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Democracy and Dissent

New Govt

  • 1st amend

    • G. Washington (2 terms)

      • Federalist

      • NYC

  • Cabinet

    • V.P - J. Adams

    • Sec State - Jefferson

    • Sec War - H. Knox

    • Sec Treasurer - Hamilton

  • Judiciary Act

    • Sets U.S fed courts

    • District 1st Supreme Court

    • J. Jay (First Judge)

  • Federalist - Hamilton and Adams

  • Dem/Republican (Jeffersonians) - Jefferson and Madison

  • Hamilton

    • Origins - Humble beginning (Caribbean Town)

    • NYC - College Education

    • Industry - British

    • Human nature (fears - mob rule)

  • Jefferson

    • Rich Family (Plantations)

    • Future (Agriculture, French)

    • Fear (Power Central Govt)

  • Report

    • Nation’s Credit

      • Debt

      • Revolution Vets

        • Funding debate agents

      • Ranking agents

      • State/Fed debate

        • 50 mil

        • 24 mil

        • Assumption

        • South - New Federal Capital - Wash. D.C

  • Bank Debate

    • Creation of Fed Banks

    • Stabilize (Currency/Mint Currency)

    • Govt. owner/private investment (Rich)

    • Approval 1791

  • Foreign Issues

    • Wash → Neutrality

    • British (Canada Border)

      • Debts

    • French Revolution

      • Jefferson - Pro France

      • Hamilton - Chaos

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    • 1791 - Excise Tax

      • Whiskey - wheat

      • Pennsylvania (Governor)

        • Jeffersonian

      • 1794 - 15th troops

        • Washington

        • Hamilton

  • Goodbye

    • Retaining/Politics

    • Oct 1776 -Farewell letter

      • Political Parties - Federalist

      • Alliances

      • 1796 - Pres Election

        • John Adams (Federalist)

          • 1797-1801

          • Massal

          • V.P Jefferson

  • XYZ

    • France - Resources

      • Caribbean

      • American Shipping

    • Ambassadors France

      • ignored

      • 3 agents (bribe)

    • Quasi War

      • Undeclared War

      • France

  • Resolutions

    • Adams - Neutrality

    • Alien and Sedition Acts

      • Foreign and foreign influence

      • Media/critics of fed govt

    • Madison- V.A Resolution

    • Jefferson - KY Resolution

    • Nullification

      • States don’t agree then they don’t have to follow

  • Election of 1800

    • Adams “Midnight Judges”

      • Hundreds Fed judges (Federalist)

      • Burr and Jefferson

        • Too close

          • House of Rep

        • 1800-1809


Democracy and Dissent

New Govt

  • 1st amend

    • G. Washington (2 terms)

      • Federalist

      • NYC

  • Cabinet

    • V.P - J. Adams

    • Sec State - Jefferson

    • Sec War - H. Knox

    • Sec Treasurer - Hamilton

  • Judiciary Act

    • Sets U.S fed courts

    • District 1st Supreme Court

    • J. Jay (First Judge)

  • Federalist - Hamilton and Adams

  • Dem/Republican (Jeffersonians) - Jefferson and Madison

  • Hamilton

    • Origins - Humble beginning (Caribbean Town)

    • NYC - College Education

    • Industry - British

    • Human nature (fears - mob rule)

  • Jefferson

    • Rich Family (Plantations)

    • Future (Agriculture, French)

    • Fear (Power Central Govt)

  • Report

    • Nation’s Credit

      • Debt

      • Revolution Vets

        • Funding debate agents

      • Ranking agents

      • State/Fed debate

        • 50 mil

        • 24 mil

        • Assumption

        • South - New Federal Capital - Wash. D.C

  • Bank Debate

    • Creation of Fed Banks

    • Stabilize (Currency/Mint Currency)

    • Govt. owner/private investment (Rich)

    • Approval 1791

  • Foreign Issues

    • Wash → Neutrality

    • British (Canada Border)

      • Debts

    • French Revolution

      • Jefferson - Pro France

      • Hamilton - Chaos

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    • 1791 - Excise Tax

      • Whiskey - wheat

      • Pennsylvania (Governor)

        • Jeffersonian

      • 1794 - 15th troops

        • Washington

        • Hamilton

  • Goodbye

    • Retaining/Politics

    • Oct 1776 -Farewell letter

      • Political Parties - Federalist

      • Alliances

      • 1796 - Pres Election

        • John Adams (Federalist)

          • 1797-1801

          • Massal

          • V.P Jefferson

  • XYZ

    • France - Resources

      • Caribbean

      • American Shipping

    • Ambassadors France

      • ignored

      • 3 agents (bribe)

    • Quasi War

      • Undeclared War

      • France

  • Resolutions

    • Adams - Neutrality

    • Alien and Sedition Acts

      • Foreign and foreign influence

      • Media/critics of fed govt

    • Madison- V.A Resolution

    • Jefferson - KY Resolution

    • Nullification

      • States don’t agree then they don’t have to follow

  • Election of 1800

    • Adams “Midnight Judges”

      • Hundreds Fed judges (Federalist)

      • Burr and Jefferson

        • Too close

          • House of Rep

        • 1800-1809
