BIO112 Exam 2 Study Guide
Plant Diversity
· Identify and define the adaptations that arose in land plants : leaves, roots/vascularity, seeds, flowers/fruits
o What is the organ of photosynthesis?
§ leaves
o How did roots and vascularity effect plant structure?
§ Gave them structure with the flow of more nutrients and water
o What is the purpose of seeds?
§ To grow the embryo
o What is the purpose of fruits and/or flowers?
§ To protect seeds
· Define alternation of generation
o The switching between ploidys
· Identify the ploidy of the sporophyte and gametophyte
o Sporophytes (2n)
o Gametophyte (n)
· Nonvascular plants – bryophytes
o Identify an example: moss
o List the two reasons they must stay moist
§ for the sperm to swim
§ they have no real roots and need water to reach the entire plant
· Vascularity
o Define the xylem and the phloem
§ Xylem: roots up
§ Phloem: sugar from photosynthesis to the roots
· Vascular seedless – ferns
o Where do these plants keep their spores?
§ Underneath the leaves at sporangia
· Gymnosperms
o Define naked seeds – have no flower/fruit
o Define pollen – sperm of plants
· Angiosperms
o Define a flower and/or fruit – protect the seed
o Identify the male and female parts of a flower
§ Male: stamen: anther and filament
§ Female: carpel: stigma, style, ovary / ovule
o Differentiate between mono- and dicots
§ Mono: carpet of leaves, parallel leaves, flowers in groups of 3
§ Dicots: taproot system, veined leaves, flowers in groups of 5
Animal Diversity: Sponges – Arthropods
· List the four characteristics all animals have
o Multicellularity, eukaryotes, heterotrophy, extracellular matrix
· Define gastrulation: blastula folding in on itself to form germ layers
o Define the ectoderm and endoderm
§ Ecto: outer layer for skin and nervous system
§ Endo: inner layer for digestive tract
· Differentiate between protostomes and deuterostomes
o Protostomes: 3 germ layers with a mesoderm
o Deuterostomes: 2 germ layers
o Define the mesoderm
§ Middle germ layer the develops into tissues and organs
· Define coelom : a body cavity
o Differentiate between acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate
§ Acoelomate: no body cavity
§ Pseudocoelomate: fluid filled body cavities that loosely hold organs
§ Coelomate: body cavity
· For each phylum:
o Are there specialized structures or cells?
§ Porifera (sponges)
· Collar cells
· Porous
· No tissues
· amoebocytes
§ Cnidarians (jellyfish)
· Cnidocytes
· tissues
§ Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
· Tissues
· No specialized systems
· Eyespots
· Rudimentary digestive and nervous system
§ Nematoda (Roundworms)
· Unsegmented
· Pseudocoelomates
· Both mouth and anus
§ Mollusca (Mollusks)
· Mantle
· Muscular appendage foot for movement
· Visceral mass: digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive
§ Annelida (segmented worms)
· Gas exchange through skin
· Aortic arches
§ Arthropods (crunch)
· 3 body segments
· Exoskeleton
· Complex organ system
· Chelicerae: fused head and thorax and grasping jaws
· Mandibulates: chewing jaws
o What type of symmetry do they have?
§ Porifera (sponges)
· No symmetry
§ Cnidarians (jellyfish)
· Radial symmetry
§ Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
· Bilateral
§ Nematoda (Roundworms)
· bilateral
§ Mollusca (Mollusks)
· bilateral
§ Annelida (segmented worms)
· bilateral
§ Arthropods (crunch)
· bilateral
o Are they protostomes, deuterostomes, or neither?
§ Porifera (sponges)
· neither
§ Cnidarians (jellyfish)
· deuterostomes
§ Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
· protostomes
§ Nematoda (Roundworms)
· Protostomes
§ Mollusca (Mollusks)
· proto
§ Annelida (segmented worms)
· proto
§ Arthropods (crunch)
· proto
o Do they have a body cavity?
§ Porifera (sponges)
· no
§ Cnidarians (jellyfish)
· no
§ Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
· no
§ Nematoda (Roundworms)
· Pseudocoelom – fluid filled
§ Mollusca (Mollusks)
· Yes – visceral mass
§ Annelida (segmented worms)
· yes
§ Arthropods (crunch)
· yes
o How do they reproduce?
§ Porifera (sponges)
· Sexual and asexual
· hermaphroditic
§ Cnidarians (jellyfish)
· Alternation of generations
- Medusa and polyp
§ Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
· Asexual and sexual
· Hermaphroditic
§ Nematoda (Roundworms)
· Asexual and sexual
· hermaphroditic
§ Mollusca (Mollusks)
· sexual
§ Annelida (segmented worms)
· Sexual and asexual
· hermaphroditic
§ Arthropods (crunch)
· Sexual
· internal
o What are some examples of each?
§ Porifera (sponges)
§ Cnidarians (jellyfish, coral reef, sea anemones)
§ Platyhelminthes (flatworms, fluke, tapeworm)
§ Nematoda (Roundworms, hookworms)
§ Mollusca (scallops, snails, slugs, octopi, squid)
§ Annelida (leeches)
§ Arthropods (crab, cricket, spider, lobster)
Animal Diversity: Echinoderms and Chordates
· Are echinoderms and chordates protostomes or deuterostomes?
o Echinoderms: deuterostomes
o Chordates: Protostomes
· List the four chordate characteristics and give a brief description
o Notochord -- spine
o Nerve cord – spinal cord and brain
o Pharyngeal slits – gills, ear structure, and jaw
o Postanal tail -- tailbone
· Define dermal denticles --
o Which dermal denticles did we discuss? Which dermal denticles do you have?
§ Scales, feathers, teeth, glands, hair
§ We have teeth, hair, and mammary glands
· Identify major evolutionary characteristics
o First craniate: hagfish
o first vertebrate: lamprey
o first tetrapod: amphibian
o first amniotic egg: reptile
o first placenta: mammal
· For each phylum/class:
o What type of symmetry do they have?
§ Echinoderms: radial
§ Tunicate: bilateral
§ Lancelets: bilateral
§ Hagfish: bilateral
§ Lamprey: bilateral
§ Cartilaginous Fishes: bilateral
§ Amphibians: bilateral
§ Reptiles: bilateral
§ Mammals: bilateral
o How do they reproduce?
§ Echinoderms: sexually (external) and asexually (regenerate)
§ Tunicate: externally, hermaphroditic
§ Lancelets: Sexually externally
§ Hagfish: sexually externally
§ Lamprey: Sexually externally
§ Cartilaginous Fishes: both internal and external sexual reproduction (oviparous)
§ Amphibians: internal and external sexually
§ Reptiles: Sexually internal fertilization
§ Mammals: sexually internal
· Monotremes: eggs
· Marsupials: live birth early in development
· Placental: in the placenta in mother
o What are some examples of each?
§ Echinoderms: starfish
§ Tunicate: sea squirts
§ Lancelets:
§ Hagfish:
§ Lamprey:
§ Cartilaginous Fishes: sharks
§ Amphibians: frog, salamander
§ Reptiles: lizard, turtles, snaked, birds
§ Mammals: whales, humans
o What was the major evolutionary trait?
Amniotic egg- protects and nourished the embryo without the mother