Salvation in the Great Awakening
The great awakening was a religious movement in the north american colonies that emphasized individual salvation and high standards of personal morality.
Evangelical preachers stressed that salvation and belief were open to everyone, not only a privileged elite.
Northwest Territory
Part of the territory ceded to the US by great britain in the treaty of paris, north of ohio river, east of mississippi, west of established boundaries of pennsylvania
Leaders of the Federalist Party
James madison, alexander hamilton, john jay
Free-soil Party
Antislavery political party in mid 1800s, formed in 1848 by northern opponents of slavery, wanted to prevent expansion of slavery into western territories
Which event began the Civil War
the attack on fort Sumter
Southerners were suspicious of Lincoln’s motives and ordered him to surrender, he refused
Confederates fired on the fort and they were forced to surrender
Lincoln called for 75000 ppl to fight against confederacy and so war started
Advantages South had in Civil War
Fighting war on own territory ( defensive war)
Soldiers more motivated
Led by finest and experienced officers (robert e lee)
Lincoln personal opinion on slavery
Personally opposed slavery
In public emphasized that goal was to preserve union
But then he issued emancipation proclamation in 1863 so lolz
How many dead on each side on Civil War (chart)
954,922 northerners killed
683,939 southerners killed
Years of the Civil War
April 1861 to april 1865
Jan 1863-emancipation proclamation
Draft law in 1863
Freedmen’s Bureau
Made by lincoln and congress shortly before war ended
Was a federal agency designed to aid freed slaves and relieve south’s immediate needs
Black and white agents
Developed public schools for blacks and whites and reunited families and negotiated contracts between previous slaves and white ppl
White men who had been locked out of pre civil war politics by wealthy neighbors
Southern white critics called them this
Joined new republican party
Slaughterhouse Cases
The court restricted the scope of the 14th amendment
Although a citizen has certain national rights, fed government had no control over how a state chose to define right for its citizens
Said that the Protection of civil rights didn’t include property rights of businesses and weakened the protections of the 14th amendment
W.E.B. Dubois strategy on segregation
Living example of washington's hopes
Didn't want to accommodate to southern whites
Spirit of abolition and argued that blacks should demand immediate equality
Plessy v. Ferguson
Supreme court upheld constitutionality of jim crow laws
Argued that as long as states maintained separate but equal facilities they did not violate 14th amendment
Oldest continuously inhabited European city in the U.S.
Jamestown virginia
Despite numerous losses and diseases and other bad pilgrim stuff they expanded around chesapeake bay
1700 Colonies of New England
Massachusetts rhode island connecticut and new hampshire
Cold climate fishing lumber forest
Build ships trade w ppl
Hard working honored god puritans foundation of america
John Hancock
First person to sign declaration of independence
Wealthy merchant and leader of patriots in massachusetts
Later served 9 terms as governor of commonwealth of MA
Chart “Continental vs. British Forces”
Writers of the Federalist Papers
James madison alexander hamilton and john jay
Wrote series of letters to newspapers in support of constitution
Separation of powers would prevent concentration of one all powerful branch (CHECKS AND BALANCES)
Only form of direct democracy in the Constitution when it was written
Citizens only directly elect the representatives to the house of reps
Weaknesses or limitations of the Articles of Confederation
National gov had no say over rules of interstate commerce (states fighting over trade)
National debt states also in debt so couldn't help
Structural weaknesses no president all states only had 1 vote in a 1 house congress
Amending articles almost impossible bcuz every single state had to approve
⅔ of states had to approve major decisions (war and treaty)
Great Compromise
Created bicameral 2 house legislature
Mix of nj and virginia plans
Senate would allow 2 senators per state but granted more power to larger states (population based)
State could no longer issue own money or provide debtor relief
Invented federalism (dividing power of national and states)
Law to survey and sell land in the Northwest Territory
Land ordinance- system for surveying and selling the land to settlers
Northwest ordinance- described how territories should be governed and how they could become full fledged states
Alexis de Tocqueville opinions about America
Impressed with nation’s commitment to ideals of liberty and individualism expressed in Declaration of Independence
Astonished by american individualism and populism (widespread participation of reg citizens in political process)
Chart: Roots of Manifest Destiny
Year Texas joined U.S.
1845 (took long time to get texas into us even after winning war bc northern congress reps didn’t wanna add another slave state)
Wilmot Proviso
ban on slavery in any territory that the us gained from mexico as a result of the war
southern leaders HATED it
First presidential candidate to represent the Republican Party
john c fremont
ran against james buchanan in 1856 (but lost)
fremont wanted to stop agitation of slavery issue and even tho he lost he won ⅓ popular vote and 11 northern states
Chart: Rival Plans for Reconstruction
Why did Johnson veto the Civil Rights Act of 1866
civil rights act of 1866:
federal guarantees of civil rights (undid any state laws that limited rights)
johnson thought reconstruction principles were against constitutional principles so he vetoed