Quran - Islamic holy book
Kaaba - A building in the most sacred Islamic mosque Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered the holiest site in Islam and Muslims all around the world face the Kaaba when they say their prayers.
Shahadu - Their is the belief in only one god and that god is Allah
Salah - All Muslims must pray 5 times a day towards the city of Mecca
Sawn - Muslims fast during the month Ramadan and can’t eat during the day but can have a little snack at night
Zakat - Almsgiving (Giving to poor)
Hajj - All Muslims must go on a journey to Mecca
Jihad - Inner stuggle of doing right vs. wrong
Sharia - The Islmaic law code
Ramdan - The month the Quran was revealed to Mohammed it switches each year starts at first site of a crescent moon and ends on Eid al-Fitr
Imam - Sunni leader that leads prayers and communities at a mosque
12 Shea Imams - Chosen by God to be perfect examples and to lead Muslim people behind Mohammed (only some Shea believe this)
Hijab - Headscarf covers head and neck for modesty
Niqab - Covers entire head and only leaves opening for the eyes
Burqa - Covers entire body except has mesh over the eyes
Dhimmi - A person of protected status who lived free in the land of Islam even if you aren’t Islamic as long as you pay a special tax - jizya
Jizya - A tax historically imposed on non-Muslims living under Islamic rule, as a form of protection in exchange for exemption from military service. It was a significant source of revenue for Islamic states in the past.
Usury - People can’t charge you interest to take out money of a loan
“Green Revolution” - Farming revolution spread agricultural techniques and new foods. Islamic countries had sugar cane, rice, bananas, limes, lemons
Madrasa - City center, market, mosque, school area
Banking System - They can’t charge you usury if you have a credit slip and ask for a loan and they won’t charge interest
Aeyesha - Woman led an army across the world
Had’ith - Book of what Mohammed said
Purdah - The veiling of women
Chador - In typical Iranian black and women ususally wear in Pakistan
Fundamentalist - A person who is Islamic who wants to go back to the basics and want to live like Mohammed did in 600CE
Lateen Sail - Helps maneuver ships better
Astrolabe - Took in Mediterranean world and calculates latitude