Vergil, Aeneid, Book 1 (AP)

Vergil's Aeneid, Book 1, sets the stage for an epic journey of Trojan hero Aeneas. The story begins with Aeneas' fleet scattered by a storm, leading to his arrival in Carthage. Written during Augustus' reign, it blends mythology, history, and Roman values. Book 1 introduces key characters like Aeneas, Dido, and the gods Venus and Juno. It explores themes of fate, duty, and divine intervention. Vergil's masterful use of language and literary devices creates a rich, complex narrative that resonates with Roman identity and imperial ambitions.

Key Characters

  • Aeneas: The protagonist, a Trojan hero and son of Venus (Aphrodite) and Anchises

    • Embodies Roman virtues such as pietas, virtus, and fatum

    • Destined to found the Roman race in Italy

  • Dido: Queen of Carthage, who falls in love with Aeneas when he lands in her city

    • Represents the tragic consequences of defying fate and divine will

  • Juno (Hera): The goddess who opposes Aeneas' mission and causes many of his trials and tribulations

    • Harbors resentment towards the Trojans due to the Judgment of Paris and the prophecy of Rome's future greatness

  • Venus (Aphrodite): Aeneas' divine mother, who aids and protects him throughout his journey

  • Anchises: Aeneas' father, who provides guidance and prophecies to his son in the underworld

  • Ascanius (Iulus): Aeneas' son, who represents the future of the Roman race and the Julian dynasty

  • Turnus: King of the Rutuli, who opposes Aeneas' settlement in Italy and serves as his main antagonist

Historical Context

  • Vergil wrote the Aeneid during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor of Rome (27 BCE - 14 CE)

  • Augustus commissioned Vergil to write an epic poem that would glorify Rome and legitimize his rule

    • Aimed to connect Augustus' reign with the mythical origins of Rome

    • Portrayed Augustus as a descendant of the Trojan hero Aeneas

  • The Aeneid was composed during a time of political stability and cultural flourishing known as the Pax Romana (Roman Peace)

  • Vergil drew inspiration from earlier Greek epic poems, such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey

    • Incorporated elements of Greek mythology into his Roman epic

  • The Aeneid reflects the values and ideals of Roman society during the Augustan Age, such as pietas (duty), virtus (virtue), and fatum (fate)

  • Vergil's epic also addresses the political and social changes brought about by the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire

Plot Summary

  • Book 1 begins with Aeneas and his fellow Trojans sailing from Sicily, having fled the fallen city of Troy

  • Juno, still harboring resentment towards the Trojans, stirs up a storm that scatters their fleet and drives them to the shores of Carthage

  • Aeneas and his companions are welcomed by Dido, the queen of Carthage, who is impressed by their story and offers them hospitality

  • Venus, concerned for her son's safety, sends Cupid (Eros) disguised as Ascanius to make Dido fall in love with Aeneas

    • Ensures Dido's protection and assistance for the Trojans

  • During a banquet, Dido asks Aeneas to recount the fall of Troy and his subsequent wanderings

    • Sets the stage for Aeneas' extended flashback narrative in Book 2 and 3

  • Meanwhile, the gods debate the fate of Aeneas and the Trojans, with Jupiter (Zeus) reassuring Venus that Aeneas will ultimately fulfill his destiny in Italy

  • Book 1 ends with Dido's growing infatuation with Aeneas, setting the stage for their tragic romance and its consequences in later books

Lines 1-49, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Arma virumque canō, Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs Ītaliam, fātō profugus, Lāvīniaque vēnit lītora, multum ille et terrīs iactātus et altō vī superum saevae memorem Iūnōnis ob īram; multa quoque et bellō passus, dum conderet urbem,  5          inferretque deōs Latiō, genus unde Latīnum, Albānīque patrēs, atque altae moenia Rōmae.

Mūsa, mihī causās memorā, quō nūmine laesō, quidve dolēns, rēgīna deum tot volvere cāsūs īnsīgnem pietāte virum, tot adīre labōrēs         10                       impulerit. Tantaene animīs caelestibus īrae?

Urbs antīqua fuit, Tyriī tenuēre colōnī, Karthāgō, Ītaliam contrā Tiberīnaque longē ōstia, dīves opum studiīsque asperrima bellī, quam Iūnō fertur terrīs magis omnibus ūnam    15                    posthabitā coluisse Samō; hīc illius arma, hīc currus fuit; hōc rēgnum dea gentibus esse, sī quā Fāta sinant, iam tum tenditque fovetque. Prōgeniem sed enim Trōiānō ā sanguine dūcī audierat, Tyriās olim quae verteret arcēs;         20                       hinc populum lātē regem bellōque superbum ventūrum excidiō Libyae: sīc volvere Parcās. Id metuēns, veterisque memor Sāturnia bellī, prīma quod ad Trōiam prō cārīs gesserat Argīs— necdum etiam causae īrārum saevīque dolōrēs     25                  exciderant animō: manet altā mente repostum iūdicium Paridis sprētaeque iniūria fōrmae, et genus invīsum, et raptī Ganymēdis honōrēs. Hīs accēnsa super, iactātōs aequore tōtō Trōas, rēliquiās Danaum atque immītis Achillī,      30                 arcēbat longē Latiō, multōsque per annōs errābant, āctī Fātīs, maria omnia circum. Tantae mōlis erat Rōmānam condere gentem!

Vix e conspectu Siculae telluris in altum vela dabant laeti, et spumas salis aere ruebant,      35                 cum Iuno, aeternum servans sub pectore volnus, haec secum: 'Mene incepto desistere victam, nec posse Italia Teucrorum avertere regem? Quippe vetor fatis. Pallasne exurere classem Argivom atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto,   40             unius ob noxam et furias Aiacis Oilei? Ipsa, Iovis rapidum iaculata e nubibus ignem, disiecitque rates evertitque aequora ventis, illum expirantem transfixo pectore flammas turbine corripuit scopuloque infixit acuto.   45         Ast ego, quae divom incedo regina, Iovisque et soror et coniunx, una cum gente tot annos bella gero! Et quisquam numen Iunonis adoret praeterea, aut supplex aris imponet honorem?'

Modern English Translation

I sing of arms and the man, he who first left Troy to Italy's shore, exiled by fate, and to Lavinia's shores, he was thrown about much by the land and the sea, by the gods, by cruel Juno's guiltless anger, also much long suffering in war, until he could found a city, and ferried his gods to Latium, from that which the Latin people emerged, the lords of Alba Longa, and the walls of Noble Rome.

Muse, name to me the cause, by what thing was her divinity harmed, how was she pained, the Queen of Heaven, to drive a man noted for virtue, to endure such dangers, to endure so many works. Is it possible for there to be such anger in the minds of the gods?

There was an ancient city, Carthage, held by colonists from Tyre, opposite Italy, and the far-off mouths of the Tiber, rich in wealth, and very savage in pursuit of war. They say Juno loved this one land above all others, even neglecting Samos: here were her weapons and her chariot, even the goddess worked at, and cherished, the idea that it should have supremacy over the nations, if only the fates allowed. Yet she'd heard of offspring, derived from Trojan blood, that would one day overthrow the Tyrian stronghold: that from them a people would come, wide-ruling, and proud in war, to Libya's ruin: so the Fates ordained. Fearing this, and remembering the ancient war she had fought before, at Troy, for her dear Argos, and the cause of her anger and her bitter sorrows had not yet passed from her mind: the distant judgement of Paris stayed deep in her heart, the injury to her scorned beauty, her hatred of the race, and abducted Ganymede's honors, the daughter of Saturn, incited further by this, hurled the Trojans, the Greeks and pitiless Achaens had left, round the whole ocean, keeping them far from Latium: they wandered for many years, driven by fate over all the seas. Such an effort it was to found the Roman people!

Scarcely were the sails of the Trojan ships, joyfully spreading, out of sight from the shores of Sicily, and the waves were dashing foam against the air, when Juno, preserving a deep wound in her heart, said to herself: 'Shall I, conquered, abandon my undertaking, and not be able to turn the Trojan king from Italy? By all means, I am forbidden by fate. Could Pallas have burned the Argive fleet and drowned the men themselves in the sea, for the crime and madness of one man, Ajax, son of Oileus? She, indeed, launched rapid fire from the clouds, broke up the ships, and upset the sea with winds; and, as he was expiring, snatched him with a whirlwind and fixed him on a sharp rock. But I, who am queen of the gods, and sister and wife of Jove, and wage war with this people for so many years! And shall anyone worship the power of Juno beside, or lay suppliant offerings on her altars?'"

Questions about the Latin

  1. What gender, number, and case is arma in line one?

  • Neuter, Plural, Accusative

  1. Why is "Mūsa" important?

  • Ancient classical authors often invoked the Muse as an inspiration for their writing and for the Muse to bless their stories.

  1. What does the "-que" on "Tiberīnaque" mean?

  • and

  1. Who is Ajax, son of Oileus?

  • Ajax, son of Oileus, was one of the captains in the Greek army during the Trojan War. He defiled the high priestess of Pallas (Athena) in Troy, Cassandra, and was struck down by Pallas.

  1. Why might Juno be angry at the Trojan's from your background knowledge

  • Juno's animosity toward the Trojans stems from multiple grievances:
    The Judgment of Paris: During the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Eris, the goddess of discord, introduced a golden apple inscribed "to the fairest one," sparking a dispute among goddesses. Paris, a Trojan prince, was chosen to judge and awarded the apple to Aphrodite, snubbing Juno (Hera) and inciting her lasting resentment toward the Trojans.
    Prophecy of Carthage's Destruction: Juno cherished Carthage and feared a prophecy that foretold its downfall at the hands of Trojan descendants. This potential threat to her favored city fueled her hostility.
    Ganymede's Abduction: Juno harbored bitterness over Jupiter's (Zeus's) abduction of the Trojan youth Ganymede to serve as cupbearer to the gods, viewing it as an affront.

Lines 50-101, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Talia flammato secum dea corde volutans               50 nimborum in patriam, loca feta furentibus austris, Aeoliam venit. Hic vasto rex Aeolus antro luctantes ventos tempestatesque sonoras imperio premit ac vinclis et carcere frenat. Illi indignantes magno cum murmure montis               55 circum claustra fremunt; celsa sedet Aeolus arce sceptra tenens, mollitque animos et temperat iras. Ni faciat, maria ac terras caelumque profundum quippe ferant rapidi secum verrantque per auras. Sed pater omnipotens speluncis abdidit atris,               60 hoc metuens, molemque et montis insuper altos imposuit, regemque dedit, qui foedere certo et premere et laxas sciret dare iussus habenas. Ad quem tum Iuno supplex his vocibus usa est:

'Aeole, namque tibi divom pater atque hominum rex               65 et mulcere dedit fluctus et tollere vento, gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat aequor, Ilium in Italiam portans victosque Penates: incute vim ventis submersasque obrue puppes, aut age diversos et disiice corpora ponto.               70 Sunt mihi bis septem praestanti corpore nymphae, quarum quae forma pulcherrima Deiopea, conubio iungam stabili propriamque dicabo, omnis ut tecum meritis pro talibus annos exigat, et pulchra faciat te prole parentem.'               75

Aeolus haec contra: 'Tuus, O regina, quid optes explorare labor; mihi iussa capessere fas est. Tu mihi, quodcumque hoc regni, tu sceptra Iovemque concilias, tu das epulis accumbere divom, nimborumque facis tempestatumque potentem.'               80

Haec ubi dicta, cavum conversa cuspide montem impulit in latus: ac venti, velut agmine facto, qua data porta, ruunt et terras turbine perflant. Incubuere mari, totumque a sedibus imis una Eurusque Notusque ruunt creberque procellis               85 Africus, et vastos volvunt ad litora fluctus. Insequitur clamorque virum stridorque rudentum. Eripiunt subito nubes caelumque diemque Teucrorum ex oculis; ponto nox incubat atra. Intonuere poli, et crebris micat ignibus aether,               90 praesentemque viris intentant omnia mortem.

Extemplo Aeneae solvuntur frigore membra: ingemit, et duplicis tendens ad sidera palmas talia voce refert: 'O terque quaterque beati, quis ante ora patrum Troiae sub moenibus altis               95 contigit oppetere! O Danaum fortissime gentis Tydide! Mene Iliacis occumbere campis non potuisse, tuaque animam hanc effundere dextra, saevus ubi Aeacidae telo iacet Hector, ubi ingens Sarpedon, ubi tot Simois correpta sub undis               100 scuta virum galeasque et fortia corpora volvit?'

Modern English Translation

"Thus, with a heart on fire, the goddess, revolving such thoughts, came to Aeolia, the land of the winds, where the king, Aeolus, in a vast cave, controls the struggling winds and the roaring storms with his authority, restraining them with bonds and imprisonment. They, indignant, with a great murmur, around the enclosures, were roaring; Aeolus sits on a high throne, holding the sceptre, softening the spirits and moderating the anger. For, if he did not, the rapid winds would carry away the seas and the lands and the deep sky, and they would wander through the air. But the all-powerful father hid them in dark caves, fearing this, and imposed a mountain and high peaks upon them, and gave a king, who, by a fixed agreement, was ordered to know how to press and to give loose reins. To him then Juno, suppliant, used these words:

'Aeolus, for the father of the gods and king of men has given you the power of calming the waves and lifting the winds, a hostile people is sailing the Tyrrhenian sea, bearing Ilium and the conquered Penates to Italy; strike the winds with your power and bury the ships beneath the waves, or drive them in different directions and scatter their bodies in the sea. I have seven nymphs of extraordinary beauty, among whom the most beautiful is Deiopea, whom I will join to you in a stable marriage and give to you as your own; so that, in return for such rewards, she may spend all her years with you and make you a father of handsome children.'

Aeolus said these things in response: 'It is your task to inspect what you choose, oh Queen; it is morally right for me to undertake the orders. You unite the scepters and Jupiter to me, you unite whatever this is of a kingdom to me, you give reclining at the feasts of the gods, you make the power of both the clouds and the storms.'

When these things were said, he pushed the cavernous mountain with a backwards spear on its side: and the winds, just like in a made battleline, rush from this given gate, and they fly across the lands in a tornado. They laid on top of the sea, and both Eurus and Notus rushed whole from their deep seats together and crowded by the little storms of Africus, and they roll big waves towards the shores. Both the shouting of the men and the creaking of the oars follows. The storm clouds suddenly snatch away both the sky and the day from the eyes of the Trojans: the evil night falls upon the sea. The poles thunder, and the aether mixes with thick flames, and all things intend immediate death to the men.

Without delay the limbs of Aeneas are free from the cold: he groans, and holding twin palms to the stars he recited in such a great voice: 'O both three times and four times blessed the men, who happened to perish before the shores of their fathers below the high walls of Troy! O very brave Tydides of the nation of the Greeks! Why have I not been able to die in the Trojan camps and why have I not been able to pour out this soul with your right hand, when savage Hector lies down by the spear of Achilles, where Sarpedon lies, where Simois rolls so many damages shields and helmets and brave bodies of men under the waves?'

Questions about the Latin

  1. What is the case of the subject in the phrase "Talia flammato secum dea corde volutans"?

  • Accusative

  1. What is the mood of the verb "explorare" in the phrase "Tuus, O regina, quid optes explorare labor"?

  • Subjunctive

  1. What is the tense of the verb "fremunt" in the phrase "Illi indignantes magno cum murmure montis circum claustra fremunt"?

  • Present

  1. What is the gender of the pronoun "quodcumque" in the phrase "Tu mihi, quodcumque hoc regni, tu sceptra Iovemque concilias"?

  • Neuter

  1. What is the function of the word "quarum" in the phrase "Sunt mihi bis septem praestanti corpore nymphae, quarum quae forma pulcherrima Deiopea"?

  • Relative pronoun referring to "nymphae" and connecting the clause "quarum quae forma pulcherrima Deiopea" to the main clause "Sunt mihi bis septem praestanti corpore nymphae"

Lines 102-156, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Talia iactanti stridens Aquilone procella velum adversa ferit, fluctusque ad sidera tollit. Franguntur remi; tum prora avertit, et undis dat latus; insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons.               105 Hi summo in fluctu pendent; his unda dehiscens terram inter fluctus aperit; furit aestus harenis. Tris Notus abreptas in saxa latentia torquet— saxa vocant Itali mediis quae in fluctibus aras— dorsum immane mari summo; tris Eurus ab alto               110 in brevia et Syrtis urget, miserabile visu, inliditque vadis atque aggere cingit harenae. Unam, quae Lycios fidumque vehebat Oronten, ipsius ante oculos ingens a vertice pontus in puppim ferit: excutitur pronusque magister               115 volvitur in caput; ast illam ter fluctus ibidem torquet agens circum, et rapidus vorat aequore vortex. Adparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto, arma virum, tabulaeque, et Troia gaza per undas. Iam validam Ilionei navem, iam fortis Achati,               120 et qua vectus Abas, et qua grandaevus Aletes, vicit hiems; laxis laterum compagibus omnes accipiunt inimicum imbrem, rimisque fatiscunt.

Interea magno misceri murmure pontum, emissamque hiemem sensit Neptunus, et imis               125 stagna refusa vadis, graviter commotus; et alto prospiciens, summa placidum caput extulit unda. Disiectam Aeneae, toto videt aequore classem, fluctibus oppressos Troas caelique ruina, nec latuere doli fratrem Iunonis et irae.               130 Eurum ad se Zephyrumque vocat, dehinc talia fatur:

'Tantane vos generis tenuit fiducia vestri? Iam caelum terramque meo sine numine, venti, miscere, et tantas audetis tollere moles? Quos ego—sed motos praestat componere fluctus.               135 Post mihi non simili poena commissa luetis. Maturate fugam, regique haec dicite vestro: non illi imperium pelagi saevumque tridentem, sed mihi sorte datum. Tenet ille immania saxa, vestras, Eure, domos; illa se iactet in aula               140 Aeolus, et clauso ventorum carcere regnet.'

Sic ait, et dicto citius tumida aequora placat, collectasque fugat nubes, solemque reducit. Cymothoe simul et Triton adnixus acuto detrudunt navis scopulo; levat ipse tridenti;               145 et vastas aperit syrtis, et temperat aequor, atque rotis summas levibus perlabitur undas. Ac veluti magno in populo cum saepe coorta est seditio, saevitque animis ignobile volgus, iamque faces et saxa volant—furor arma ministrat;               150 tum, pietate gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem conspexere, silent, arrectisque auribus adstant; ille regit dictis animos, et pectora mulcet,— sic cunctus pelagi cecidit fragor, aequora postquam prospiciens genitor caeloque invectus aperto               155 flectit equos, curruque volans dat lora secundo.

Modern English Translation

Such a great shrieking enemy storm brings the sail with the north wind to the shouting man, and it raises the waves to the stars. The oars are being broken; then the prow turns sour, and the side gives to the waves; a shear mountain of water follows the wave. These men hang onto the highest wave; A gaping wave opens the land for these men among the waves; the stormy sea rages on the sands. The south wind twists three ships having been taken on to hiding rocks. A huge reef is in the deepest sea; the east wind and the southwest push three ships from the deep onto the shallows, miserable to see, and they crush the ships on the shallows and encircle the ships with a pile of sand. A huge wave brings one ship which was carrying the Lycians and faithful Orontes before the eyes of the man himself from its top onto its mast; and the master is knocked prone, and is rolled onto his head; and a wave coming around twists that ship three times in the same place, and a swift whirlpool swallows that ship in the sea. A few swimming men appear in the vast whirl pool, the weapons of men, and scrolls, and Trojan treasure through the waves. The storm the strong ship of Illioneis, now the storm conquers the ship of brave Achates, and the ship on which Abas was carried, and the ship on which honorable Aletes was carried; all the ships accept the hostile seawater in their loose seams of their sides and they gape open with cracks.

Meanwhile, with a great roar the sea is mixed, and Neptune, sensing the released winter and the pools had been overflowed from the deep places, is annoyed; and looking out from on high, he raises his head from the calm summit of the sea. He sees Aeneas' scattered fleet on the whole sea, Trojans oppressed by the waves and the ruin of the sky, and the deceit of Juno and her anger did not escape him. He calls for the east wind and the west wind, and then speaks these things: 

'Are you so confident in your race, winds? Now without my will, you dare to mix the sky and the earth and to lift such great masses? Whom I - but it is best to compose the stirred waves. After me, you will pay a penalty not similar. Hurry your flight, and tell this to your king: not to him is the power of the wild sea and the savage trident, but to me it is given by fate. He holds the huge rocks, your houses, Eurus; let him boast in Aeolus' hall and rule in the closed prison of the winds.'

Thus he speaks, and with a word, he calms the swelling sea, and chases away collected clouds and brings back the sun. Cymothoe and Triton, helping with their sharp shells, drive the ships from the rock; he himself raises them with his trident; and he opens the vast Syrtes and tempers the sea and with his light wheels glides over the summit of the waves. And just as often in a great crowd, a sedition has risen, and the base crowd rages in their minds, and now torches and stones fly - fury supplies weapons; then, if by chance they see a man heavy with reverence and deeds, they are silent and stand with raised ears; he governs their minds with his words and soothes their hearts - so all the roar of the sea fell, after he, looking out, and carried in the open sky, turns his horses and gives the leather straps to his favorable chariot.

Questions about the Latin

  1. What is the subject of the verb "miscere" in line 124?

  • The subject is "venti" (winds).

  1. What case is "Eurum" in line 129?

  • "Eurum" is in the Accusative case.

  1. What type of clause is "disiectam Aeneae, toto videt aequore classem" in line 131?

  • This is a subject-verb-object clause, with "Neptunus" as the subject, "videt" as the verb, and "disiectam Aeneae, toto aequore classem" as the object.

  1. What is the meaning of "motos" in line 135?

  • "Motos" means "having been moved" or "having been agitated".

  1. What is the tense of "luetis" in line 136?

  • Future.

Lines 157-209, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Defessi Aeneadae, quae proxima litora, cursu contendunt petere, et Libyae vertuntur ad oras. Est in secessu longo locus: insula portum efficit obiectu laterum, quibus omnis ab alto               160 frangitur inque sinus scindit sese unda reductos. Hinc atque hinc vastae rupes geminique minantur in caelum scopuli, quorum sub vertice late aequora tuta silent; tum silvis scaena coruscis desuper horrentique atrum nemus imminet umbra.               165 Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum, intus aquae dulces vivoque sedilia saxo, nympharum domus: hic fessas non vincula navis ulla tenent, unco non alligat ancora morsu. Huc septem Aeneas collectis navibus omni               170 ex numero subit; ac magno telluris amore egressi optata potiuntur Troes harena, et sale tabentis artus in litore ponunt. Ac primum silici scintillam excudit Achates, succepitque ignem foliis, atque arida circum               175 nutrimenta dedit, rapuitque in fomite flammam. Tum Cererem corruptam undis Cerealiaque arma expediunt fessi rerum, frugesque receptas et torrere parant flammis et frangere saxo.

Aeneas scopulum interea conscendit, et omnem               180 prospectum late pelago petit, Anthea si quem iactatum vento videat Phrygiasque biremis, aut Capyn, aut celsis in puppibus arma Caici. Navem in conspectu nullam, tris litore cervos prospicit errantis; hos tota armenta sequuntur               185 a tergo, et longum per vallis pascitur agmen. Constitit hic, arcumque manu celerisque sagittas corripuit, fidus quae tela gerebat Achates; ductoresque ipsos primum, capita alta ferentis cornibus arboreis, sternit, tum volgus, et omnem               190 miscet agens telis nemora inter frondea turbam; nec prius absistit, quam septem ingentia victor corpora fundat humi, et numerum cum navibus aequet. Hinc portum petit, et socios partitur in omnes. Vina bonus quae deinde cadis onerarat Acestes               195 litore Trinacrio dederatque abeuntibus heros, dividit, et dictis maerentia pectora mulcet:

'O socii—neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum— O passi graviora, dabit deus his quoque finem. Vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantis               200 accestis scopulos, vos et Cyclopea saxa experti: revocate animos, maestumque timorem mittite: forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit. Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum tendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas               205 ostendunt; illic fas regna resurgere Troiae. Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis.'

Modern English Translation

The exhausted men of Aeneas, who were striving to reach the nearest shore by haste, were turning to the Libyan shores. There is a place in a long seclusion: an island makes a port by the obstruction of its sides, by which all is broken from on high and the wave divides into bays, turned back. From here and there vast cliffs and twin rocks threaten in the sky, the tops of which, under the wide area, the safe sea is quiet; then, above, a bright stage of woods, a black forest looming with horror, towers in the shadow. In front, opposite the cliffs hanging over, a cave, inside sweet water and living seats of rock, the home of nymphs: here no bonds hold the exhausted ships, no anchor bites with its hook. Here Aeneas goes to help seven collected ships, with all the ships gathered from every number, enters; and, with great love of the land, the Trojans, exhausted from the journey, reach the desired sand and lay their salt-worn limbs on the shore. And first, Achates strikes a spark from flint, and receives the fire with leaves, and gives dry nourishment all around, and quickly snatches the flame on kindling. Then, the tired men prepare Ceres corrupted by the waves and Cerealian weapons, and the fruits gathered and roast them with flames and break them with rocks.

Meanwhile, Aeneas climbs the rock and surveys the whole sea far and wide, if he sees anyone cast by the wind, Phrygian ships, or Capyn, or arms on high ships of Caicus, or if he may see some Anthea thrown by the wind. He sees no ship in sight, but on the shore he sees three wandering deer; these the whole herd follows from behind, and a long crowd pastures through the valley. He stands here, and quickly with his hand takes his bow and swift arrows, which faithful Achates used to carry; and first he kills their leaders, bearing high heads with tree-like horns, then the crowd, and mixes everything with his arrows among the leafy throngs of the forest; and he does not stop until, victorious, he throws seven huge bodies on the ground and equalizes the number with the ships. He then seeks the port and divides his companions among all. The wine, which good Acestes had loaded in casks from the Trinacrian shore and had given to the departing hero, he divides and with words comforts the mourning hearts:

"O companions—for we are not ignorant of past evils—O who have suffered more severe things, the god will give an end to these things also. You have approached the rage of Scylla and the rocks of Cyclops thoroughly: recall your spirits, and cast off sad fear; perhaps it will have helped to remember these things later. Through various fortunes, through so many differences of things, we tend to Latium; where fate shows peaceful seats; there it is allowed to revive the kingdom of Troy. Endure and keep yourselves safe in prosperous things."

He brings back such great things with his voice, and the man sick with huge worries pretends hope on his face, and he presses pain deep in his heart.

Questions about the Latin

  1. What is the grammatical function of "quae" in the phrase "Fronte sub adversa scopulis pendentibus antrum"?

  • "quae" is a pronoun that refers to the noun "antrum", it functions as an object of the preposition "in".

  1. What is the grammatical function of "cum" in the phrase "collectis navibus omni ex numero"?

  • "cum" is a conjunction that connects the adjective "collectis" and the noun "navibus".

  1. What is the grammatical case of "arcum" in the phrase "arcumque manu celerisque sagittas"?

  • "arcum" is in the accusative case, it is the object of the verb "corripuit".

  1. What is the grammatical function of "fundat" in the phrase "septem ingentia victor corpora fundat humi"?

  • "fundat" is a verb in the third person singular, it expresses the action of the subject "victor" laying down the bodies.

  1. What is the grammatical function of "in" in the phrase "Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum tendimus in Latium"?

  • "in" is a preposition indicating direction or goal, it connects the verb "tendimus" to the noun "Latium" indicating that they are going towards Latium.

Lines 418-440, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Corripuere viam interea, qua semita monstrat. Iamque ascendebant collem, qui plurimus urbi imminet, adversasque adspectat desuper arces.               420 Miratur molem Aeneas, magalia quondam, miratur portas strepitumque et strata viarum. Instant ardentes Tyrii pars ducere muros, molirique arcem et manibus subvolvere saxa, pars optare locum tecto et concludere sulco.               425 [Iura magistratusque legunt sanctumque senatum;] hic portus alii effodiunt; hic alta theatris fundamenta locant alii, immanisque columnas rupibus excidunt, scaenis decora alta futuris. Qualis apes aestate nova per florea rura               430 exercet sub sole labor, cum gentis adultos educunt fetus, aut cum liquentia mella stipant et dulci distendunt nectare cellas, aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut agmine facto ignavom fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent:               435 fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella. 'O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!' Aeneas ait, et fastigia suspicit urbis. Infert se saeptus nebula, mirabile dictu, per medios, miscetque viris, neque cernitur ulli.               440

Modern English Translation

Meanwhile, they seized the road, on which the path it showed. And now they climb hills, which very much hangs over the city, and from above he gazes at the opposite towers. Aeneas marvels over the mass, huts a long time ago, he marvels at the gates and the noise and the paths of the streets. The eager Tyrians press on, part reading the walls, and laboring at the citadel, and rolling rocks with their hands, another part choosing a location for a roof and finishing with a trench. [They choose laws and administrators and a sacred senate;] Some men are digging out ports here; others are placing the high foundations for theaters here, and they are cutting out huge pillars from the cliffs, the high decorations for the future stages. Just like work exercises bees in summer through new country flowers under the sun, when they lead out the adult children of their race, or when they press liquid honeys and they stretch out their cells with sweet nectar, or they accept heavy things of the ones arriving, or when a battle line has been made, they seperate the lazy herd, the drones, from their hives: the work burns, and the fragrant honeys smell with thyme. ' O fortunate men, whose walls already rise!' Aeneas said, and he looks up at the peaks of the city. He brings himself inside having been surrounded by fog, strange to say, through the middle of men, and he mixes with men, and he is not being distinguished from anyone.

Questions about the Latin

  1. What is the verb tense used in line 420?

  • The verb tense used in line 420 is the present tense.

  1. What is the subject of the verb in line 425?

  • The subject of the verb in line 425 is "alii" (some).

  1. What is the mood of the verb in line 432?

  • The mood of the verb in line 432 is the indicative mood.

  1. What is the case of the noun "molem" in line 421?

  • The case of the noun "molem" in line 421 is the accusative case.

  1. What is the number of the verb in line 427?

  • The number of the verb in line 427 is the plural.

Lines 494-519, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Haec dum Dardanio Aeneae miranda videntur, dum stupet, obtutuque haeret defixus in uno,               495 regina ad templum, forma pulcherrima Dido, incessit magna iuvenum stipante caterva. Qualis in Eurotae ripis aut per iuga Cynthi exercet Diana choros, quam mille secutae hinc atque hinc glomerantur oreades; illa pharetram               500 fert umero, gradiensque deas supereminet omnis: Latonae tacitum pertemptant gaudia pectus: talis erat Dido, talem se laeta ferebat per medios, instans operi regnisque futuris. Tum foribus divae, media testudine templi,               505 saepta armis, solioque alte subnixa resedit. Iura dabat legesque viris, operumque laborem partibus aequabat iustis, aut sorte trahebat: cum subito Aeneas concursu accedere magno Anthea Sergestumque videt fortemque Cloanthum,               510 Teucrorumque alios, ater quos aequore turbo dispulerat penitusque alias avexerat oras. Obstipuit simul ipse simul perculsus Achates laetitiaque metuque; avidi coniungere dextras ardebant; sed res animos incognita turbat.               515 Dissimulant, et nube cava speculantur amicti, quae fortuna viris, classem quo litore linquant, quid veniant; cunctis nam lecti navibus ibant, orantes veniam, et templum clamore petebant.

Modern English Translation

While these things seem wonderful to Dardanian Aeneas and he stands there, staring fixedly at them, the queen, the very beautiful Dido, entered the temple, surrounded by a great throng of young men. Just as Diana leads the dance on the banks of the Eurotas or the heights of Cynthus, with a thousand nymphs following her on this side and that, clustering around her; she carries a quiver on her shoulder and, walking among the goddesses, surpasses them all: Latona feels silent joy in her heart. So Dido was, so she carried herself joyfully through the middle of them, pressing on with the work and the future kingdoms. Then the goddess, in the middle of the temple with a roof of shields, surrounded by arms, and sitting on a high throne, gave laws and regulations to the men and divided the labor of the works justly, or drew lots for it. Suddenly, Aeneas sees Antheus and brave Sergestus, and Cloanthus and many other Teucrians, whom a black storm had scattered far and wide and carried off to other shores. He and Achates were both startled and amazed at the same time; they were eager to join hands, but the unknown circumstances were troubling them. They concealed their feelings and, hiding under a cloud, they watched to see what fate had in store for the men, on what shore they were leaving their ships, and why they had come. For they were all going on the ships that had been picked out, asking for permission and calling out to the temple.

Questions about the Latin

  1. What is the grammatical device used in line 495?

  • The grammatical device used in line 495 is a participle phrase, "dum stupet, obtutuque haeret defixus in uno", which modifies Aeneas and describes his state of mind as he looks at the city being built.

  1. What is the grammatical device used in line 500?

  • The grammatical device used in line 500 is an ablative absolute, "quam mille secutae hinc atque hinc glomerantur oreades", which describes the action of the nymphs following Diana and clustering around her.

  1. What is the grammatical device used in line 505?

  • The grammatical device used in line 505 is a dative of agent, "media testudine templi", which describes the location of the temple and means "in the middle of the temple's roof"

  1. What is the grammatical device used in line 510?

  • The grammatical device used in line 510 is a nominative absolute, "cum subito Aeneas concursu accedere magno Anthea Sergestumque videt fortemque Cloanthum, Teucrorumque alios", which describes Aeneas' sudden surprise and the subject of the main clause "videt".

  1. What is the grammatical device used in line 515?

  • The grammatical device used in line 515 is a gerundive phrase, "orantes veniam, et templum clamore petebant", which describes the action of the Trojan refugees as they begged for forgiveness and cried out for the temple.

Lines 520-578, Book 1, The Aeneid

Original Passage

Postquam introgressi et coram data copia fandi,               520 maximus Ilioneus placido sic pectore coepit: 'O Regina, novam cui condere Iuppiter urbem iustitiaque dedit gentis frenare superbas, Troes te miseri, ventis maria omnia vecti, oramus, prohibe infandos a navibus ignis,               525 parce pio generi, et propius res aspice nostras. Non nos aut ferro Libycos populare Penatis venimus, aut raptas ad litora vertere praedas; non ea vis animo, nec tanta superbia victis. Est locus, Hesperiam Grai cognomine dicunt,               530 terra antiqua, potens armis atque ubere glaebae; Oenotri coluere viri; nunc fama minores Italiam dixisse ducis de nomine gentem. Hic cursus fuit: cum subito adsurgens fluctu nimbosus Orion               535 in vada caeca tulit, penitusque procacibus austris perque undas, superante salo, perque invia saxa dispulit; huc pauci vestris adnavimus oris. Quod genus hoc hominum? Quaeve hunc tam barbara morem permittit patria? Hospitio prohibemur harenae;               540 bella cient, primaque vetant consistere terra. Si genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma at sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi.

'Rex erat Aeneas nobis, quo iustior alter, nec pietate fuit, nec bello maior et armis.               545 Quem si fata virum servant, si vescitur aura aetheria, neque adhuc crudelibus occubat umbris, non metus; officio nec te certasse priorem poeniteat. Sunt et Siculis regionibus urbes armaque, Troianoque a sanguine clarus Acestes.               550 Quassatam ventis liceat subducere classem, et silvis aptare trabes et stringere remos: si datur Italiam, sociis et rege recepto, tendere, ut Italiam laeti Latiumque petamus; sin absumpta salus, et te, pater optime Teucrum,               555 pontus habet Libyae, nec spes iam restat Iuli, at freta Sicaniae saltem sedesque paratas, unde huc advecti, regemque petamus Acesten.'

Talibus Ilioneus; cuncti simul ore fremebant Dardanidae.                                                                           560

Tum breviter Dido, voltum demissa, profatur: 'Solvite corde metum, Teucri, secludite curas. Res dura et regni novitas me talia cogunt moliri, et late finis custode tueri. Quis genus Aeneadum, quis Troiae nesciat urbem,               565 virtutesque virosque, aut tanti incendia belli? Non obtusa adeo gestamus pectora Poeni, nec tam aversus equos Tyria Sol iungit ab urbe. Seu vos Hesperiam magnam Saturniaque arva, sive Erycis finis regemque optatis Acesten,               570 auxilio tutos dimittam, opibusque iuvabo. Voltis et his mecum pariter considere regnis; urbem quam statuo vestra est, subducite navis; Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur. Atque utinam rex ipse Noto compulsus eodem               575 adforet Aeneas! Equidem per litora certos dimittam et Libyae lustrare extrema iubebo, si quibus eiectus silvis aut urbibus errat.'

Modern English Translation

After entering and being given the opportunity to speak, the greatest of the Trojans, Ilioneus, began with a calm heart: "O Queen, to whom Jupiter has given the power to build a new city and to restrain the proud nations, we, the unfortunate Trojans, driven by all the winds and seas, beg you, prevent the infamous fire from our ships, spare our pious family, and take a closer look at our situation. We did not come to invade the Libyans with our Penates or to turn captured spoils towards the shores; that is not our intention or such a great arrogance for the defeated. There is a place, which the Greeks call by the name of Hesperia, an ancient land, powerful in weapons and rich in soil; the Oenotrians lived there; now the rumor is that a leader gave the name to the nation. This was our course: when suddenly the stormy Orion rose and brought us in the blind shallows, and deep into the reckless south winds, over the waves, and over the inaccessible rocks, and here we have come to a few of your shores. What kind of people are these? What country allows such a barbaric custom? We are prohibited from seeking refuge on the sand; they make war and do not allow us to land first. If you despise the human race and mortal weapons, hope in the gods who remember speech and wrongdoing. Aeneas was our king, more just than any other, neither in piety nor in war and weapons was he greater. If fate preserves that man and if he is nourished by the heavenly breeze and has not yet fallen to cruel shadows, do not fear; it will not be a regret for you to have competed with him. There are also cities and weapons in the Sicilian regions and Acestes, who is famous for his Trojan blood. Let it be allowed to bring our ship, which has been damaged by the winds, back to shore and to prepare the beams and to tie the oars with the woods; if it is given to us to head for Italy, with our allies and our king back, and to seek Italy and Latium happily; if our salvation is lost, and you, the best father of the Trojans, the sea of Libya holds, and there is no hope left for Julius, then at least the Sicilian seas and the prepared settlements, from where we were brought here, and we will seek King Acestes." Ilioneus spoke in such a way and all the Dardanians together murmured with one voice. Then Dido, with her face lowered, briefly spoke: "Ease your fear, Trojans, and put aside your worries. The harshness of the situation and the newness of my rule force me to plan such things and to guard the farthest boundaries. Who does not know the city of Troy, the virtues and the men of Aeneas, or the flames of such a great war? The hearts of the Phoenicians are not so dull, nor does the Tyrian Sun so far away unite horses with our city. Whether you desire great Hesperia and the fields of Saturn or the limits of Eryx and King Acestes, I will let you go with help and I will aid you with resources. You also wish to consider these realms together with me; the city which I am building is yours, bring your ships to shore; Trojans and Tyrians will be treated equally with me. And may the king himself, driven by the same south wind, come here! Indeed, I will let him go through the certain shores and will order him to explore the farthest parts of Libya, if he is ejected from the woods or the cities."

Question about the Latin:

  1. What is the purpose of the participle "data" in line 519?

  • The participle "data" is used as an adjective modifying "copia fandi" and indicates that the speaking opportunity has already been given.

  1. How does the use of the subjunctive mood in line 524 ("prohibe infandos a navibus ignis") affect the meaning of the sentence?

  • The use of the subjunctive mood in line 524 indicates that the speaker is making a request or suggestion, rather than giving a command or statement of fact.

  1. What is the function of the ablative absolute "ventis maria omnia vecti" in line 526?

  • The ablative absolute "ventis maria omnia vecti" provides additional information about the Trojans' situation, without being directly connected to the main clause. It describes how the Trojans were brought to the queen by winds and waves.

  1. How does the use of the genitive "Penatis" in line 531 affect the meaning of the sentence?

  • The use of the genitive "Penatis" indicates possession, showing that the Trojans are not there to populate the Libyans' Penates (household gods) with their own people.

  1. What is the purpose of the repeated phrase "huc pauci" in lines 535 and 540?

  • The repeated phrase "huc pauci" emphasizes the small number of Trojans who have arrived at the queen's kingdom and the precariousness of their situation. It also emphasizes the Trojans' humble request for help and protection.