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table: nationalism overview

type of nationalism

key ideas

historical background

key thinkers (if relevant)


links to other types of nationalism

liberal nationalism

  • nation-state = most rational form of govt

  • people’s rights can only be restored if they become involved in the establishment of govt » would create freedom for both the nation n the ppl within it

  • generally also supporters of a democratic govt

  • nation should have shared understanding of the values that bind it tgt

  • linked to the Enlightenment

  • US n French constitutions

  • woodrow wilson’s 14 points

socialist nationalism

  • tries to mix socialism n nationalism

  • mainly thrived in africa n cuba

  • bases nat on superior values of soc

conservative nationalism

  • nationalism used to further the interests n ambitions of the state

  • state is dominant to the nation

  • many feared liberalism would lead to the destruction of tradish forms of authority esp church n monarchy

  • otto von bismarck:“iron and blood”

  • giuseppe garibaldi

  • putin: collective will, etc

  • charles maurras

  • worried that liberal nationalism threatened their interests

cultural nationalism

  • 2 types: liberal cultural nationalism n ultra-conservative

  • liberal: feel their culture is being threatened by a dominant one, move to protect it

  • ultra-conservative: see culture as superior to others

  • can turn into militarism n expansionism


  • racial distinctions = most important form of national id

  • basis of nationhood should be racial

  • becomes racism when racial group feel they’re superior n suppress others eg apartheid

  • sometimes becomes nativism

civic nationalism

  • national id less important that people’s pride in political institutions of state

  • has become an issue with state with a history of immigration - used to integrate all

liberal internationalism

  • most important way of protecting individual states id through int’l orgs eg eu

  • states need to work tgt through trade etc

  • states that don’t conform to liberal principles are not members of the int’l community

socialist internationalism

  • class is everything

  • nationalism is a bourgeoisie construct to keep the workers down

  • workers should unite across nations


  • indigenous population have a superior claim to nationalism than those that have arrived more recently eg white settlers over Hispanics in US

  • original national group should have economic priority over others

  • domestic industries should be protected from int’l competition w trade barriers

imperialism n colonialism

  • wanted colonies to exploit to serve national interest

  • un outlawed colonialism

  • mainly in 19th cent

  • with european powers, national rivalry was often expressed through empire

  • creation of overseas empires by Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium n Portugal

  • conservative nationalism often turned to this

radical nationalism n fascism

  • talks about complete subjugation of the individual to the will of the state

  • “volksgeist”

  • sees the nation as servants to the state

  • extreme form of conservative nationalism

  • “sees the nation as servants to the state” - similar to liberal nationalists

anti-colonial n post-colonial nationalism

  • no of diff forms

  • tends to use a form of nationalism with another political creed to create strong sense of national id

  • may make use of one of the following: marxis, eg cuba » most common, religion, leadership cults

expansionist nationalism

  • comes from belief that country is under constant threat

  • no of diff forms: imperials, pan-nationalism, militarism, chauvinism, racial conquest

black nationalism

  • looked at common ancestry of all black ppl

  • divided the world into black n white, saw black as superior race

  • first introduced by marcus garvey, taken up by ppl like malcom x

  • marcus garvye

chauvinistic nationalism

  • feels one nation is superior to others

  • only some nations benefit from nation-statehood n others should accept their position as colonies of stronger nations

  • exaggerated form of patriotism n national pride



table: nationalism overview

type of nationalism

key ideas

historical background

key thinkers (if relevant)


links to other types of nationalism

liberal nationalism

  • nation-state = most rational form of govt

  • people’s rights can only be restored if they become involved in the establishment of govt » would create freedom for both the nation n the ppl within it

  • generally also supporters of a democratic govt

  • nation should have shared understanding of the values that bind it tgt

  • linked to the Enlightenment

  • US n French constitutions

  • woodrow wilson’s 14 points

socialist nationalism

  • tries to mix socialism n nationalism

  • mainly thrived in africa n cuba

  • bases nat on superior values of soc

conservative nationalism

  • nationalism used to further the interests n ambitions of the state

  • state is dominant to the nation

  • many feared liberalism would lead to the destruction of tradish forms of authority esp church n monarchy

  • otto von bismarck:“iron and blood”

  • giuseppe garibaldi

  • putin: collective will, etc

  • charles maurras

  • worried that liberal nationalism threatened their interests

cultural nationalism

  • 2 types: liberal cultural nationalism n ultra-conservative

  • liberal: feel their culture is being threatened by a dominant one, move to protect it

  • ultra-conservative: see culture as superior to others

  • can turn into militarism n expansionism


  • racial distinctions = most important form of national id

  • basis of nationhood should be racial

  • becomes racism when racial group feel they’re superior n suppress others eg apartheid

  • sometimes becomes nativism

civic nationalism

  • national id less important that people’s pride in political institutions of state

  • has become an issue with state with a history of immigration - used to integrate all

liberal internationalism

  • most important way of protecting individual states id through int’l orgs eg eu

  • states need to work tgt through trade etc

  • states that don’t conform to liberal principles are not members of the int’l community

socialist internationalism

  • class is everything

  • nationalism is a bourgeoisie construct to keep the workers down

  • workers should unite across nations


  • indigenous population have a superior claim to nationalism than those that have arrived more recently eg white settlers over Hispanics in US

  • original national group should have economic priority over others

  • domestic industries should be protected from int’l competition w trade barriers

imperialism n colonialism

  • wanted colonies to exploit to serve national interest

  • un outlawed colonialism

  • mainly in 19th cent

  • with european powers, national rivalry was often expressed through empire

  • creation of overseas empires by Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium n Portugal

  • conservative nationalism often turned to this

radical nationalism n fascism

  • talks about complete subjugation of the individual to the will of the state

  • “volksgeist”

  • sees the nation as servants to the state

  • extreme form of conservative nationalism

  • “sees the nation as servants to the state” - similar to liberal nationalists

anti-colonial n post-colonial nationalism

  • no of diff forms

  • tends to use a form of nationalism with another political creed to create strong sense of national id

  • may make use of one of the following: marxis, eg cuba » most common, religion, leadership cults

expansionist nationalism

  • comes from belief that country is under constant threat

  • no of diff forms: imperials, pan-nationalism, militarism, chauvinism, racial conquest

black nationalism

  • looked at common ancestry of all black ppl

  • divided the world into black n white, saw black as superior race

  • first introduced by marcus garvey, taken up by ppl like malcom x

  • marcus garvye

chauvinistic nationalism

  • feels one nation is superior to others

  • only some nations benefit from nation-statehood n others should accept their position as colonies of stronger nations

  • exaggerated form of patriotism n national pride
