Knowt is compliant with FERPA, COPPA, NY2D and more.Quizlet may not sign your DPA, but we will.
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Best Quizlet alternative for teachers

Join 1 Million+ teachers & students leading the switch to Knowt. Create flashcards that your students always study for free with learn mode & more!

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2,000,000 +

students & teachers

1,400,000 +

notes created

235,000,000 +

flashcards created

Trusted by teachers across the globe

Our community of teachers trust Knowt to create and study on.

Send us your DPA

Get this app, it's amazing!


Never in my life have I done a review for any app but I just love knowt so much. I've recommended it to all my friends and they all agree that it's a life saver.

Easy to switch


I switched over to knowt and I'm so glad to say I haven't regretted it one bit. They have an extension so I moved all my Quizlets over fairly quickly.

School blocked Quizlet.


I found Knowt after my school blocked Quizlet & it was so easy to get set up. Their team worked directly with our IT co-ord to answer all their questions.

Excellent review tool for students.


This app is very simple to use and engages students with different types of learning to reinforce the material. It's fun and easy for them.

Great for younger students too


My kids love to play the matching game in class, and it's so easy for me to keep track of their progress when I assign it for homework.

WAY more worth it.


Knowt lets me keep track of exactly what my students need more practice on and makes lesson planning easier for me!

Can't believe I used to pay for Quizlet.


I recently switched to Knowt & they have so many more features. I use Knowt for all classes now & students love it.

Awesome app!


You can tell they put thought into making this perfect for teachers. There's so many optimized features you won't find on Quizlet or Google Classroom

Knowt is compliant with student privacy guidelines

Quizlet might not sign your DPA, but we will.

COPPA iconCOPPA compliant
FERPA iconFERPA compliant
NY2D iconNY2D compliant
GDPR iconGDPR compliant
WCAG 2.0 iconWCAG 2.0 compliant
SOPPA iconSOPPA compliant
Want us to sign your DPA?Send it to us and we’ll review it within a week.
Send us your DPA

Why are you still on Quizlet?

Be the favorite teacher and lead the switch to Knowt in less than 5 minutes.
Unlimited FREE Learn mode for your students
Unlimited FREE Practice tests for your students
Organize multiple sections in one class
Attach images to flashcards for FREE
View student mastery percentage of flashcards
View specific flashcards your class struggles with
turn your notes into flashcards instantly

Free Learn Mode

Free Learn Mode

Keep studying the way that works best for you - for free.

Try Learn Mode

Try Learn Mode

turn your notes into practice quizzesturn your notes into practice quizzesturn your notes into practice quizzes

The only free Quizlet alternative you’ll need

The only free Quizlet alternative you’ll need

Import Quizlet sets into Knowt with a single click & study it for free.

Import a set from Quizlet

Import a set from Quizlet

Let us power your classroom

Create a digital classroom, share files with students, and track student progress.

Track student progress on flashcards

View individual student’s mastery percentages, how long they’ve spent studying, and when they last logged on.

click to learn more about Share files with your students

Share files with your students

Newly created files will be automatically shared with students in your class.

click to learn more about Share files with your students

Access your classroom on the go

Quickly see progress, share files with students, and more.

Knowt mobile app

Knowt mobile app

Mobile Video Summarizer
Utilize sections for sharing

Teach multiple periods of the same class? Use sections to separate students into separate groups.

Class people tab

Sign up now & get it free for the rest of the school year

Want your school to purchase a plan? Share this page with an administrator.
plan type icon
Saving 63%

Teacher Plus

$2.99$7.99per month, billed $35.99 annually

Everything on "Teacher Basic" and:

  • Create unlimited classes with unlimited sections

  • Tracking Class Progress

  • No ads for teachers, but students will see non-targeted & privacy compliant ads

  • Folder color, profile page customization, & password protecting files

plan type icon
Saving 38%

Teacher Ultra

$7.99$12.99per month, billed $95.99 annually

Everything on "Teacher Plus" and:

  • No ads for students in your classes

  • Unlimited access to other AI features*

  • Create notes and flashcards from your lecture videos and notes

Book a 1 on 1 with the CEO for free to learn more!

Subscribe to a plan made for individual teachers or personalize one for your school district.

book a 1on1 with the CEOAbheek PandohCEO of Knowt
I founded Knowt in 2019 as a student to help other students. Now, my team and I want to help teachers.My mom was a teacher even before I was born, and I’ve grown up understanding the challenges around both teaching and learning. I want to work with you to make sure your students learn better, and you aren’t overworked. I am really excited to learn about what I can do for you!
Intro call with Abheek30 minutes

Tutorials to help you get started

Check out our tutorials to create a classroom, share flashcard sets, and invite students.

FAQWe thought you might have some questions...
Is there a free alternative to Quizlet for teachers?
Yes! 2 million students & teachers have switched from Quizlet to Knowt in the past year. Whether you want to share your existing Quizlets or make new sets, switching your class over takes a few minutes. You can easily bring over your existing Quizlets to Knowt and share them with your students. Our learn more is a great alternative to Quizlet & allows your students to go through unlimited rounds. In addition to free learn mode, they can also study it using the matching game, spaced repetition or practice test mode. Plus, if you want, you can also create your own flashcards or take advantage of our AI helper, Kai to make flashcards from your lesson plans, recordings, pdfs, notes, and more! There’s a lot of great free study tools and resources to take advantage on Knowt that make it a great free quizlet alternative.
Quizlet won’t sign my school’s DPA. What’s the alternative?
Don’t stress, Quizlet may not be signing your DPA but we will! Book a call with our CEO to get a complete run through of our free alternative to Quizlet, as well as unique features we’ve built with the modern teacher in mind. We’ve made the whole process a complete breeze for you - just sign up, tell us who to contact to sign that DPA and we’ll take care of the rest!
Is Knowt compliant with COPPA & FERPA?
Many of the flashcard tools out there do not protect student data. At Knowt, we completely understand how important your students’ data protection is. Knowt is COPPA compliant, FERPA complaint, NY2D compliant, GDPR compliant, WGAG 2.0 compliant and SOPPA compliant.
Do my students have to pay to use Quizlet?
As of September 2022, Quizlet has made most of its study modes paid for students. Students only get 5 free rounds of learn mode and one free practice test before they are prompted to upgrade to a paid plan for $35.99 per year to 7.99 per month to keep studying. However, students can studying it for free by importing the Quizlet set to Knowt and using the free learn mode, practice test, spaced repetition and more.