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Consequence questions


Point - One consequence

evidence - specific dates, times etc.

explain - explanation, good or bad?, increase or decreased tension?

Give two consequences of the Tehran conference.

One consequence of the Tehran conference was the disagreement over Germany’s future. During the Tehran conference in February 1943, Roosevelt and Churchill believed that Germany should be rebuilt to avoid the economic disaster caused by the Treaty of Versailles. However, Stalin believed that Germany should be punished and forced to pay reparations to compensate for the damage that the USSR took from the war and to ensure they were no longer a future threat. Therefore, these opposing ideas meant no agreement was made over Germany.

Another consequence of the Tehran conference was that the USSR would be able to keep Polish land. During the conference it was agreed that USSR would keep the polish land which it had occupied during the ww2, this was because stalin wanted a buffer zone between the USSR and Germany in case of any future invasions, as they had already been previously invaded a couple times by Germany. This meant that Stalin was able to have some security and protection from Germany.

Give two consequences of the Yalta conference.

One consequence of the Yalta conference in 1945 was that it was agreed that Germany would be divided into four zones. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill all agreed to split Germany into four zones but keep it as one country, and this meant that each zone would be occupied and controlled by USA, Britain, USSR, and France.

Another consequence of the yalta conference was that Poland would be given ‘free elections’. The grand alliance had opposing ideologies, with the USA and Britain believed in a democratic and capitalist state the USSR believed that a one party communist state was better. The USA and Britain didn’t approve of the USSR’s ideologies and didn’t want communism to spread to Poland and other satellite states and so they convinced Stalin to agree to ‘free elections’ in Poland and other eastern European countries to allow them to decide. However, Stalin only agreed to this expecting one-party communist governments to be a result of these elections.

Give two consequences of the Potsdam conference.

One consequence of the Potsdam conference was that the USA’s atomic capability was revealed. The USA had kept their atomic capability a secret until the second day, and when they finally revealed this it sparked some tension as they were the only superpower with this power. Furthermore, in the august straight after the conference the USA dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan, this upset Stalin as he thought they were allies and wasn’t given any warning prior to this event, this meant that Stalin felt threatened by the USA.

Another consequence of the conference was agreements about Germany’s reparations. It was agreed that reparations would be taken from own zones, so France would take reparations and equipment from their zone, the USA would take from theirs, etc. However, the zone which the USSR had control over was the poorest zone and so it was also agreed that 25% of equipment and other kinds of payment would be taken from the other three zones and given to the USSR.

Give two consequences of the Manhattan Project.

the one where USA dropped a bombs on hirshima killing 200,000 people

Give two consequences of Marshall Aid.

One consequence of the marshall aid was the worsening of relations between the US and USSR. This was because Stalin felt threatened as he believed that the USA was using economic incentives to lure European countries away from the USSR so he responded by ordering his satellite states to reject the marshall plan.

Another conseuqnce of the Marshall aid was the formation of Comiform in 1947 and the formation of comecon in 1949. The communist information bureau, brought together all European communist parties and placed them under the control of the USSR. The Council for Mutual Economic assistance was creted to counteract the marshall plan as it encouraged ecomic development in eastern europe, prevented trade with the west and was seen as an appeasement for countries who were forced to refuse the marshall plan. These alliances minimsied US influence in Eastern Europe but also prevented Eastern Europe from experiening economic prosperity as they became reliant on USSR.

Give two consequences of the Truman Doctrine.

Announced the USA would give financial support to anyone attempting to resist communism
-gave $400 million aid to the Brits to help fight against Greek communists
-Britain are able to keep fighting and defeat the communists

The USA now followed a policy of containment in comparison to their policy of isolationism
-use force to prevent the spread of communism
-a shift in policy from isolationism to interventionism
-made Stalin resentful, saw it as an aggressive move
-less cooperation, hostile in relations
-lead to Stalin creating cominform

Explain two consequences of Cominform (1947).

One consequence of cominform was that it brought together eastern European communist parties for Stalin to reassert his power over his satellite states. The USSR strengthened and united its satellite states, which posed a threat to the USA.

Another consequence of cominform was that it ensured loyalty of all the satellite states of eastern Europe to USSR and stamps out opposition.

Explain two consequences of Comecon (1949).

One consequence of comecon was that it minimised US influence in Eastern Europe, as it was formed to counteract the Marshall Plan. Therefore, comecon increased tensions between the two superpowers the relations between the Soviet Union and its satellite states strengthened.

Another consequence of comecon was that it prevented the East from experiencing the economic prosperity from the west as they became reliant on the USSR. This was terrible for Stalin as it undermined communism against the prospering West and made communism look weak.

Give two consequences of the Berlin Crisis of 1948-49.

One consequence of the Berlin Blockade was that it increased tensions between the two superpowers. This was because the allies appeared strong as the berlin airlift was a propaganda success for them as they flew in supplies to west berlin for 318 days to resist Stalin's blockade. On the other hand, the allies had discredited Stalin, who was humiliated by the failed blockade and unwillingly ended the blockade.

Another consequence of the Berlin Blockade was that Germany remained divided as West Germany was renamed the Federal Republic of Germany and East Germany was named the German Democratic Republic. And so the Germany became a symbol of the divide in ideologies between East and west.

Explain two consequences of the Arms Race.

One consequence of the arms race was it fuelled the suspicion and tension over the period of the Cold war. This led to a deterioration of relations between the two superpowers, who were both competing for a nuclear advantage without an intention to use the weapons. Furthermore, this led to crises such as the cuban missile crisis where the world was on the brink of a nuclear war.

Another consequence of the arms race was that it created fear in Europe. This was because of the MAD theory (Mutually assured destruction) which suggested that both superpowers had enough weapons to destroy each other multiple times over. Indeed, this acted as a nuclear deterrent for a nuclear war.

Give two consequences of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.

one consequence was the reduced risk of other eastern European states rebelling, increased khrushchev’s security as leader

another consequence was a large human cost in Hungary. 2,000 dead, many refugees and Nagy was executef

Give two consequences of the construction of the Berlin Wall.

east germans could no longer travel or see family in west germany

western Germany no longer had any influence on east germany

Give two consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

One consequence was that families that had been separated could meet each other again. This was because after the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 the East and West of Berlin were separated by the wall and it was dangerous to attempt to cross it illegally. This caused families to be split up across the wall. The fall of the wall in 1989 reunited families and allowed them to cross over to the other side of the city.

A second consequence was that the fall of the Berlin Wall led to the fall of communist regimes in countries such as Czechoslovakia in December 1989. Soviet control was weakening and uprisings began across Eastern European countries controlled by the USSR. Due to this the fall of the wall became a symbol of the fall of Soviet control across Eastern Europe.

Give two consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

One consequence was that families that had been separated could meet each other again. This was because after the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 the East and West of Berlin were separated by the wall and it was dangerous to attempt to cross it illegally. This caused families to be split up across the wall. The fall of the wall in 1989 reunited families and allowed them to cross over to the other side of the city.

A second consequence was that the fall of the Berlin Wall led to the fall of communist regimes in countries such as Czechoslovakia in December 1989. Soviet control was weakening and uprisings began across Eastern European countries controlled by the USSR. Due to this the fall of the wall became a symbol of the fall of Soviet control across Eastern Europe.

Explain two consequences of the Cuban Revolution.

One consequence of the Cuban revolution was that it marked the end of US's influence in Cuba. This was significant as America had a long economic history with Cuba: it owned half of Cuba's land and had shares in almost all Cuban industries. This worried the US caused relations to deteriorate.

Another consequence of the Cuban revolution was America's sugar ban, which was because Einsenhower was concerned of Castro's drive towards public ownership and communism. Therefore, the USA threatened to stop importing Cuban sugar- Cuba's main source of wealth. But this resulted in Castro signed a trade agreement with the USSR as Khrushchev and Cuban-Soviet relations began.

Explain two consequences of the Bay of Pigs. (1961)

One consequence of the bay of pigs was that it humiliated the US despite having no direct involvement. This is because the invasion (which aimed to assassinate Castro) carried out by anti-Castro rebels failed badly as they were easily defeated.

Another consequence of the bay of pigs invasion was that it pushed Castro closer to the USSR. This resulted in Castro publicly announcing that he is a communist, later that year, which meant that there was a communist country within 900 miles of US soil. This was a huge threat to the USA, especially since Castro decided that he needed soviet military assistance to defend Cuba.

Give two consequences of the Prague Spring.

One consequence of the Prague Spring was that it led to greater freedoms in Czechoslovakia or ‘socialism with a human face’.  This resulted in a relaxation of press censorship, the legalisation of political opposition groups, toleration of political criticism and more powers being given to the Czechoslovakian Parliament.  It also led to market socialism, with the re-introduction of capitalist elements into the Czech economy to raise standards of living.


Another consequence was that it led to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968.  Brezhnev was worried that Dubcek’s reforms would be copied elsewhere in the Eastern bloc and undermine communism.  Soviet media therefore began to portray Czechoslovakia as a massive threat to Soviet control of the Eastern bloc and in August 1968, Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops invaded the country.  Khrushchev introduced the Brezhnev Doctrine in 1964 to justify the invasion by saying that the Soviet Union had the right to invade any country in Eastern Europe whose actions appeared to threaten the security of the whole Eastern bloc.

Give two consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Explain two consequences of Reagan becoming President in 1981

One consequence of Reagan becoming president was that he re-invested money towards America's defence systems and missiles. For example, he invested $550 billion a year on nuclear and strategic missiles and began the development of the neutron bomb, which would ensure maximum loss of life but minimum damage to buildings. This restarted the arms race at a pace not seen in America's history.

Another consequence of Reagan becoming president was that he had no interest no maintaining detente. This is because he wanted America to appear strong as he believed that USA fought with god's blessing and he rejected ideas of peaceful co-existence. Furthermore, he viewed detente as a disaster for the USA as it made it look weak.

Give two consequences of Mikhail Gorbachev’s ‘new thinking’.

By the late 1950s, the division of Berlin had created problems for East Germany, with high numbers of refugees leaving for the West via West Berlin, many of whom were essential skilled workers.

In 1958, in an attempt to solve the refugee problem, Khrushchev issued the Berlin ultimatum accusing the West of breaking agreements made at Potsdam and he gave the West six months to withdraw their troops from Berlin.

To prevent the crisis escalating into military conflict, a series of talks between the USA and the USSR were held between 1958 and 1961, to try and solve the ‘Berlin problem’.

At the final meeting in Vienna, Khrushchev took a tough stance towards Kennedy by restating the 1958 Berlin ultimatum, and the talks ended without any agreements made.

In August 1961, East Germany began to seal the border between East and West Berlin and started the construction of the Berlin Wall, which for the East ended the crisis by preventing the flow of refugees to the West.

The West was powerless to respond, with Kennedy stating that a wall was better than a war, although he made a symbolic visit to West Berlin in 1963.

Give two consequences of the creation of the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI).

Consequence questions


Point - One consequence

evidence - specific dates, times etc.

explain - explanation, good or bad?, increase or decreased tension?

Give two consequences of the Tehran conference.

One consequence of the Tehran conference was the disagreement over Germany’s future. During the Tehran conference in February 1943, Roosevelt and Churchill believed that Germany should be rebuilt to avoid the economic disaster caused by the Treaty of Versailles. However, Stalin believed that Germany should be punished and forced to pay reparations to compensate for the damage that the USSR took from the war and to ensure they were no longer a future threat. Therefore, these opposing ideas meant no agreement was made over Germany.

Another consequence of the Tehran conference was that the USSR would be able to keep Polish land. During the conference it was agreed that USSR would keep the polish land which it had occupied during the ww2, this was because stalin wanted a buffer zone between the USSR and Germany in case of any future invasions, as they had already been previously invaded a couple times by Germany. This meant that Stalin was able to have some security and protection from Germany.

Give two consequences of the Yalta conference.

One consequence of the Yalta conference in 1945 was that it was agreed that Germany would be divided into four zones. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill all agreed to split Germany into four zones but keep it as one country, and this meant that each zone would be occupied and controlled by USA, Britain, USSR, and France.

Another consequence of the yalta conference was that Poland would be given ‘free elections’. The grand alliance had opposing ideologies, with the USA and Britain believed in a democratic and capitalist state the USSR believed that a one party communist state was better. The USA and Britain didn’t approve of the USSR’s ideologies and didn’t want communism to spread to Poland and other satellite states and so they convinced Stalin to agree to ‘free elections’ in Poland and other eastern European countries to allow them to decide. However, Stalin only agreed to this expecting one-party communist governments to be a result of these elections.

Give two consequences of the Potsdam conference.

One consequence of the Potsdam conference was that the USA’s atomic capability was revealed. The USA had kept their atomic capability a secret until the second day, and when they finally revealed this it sparked some tension as they were the only superpower with this power. Furthermore, in the august straight after the conference the USA dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan, this upset Stalin as he thought they were allies and wasn’t given any warning prior to this event, this meant that Stalin felt threatened by the USA.

Another consequence of the conference was agreements about Germany’s reparations. It was agreed that reparations would be taken from own zones, so France would take reparations and equipment from their zone, the USA would take from theirs, etc. However, the zone which the USSR had control over was the poorest zone and so it was also agreed that 25% of equipment and other kinds of payment would be taken from the other three zones and given to the USSR.

Give two consequences of the Manhattan Project.

the one where USA dropped a bombs on hirshima killing 200,000 people

Give two consequences of Marshall Aid.

One consequence of the marshall aid was the worsening of relations between the US and USSR. This was because Stalin felt threatened as he believed that the USA was using economic incentives to lure European countries away from the USSR so he responded by ordering his satellite states to reject the marshall plan.

Another conseuqnce of the Marshall aid was the formation of Comiform in 1947 and the formation of comecon in 1949. The communist information bureau, brought together all European communist parties and placed them under the control of the USSR. The Council for Mutual Economic assistance was creted to counteract the marshall plan as it encouraged ecomic development in eastern europe, prevented trade with the west and was seen as an appeasement for countries who were forced to refuse the marshall plan. These alliances minimsied US influence in Eastern Europe but also prevented Eastern Europe from experiening economic prosperity as they became reliant on USSR.

Give two consequences of the Truman Doctrine.

Announced the USA would give financial support to anyone attempting to resist communism
-gave $400 million aid to the Brits to help fight against Greek communists
-Britain are able to keep fighting and defeat the communists

The USA now followed a policy of containment in comparison to their policy of isolationism
-use force to prevent the spread of communism
-a shift in policy from isolationism to interventionism
-made Stalin resentful, saw it as an aggressive move
-less cooperation, hostile in relations
-lead to Stalin creating cominform

Explain two consequences of Cominform (1947).

One consequence of cominform was that it brought together eastern European communist parties for Stalin to reassert his power over his satellite states. The USSR strengthened and united its satellite states, which posed a threat to the USA.

Another consequence of cominform was that it ensured loyalty of all the satellite states of eastern Europe to USSR and stamps out opposition.

Explain two consequences of Comecon (1949).

One consequence of comecon was that it minimised US influence in Eastern Europe, as it was formed to counteract the Marshall Plan. Therefore, comecon increased tensions between the two superpowers the relations between the Soviet Union and its satellite states strengthened.

Another consequence of comecon was that it prevented the East from experiencing the economic prosperity from the west as they became reliant on the USSR. This was terrible for Stalin as it undermined communism against the prospering West and made communism look weak.

Give two consequences of the Berlin Crisis of 1948-49.

One consequence of the Berlin Blockade was that it increased tensions between the two superpowers. This was because the allies appeared strong as the berlin airlift was a propaganda success for them as they flew in supplies to west berlin for 318 days to resist Stalin's blockade. On the other hand, the allies had discredited Stalin, who was humiliated by the failed blockade and unwillingly ended the blockade.

Another consequence of the Berlin Blockade was that Germany remained divided as West Germany was renamed the Federal Republic of Germany and East Germany was named the German Democratic Republic. And so the Germany became a symbol of the divide in ideologies between East and west.

Explain two consequences of the Arms Race.

One consequence of the arms race was it fuelled the suspicion and tension over the period of the Cold war. This led to a deterioration of relations between the two superpowers, who were both competing for a nuclear advantage without an intention to use the weapons. Furthermore, this led to crises such as the cuban missile crisis where the world was on the brink of a nuclear war.

Another consequence of the arms race was that it created fear in Europe. This was because of the MAD theory (Mutually assured destruction) which suggested that both superpowers had enough weapons to destroy each other multiple times over. Indeed, this acted as a nuclear deterrent for a nuclear war.

Give two consequences of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.

one consequence was the reduced risk of other eastern European states rebelling, increased khrushchev’s security as leader

another consequence was a large human cost in Hungary. 2,000 dead, many refugees and Nagy was executef

Give two consequences of the construction of the Berlin Wall.

east germans could no longer travel or see family in west germany

western Germany no longer had any influence on east germany

Give two consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

One consequence was that families that had been separated could meet each other again. This was because after the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 the East and West of Berlin were separated by the wall and it was dangerous to attempt to cross it illegally. This caused families to be split up across the wall. The fall of the wall in 1989 reunited families and allowed them to cross over to the other side of the city.

A second consequence was that the fall of the Berlin Wall led to the fall of communist regimes in countries such as Czechoslovakia in December 1989. Soviet control was weakening and uprisings began across Eastern European countries controlled by the USSR. Due to this the fall of the wall became a symbol of the fall of Soviet control across Eastern Europe.

Give two consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

One consequence was that families that had been separated could meet each other again. This was because after the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 the East and West of Berlin were separated by the wall and it was dangerous to attempt to cross it illegally. This caused families to be split up across the wall. The fall of the wall in 1989 reunited families and allowed them to cross over to the other side of the city.

A second consequence was that the fall of the Berlin Wall led to the fall of communist regimes in countries such as Czechoslovakia in December 1989. Soviet control was weakening and uprisings began across Eastern European countries controlled by the USSR. Due to this the fall of the wall became a symbol of the fall of Soviet control across Eastern Europe.

Explain two consequences of the Cuban Revolution.

One consequence of the Cuban revolution was that it marked the end of US's influence in Cuba. This was significant as America had a long economic history with Cuba: it owned half of Cuba's land and had shares in almost all Cuban industries. This worried the US caused relations to deteriorate.

Another consequence of the Cuban revolution was America's sugar ban, which was because Einsenhower was concerned of Castro's drive towards public ownership and communism. Therefore, the USA threatened to stop importing Cuban sugar- Cuba's main source of wealth. But this resulted in Castro signed a trade agreement with the USSR as Khrushchev and Cuban-Soviet relations began.

Explain two consequences of the Bay of Pigs. (1961)

One consequence of the bay of pigs was that it humiliated the US despite having no direct involvement. This is because the invasion (which aimed to assassinate Castro) carried out by anti-Castro rebels failed badly as they were easily defeated.

Another consequence of the bay of pigs invasion was that it pushed Castro closer to the USSR. This resulted in Castro publicly announcing that he is a communist, later that year, which meant that there was a communist country within 900 miles of US soil. This was a huge threat to the USA, especially since Castro decided that he needed soviet military assistance to defend Cuba.

Give two consequences of the Prague Spring.

One consequence of the Prague Spring was that it led to greater freedoms in Czechoslovakia or ‘socialism with a human face’.  This resulted in a relaxation of press censorship, the legalisation of political opposition groups, toleration of political criticism and more powers being given to the Czechoslovakian Parliament.  It also led to market socialism, with the re-introduction of capitalist elements into the Czech economy to raise standards of living.


Another consequence was that it led to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968.  Brezhnev was worried that Dubcek’s reforms would be copied elsewhere in the Eastern bloc and undermine communism.  Soviet media therefore began to portray Czechoslovakia as a massive threat to Soviet control of the Eastern bloc and in August 1968, Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops invaded the country.  Khrushchev introduced the Brezhnev Doctrine in 1964 to justify the invasion by saying that the Soviet Union had the right to invade any country in Eastern Europe whose actions appeared to threaten the security of the whole Eastern bloc.

Give two consequences of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Explain two consequences of Reagan becoming President in 1981

One consequence of Reagan becoming president was that he re-invested money towards America's defence systems and missiles. For example, he invested $550 billion a year on nuclear and strategic missiles and began the development of the neutron bomb, which would ensure maximum loss of life but minimum damage to buildings. This restarted the arms race at a pace not seen in America's history.

Another consequence of Reagan becoming president was that he had no interest no maintaining detente. This is because he wanted America to appear strong as he believed that USA fought with god's blessing and he rejected ideas of peaceful co-existence. Furthermore, he viewed detente as a disaster for the USA as it made it look weak.

Give two consequences of Mikhail Gorbachev’s ‘new thinking’.

By the late 1950s, the division of Berlin had created problems for East Germany, with high numbers of refugees leaving for the West via West Berlin, many of whom were essential skilled workers.

In 1958, in an attempt to solve the refugee problem, Khrushchev issued the Berlin ultimatum accusing the West of breaking agreements made at Potsdam and he gave the West six months to withdraw their troops from Berlin.

To prevent the crisis escalating into military conflict, a series of talks between the USA and the USSR were held between 1958 and 1961, to try and solve the ‘Berlin problem’.

At the final meeting in Vienna, Khrushchev took a tough stance towards Kennedy by restating the 1958 Berlin ultimatum, and the talks ended without any agreements made.

In August 1961, East Germany began to seal the border between East and West Berlin and started the construction of the Berlin Wall, which for the East ended the crisis by preventing the flow of refugees to the West.

The West was powerless to respond, with Kennedy stating that a wall was better than a war, although he made a symbolic visit to West Berlin in 1963.

Give two consequences of the creation of the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI).