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Constitutional Law

The Judicial Branch

Article 3

  • section 2

    • recognizes the nine types of cases or controversies that Congress may empower a federal court to hear (usually fed question and diversity cases)

    • the scope of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction to hear a suit that did not begin in a lower court

      • Original jurisdiction: only cases involving foreign ambassadors and those in which a state is a party

    • the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction over any case or controversy falling within the nine heads

      • appellate jurisdiction

Congress’s Power Over Federal Jurisdiction

  • Exceptions and Regulations Clause (Article 3 section 2)

    • grants Congress the power to make exceptions to the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction over cases.


Constitutional Law

The Judicial Branch

Article 3

  • section 2

    • recognizes the nine types of cases or controversies that Congress may empower a federal court to hear (usually fed question and diversity cases)

    • the scope of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction to hear a suit that did not begin in a lower court

      • Original jurisdiction: only cases involving foreign ambassadors and those in which a state is a party

    • the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction over any case or controversy falling within the nine heads

      • appellate jurisdiction

Congress’s Power Over Federal Jurisdiction

  • Exceptions and Regulations Clause (Article 3 section 2)

    • grants Congress the power to make exceptions to the Supreme Court’s appellate jurisdiction over cases.
