Medication: Dextrose
Classification: Carbohydrate
Indication: Altered Mental Status
Protocol: Treat a blood glucose of 60 or less using 10% Dextrose 250 mL Intravenous (IV), titrated for effect to improve consciousness.
Indication: Altered Mental Status
Protocol: Treat a blood glucose of 60 or less using 5 mL/kg of 10% Dextrose IV, with a maximum dosage of 250 mL, titrated for effect to improve consciousness.
Elevates Blood Glucose Level
Potential Side Effects:
If injected into interstitial tissues; damage can occur.
Sclerosing Effect: Marked effect on veins can lead to complications if not properly managed.
Onset: 1 minute
Peak: Duration dependent on blood glucose levels and underlying causes.
Duration: Also varies based on blood glucose levels and underlying causes.
Safety: D10 is much safer for patients than D50.
Dosage Adjustment for Pediatrics:
If volume given to pediatrics is >100 mL, excess fluid should be removed, leaving the correct dose in the bag.
For <100 mL, use a syringe to draw from the IV bag and administer slowly via IV push.
Available Forms:
25g/250 mL IV bag (D10)
25g/50 mL PFS (D50)
Intravenous (IV): Primary route.
IV Piggy Back: Can be utilized for administration.
Intraosseous (IO):
If unable to establish an IV, Dextrose can be administered via IO.
Administer with caution, ensuring pain is managed (if infusion causes pain, use lidocaine).
Monitor IV site for extravasation. Aspirate before and during administration if giving IV.
Doses should be titrated to improved mental status.
D10 is much safer for patients than D50.