
Personal records

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Badges in a day


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Coins in a day


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Longest Streak


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XP in a day


Creator (6)

Merlin's Apprentice

Merlin's Apprentice

15 Brainstorm Assistant Use(s)

The Scroll Keeper

The Scroll Keeper

2 PDF(s) Uploaded

The Gravedigger

The Gravedigger

3 Quizlet(s) Imported

The Film Star

The Film Star

2 Video(s) Uploaded

The Quill Master

The Quill Master

3 Note(s) Created

Decked Out

Decked Out

3 Flashcard Set(s) Created

Learning (9)

The Fortune Teller

The Fortune Teller

20 Explain Wrong Answer Use(s)

The Brainiac

The Brainiac

5 Learn Mode Round(s)

The Perfectionist

The Perfectionist

5 Practice Test(s)

The Sourcerer

The Sourcerer

3 Flashcards from Note(s)

The Shapeshifter

The Shapeshifter

3 Taking Test(s) From Notes

Memory Maverick

Memory Maverick

5 Spaced Repetition Round(s)

The Mastermind

The Mastermind

1 Mastery of Set(s)

The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker

5 Match Mode(s)

Magic Mirror

Magic Mirror

15 Chat with AI Use(s)

Social (5)

The Popular Kid

The Popular Kid

1 Four/Five Star Rating(s) Received

The Professional Yapper

The Professional Yapper

5 Rating(s) Given

Pyramid Schemer

Pyramid Schemer

5 Referrals Reached

Social Butterfly

Social Butterfly

1 Followers Reached

Certified Stalker

Certified Stalker

10 Following reached

Sharing (2)

The Anti Gate-Keeper

The Anti Gate-Keeper

5 Note(s) Made Public

The Know(t) it all

The Know(t) it all

Your Material Was Viewed 50 Times

Milestones (1)

The Fire Breather

The Fire Breather

5 Day Streak Reached

Class (3)

The Academic Weapon

The Academic Weapon

2 Class(es) Joined

The Recruiter

The Recruiter

20 Student(s) Invited

The Torchbearer

The Torchbearer

2 Class(es) Created