American Airlines +1-415-495-9478 have made huge improvements regarding the flight changes.They recently updated the process for flight changes by announcing that they are eliminating change fees for all domestic and short-haul international are the step by step guide how to change American Airlines flight:+1-415-495-9478
1.Go to the American Airlines+1-415-495-9478 website log-in or click the “Your trips/Check in” tab at the top of the landing page. You don’t need to log into your account to see your upcoming flight — you just need your name and record locator. If you do log-in, your upcoming travel will automatically appear under the “Your trips” tab.
2.choose the trip from the list of upcoming flights and select Change trip.
3.Then you will redirected to the page which help you to change your will get an email outlining your changes.+1-415-495-9478
You can also make a same-day +1-415-495-9478change to your flight for $75 (waived for Executive Platinum and Platinum Pro status members). The same day you’re flying, you’ll find this other “same day” option when going into the View/Change tab. Same-day standby is available for free.+1-415-495-9478