6.1 Absorption
involves movement of fluids or dissolved substances (i.e nutrients) across a cellular membrane
absorbed components undergo assimilation within cell in order to become fluid or solid parts of an organism
Membrane transport mechanisms
Secondary active transport
glucose & aas are co-transported across epithelial membrane with Na+
Facilitated Diffusion
certain monosaccharides, vitamins and some minerals may be transported by epithelial channel proteins
Simple diffusion
hydrophobic materials (i.e lipids) are capable of freely diffusing across the epithelial membrane
dissolved materials may be rapidly absorbed en masse via the process of pinocytosis (cell “drinking”)
finger-like mucosal projections that increase the SA of epithelium over which absorption is carried out
key features of villi include:
Rich blood network
Single layer epithelium
Lacteals (absorb lipids)
Intestinal crypts (exocrine)
Membrane proteins
Modelling absorption
dialysis tubing used to model the size-specific permeability of a membrane
large molecules cannot cross (i.e starch)
smaller molecules can cross (i.e glucose)
if larger molecules are digested with enzymes the absorption of the smaller subunits can then be measured in a number of ways:
via change in fluid/meniscus levels
via the presences of specific materials (identified via treatment with a reagent)
6.1 Digestion
main purpose of the digestive system is to break larger molecules down into smaller subunits due to the fact that:
large molecules are typically chemically inert & need to be broken down and reassembled into usable products
large molecules are typically insoluble and cannot be easily absorbed into cells whereas smaller cells are soluble
Digestive system structure
Digestive system componenets
composed of the alimentary canal and a variety of support accessory organs
Alimentary canal (directly transfers food)
oesophagus - food tract from mouth to stomach
stomach - storage tank with low pH (protein digestion)
small intestine - site of nutrient absorption
large intestine - absorbs water and dissolved minerals
Accessory organs (supports digestive process)
salivary glands - moistens food bolus (starch digestion)
pancreas - secretes key enzymes into small intestine
liver - metabolizes absorbed nutrients (produces bile)
gallbladder - stores and secretes bile (emulsifies fats)
Digestive movement
unidirectional movement of food along alimentary canal
caused by contraction of sequential longitudinal muscles
bidirectional mixing of food within the small intestine
caused by contraction of non-sequential circular muscles
Types of digestion
Mechanical digestion
breakdown of food via physical actions
chewing (grinding food using teeth)
churning (squeezing stomach contents)
segmentation (intestinal contractions)
Starch hydrolysis
starch is composed of glucose monomers
is linear (amylase) or branched (amylopectin)
Amylase (salivary or pancreatic) digests starch
it digests amylose into maltose disaccharides
it digests amylopectin into dextrin chains
Pancreas regulates uptake of glucose
insulin increases glucose uptake by cells
glucagon decreases glucose uptake by cells
Liver is responsible for glucose storage
glucose is stored as glycogen (polysaccharide)
6.2 Blood system
William Harvey proposed modern understanding of circulatory system
According to Harvey:
major blood vessels (arteries & veins) are connected by a single network
blood flow is unidirectional (due to the presence of one-way valves)
heart is a central pump (arteries = from heart, veins = to heart)
blood follows continuously and is not consumed by the body
It has further been discovered that:
arteries and veins are connected by capillaries (via arterioles & venules)
there is a separate circulation for the lungs (pulmonary versus system)
Blood vessels
transports blood from the heart
blood at high pressure (80-120 mmHg)
walls are thick (muscles and elastin)
walls stretch or contract with pulse
transport blood to the heart
blood at low pressure (<15 mmHg)
walls are thin (with wider lumen)
have valves to prevent pooling
facilitate material exchange
blood at low pressure (around 10 mmHg)
walls are made of single layer of cells
extremely narrow lumen
Capillaries may be categorized as:
continuous (intact basement membrane)
fenestrated (have endothelial pores)
sinusoidal (discontinuous membrane)
Blood contains three main elements:
red blood cells (transport oxygen)
white blood cells (fight infection)
platelets (responsible for clotting)
Blood fluid (plasma) transports:
Nutrients (i.e glucose)
Carbon dioxide
Blood flow
A heart pumps blood around the body via two distinct circulatory pathways
Right side (of heart)
deoxygenated blood (from tissues) enters right atrium via the vena cava
blood in the right ventricle is pumped to lungs via the pulmonary artery
gas exchange at the lungs (capillaries ←→ alveoli) oxygenates the blood
Left side (of heart)
oxygenated blood (from lungs) enters the left atrium via the pulmonary vein
blood in the left ventricle is pumped to the body tissues via the aorta
material exchange occurs at the respiring tissue (deoxygenates the blood)
Valves in veins ensure proper circulation by preventing backflow of blood
contraction of skeletal muscles may compress veins to aid blood flow
6.2 The heart
Heart structure
tricuspid valve (right)
bicuspid valve (left)
pulmonary valve (right)
aortic valve (left)
Mechanism of the heart beat
a heart beat is myogenic (contraction initiated by the heart)
electrical signals are initiated by a sinoatrial (SA) node
this pacemaker stimulates the atria to contract and also relays signals to an atrioventricular (AV) node)
AV node sends signals to ventricular Purkinje fibres (via a Bundle of His within the wall of the septum)
the Purkinje fibres cause the ventricular walls to contracts
SA node maintains a normal sinus rhythm (60-100 BPM)
pacemaker is regulated by the medulla oblongata
sympathetic nerves release noradrenaline (heart rate increases)
parasympathetic nerves release acetylcholine (heart rate decreases)
heart rate may also be increased via hormonal actions (via the release of adrenaline/epinephrine)
adrenaline will cause a more sustained elevation in heart rate than that achieved by the action of the brainstem
Cardiac cycle
describes events of a heart beat
Systole (contraction)
as atria contract, atrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure (AV valves open → blood flows to ventricles)
as ventricles contract, ventricular pressure exceeds atrial pressure (AV valve closes → 1st heart sound)
pressure builds (isovolumetric contraction) until the ventricular pressure exceeds the arterial pressure
semilunar valves opens and blood flows into arteries
Diastole (relaxation)
as blood flows into arteries, ventricular pressure drops
backflow closes semilunar valves → 2nd heart sounds
when ventricular pressure drops below atrial pressure, the AV valves open and cardiac cycle is repeated
Coronary heart disease
coronary thrombosis is caused by clots within the coronary arteries
vessels are damaged by cholesterol deposition (atherosclerosis)
deposits reduce vessel diameter and increase blood pressure
stress damages arterial walls (and is repaired with fibrous tissue)
vessel wall loses elasticity and forms atherosclerotic plaques
if a plaque ruptures, blood clotting is triggered, forming a thrombus
if the thrombus blocks blood flow, a myocardial infraction results
these events are collectively described as CHD
Risk factors
Risk factors for CHD include:
Genetics (i.e hypertension)
Obesity (overweight = risk)
Diseases (i.e diabetes)
Diet (i.e increased consumption of trans fats)
Exercise (inactivity = risk)
Smoking (increased blood pressure
Sex (males = higher risk)
6.3 Adaptive immunity
adaptive immunity responses share two key characteristics:
they are specific (i.e they can differentiate between different type of pathogens and respond accordingly)
they are adaptive (i.e they produce heightened response upon re-exposure – there is immunological memory)
Antigen recognition
antigens are substances that the body recognises as foreign and that can elicit an immune response
antigens are presented as lymphocytes via identification markers on the surface of native cells (MHC molecules)
MHC 1 markers are found on all body cells (except RBCs) and present endogenous antigens (cell-mediated response)
MHC 2 markers are on innate immune cells (macrophages) and present exogenous antigens (humoral response)
antibodies are proteins produced by B lymphocytes that are specific to a given antigen (they are also called immunoglobulins)
Role of lymphocytes
Humoral Immunity (targets “non-self”)
B cells each produce one specific type of antibody
macrophages or dendritic cells present antigen fragments (via MHC 2 markers) to helper T lymphocytes (TH cells)
TH cells release cytokines and activate antigen-specific B cells (which rapidly divide to form many plasma cells)
the plasma cells make antibodies specific to the antigens
a small proportion of B cell clones differentiate into long-lasting memory B cells (for long-term immunity)
Cell mediated immunity (targets “self”)
infected cells presents antigens on their MHC 1 markers
antigens are recognized by cytotoxic T cells (and TH cells)
cytotoxic T lymphocytes (TC cells) bind to the infected cell and trigger its destruction (via performing enzymes)
TH cells stimulate the formation of memory TC cells
TC cells can target virus-infected cells and tumor cells
suppressor T cells regulate the action of TC cells in order ot prevent sustained T cell activation (i.e autoreactivity)
Immune system disorders
HIV is a retrovirus that infects helper T cells (TH cells)
it is usually transmitted via the exchange of bodily fluids (i.e sex, breastfeeding, transfusions, injections, etc.)
HIV is integrated into the genome of infected TH cells
after a prolonged period of inactivity, it becomes active and lyse the TH cells as it begins to spread
this results in an inability to produce antibodies and a general loss of immunity (disease is called AIDS)
allergens are substances that trigger an immune response despite not being inherently harmful (i.e peanut allergy)
when a B cell is activated by an allergen, it makes large quantities of allergen-specific antibodies (IgE)
these IgE antibodies bind to mast cells and “prime” them
upon re-exposure to the allergen, the sensitized mast cells release large quantities of histamine (causes inflammation)
this inflammatory response is called an allergic reaction
6.3 Defense against disease
disease-causing agents that disrupt the normal physiology of infected organisms (i.e homeostatic imbalance)
pathogens may be species-specific or cross species barriers
diseases that can be naturally transmitted are called zoonotic diseases
Lines of defense
1st line - surface barriers (skin/mucus)
2nd line - innate immunity (non-specific)
3rd line of defense - adaptive immunity
compounds that target prokaryotic features but don’t harm eukaryotic cells (i.e don’t effect host organism)
may target structures (i.e cell wall) or metabolic processes
some strains of bacteria have evolved with genes that confer resistance to antibiotics (some even have multiple resistance)
the first antibiotic identifies was penicillin (Fleming, 1928), its treatment was demonstrated by Florey and Chain
Surface barriers
first line of defense against infectious disease is the surface barriers that function to prevent pathogenic entry
protects external structures (outside the body)
thick, dry and composed predominantly of dead cells
glands secrete chemicals to restrict bacterial growth
Mucous membranes
protects internal structures and cavities (inside body)
thin region composed of living cells that secrete fluid (mucus) to trap pathogens (which may then be removed)
Clotting seals damaged vessels to prevents pathogenic entry
injured cells and platelets release clotting factors
these factors convert prothrombin into thrombin
thrombin converts fibrinogen (soluble) into fibrin (insoluble)
fibrin forms mesh of fibers that block the injured site
clotting factors also cause platelets to become sticky and form a solid plug (called a clot) sealing the wound
this process of events is called a coagulation cascade
clot formation in coronary arteries lead to heart attacks
6.4 Gas exchange
the exchange of gases between the lungs and the atmosphere (achieved by the physical act of breathing)
these gases are integral to the process of cell respiration
oxygen is an input, carbon dioxide is a by-product
ventilation maintains the concentration gradient necessary for passive diffusion (O2 = into lungs, CO2 = out of lungs)
ventilation rates will change with exercise and can be measured via spirometry (measure amount / rate of air)
Lung structure
Mechanism of breathing
Breathing utilises antagonistic sets of respiratory muscles in order to facilitate the passage of air (inhalation / exhalation)
muscles change lung volume to create negative pressure
negative pressure is equalised by air from atmosphere
air flows in / out according to the volume of the thorax
diaphragm muscles contract (diaphragm flattens)
external intercostal muscles pull ribs up (outwards)
this increases the volume of the thoracic cavity
pressure in lungs decreases below atmospheric pressure
air flows into the lungs in order to equalise the pressure
diaphragm muscles relax (diaphragm curves upwards)
internal intercostal muscles pull the ribs down (inwards)
abdominal muscles contract to push diaphragm upwards
this decreases the volume of the thoracic cavity
pressure in lungs increases above atmospheric pressure
air flows out of lungs to equalise the pressure
(alveolar cells) line the alveoli and comprise the majority of the inner surface of the lungs
Type 1 pneumocytes
involved in gas exchange between alveoli and capillaries
are extremely thin (minimizes gas diffusion distances)
Type 2 pneumocytes
responsible for the secretion of pulmonary surfactant
this creates a moist surface that reduces surface tension (prevents sides of alveoli from adhering to each other)
Lung disorders
Lung cancer
cancer is uncontrolled cell proliferation, leading to tumors
lungs possess a rich blood supply (for gas exchange), increasing the chances of metastasis (spread of cancer)
There are many factors that contribute to lung cancer:
intrinsic: genetics, age, certain diseases / infections
Extrinsic: smoking, asbestos, radiation exposure
abnormal enlargement of the alveoli
these form air spaces and lower the overall surface area
emphysema is most commonly caused by smoking
chemicals in cigarettes damage the alveoli
phagocytes release elastase as part of immune response
elastase destroys elastic fibres in the alveolar walls
huge air spaces (pulmonary bullac) develop in the lungs
6.5 Neurons & synapses
Nervous system
central nervous system (CNS) = brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system (PNS) = peripheral nerves
Nervous system is composed of specialized cells called neurons that function to transmit electrical signals
CNS coordinates sensory & motor signals from the PNS
sensory neurons send signals to the CNS (afferent pathway)
motor neurons send signals from the CNS (efferent pathway)
relay neurons (interneurons) send signals within the CNS
Structure of a motor neuron
Membrane potential
neurons have a difference in charge across their membranes due to the distribution of positively charged ions (Na+/K+)
Electrical signals are created by changing membrane polarity
polarity of a neuron at rest is the resting potential (-70mV)
polarity of a firing neuron is the action potential (+30mV)
nerve impulses are action potentials propagated via axons
action potentials are “all or none” and are only propagated if a certain threshold potential is reacher (-55mV)
in certain neurons, the axon is covered by a myelin sheath
this enables saltatory conduction (increased transmission speed)
the action potential “hops” between gaps in the myelin sheath (called nodes of Ranvier) for faster transmission
Nerve impulses
resting potential is maintained by a Na+/Ka+ pump
it exchanges sodium ions (3 out) and potassium ions (2 in) so that the membrane potential becomes slightly negative
an action potential changes the resting membrane potential
opening of sodium channels causes a sodium influx
this creates a positives membrane potential (depolarisation)
opening potassium channels causes a potassium efflux
this restores a negative membrane potential (repolarisation)
the ion distribution must be restored to original conditions before a neuron can fire again (this is the refractory periods)
Synaptic transfer
synapses are the physical junctions between two neurons
electrical impulses cannot cross the physical gaps
neurons release neurotransmitters into the synapse cleft
depolarisation in axon terminals opens Ca2+ channels
Ca2+ influx causes vesicles containing neurotransmitters to release their contents into the synapse (via exocytosis)
Neurotransmitters bind receptors on post-synaptic cells and generate graded potentials (excitatory of inhibitory)
the summation of these graded potentials determines if the post-synaptic neuron (or effector cell) is activated)
Neonicotinoid Pesticides
acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter used in CNS and PNS
it is broken down in synapses by acetylcholinesterase
this prevents the overstimulation of receptors
neonicotinoid pesticides irreversibly bind to acetylcholine receptors and cannot be digested by acetylcholinesterase
inserts have higher levels of these types of receptors
this makes neonicotinoids highly effective pesticides
6.6 Hormones & Homeostasis
maintenance of a constant internal environment within physiological tolerance limits
a disease ensues if a factor deviates from its normal range
physiological processes are regulated by negative feedback
an effect is antagonistic (opposite to the stimulus)
this means the detected change is reversed
Endocrine system
releases chemical messengers called hormones into the blood to act on distant target cells
hormones only act on the cells with a specific receptor
works in tandem with the nervous system to maintain physiological balance (homeostasis)
hormones initiate slower responses (longer durations)
body temperature is regulated by the hormone thyroxine
thermoreceptors (skin) send signals to the hypothalamus
thyroxine is released from the thyroid gland when body temperature is low and increases metabolism (generates heat)
thyroxine production requires iodine and a deficiency will result in goitre (enlargement of the thyroid gland)
Circadian rhythms
regulated by the hormone melatonin
photoreceptors (eyes) send signals to the hypothalamus
melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland (in the brain)
melatonin release is inhibited by light (levels high at night)
high levels of melatonin promote sleep in diurnal animals
changing time zones can disrupt melatonin release (jet lag)
melatonin supplements can recalibrate sleep patterns
Appetite control
suppression is regulated by the hormone leptin
adipose cells secrete leptin to suppress appetite (hunger decreases)
leptin binds to receptors located in the hypothalamus
over-eating causes more fat cells to be produced (obesity)
over time, obese people become desensitized to leptin and therefore are more likely to continue to over-eat
hence, leptin treatments for obese people are ineffective (obesity linked to leptin unresponsiveness - not a deficiency)
Blood glucose regulation
sugar levels are regulated by insulin and glucagon
these hormones are secreted by cells in the pancreas
insulin is secreted by B-cells to lower blood sugar levels
stimulates glucose uptake by the liver and adipose cells
increases the rate of glucose metabolism (respiration increases)
glucagon is secreted by a-cells to raise blood sugar levels
stimulates glycogen breakdown within the liver
decrease rate of glucose metabolism (respiration decreases)
disorder that prevents blood sugar regulation
can be either type 1 or type 2
6.6 Reproductive systems
Human reproductive systems
Male system
Female system
Menstrual cycle
involves four key hormones and describes the recurring changes that occur to enable pregnancy
Pituitary hormones (FSH and LH):
stimulates follicular growth within the ovaries
stimulates estrogen secretion (from the ovarian follicles)
stimulates progesterone secretion (from corpus luteum)
a mid-cycle surge in LH triggers ovulation (egg release)
Ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone)
promote development / thickening of the endometrium
promote FSH / LH secretion during the follicular phase
inhibit FSH / LH secretion during the luteal phase
Reproductive theories
“soil and seed” theory proposed by Aristotles
males provide all the information for life in a “seed”, which forms an egg when mixed with menstrual blood (“soil”)
William Harvey dissected deer after the mating season and was unable to identify embryos until several months after mating
he concluded that the “soil and seed” theory was incorrect and that menstrual blood did not contribute to fetal growth
Sex development
fertilization requires a combination of male and female “seeds”
male sex is determined by a gene on the Y chromosome which causes gonads to develop as testes and secrete testosterone
testosterone produces sperm and male characteristics
female reproductive organs develop in the absence of this gene
estrogen and progesterone develop female sex characteristics
In vitro fertilization
Stop normal menstrual cycle with drugs
Hormone treatments to induce ovulation
Extract multiple eggs from female
Sperm sample collected from male
Fertilization occurs externally (in vitro)
Implantation of embryos into surrogate
Test for pregnancy to determine success