Enlightenment→ intellectuals such as the Descartes began to value reason over tradition and individualism over community values. These shifts defined the period of Enlightenment.
An Age of New Ideas→ Traditions became less influential as new ideas began to improve society. Human accomplishments were emphasizes in understanding the natural world. Age of Isms→ schools of thought including socialism and liberalism. Opposing this was conservatism esp. among European class. Clashes between the two led to revolutions (independence from imperials and constitutional representation. Breakup and emergence of new gov. came from the idea of nationalism.
New Ideas and the Roots→ Empircism (the belief that knowledge comes from sensed experience and detailed experiments and natural data. Method emphasized by Francis Bacon
Hobbes and Locke→ one argued that people’s natural state was to live in a bleak world with a nasty . However with a social contract, they gave up some rights to a strong central gov. in return for law and order. Locke argued that social contract gave people the right to revolt against he government. He thought people had the natural rights to life liberty and property. In an essay of his, he proposed that a born child had a “blank state” mind (Tabula rasa) waiting to be filled with knowledge.
The Philosophes → these people explored new social, political, and economic theories and help to popularize concept followed from scientific thinkers. These people included Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Adam Smith, and other French thinkers.
Baron Montesquiu had held some importance to the writers of the new constitution. One of his works praised British gov system. His ideas influenced American gov. system (Legislative, executive, and judicial)
Voltaire→ best known for his social satire. He brought his ideas of constitutional monarchy to France and campaigned for religious liberty and judicial reform. His idea of religious liberty influenced the US constitution.
Similar to Voltaire was writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau who had expanded the idea of the social contract through his ideas on child-rearing and education.
Adam Smith→ most influential of the Enlightenment… he responded to mercantilism by calling for freer trade. He advocated for laisses-faire (leave alone) in which governments should reduce intervention in economic decisions. Buisnss and consumers will be allowed to make choice that benfit society under the “invisible hand of the market”. These ideas provided a foundation for capitalism in where mean of production (factories and natural resources) are privately owned.
Deism→ Enlightenment emphasis on reason brought forth a reexamination on religions. Some adopted Deism, the belief that a divinity sets the natural laws in motion
Popular Works—> Thomas Paines (Age of Reasons…. in defense of Deism) Common Sense (advocated liberty from Britain)
The Age of New Ideas Continues → increased urbanization and industrialization had led to poverty. The poor had worked in slums, writers proposed solution throgh more gov. regulations and programs ad private charity. Some blame the poor. Conservatism is the belief in traditional institutions, which favors experience over ideologies, and theories.
Utopian Socialism→ a that aims to give workers shared ownership of the tools, land, and buildings that they use to make products or provide services (called the means of production).Utopian Socialists→those who felt that society could be channeled in positive direction by setting up perfect communities
Henri de Saint-Simon→ he believed people could work together to make useful things in society.
Charles Fourier→identified passions that help to make work more enjoyable and workers less tired. He believed a fundamental principle of utopia was harmonious living in communities and no class struggle similar to the thinking’s of Karl Max.
Robert Owen→ established communities based off of Utopian socialism. He believed in education for children who worked, communal ownership of property and community rules to govern work, education, and leisure time.
Fabian Society→ this socialist group favored reforming society by parliamentary means. These would later influence Western Europe.
Classical Liberalism→ belief in natural rights, constitutional gov, laissez-free economics, and reduced spending on armies and established churches. Most believers were professionals, writers, or academics.
Feminism→ emergence of the movement for women’s rights and equality based on enlightenment ideas. These rights were fought for in the era of the declaration of the French rev. Main figure was Mary Wollstonecraft who published a work that argued that females should receive the same education as males. Her goals was for women to gain the same rigths as men through reasons. Suffrage is the right to vote. In Seneca Falls, activists gather to promote women suffrage and rights and this served as a landmark for the women ‘s rights movement.
Abolitionism→ reform movements had extended to the freeing of slaves and end of serfdom. The golas was to end the Atlantic Slave trade and free enslaved.
The end of serfdom → serfdom had slowly began to decline as economy changed to industrial and reform was pressured by peasants. Queen Elizabeth 1 abolished it.
Zionism→ the desire of Jews to reestablish an independent homeland where there ancestors had live in the Middle East. Anti-Semitism→ hostility toward Jews. Jews later believed that they needed to control their own land to be in peace. Leader of the movement was Theodor Herzl. Support increased after the Dreyfys Affiar after a jewish military officer was falsaely convicted of treason. The case shown how widespread anti-antisemitism was in France. These people faced many obstacles. Their wanted land was controlled by the Ottomas (Muslim). Israel is later found.