Medication Overview

  • Medication: Dextrose

  • Classification: Carbohydrate

Treatment Protocols

Adult Protocol

  • Indication: Altered Mental Status

  • Protocol: Treat a blood glucose of 60 or less using 10% Dextrose 250 mL Intravenous (IV), titrated for effect to improve consciousness.

Pediatric Protocol

  • Indication: Altered Mental Status

  • Protocol: Treat a blood glucose of 60 or less using 5 mL/kg of 10% Dextrose IV, with a maximum dosage of 250 mL, titrated for effect to improve consciousness.


  • Elevates Blood Glucose Level

  • Potential Side Effects:

    • Hyperglycemia

    • Dehydration

    • If injected into interstitial tissues; damage can occur.

  • Sclerosing Effect: Marked effect on veins can lead to complications if not properly managed.


  • Onset: 1 minute

  • Peak: Duration dependent on blood glucose levels and underlying causes.

  • Duration: Also varies based on blood glucose levels and underlying causes.

  • Safety: D10 is much safer for patients than D50.

  • Dosage Adjustment for Pediatrics:

    • If volume given to pediatrics is >100 mL, excess fluid should be removed, leaving the correct dose in the bag.

    • For <100 mL, use a syringe to draw from the IV bag and administer slowly via IV push.

Dosage Form

  • Available Forms:

    • 25g/250 mL IV bag (D10)

    • 25g/50 mL PFS (D50)

Prehospital Routes of Administration

  • Intravenous (IV): Primary route.

  • IV Piggy Back: Can be utilized for administration.

  • Intraosseous (IO):

    • If unable to establish an IV, Dextrose can be administered via IO.

    • Administer with caution, ensuring pain is managed (if infusion causes pain, use lidocaine).

Administration Notes

  • Monitoring:

    • Monitor IV site for extravasation. Aspirate before and during administration if giving IV.

    • Doses should be titrated to improved mental status.

    • D10 is much safer for patients than D50.
