which of the following patient behaviors should a pharmacy technician identify as an indication of substance use disorder? the patient consistently requests prescription refills 2 weeks early. A pharmacy technician has worked with the same pharmacist for the past 1- years and observes recent changes in the pharmacist's behavior. which of the following behaviors might be an indication that the pharmacist has substance use disorder? the pharmacist exhibits severe mood swings. A pharmacy technician is filling a prescription for opioid dependence treatment. which of the following medications indicated for the treatment of this condition? Naltrexone (Vivitrol) which of the following medications is used to reverse an opioid overdose? Naloxone (Narcan) a pharmacy technician observes a patient who is demonstrating aggressive behavior, profuse sweating, and dilated pupils. The technician should recognize that these symptoms can be an indication of which of the following conditions? withdraw from a physical dependence of a controlled substance. A pharmacy technician suspects a patient has substance use disorder. which of the following actions should the technician take? inform the pharmacist of the suspicion which of the following might cause a pharmacy technician to suspect a patient has developed a tolerance to a controlled substance? the patient takes more of the medication than was directed. A pharmacy technician should recognize that a patient who has a prescription for disulfiram (Antabuse) is likely being treated for which of the following conditions? alcohol dependence a patient presents a prescription for a schedule II controlled medication. which of the following characteristics might indicate they are attempting to obtain the medication for illegitimate medical use? the patient creates a distraction while the prescription is being processed. A pharmacy technician suspects a patient who has a prescription for oxycodone ER (OxyContin) is experiencing withdrawals symptoms. which of the following should the technician recognize as a withdrawal symptom associated with this medication? muscle spasms which of the following controlled substance Schedules has the lowest abuse potential? Schedule 5 which of the following agencies regulate controlled substances in the United States? -the state of board pharmacy -DEA (drug enforcement administration) which of the following schedules has the highest potential for abuse and physical or psychological dependence? schedule II which of the following is the correct number of refills permitted for schedule III and IV medications within 6 months of the prescription being used? 5 refills Schedule I -Heroin -LSD schedule II -morphine -secobarbital Schedule III -butabarbital -Acetaminophen-codeine schedule IV -Zolpidem (Ambien) -diazepam Schedule V -diphenoxylate-atropine -codeine-guaifenesin for which controlled substance schedules are five refills allowed? schedule III, IV, V for which controlled substance schedules are partial refills allowed? schedule II, III, IV, V which of the following guidelines does the pharmacy technician need to follow to partially fill a schedule IV medication? -partial filling must be recorded in the same manner as a refill -the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings cannot exceed the total quantity prescribed -medication must not be dispensed after prescription expires. which of the following pieces of information must be recorded on all transferred controlled substance prescriptions by the pharmacist giving the transfer? - the word VOID must be written on the face of the invalidated prescription -name and address of the pharmacy to which the prescriptions was transferred. -name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription information -the date of transfer and the name of the pharmacist transferring information when a prescription is not required for the sale of a schedule V medication, the purchaser and the dispenser must sign the schedule V record log. Which of the following information must be entered in the log? -dispensing date and time -purchasers name -pharmacist signature which of the following is the maximum number of refills that can be authorized for a schedule II medication? zero which of the following auxiliary labels must be affixed to the container of a prescribed substance? "Caution: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this medication to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed." A patient wants to purchase pseudoephedrine(Sudafed). Which of the following is the maximum amount of medication can a pharmacy technician dispense to the patient in one day? 3.6 g A patient arrives at a pharmacy to obtain a schedule V medication without a prescription. which of the following tasks should a pharmacy technician complete when dispensing a the medication? ensure that the patient and pharmacist sign the schedule V record log. a prescriber calls in an emergency prescription for 12 tablets of hydrocodone-acetaminophen (vicodin). within which of the following timeframes must the prescriber profile the pharmacy with a written prescription? 7 days When verifying the DEA number of a physician's assistant, a pharmacy technician should expect the number to begin with which of the following letters? M Which of the following agencies has the authority to impact a pharmacy's records? State board of pharmacy A prescriber's DEA number is FS1234563-1234. The last four digits represent which of the following? internal code a pharmacy technician is assisting a pharmacist with completing the paperwork for the destruction of controlled substances in the pharmacy. Which of the following forms must be completed prior to the destruction? DEA form 41 a patient drops off a prescription that has two DEA numbers listed for the prescribers that are the same except one begins with the letter x, and the other begins with the letter B. which of the following conclusions should the pharmacy technician make? the prescriber works in an opioid treatment clinic. A patient presents a prescription for a schedule II controlled medication. which of the following characteristics might indicate they are attempting to obtain the medication for illegitimate medical use? the patient creates a distraction while the prescription is being processed. which of the following can indicate that a prescription is fraudulent? the prescription is written for a quantity that exceeds typical medical use. according to federal regulations, which of the following agencies should be notified about the loss of a controlled substance? DEA after reporting the theft of a controlled substance, which of the following is the minimum amount of time the related documentation should be kept on file at the pharmacy? 2 years a pharmacy technician receives a prescription that indicates an "A" as the first letter of the DEA number. The technician should recognize that this indicates which of the following? the prescriber has a DEA number that was recognized prior to 1985. A pharmacy uses a reverse distributor to handle expired, damaged, and unwanted medications. What DEA forms should the pharmacy use to process the transaction? DEA form 222 a pharmacy technician is reviewing a prescription for a Schedule IV medication for completeness. Which of the following pieces of prescriber information is required on the prescription? DEA number A pharmacist notices that a pharmacy technician is placing original and transferred prescriptions that were filled less than 1 year ago in the security bin for disposal. The pharmacist stops the technician. What explains the pharmacist's action? original and transferred prescriptions should be stored for at least 2 years from the date of last refill. a pharmacy technician is assisting a pharmacist to complete a report for the theft of a controlled substance which of the following information should be included in this report? the date the theft discovered. which of the following security features inhibits a prescription from being photocopied? High-Security watermark a pharmacy technician should identify that a prescription reimbursed by which of the following organizations requires use of a tamper-resistant prescription pad? medicaid a pharmacy receives a prescription for oxycodone-acetaminophen (Percocet). Which of the following can indicate that the prescription was obtained illegally? the prescription contains an incorrect phone number for the prescriber. Upon arrival at the pharmacy, a pharmacist and pharmacy technician notice the pharmacy has been burglarized. What DEA form must be completed to report the theft of controlled substances? DEA form 106 which of the following information should a pharmacy technician include in a report about theft of a controlled substance? NDC number of the controlled substance a pharmacy technician recieves a prescription for a controlled medication. the technician should identify which of the following as an indication that the prescription might be fraudulent? the prescription is written in two different colors of ink Coworker avoidance Absence from work without notification, and excessive number of sick days used behavior rarely admits errors or accepts blame for errors or oversights appearace wearing long sleeves when inappropriate increased controlled-substance involvement excessive amounts of time spent near a medication supply skill impairments sloppy recordkeeping, suspicious ledger entries, and medication shortages a pharmacy technician is helping a patient who may have a substance use disorder. which of the following are actions a pharmacy technician can take to help prevent misuse of medications by the patient? -document questions asked of the patient -request photo or ID and keep a copy with the patient's record -call previous practitioner, pharmacist, hospital to confirm patient's story -confirm a telephone #, if provided by patient -confirm the current address at each visit -make sure prescriptions are written for limited quantities A middle-aged male with a disheveled appearance arrives at a pharmacy and presents a prescription for 40 tablets of hydrocodone-acetaminophen 7.5 mg-750 mg (Vicodin ES), time-stamped from a local ER 30 minutes earlier. When asked for his address he says he is in town on a business trip and does not know the address where he is staying. The pharmacy technician asks him for his insurance card but he states that he will pay cash for the prescription and submit the receipt to his insurance for reimbursement. He tells the pharmacy technician that he can only tolerate the tables that say "Watson" on them. He expresses that he will wait in the store for it to be filled, and that he will follow up with his primary care provider as soon as he returns home. Which of the following patient behaviors might lead the technician to believe the patient has substance use disorder? -paying cash for the prescription -desire to obtain specific looking tablet Tolerance -complains that their condition continues to get worse -takes more medication than prescribed -tunes out of medication early and triggeres "refill too soon" alert physical dependence -has dilated pupils(mydriasis) -suffers from hot and cold flashes -complains of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea chemical dependence uses multiple providers and pharmacies to receive narcotics -visits the emergency department for prescriptions - claims to have lost prescriptions or medications which of the following is used to report the diversion of controlled substances from the pharmacy? DEA form 106 the controlled substances count does not match the Inventory, and there is a suspected theft of Schedule II medications. the pharmacy technician is helping the pharmacist on duty fill out the DEA form 106. What should be included on the form? -name and telephone number of the local police department notified. -name and title of individual filing the report -Date of theft -Type of theft -NDC numbers of the missing controlled substances -name and address of the pharmacy -DEA registration # -list of symbols or cost code used by the pharmacy in marking containers, -name of certifying individual who is attesting to the validity of the information provided in the report which of the following is a feature that may be used on an electronic prescription to prevent tampering on Medicaid prescriptions? -using asterisks around numbers which of the following are exceptions to medicaid prescriptions being had written on tamper-resistant prescription pads? -electronic prescriptions -emergency prescriptions -telephoned prescriptions -prescriptions for patients in institutional care Dr. Martha Watson, an obstetrician, wrote a prescription for oxycodone-acetaminophen #60 tablets for Mr. Theodore Henrickson yesterday. The prescription is as follows: Take 2-4 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. The prescription is written in blue ink and is signed in red ink. What characteristics of the prescription indicate to the pharmacy technician that the prescription is fraudulent? -no standard abbreviations used -dosages differ from usual medical usage -prescription is written in different-color inks -prescriber is an obstetrician and patient is male. a pharmacy technician is working with the pharmacist to check the controlled substance inventory. Several controlled substances are found to be expired. Which of the following is an appropriate place to send the expired medications? reverse distributor in a pharmacy that maintains two files for recordkeeping of controlled substance prescriptions, which of the following substance classes will be combined into one file? schedule III and IV dispensed & schedule V (1. file for schedule II medications dispensed 2.a file for all non controlled medications dispensed 3. schedule I drugs are not kept or dispensed at pharmacies) Dr. Maria Perez has prescribed oxycodone-acetaminophen, a schedule II medication, for a patient. Which of the following is a valid DEA number for Dr. Perez AP7451420 which of the following DEA numbers would be assigned to nurse practitioner Brown? MB6125341 "M" indicates a mid level practitioner such as physician's assistant or nurse practitioner "A" indicates the practitioner received a DEA number prior to 1985 "X" indicates practitioner in a buprenorphine- and naloxone- prescribing program "B" indicates the practitioner received a DEA number after 1985 DEA number formula -first letter indicates type of registrant -second letter matches first letter of prescriber's last name (1st + 3rd + 5th) + 2 (2nd + 4th + 6th) = last digit is last digit of DEA #