1 Q: Adventure Novels - These are among the chapters in what novel?
Wrecked on a Desert Island
First Weeks on the Island
Finds Print of Man's foot on the Sand
Rescue of Prisoners from Cannibals
Visit of Mutineers
Return to England
A: Robinson Crusoe
2 Q: Riddles - Answer this funereal riddle.
Who makes it, has not need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it?
A: coffin
3 Q: Novels - This is the opening line of what novel by Ian Fleming?
Most motorcars are conglomerations (this is
a long word for bundles) of steel and wire and
rubber and plastic and electricity and oil and
gasoline and water, and the toffee papers
you pushed down the crack in the back seat
last Sunday.
A: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
4 Q: Organs - What organ just below the diaphragm is shaped like the letter J, measures about 12
inches long, and can hold about 1.5 quarts?
A: stomach
5 Q: Atomic Weight - A uranium atom has 92 times the atomic weight of the what element?
A: hydrogen
6 Q: Etymology - The term “jovial“ is derived from the name of what Roman god?
A: Jupiter (Jove)
7 Q: Poisons - What kind of tissues are destroyed or damaged by neurotoxins?
A: nerve (nervous) tissues
8 Q: Novels - These novels are all about what ancient civilization?
The Struggle of Thebes
The Memoirs of Cleopatra
A: Egypt
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9 Q: Technology - What kind of light-emitting device has applications in dentistry, metal cutting,
latent fingerprint detection, bloodless surgery, barcode scanning, light shows, burning optical
discs, and shooting down missiles?
A: laser
10 Q: The Arts - What term, derived from the Latin word for father, indicates a person who provides
substantial funding for an acting troupe?
A: patron
11 Q: The Moon - If “waning“ indicates the period between full moon and new moon, what term
indicates the period between new moon and full moon?
A: waxing
12 Q: Redundancy - Restate this phrase in two words.
the autobiography of my life
A: my autobiography
13 Q: Mutinies - Who was in command of the Discovery just prior to a mutiny in 1611 that left him
and 8 others adrift in a small boat somewhere north of present day Ontario?
A: Henry Hudson
14 Q: Skin Conditions - It is caused by pressure or friction, affects only the outermost layer of skin,
and covers a wider area than a corn. Name this localized thickening of the epidermis.
A: callus
15 Q: Visual Acuity - A nearsighted person who can read at 20 feet what a person with normal
acuity can read at 30 yards has vision measured at what value?
A: 20/90
16 Q: Island Namesakes - On Santa Catalina's Day in 1602, the Basque navigator Sebastian
Viscaino landed on an island off the west coast of North America and gave it what name?
A: Santa Catalina (Catalina) Island
17 Q: Fractions - One half is one third of what number?
A: 1 1/2
18 Q: Planetary History - What is the colloquial name for a period in Earth's history called a glacial
A: ice age
19 Q: Fruit Color - If oranges had somehow only grown in their complementary color, what would
they have been called?
A: blues
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20 Q: Wordplay - What form of wordplay is used in this verse?
Clummy mimed a clountain
As tall as it could be.
Its clead was in the houds,
Its seet were in the fea.
A: spoonerism
21 Q: Sols - Fog is an example of a liquid dispersed in what phase of matter?
A: a gas
22 Q: Igneous Rock - Name the shiny, glassy rock created when molten lava containing a high
percentage of silica cools very quickly.
A: obsidian
23 Q: Seas - Name the largest country that borders the Yellow Sea.
A: China
24 Q: Vessels - What kind of Chinese sailing vessel has a name that is a synonym for rubbish?
A: junk
25 Q: Conflict - What war ended when American troops defeated soldiers commanded by General
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna?
A: Mexican War
26 Q: Comets - If Zoe was 10 years old when she saw Halley's Comet in 1986, how old will she be
when she can see it again?
A: 65 (or 66)
27 Q: Lakes - What geological phenomenon formed the Finger Lakes in New York, Walden Pond in
Massachusetts, and Lake of the Woods in Minnesota and Ontario?
A: glaciers
28 Q: Citizen Groups - These are tongue-in-cheek definitions about what common group of
American citizens?
-someone who works for the federal
government but who doesn't have to
take a civil service examination
-one who has the government on his payroll
A: taxpayer
29 Q: Aviation History - What plane took off in May of 1927 from Roosevelt Field on Long Island
and landed with its one occupant about 33 hours later at Le Bourget Airport near Paris?
A: The Spirit of St. Louis
30 Q: Book Parts - In a book, what is the term for each side of each leaf?
A: page
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31 Q: River Systems - In what country would you find the Murray-Darling Basin and the Lake Eyre
A: Australia
32 Q: Feathered Foods - This is about what birds?
At one time, in the early 1800s, billions of
them flocked over eastern North America.
They had pinkish bodies and blue-gray heads,
and long, pointed tails. But from about 1870,
with the westward migration of settlers,
millions of them were slaughtered for food to
the point of their extinction.
A: passenger pigeons
33 Q: Borrowed Words - From what language do we get the words chow, tea, wok, and won ton?
A: Chinese
34 Q: Lines - How many straight lines can be drawn through two distinct points?
A: 1
35 Q: Consumer Math - The Auk Emporium reduced the price of a stately brass Great Auk statue
by 15%. What was the original price if the sale price is $1275?
A: $1500
36 Q: Statehood - Name either of the two states admitted to the Union during William Howard
Taft's administration.
A: Arizona, New Mexico
37 Q: Figurative Language - What figure of speech is evident in these lines?
Dad will kill me when he comes home.
He's skinnier than a toothpick.
She's so sad she's drowning in tears.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
I've heard all that a thousand times.
A: hyperbole
38 Q: Circulation - The smallest blood vessels in a closed circulatory system where the exchange
of gases, waste products, and other substances between the blood and cells occurs are called
A: capillaries
39 Q: English - What type of phrase follows “traveled“ in this line?
They traveled to the eastern shore.
A: prepositional
40 Q: Exercise - What common exercise is used to develop your abs?
A: sit-ups (crunches)
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41 Q: Behavior - What is the name for unlearned behaviors such as nest building by birds or
swimming by newborn whales?
A: instincts
42 Q: Injuries - What is the common name for a contusion around the eye?
A: black eye (shiner)
43 Q: Cycles - What kind of energy drives the water cycle?
A: solar energy
44 Q: Sedimentary Rocks - Up to 90% of the grains of what common sedimentary rock often found
in sinkholes and caverns are skeletal fragments of organisms that lived in the ocean?
A: limestone
45 Q: Algebraic Ages - Represent the age of a person y years ago if his present age is p years.
A: p - y
46 Q: Mountain Ranges - The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of what much larger mountain range?
A: Appalachians
47 Q: Ancient Wonders - Around 250 B.C., Phylo of Byzantium wrote this about what was to
become one of the ancient wonders of the world?
It has plants cultivated at a height above
embedded in an upper terrace rather than in
the earth.
A: Hanging Gardens
48 Q: Caribbean Capitals - Kingston is the capital of what Caribbean country and member of the
A: Jamaica
49 Q: Sweet Stuff - What substance produced by many plants is the sugar source for honey?
A: nectar
50 Q: Disorders - What is the term for motion sickness aboard a watercraft?
A: seasickness
51 Q: Triangular Trade - In the era of triangular trade, what commodity produced in the Caribbean
would be shipped to either New England or to Europe where it would be distilled into rum?
A: sugar (or sugarcane or molasses)
52 Q: Pipe - If the outside diameter of a pipe is 19 inches and the inside diameter of the pipe is 15
inches, how thick is the pipe wall?
A: 2 inches
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53 Q: Biological Homonyms - What term can refer to the flattened part of a moose antler, a type of
tropical evergreen tree, or the inner surface of the hand?
A: palm
54 Q: Towering Diets - According to the punster, a low-calorie and low-cholesterol diet makes the
Tower of Pisa do what?
A: lean
55 Q: Shared Names - What name used in a suite by Tchaikovsky is also that of a North American
bird that feeds mainly on pine cone seeds as well as that of an implement used to open dried
fruits such as pecans and almonds?
A: nutcracker
56 Q: Venomous Reptiles - Name any of the three U.S. states that today has no natural population
of any venomous reptiles.
A: Alaska, Hawaii, Maine
57 Q: Mythical Anatomy - The part of the inner ear called the labyrinth is also the name of the
Greek mythical maze in Crete within which what monster was confined?
A: Minotaur
58 Q: Patriotic Songs - This is an excerpt from what song?
You’re the emblem of the land I love,
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev’ry heart beats true under Red, White
and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or a brag
A: You're a Grand Old Flag
59 Q: Heads of State - These were heads of state on what continent?
Jawaharlal Nehru
Chiang Kai-shek
Ho Chi-Minh
A: Asia
60 Q: Continents - What two continents are closest to Antarctica?
A: South America, Australia
61 Q: Expressions - What kind of writing error is illustrated in these phrases?
unintended mistake
suddenly exploded
same identical
usual custom
protest against
past history
plan ahead
A: redundancy (repetition)
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62 Q: Life Forms - All life can be divided into two major categories including the producers and
what other?
A: consumers
63 Q: Dyes - What dye with a color between blue and violet was formerly extracted from the leaves
of plants of the genus Indigofera?
A: indigo
64 Q: Square Root - The two square roots of 25/36 are 5/6 or what else?
A: -5/6
65 Q: Anatomical Adjectives - To what part of the body does the adjective “radio-ulnar“ apply?
A: lower arm (forearm)
66 Q: Population Density - In the Black Hole of Calcutta, 146 British prisoners were crammed into a
room of 20 feet square. To the nearest tenth, how many square feet did each prisoner have to
A: 1.6
67 Q: Sound - If a sound travels 343 meters per second and it takes four seconds to hear its echo,
the surface producing the echo is how far away?
A: 686 meters
68 Q: 12th Century Industry - In the early 12th century at the Venetian Arsenal, ship production
involved moving the partially completed vessel down a canal past various stations, where more
parts were added. Producing about one new galley per day, this was an early version of what
kind of industrial line?
A: assembly line
69 Q: Frontier Settlements - The first two settlements in the region that became what state were
Harrodsburg and Boonesborough?
A: Kentucky
70 Q: Electricity - In electronics, what is another name for a nonconductor?
A: insulator
71 Q: Second-Century Sightings - What is suggested by Lucian of Samosata of Syria in this
excerpt from his writings?
I saw the likeness of Derketo in Phoenicia, a
strange marvel. It is woman for half its length,
but the other half, from thighs to feet,
stretched out in a fish's tail.
A: mermaid
72 Q: Plurals - What is the plural of “mother-in-law“?
A: mothers-in-law
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73 Q: Fractions - If the values of p and r in the fraction, (pq)/r, are both quadrupled, what happens
to the value of the fraction?
A: Value remains the same.
74 Q: Monomial Addition - What is the sum of the following?
A: 5ab
75 Q: Figurative Language - What figure of speech is used in this line?
Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a
A: simile
76 Q: Eclipses - Because of effects of Earth's atmosphere, the Moon can have what apparent color
during an eclipse?
A: red (reddish)
77 Q: Short Stories - By its title, you can tell this anthology of stories is about people of what
Sword of the Samurai
A: Japan
78 Q: Scientific Professionals - What kind of scientist is particularly intrigued by these kinds of
Who were the ancestors of Homo sapiens?
What are the behavioral, social, and cultural
traits of different groups of people?
A: anthropologist
79 Q: Triangles - The sides of a triangle with a perimeter of 90 meters are in the ratio of 5 to 12 to
13. What is the length of the longest side?
A: 39 meters
80 Q: Animal Anatomy - Back of the body is to hind limb as front of the body is to what?
A: forelimb
81 Q: Ancient Dramatist Grammar - What is the adverb in this line by Sophocles?
I would prefer even to fail with honor
than to win by cheating.
A: even
82 Q: Weapons - What hunting weapon is a strictly Australian creation?
A: boomerang
83 Q: French - What does the French word “petit“ mean?
A: small (petty, little)
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84 Q: Meteorology - Mountains block the passage of precipitation-producing weather systems,
resulting in an area of dryness on their lee sides. This is called what kind of shadow?
A: rain shadow
85 Q: Currencies - The symbol for what currency was inspired by the Greek letter “epsilon“ with two
horizontal, parallel lines through its center?
A: euro
86 Q: Political Analogies - Right wing is to conservative as left wing is to what?
A: liberal
87 Q: Government Bodies - A cabinet is a body of high-ranking officials that typically represents
which branch of government?
A: executive branch
88 Q: Comet Math - The Hale-Bopp comet was last seen in 1997. If its period is 2380 years and
there are still people around, in what year will it next be seen?
A: 4377
89 Q: Ancient Proverbs - What prepositional phrase completes this line written by Plutarch in the
second century?
He is a fool who lets slip a bird
in the hand for a bird ...
A: in the bush
90 Q: Tense - What tense is illustrated in this sentence?
The best-laid plans of mice and men often
go astray.
A: present tense
91 Q: Involuntary Actions - What did you just do when you expelled some 40,000 tiny droplets at
speeds up to 20 miles per hour creating a 5-oot spray radius?
A: sneezed
92 Q: Communications - In 1858, Queen Victoria and President Buchanan exchanged messaged
by means of the first transatlantic cable, the brainchild of what American merchant and
A: Cyrus Field
93 Q: Sunburn - UV exposure decreases about 4% for every 1000 foot decrease in elevation. So,
in comparison to a mountaineer on top of 20,156 Mt. Denali, a fisherman near Anchorage is
exposed to about what lesser percentage of UV rays?
A: 80%
94 Q: Rock - Stratification is characteristic of which of the main classifications of rock?
A: sedimentary rock
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95 Q: Out to Dinner Math - What is your total cost for a dinner if the meal is $11.71, the tax rate is
6%, and you leave a 15% tip based on the combination of the meal and tax amounts?
A: $14.27
96 Q: Founding Fathers - On the same day that John Adams died in Quincy, Massachusetts, what
other Founding Father died at Monticello, Virginia?
A: Thomas Jefferson
97 Q: Relocations - What is the term for the movement of large numbers of people such as
Europeans moving to the New World, the British to Australia and New Zealand, Jews from
Europe to Israel, and early Americans westward across the North American continent?
A: migration
98 Q: Gleeful Girls - When her aunt confined her to a stuffy attic, she was thrilled with the beautiful
view. When her aunt sentenced her to a week on just bread and milk, she was delighted
because those were two of her favorite foods. When an accident left her unable to walk, she
was glad she still had legs. Name this amazingly cheerful literary character.
A: Pollyanna
99 Q: Frontiersmen - Buffalo Bill called what people “the former foe, present friend, the American“?
A: Indians (Native Americans)
100 Q: Subatomic Particles - What negatively charged elementary particle orbits the nucleus of an
A: electron
101 Q: Dime Novels - The average dime novel of the 19th century contained about 40,000 words,
and some hack writers could churn out a new title every three days. Prentiss Ingraham wrote
600 such novels, and completed one in a day and a half. If he wrote for 20 hours, how many
words did he average per hour?
A: 2000
102 Q: Wartime Song Lyrics - These lyrics are about an incident that led to what war?
It sunk in an explosion
That was most likely an accident
But the papers claimed the Maine
Was done in by an enemy called Spain.
A: Spanish-American War
103 Q: National Histories - Prior to 1991, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldavia, and the Ukraine were
among the constituent republics of what country?
A: Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.)
104 Q: Batteries - Unlike a wet cell battery, what kind of battery has the electrolyte immobilized as a
paste with just enough moisture in it to allow a current flow?
A: dry cell
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105 Q: Body Systems - Which body system carries nutrients and gases to all parts of the body?
A: circulatory system
106 Q: Manufacturing - In what kind of line might every worker perform one and only one task in the
production of a manufactured item?
A: assembly line
107 Q: Punctuation - What punctuation mark should follow these words and phrases when they
begin a sentence?
to be sure
of course
A: comma
108 Q: Matter - Name the relationship between the weight of an object and the amount of space it
A: density
109 Q: Spelling and Gender - Spell the female equivalent of the noun, “hero.“
A: heroine
110 Q: Perimeters - What is the perimeter of a nonagon if each side is seven centimeters?
A: 63 centimeters
111 Q: Lots of Water - Two thirds of all the world's river water is in what river basin?
A: Amazon
112 Q: Misfortune and Optimism - According to the adage, what are you supposed to do “when life
gives you lemons“?
A: Make lemonade.
113 Q: Musical Notes - What is the third note of the diatonic sol-fa scale?
A: mi
114 Q: Light Manipulation - What is the name for any device that causes light to either converge or
A: lens
115 Q: Topography - The term “badlands“ refers to a very irregular topography resulting from wind
and water erosion of what major category of rock?
A: sedimentary
116 Q: Spectacular Political Changes - In 1991, what country disintegrated and left in its place 15
A: Soviet Union
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117 Q: Central Characters - According to Scott O'Dell, Karana spent eighteen years as the only
living person on the island of blue dolphins off the coast of what state?
A: California
118 Q: Waltzes - What simple two-finger piano exercise was written in 1877 and originally entitled
“The Celebrated Chop Waltz“?
A: Chopsticks
119 Q: Sports Songs - These are lyrics from a song about what sport?
Well, I spent some time in the Mudville Nine,
Watchin' it from the bench,
You know I took some lumps when
the Mighty Case struck out
So say hey Willie tell the Cobb
And Joe DiMaggio,
Don't say it ain't so
A: baseball
120 Q: Wars - What kind of war, fought within a single country, involves different groups of citizens
who do not recognize another group's right to rule?
A: civil war
121 Q: Explorers - In 1510, Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien was founded in the region that
became Panama by what Spanish explorer credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean?
A: Balboa
122 Q: Marine Life - These fish are related to sharks and their appearance resembles flattened
sharks. Name these marine carnivores whose pectoral fins are especially large and shaped like
A: rays
123 Q: Kipling - This is from what work by Rudyard Kipling?
A black shadow dropped down into the circle.
It was Bagheera the Black Panther, inky black
all over, but with the panther markings showing
up in certain lights like the pattern of watered
A: Jungle Book
124 Q: Percentage Problems - When the Lone Ranger gave away 25% of his silver bullets, he had
345 left. How many did he have originally?
A: 460
125 Q: Foliage - The green color of foliage results from the action of light on what substance in plant
A: chlorophyll
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126 Q: Science - What term rhyming with “fog“ refers to a wet, low area with considerable peat?
A: bog
127 Q: Bridges - In what Judy Blume story about rivalry and adjustment does Peter Hatcher's family
move to New Jersey and raise a new baby sister named Tootsie?
A: Superfudge
128 Q: Fuels - Gasohol is usually a blend of gasoline and what other compound?
A: alcohol (ethanol)
129 Q: Matter - The same quantity of matter in which phase will occupy the largest volume?
A: gas
130 Q: Ping Pong Science - What does a ping pong ball do when it is hit horizontally with
considerable topspin?
A: curves downward (drops)
131 Q: Battles - These were all battles that occurred during what war?
A: Civil War
132 Q: Gem Value - The value of a diamond is determined by the four C's, including its carats,
clarity, color, and what else?
A: cut (facets)
133 Q: Syllabication - How many syllables are in the first line of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic“?
A: 14
134 Q: Purchasing Riddles - You go to the hardware store to buy some items for your house. You
find that 1 would cost 25 cents, 12 would cost 50 cents, and 122 would cost 75 cents. You end
up spending 75 cents. What did you buy?
A: house numbers
135 Q: Animal Plights - Because right whales, with an estimated population of less than 250 mature
adults, continue to vanish at the rate of 20% within two generations, they are classified as what
kind of species?
A: endangered
136 Q: Pen Names - Silence Dogood was a pen name used by what early American writer?
A: Benjamin Franklin
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137 Q: Breaking the Rules - What term applies to these lawbreakers?
-a boy who survived a 5-hour flight in the
wheel well of a Hawaii-bound jet
-a man who hid on the Graf Zeppelin on the
return leg of its maiden trip from New Jersey
to Germany
-the guy who hid in a cargo container and lived
through a 14-hour flight from Havana to Paris
A: stowaway
138 Q: Land Deals - The Russian government actually had to spend a large sum of money to gain
the support of members of the U.S. Congress and important American newspapers for the $7
million purchase of what territory in 1867?
A: Alaska
139 Q: Adverbs - What one adverb precedes all of these phrases?
-the devil and the deep blue sea
-you, me, and the gatepost
-a rock and a hard place
A: between
140 Q: Donations - If you are contributing money for a special event, purpose, or cause, you are
said to be feeding what kind of young, domestic pet?
A: kitty
141 Q: Factoring - What is the prime factorization of 891?
A: 11 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
142 Q: Force - What force powers a siphon?
A: gravity (gravitational force)
143 Q: Baseball Epitaphs - What word completes this epitaph?
Here lies the bones of Private Jones
For whom War held no terrors.
A private then, a private now
No runs, No hits, just ...
A: errors
144 Q: Plants - The flowers of heliotropic plants follow the direction of what?
A: the Sun
145 Q: Rotation - How many degrees does the Earth rotate in one full week?
A: 2520
146 Q: Chemical Symbols - What word is made by combining the chemical symbols for nitrogen and
A: can
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147 Q: Islands - The Falkland Islands lie closest to what mainland country?
A: Argentina
148 Q: Military Groups - What U.S. Army unit was primarily responsible for the orderly expansion of
the American West?
A: Cavalry
149 Q: Injuries - What occurs when ice crystals form in the fluid of the skin constricting blood vessels
and cutting off the blood supply?
A: frostbite
150 Q: Mixtures - If the correct mix for powdered lemonade is 1/4 cup for 2 quarts of water, how
much mix should be used with 1 1/2 gallons of water?
A: 3/4 cup
151 Q: Adverbs - What is the conjunctive adverb in this sentence?
Conversely, I suddenly came to realize that
being good at something is hardly a reason to
avoid enthusiastically doing it.
A: conversely
152 Q: Dance - What name for an animated Spanish dance rhymes with “mango“?
A: fandango
153 Q: Physical Properties - Name the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent to form a
A: solubility
154 Q: Factors - What is the greatest common factor of 8 and 12?
A: 4
155 Q: Atomic Number - In 1787, the French scientist Jacques Charles launched the first ascension
balloon inflated with what gas having an atomic number of one?
A: hydrogen
156 Q: Song Grammar - What is the first participle in the lyrics of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town“?
A: telling
157 Q: Christmas Tales - In Dickens' “A Christmas Carol,“ who is the first ghost to speak with
A: Marley
158 Q: Slang Expressions - A person in a troublesome, unfortunate, or losing position is behind what
ball used in pool?
A: eight ball
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159 Q: Archipelago Etymology - The term, Polynesia, comes from the Greek words “nosos“ meaning
“island“ and “poly“ meaning what?
A: many
160 Q: European Nations - In the 14th century, the cantons of Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden were
joined by the cantons of Glarus and Zug and the city-states of Lucerne, Zurich, and Bern to form
a confederacy that eventually became what modern country?
A: Switzerland
161 Q: Fracture Treatment - Casts for fractured bones are usually made of either fiberglass or what
other material?
A: plaster
162 Q: Wordiness - What word could be eliminated from this sentence without a loss of meaning?
She is currently homeless and destitute.
A: currently
163 Q: Speeches - What word completes this line from the Emancipation Proclamation?
All persons held as slaves within any state or
any part of any state the people whereof shall
then be in rebellion against the United States
shall be forever ...
A: free
164 Q: The Constitution - This excerpt from the U.S. Constitution is about a person holding what
He may convene and adjourn Congress.
He shall receive ambassadors, execute
laws, and commission officers.
A: president
165 Q: Typefaces - What is the name for a thick, heavy typeface used for emphasis?
A: boldface (bold)
166 Q: Punctuation - What punctuation mark should separate “responsibilities“ and “take“ in this
These are your responsibilities take out the
trash and mow the lawn.
A: colon
167 Q: Poetry - This is about what kind of fleshy fungi?
Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly
Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.
A: mushrooms
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168 Q: Pressure - A 320-pound cube with edges of 4 feet exerts how much pressure per square
A: 20
169 Q: Traditions - In what U.S. state is the largest Groundhog Day celebration held every year?
A: Pennsylvania
170 Q: Provincial Languages - About 94% of the residents of what Canadian province speak French?
A: Quebec
171 Q: Alkaloids - What alkaloid stimulant is an important component of drinks such as Red Bull, Jolt
Cola, Full Throttle, Reload, 5-Hour Energy, and Rockstar?
A: caffeine
172 Q: Wars - These were major figures in what war?
Charles de Gaulle
Joseph Stalin
Winston Churchill
A: World War II
173 Q: Censuses - The first U.S. census was conducted in 1790. During what year was the fourth
one conducted?
A: 1820
174 Q: Patriots at Home - Paul Revere lived in what city?
A: Boston
175 Q: Color - You cut out a disk, divide it into the seven equal-sized triangular sections, and paint
each of the sections with one of the seven colors of the spectrum. Then you push a pencil
through the center and spin the disk on this axle. What color does the disc appear to be?
A: white (gray)
176 Q: Matter - In relation to matter, these are all what kind of properties?
brittleness, permeability, albedo, frequency,
viscosity, electrical conductivity
A: physical properties
177 Q: Divisors - What is the greatest common divisor of these three numbers?
144 108 72
A: 36
178 Q: Sentence Transformation - Transform this declarative sentence into an interrogative
I was born.
A: Was I born?
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179 Q: Climates - Iceland experiences milder temperatures than Greenland because its climate is
influenced by what Atlantic ocean current?
A: Gulf Stream
180 Q: Hardships - Washington and the Continental Army endured the terrible winter of 1777 where
in eastern Pennsylvania?
A: Valley Forge
181 Q: Extinct Birds - What bird that once inhabited an island in the Indian Ocean completes this
popular phrase about extinction?
Dead as a ...
A: dodo
182 Q: Vistas - From the Grand Canyon Skywalk on Arizona's Hualapai Indian Reservation, tourists
can see what river?
A: Colorado River
183 Q: Integers - 126 is the sum of what three consecutive integers?
A: 41, 42, 43
184 Q: The Hydrologic Cycle - What is the only stage of the hydrologic cycle in which water is
returned to the Earth's surface?
A: precipitation
185 Q: Proportionals - What is the fourth proportional given these first three terms?
2, 5, 6
A: 15
186 Q: Fictional Characters - What character created by Jerry Spinelli can untie any knot, is allergic
to pizza, hits lots of home runs, runs everywhere he goes, and is blind to racial distinctions?
A: Maniac Magee
187 Q: Colonial History - In 1774, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress directed patriots to leave
the colony's militia and form new units. One fourth were to be enrolled in units ready to act on
60 seconds notice. Name them.
A: minutemen
188 Q: Spheres - What is the maximum number of points in which a straight line can intersect a
A: 2
189 Q: Venom Injection - What common, flattened, wormlike arthropods with bodies composed of
many segments use modified legs called forcipules to inject venom?
A: centipedes
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190 Q: Modifiers - What modifier could be misplaced in this line?
The bomb of the Iranian terrorists only maimed
one French tourist.
A: only
191 Q: Slavery - What was the southernmost slave state in the U.S.?
A: Florida
192 Q: Critter Characters - What kind of animals are these literary characters?
Tock, Fang, Blue, Jip, Buck, Toto
A: dogs
193 Q: Debt Repayment - What was the principal of a loan in which the simple interest of 8 percent
for one year amounted to $16?
A: $200
194 Q: Up and Down - You are climbing up a small volcanic cinder cone 11 feet high. For every 3-
foot step you take upward, you slide back 2. How many steps will it take you to reach the top?
A: 9
195 Q: Buoyancy - An inflated balloon weighing 4 ounces is floating on water. What is the buoyant
force of the water against this balloon?
A: 4 ounces
196 Q: Suffrage - American women won the right to vote shortly after the end of what war?
A: World War I (Great War)
197 Q: Mystery Settings - What war provides the background for all these mystery novels?
A Grave at Glorieta
A Killing at Ball's Bluff
Faded Coat of Blue
The Shiloh Sisters
Murder at Manassas
Antietam Assassins
A: Civil War
198 Q: Geometric Solids - For what does the first abbreviation stand in this formula with respect to a
rectangular solid?
SA=2lh + 2hw + 2lw
A: surface area
199 Q: Novels - Name the novel by Carl Hiaasen in which young Roy Eberhardt moves into Coconut
Grove, Florida and joins with others to block construction of a restaurant that would destroy a
colony of burrowing owls.
A: Hoot
200 Q: Skiing - Which joint is involved in about 45% of all skiing injuries?
A: knee
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201 Q: Number Conversion - Convert 7/4 to a percent form.
A: 175%
202 Q: Mountains - Parts of what mountain range are in Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Italy,
Austria, Germany, France, and Switzerland?
A: Alps
203 Q: Pronoun Use - Correct this sentence.
Dean tossed a javelina to Mel and myself.
A: to Mel and me
204 Q: Yo-yo Physics - When a yo-yo is spinning at the end of its string, you must give it a little jerk
for it to rewind. What are you increasing between the yo-yo and the string with the jerk?
A: friction
205 Q: Insects - Locusts are actually immense swarms of certain varieties of what insects?
A: grasshoppers
206 Q: Fields of Study - A paleoclimatologist studies what kind of climates?
A: ancient climates
207 Q: Sentence Parts - What part of speech is between the two prepositional phrases in this
She will be stationed in Manila or at Fort Ord.
A: conjunction (coordinating conjunction)
208 Q: Slang - “Veep“ is short for what position?
A: vice president
209 Q: Fantasy Quotations - Complete this line uttered by the White Rabbit in “Alice in Wonderland.“
The hurrier I go, the ...
A: behinder I get
210 Q: Fantasies - What character in Tolkien's “The Lord of the Rings“ wears a white cloak, rides a
white steed, and survives death with his powers enormously enhanced?
A: Gandalf
211 Q: Frontiersmen - John Colter is said to have been the first person of European descent to have
seen what mountain range in western Wyoming?
A: Grand Tetons (or Abrasoka or Wind River range)
212 Q: Wildlife - The jackals of Africa most closely resemble what creatures of North America?
A: coyotes
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213 Q: Child Rearing - Complete this line by Gloria Steinem.
Most American children suffer too much
mother and too little ...
A: father
214 Q: Resources - More than 90 percent of all the coal mined in the U.S. is used to produce what
form of energy?
A: electricity
215 Q: The Declaration - According to the Declaration of Independence, what are instituted among
men to secure the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
A: governments
216 Q: Chemistry History - What was the nationality of the chemist who invented a process by which
microorganisms in milk are killed by high heat?
A: French
217 Q: Homonyms - Spell the word meaning “to survive“ that is missing in this poem?
Whether the weather be fine, / Whether the
weather be not, / Whether the weather be cold,
Whether the weather be hot, / We'll ---- the
weather, / Whatever the weather, / Whether
we like it or not.
A: weather
218 Q: Grammatical Errors - What phrase is misplaced in this line?
The cause of death was determined to be
strangulation by the medical examiner.
A: by the medical examiner
219 Q: Land Forms - These are examples of what kind of landforms?
A: all are islands
220 Q: Basketball - Name the extra period played after the regular period in a basketball game if the
score is tied at the end of regulation time.
A: overtime
221 Q: Injuries - What kind of injury occurs when the ball of a joint loses proper contact with its
A: dislocation
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222 Q: Root Words - What does the root mean in chronology, chronic, chronicle, chronometer, and
A: time
223 Q: Statistics - What is the statistical range of the lengths of these rattlesnakes trapped in your
21 inches, 27 inches, 27 inches, 34 inches,
35 inches, 44 inches, 46 inches, 56 inches
A: 35 inches
224 Q: Watersheds - What mountain range separates the Columbia and Mississippi watersheds?
A: Rocky Mountains (Rockies)
225 Q: New England Travel - If you flew from the capital of Vermont to the capital of Maine, you
would fly over the state whose capital is what?
A: Concord
226 Q: Science Abbreviations - For what does the abbreviation stand in this passage?
Its speed through glass or air is less than c.
A: light speed (in a vacuum)
227 Q: Consciousness - What is the everyday term for syncope, a brief loss of consciousness of fast
onset, short duration, and spontaneous recovery?
A: fainting (blackout)
228 Q: Zoological Diets - Animals are herbivores, carnivores, or what?
A: omnivores
229 Q: Percentage Problems - If the price of a pair of shoes was reduced by 20% during a sale to
$60, what was the price before the sale?
A: $75
230 Q: Disunification - In 1991, fifteen republics that were formerly part of what nation became
independent nations?
A: Soviet Union
231 Q: Bad Behavior - Most children and some unruly adults have outbursts of kicking, yelling, and
foot stamping. Name these angry responses to frustration.
A: tantrums
232 Q: Fungi - Name the single-celled fungi that change sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
A: yeast
233 Q: Currencies - The continental was the currency used during what period in American history?
A: American Revolution (1770s, 1780s)
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234 Q: Merging Waters - The confluence of the Rio Negro and Amazon rivers is in what country?
A: Brazil
235 Q: Botanical Shapes - What is the general shape of ovoid leaves and berries?
A: egg-shaped (oval)
236 Q: Symmetry - What type of triangle has exactly one line of symmetry?
A: isosceles triangle
237 Q: Tennesseans - What senator from Tennessee who was appointed by Abraham Lincoln as
the military governor of Tennessee in 1862 was elected as the U.S. vice president in 1864?
A: Andrew Johnson
238 Q: Aviation - The German word for “yes“ sounds just like what term in aviation for rotation
around the vertical axis of an aircraft?
A: yaw
239 Q: Caravans - The greatest use of camel trains is associated with what desert?
A: Sahara
240 Q: Life Classifications - What is the taxonomic classification for cold-blooded vertebrates that
spend some time on land but breed and develop into adults in water?
A: amphibian (Amphibia)
241 Q: Islands - Name the largest of the Hawaiian Islands.
A: Hawaii
242 Q: Presidents - Identify this U.S. president.
The American people's approval of their
president's belligerent course was
demonstrated by his election to an
unprecedented third term.
A: Franklin Roosevelt
243 Q: Universal Syllogisms - What is the conclusion to this syllogism?
All X are Y.
No Z is Y.
Therefore ...
A: no Z is X
244 Q: Physical Science - When two sticks are rubbed together, the kinetic energy put into the
rubbing is converted into what?
A: heat
245 Q: Mass Production - In 1914, whose assembly line cut production time for building a car from
12.5 hours to 93 minutes?
A: Henry Ford's
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246 Q: Book History - One important step in the history of bookmaking occurred during the first
century when the stitched book gradually replaced documents on rolls of parchment or papyrus
called what?
A: scrolls
247 Q: Park Places - In what mountain system is the Swiss National Park located?
A: Alps
248 Q: Aerodynamics - The transition at transonic speeds from subsonic to supersonic travel is
called the sound what?
A: barrier
249 Q: Manifest Destiny - In the 1840s, what two European countries stood in the way of America's
“manifest destiny“ to extend the United States to the Pacific Ocean?
A: Spain, Great Britain
250 Q: Strange Sounding Names - These cities are in what country?
A: Mexico
251 Q: Non-ingestion - On his vision quest, Mahatma Johnson abstained from eating anything for
several days. What is the name for such a period of abstinence?
A: fast
252 Q: Water - What adjective describes water condensed from steam?
A: distilled
253 Q: Anthropological Milestones - What revolution that began in Britain in the late 18th century
commenced with the mechanization of the textile industries, the development of iron-making
techniques, and the increased use of coal?
A: Industrial Revolution
254 Q: Big Projects - Clinton's Ditch connected Lake Erie to what river?
A: Hudson River
255 Q: Island Acquisitions - The Aleutian Islands became U.S. territory as the result of a real estate
deal with what country?
A: Russia
256 Q: Heteronyms - Spell the heteronym that can mean either “to scatter seeds“ or “a female pig.“
A: sow
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257 Q: Adjectives - To make the superlative form of one-syllable regular adjectives ending in the
letter “e“, you should add what?
A: st
258 Q: Silent Letters - Name any word that includes a silent “b“ preceding a “t.“
A: doubt, debt, doubtful, subtle, etc.
259 Q: Body Tissues - Name the most common body tissue that is a liquid.
A: blood (or plasma)
260 Q: Primes - What is the sum of the prime numbers between 3 and 17?
A: 36
261 Q: Symbols - What plant is a symbol of St. Patrick's Day?
A: shamrock
262 Q: Circles - 30 degrees is what fraction of one revolution?
A: 1/12
263 Q: Binary Math - What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 25?
A: 11001
264 Q: Punctuation - What punctuation mark completes this line?
Mabel flogged our flagging spirits after asking
whether we would leave
A: period
265 Q: Succinct Writing - What word could be omitted without changing the meaning of the sentence
Until 1941, only a few national leaders
anticipated that the Japanese would actually
attack the United States.
A: that
266 Q: Disasters - In addition to excessive plowing and the destruction of native grasslands, what
meteorological condition led to creation of the American Dust Bowl in the 1930s?
A: drought
267 Q: Buildings in Progress - When President Adams and his wife went to Washington, Mrs.
Adams said of what building that there was not a single apartment finished, there was not the
least fence or yard without, and that she made the great unfinished audience room into a drying
room for her laundry?
A: White House
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268 Q: People and Professions - These people were particularly skilled in what field?
Pappy Boyington
Wrong Way Corrigan
Lone Eagle
The Red Baron
A: aviation (flying, piloting)
269 Q: Number Reasoning - Which number does not fit in this group?
4, 9, 25, 35, 36, 64, 81
A: 35
270 Q: Songs - What song in a Disney movie could have had this title?
As Soon as You Have a Fanciful Desire
on a Self-Luminous Heavenly Body
A: When You Wish Upon a Star
271 Q: Longitude - You have just crossed a line of longitude in an easterly direction and find that
instead of being May 8, it is now May 7. What line did you cross?
A: International Date Line
272 Q: Mystery Numbers - If the difference between two numbers is 6 and the sum of the two
numbers is 18, what are the numbers?
A: 6, 12
273 Q: Political Factions - To what political party did George Washington belong?
A: no party
274 Q: Sets - What is the intersection of these sets?
(squares of whole numbers from 2 to 9) and
(all odd numbers)
A: (9, 25, 49, 81)
275 Q: The Constitution - The preamble is the first part of the U.S. Constitution. The next part
consists of seven what?
A: articles
276 Q: Proportions - 9 is to 36 as -5 is to what?
A: -20
277 Q: Novels - In what story by Toni Morrison does Pecola Breedlove go to Soaphead Church, a
sham mystic, to ask for blue eyes that will make her beautiful?
A: The Bluest Eyes
278 Q: Latitude - Name the line of latitude that lies 66 1/2 degrees south of the equator.
A: Antarctic Circle
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279 Q: Ratio Reduction - Reduce this ratio to its lowest form.
20 to 4
A: 5 to 1
280 Q: European Regions - Sicily is an autonomous region of what country?
A: Italy
281 Q: Boundaries - The northern border of Maine was established in 1842 in a treaty between the
U.S. and what country?
A: Great Britain
282 Q: Inequalities - If 10x + 10 is greater than 40, then x is greater than what?
A: 3
283 Q: Court Decisions - The Dred Scott decision of 1857 encouraged slaveowners and enraged
what group of people who opposed slavery?
A: abolitionists
284 Q: Library Science - Fiction books in the library are arranged alphabetically according to what?
A: author's last name
285 Q: Novels - This passage comes from what novel?
When the shoes first fell from the sky, he
remembered thinking that destiny had struck
him. Now, he thought so again. It was more
than a coincidence. It had to be destiny.
A: Holes
286 Q: Successions of Rulers - In what country did the Yuan, Ming, Chou, Qing, and Han dynasties
hold power for considerable periods?
A: China
287 Q: Angles - What is 3/5 of a right angle?
A: 54 degrees
288 Q: Caribbean History - What country controlled Cuba until 1898?
A: Spain
289 Q: Consecutive Integers - What is the largest of three consecutive odd integers if their sum is
A: 19
290 Q: Consecutive Integers - The sum of 7 consecutive integers is 112. What is the smallest
integer in this group?
A: 13
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291 Q: Nutritional Puns - What word is used as a pun in this line?
The chief ingredient of fad diets is baloney.
A: baloney
292 Q: Births - The number of live births per 1000 in the population during a given year is called the
birth what?
A: rate
293 Q: Government Facilities - What U.S. federal facility in Virginia has a name equivalent to a five-
sided polygon?
A: Pentagon
294 Q: Poems - Who wrote this verse in 1814?
'Tis the star-spangled banner,
O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free,
and the home of the brave!
A: Francis Scott Key
295 Q: World Nations - What country is bordered to the east by the Yellow Sea, to the south by
Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, and Nepal, and to the north by Russia and Mongolia?
A: China
296 Q: Disorders - What body system is directly affected by endocarditis, myocarditis,
cardiomyopathy, aortic aneurysm, and coronary atherosclerosis?
A: circulatory system
297 Q: Word Stems - What word that means “side“ may be preceded by prefixes such as “multi,“
“uni,“ “bi,“ and “equi“?
A: lateral
298 Q: Supreme Court - Ordinarily, whenever there is a unanimous decision by the full Supreme
Court, how many votes share the same opinion?
A: 9
299 Q: Offenses - Name the offense that involves transportating merchandise, substances, or
people across international borders in violation of the relevant laws and regulations.
A: smuggling
300 Q: Context Clues - What is a context clue for the word “dermatologist“ in this sentence?
After enduring discomfort for weeks, Barney
found a dermatologist who was able to cure his
rash in just a matter of days.
A: rash (or cure)
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301 Q: References - These topics would be found under what major topic in an encyclopedia?
Battle of Midway
Bernard Montgomery
Pearl Harbor
A: World War II
302 Q: State Geography - What U.S. state is the northern terminus of Mississippi River traffic?
A: Minnesota
303 Q: Breathing - In the respiratory process, what is the opposite of expiration?
A: inspiration (inhaling)
304 Q: Song Sources - These songs were inspired by the myths of what country?
Wings of Feathers and Wax
Sword of Damocles
A: Greece
305 Q: Fortune Seekers - The nickname for participants in the California Gold Rush refers to what
A: 1849
306 Q: Reefs - What kind of biotic reefs develop mainly in tropical waters?
A: coral reefs
307 Q: Elections - What is the term for a candidate selected to represent a political party in an
A: nominee
308 Q: Medical Treatment - Freddie stepped on a nail. When he got back, he told his buddies he
had to get a technical shot. What kind of shot did he actually get?
A: tetanus shot
309 Q: Capitals - What city became the capital of Russia after the Russian Revolution?
A: Moscow
310 Q: Celestial Bodies - What bodies that orbit our Sun like asteroids are composed mainly of
frozen ammonia, methane, water, and only small amounts of rocky or earthy materials?
A: comets
311 Q: Kipling - Among Kipling's “Just So Stories“ are “How the Camel Got His Hump“ and “How the
Rhinoceros Got His“ what?
A: skin
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312 Q: Vision Problems - A usually temporary loss of vision sometimes caused by sunburning of the
cornea is known to mountain climbers and skiers as what kind of blindness?
A: snow blindness
313 Q: Business Records - What itemized list in a gardening store includes all the shovels, rakes,
tomato cages, bags of peat moss, hoses, sprinklers, and packets of seeds that are on hand?
A: inventory
314 Q: Wordplay - What letter is missing in this 5-letter word?
A: d
315 Q: Literary Etymology - What form of literature got its name from a combination of three Greek
words meaning “self,“ “life,“ and “write“?
A: autobiography
316 Q: Disasters - The largest debris avalanche in recorded history occurred in 1980 when a
magnitude 5.1 earthquake triggered an enormous pyroclastic flow and the massive collapse of
the north face of what mountain in the Cascades?
A: Mt. St. Helens
317 Q: Bug Computation - How many roaches are in a refrigerator containing 300 bugs if there are
only roaches and centipedes in it, and the ratio of roaches to centipedes is 5 to 1?
A: 250
318 Q: Presidential Advice - What president advised this, but in other words?
Discourse in a subdued voice but tote
a massive staff.
A: Theodore Roosevelt
319 Q: Beaches - Black beaches are formed from grains of what kind of rock?
A: volcanic (lava, igneous)
320 Q: Eye Anatomy - What membrane in the eye contains cells that detect light?
A: retina
321 Q: Linguistic Geography - What is the primary language of people living in these cities?
Cordoba, Granada, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia
A: Spanish
322 Q: Oceans - Thanks to plate tectonics, which of the world's great oceans is slowly becoming
A: Pacific Ocean
323 Q: Proportions - 8 is to what number as 50 is to 40?
A: 6.4 (or 32/5)
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324 Q: It's a Panic! - Elephants, wildebeests, cattle, wild horses, and humans are among the
mammals that engage in what activity involving large numbers of their species running, panic-
stricken, with no clear purpose?
A: stampedes
325 Q: Medications - Lisinopril is a drug used to reduce high blood pressure. But some people
taking it also report diarrhea, dizziness, hives, headache, nausea, fever, and chills. What is the
collective name for these undesirable consequences of taking this drug?
A: side effects
326 Q: Explorers - On his famous expedition, what 13th-century Italian visited such places at
Jerusalem, the Hindu Kush, the Gobi Desert, and the Grand Canal of China?
A: Marco Polo
327 Q: Large Numbers - The number, “one trillion,“ consists of 1 and how many zeroes?
A: 12
328 Q: Treaties - In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico surrendered its claim to Texas north of
what river?
A: Rio Grande
329 Q: Legends - At least one historian claims that a legendary contest involving what central
character could not have occurred at the Big Bend Tunnel because railroad records do not show
a steam drill being used there?
A: John Henry
330 Q: Energy Conversions - The kinetic energy of falling water is ultimately converted into what
other kind of energy as the water turns the turbine blades of generators?
A: electric
331 Q: Observations - He said, “No matter when you had been to this spot before, a thousand years
ago or a hundred thousand years ago, or if you came back to it a million years from now, the
scene would be generally the same.“ What was Neil Armstrong talking about?
A: the Moon
332 Q: Inventions - The credit for the world's first biplane goes to whom?
A: Wright brothers
333 Q: Superpowers - What two countries emerged as the world's superpowers at the end of World
War II?
A: United States, Soviet Union
334 Q: Sports Personalities - These people are greats in what sport?
Maureen Connolly, Margaret Court, Chris Evert,
Althea Gibson, Steffi Graf, Martina Navratilova
A: tennis
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335 Q: Wordplay - What form of wordplay is illustrated in this line?
A Santa spit taboo bat tips at NASA.
A: palindrome
336 Q: Petrology - Igneous rock forms from molten rock called what?
A: magma
337 Q: Mammal Habitats - Primary habitat for what palmated members of the deer family includes
Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, Alaska, the northern Rockies, Minnesota, and upper New
A: moose
338 Q: Post-Employment - What adjective describes a person who has withdrawn from business or
public life and lives on savings or a pension?
A: retired
339 Q: Empires - Although Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands established colonies in the New
World and beyond, what country ended up establishing a world wide empire much larger than
the others combined?
A: Great Britain
340 Q: Island Groups - What continent is closest to the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and New Caledonia?
A: Australia
341 Q: Syllabication - “The word “traditionalism“ has how many fewer syllables than the word
A: 2
342 Q: Folksongs - According to the lyrics of an American folksong, in what land are old times there
not forgotten?
A: Dixieland (or the land of cotton)
343 Q: Forts - At the outset of the Civil War, the Confederacy knew it had to take what fort that
guarded Charleston harbor?
A: Fort Sumter
344 Q: Grasslands - What is a broad plain characterized by a rich variety of grasses called?
A: prairie
345 Q: Famous Photos - In a memorable photo, who is standing stoic and solemn in a blood-stained
suit next to Lyndon Johnson as he took his presidential oath of office?
A: Jacqueline Kennedy
346 Q: Factoring - What is the prime factorization of 1728?
A: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
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347 Q: Fictional Lands - You must read works by what British author to visit places like Mordor and
A: J.R.R. Tolkien
348 Q: Restaurant Calculations - Each drink at Sylvia's Soda Shoppe costs fifty cents. Gordie
ordered one awesome apple, five luscious lime, and four gala grape drinks. If he paid with a
$10 bill, including a 15% tip, how much change did he get?
A: $4.25
349 Q: Landforms - A U.S. national park was named after what term for a large expanse of marshy
land covered mostly by grasses?
A: everglade
350 Q: Puns - What word completes this quip?
I did a theatrical performance about puns,
but really, it was just a play on ...
A: words
351 Q: Salaries - Which level of government is usually responsible for paying the salaries of sheriffs
and deputy sheriffs?
A: county
352 Q: Vitamins - What vitamin present in caribou liver, seal brain, raw kelp, whale skin, and muktuk
prevented the development of scurvy among Eskimos?
A: vitamin C
353 Q: Tote that Iron - What is the title fo the person who carries a golfer's clubs?
A: caddie
354 Q: Agricultural Inventions - Whose invention in the 1830s reduced the time required to harvest
an acre of wheat from twenty hours to less than one?
A: Cyrus McCormick's
355 Q: Pericles - Complete this passage by Pericles.
Our polity is a pattern for others. Because
not the few but the many govern, it is called ...
A: democracy
356 Q: Tolkien - What character in a series of novels by J.R.R. Tolkien says these things?
-My birthday present! That's what we wants
now, yes; we wants it.
-It won't see us, will it, my precious.
-What has it got in its pocketses?
A: Gollum
357 Q: Queens - What name is shared by two British queens?
A: Elizabeth (or Mary)
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358 Q: Goals - What international organization has goals of keeping worldwide peace, developing
friendly relations among countries, promoting respect for human rights, and helping countries
cooperate in solving economic, social, and cultural problems?
A: United Nations
359 Q: Birds - These are varieties of what kind of birds?
turtle, white-winged, mourning
A: doves
360 Q: Treaties - Military activity on what continent is prohibited by international treaty?
A: Antarctica
361 Q: Sports Perspectives - This is a definition of what sport?
A sport wherein one balances a ball an
inch-and-a-quarter in diameter on a ball
8,000 miles in diameter, and then tries
to hit the small one.
A: golf
362 Q: Tax Problems - What is the sales tax on an item costing f dollars if the city in which the item
was purchased has a sales tax of 7%?
A: $.7f
363 Q: Economics - How do economists generally classify people who eat ice cream cones, hire
someone to mow their lawn, buy shirts, go to movies, purchase gasoline, and pay rent?
A: consumers
364 Q: Mountain Ranges - Name two of the major mountain systems in North America, South
America, and Europe that begin with the first letter of the alphabet.
A: Appalachians, Andes, Alps
365 Q: Electrical Circuits - None of the connected devices will work if there is a break anywhere in
what kind of electrical circuit?
A: series circuit
366 Q: Colonial Business Ventures - Colonial joint-stock companies were forerunners of what kind of
modern business enterprises?
A: corporations
367 Q: Referee Signals - What is a basketball referee signaling when he extends both arms upward
with his thumbs pointing up?
A: jump ball
368 Q: Post World War II - While four nations were responsible for occupying Germany after World
War II, what one country occupied Japan?
A: United States
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369 Q: Alliances - In which article of the Constitution are there provisions set out under which Maine
could enter into an alliance with New Brunswick?
A: No article permits this.
370 Q: Riddles - In a riddle in “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland“, Lewis Carroll asks why what kind
of bird is like a writing desk?
A: raven
371 Q: Mideast Intersections - There is one place in the Middle East where Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,
and what other country come together?
A: Iraq
372 Q: Law Enforcement - What is the term for anyone who has suffered physical or mental harm or
the loss of property as the result of a criminal offense?
A: victim
373 Q: Political Slang - The spreading malicious, derogatory, or vicious statements about an
opponent during a campaign is the slinging of what?
A: mud
374 Q: Consecutive Integers - Find the smallest of five consecutive whole numbers whose sum is
A: 24
375 Q: Reciprocals - What is the reciprocal of x?
A: 1/x
376 Q: Plate Tectonics - It slashes through the land for more than 1100 kilometers, entering the sea
at Daly City, California. Name this fault.
A: San Andreas Fault
377 Q: States of Matter - Few substances are ever naturally found in more than two states. What
compound is regularly found in three?
A: water (dihydrogen oxide)
378 Q: Imaginary Beings - What beings created by J.R.R. Tolkien average 3.5 feet tall, dress in
bright colors, are adept with slings, live to well over 100 years, have slightly pointed ears, and
have feet covered with brown fur?
A: hobbits
379 Q: Wartime Quotes - During what war were these enduring words first uttered?
I have not yet begun to fight.
A: American Revolutionary War
380 Q: Adverbs - Name the adverb in this sentence.
This book is not the one I ordered.
A: not
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381 Q: Borrowed Words - These English words were borrowed from what language?
marinade, maroon, mayonnaise, macabre, menu
A: French
382 Q: Clock Angles - What angle is between the hour and minute hand when it is exactly 9 p.m.?
A: 90 (or 270)
383 Q: Commerce - Barry went to the Parris Hiltaski Primitive Weapons Boutique and bought a new
atlatl priced at $46. At checkout, he had to pay $48.46 to complete the sale. What was the
extra $2.46 for?
A: sales tax
384 Q: Wordplay - This example of punning is about what animal?
Valorous - a big animal vit tusks vot lives
in vater.
A: walrus
385 Q: Senate Procedures - If there were 44 nay votes in the U.S. Senate on some issue and the
vice president had to cast a vote, how many yea votes were there?
A: 44
386 Q: Aviation - Wings provide lift only while they move quickly through the air. What happens
when a wing moves too slowly?
A: It stalls (loses lift, falls).
387 Q: Conjunctions - What kind of phrase immediately follows the coordinating conjunction in the
Pledge of Allegiance?
A: prepositional phrase
388 Q: Word Problems - What is the number if the result of combining five times the number and the
number is 24?
A: 4
389 Q: Consecutive Integers - 66 is the sum of what four consecutive integers?
A: 15, 16, 17, 18
390 Q: Electrical Currents - The two types of electrical circuits are parallel and what other?
A: series
391 Q: Skeletons - Crayfish have what kind of skeletons?
A: exoskeletons
392 Q: Legal Defenses - Rosanna Danna was accused of robbing a New York City bank last
Halloween. What legal defense did she use when she claimed she had spent all of last fall in
the Ukraine studying mutations caused by the Chernobyl meltdown?
A: alibi
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393 Q: Trees - In relation to their foliage, what adjective applies to all of these trees?
maple, ash, poplar, walnut, aspen, oak, birch
A: deciduous
394 Q: Compound Words - What word can be added to the ending of these words to make
compound words?
A: ship
395 Q: Lewis Carroll - In “The Hunting of the Snark,“ the banker loses his sanity after being attacked
by a frumious what?
A: Bandersnatch
396 Q: Dance - Tango is to Argentina as flamenco is to what country?
A: Spain
397 Q: Music - What comes last after a prelude and an interlude?
A: postlude
398 Q: Novels - Instead of a strong orphan boy to help with work on the farm, the Cuthberts of
Avonlea got a chatty, impulsive, imaginative, sensitive, redheaded girl named what?
A: Anne (Anne Shirley)
399 Q: Poor Richard - According to Franklin, three people may keep what if two of them are no
longer living?
A: a secret
400 Q: Local Government - The main job of the assessor in municipal or county government is to
determine the value of what?
A: property (real estate)
401 Q: Scientific Processes - What is the term for the process by which water is passed through
coffee grounds to pick up the soluble constituents that give brewed coffee its taste, color, and
A: percolation
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402 Q: Headlines - In what year did this headline appear?
Oahu Bombed by Japanese Planes
A: 1941
403 Q: Constitutional Provisions - Who, according to the Constitution, “shall from time to time give to
the Congress information on the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such
measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient“?
A: president
404 Q: Taxation - When you go to your local hardware store and buy some grass seed, some duct
tape, a grubbing hoe, and an extension cord, what kind of tax will you pay there?
A: sales tax
405 Q: Office Terms - A member of the House of Representatives is elected for how many months?
A: 24
406 Q: Practical Technology - What is the main product of the desalinization process?
A: water (fresh water)
407 Q: Arthropods - Arthropods can smell, hear, and touch through what paired appendages on their
A: antennae (feelers)
408 Q: Plurals - How do you form the irregular plurals of nouns that end with the letters “is“?
A: change “is“ to “es“
409 Q: Franklin's Words - In reference to the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin
warned that “We shall all hang separately“ if we fail to do what?
A: hang together
410 Q: Park Formation - The formation of what national park in Kentucky began millions of years
ago with the action of mildly acidic groundwater dissolving beds of limestone?
A: Mammoth Cave
411 Q: Botany and Physiology - What term can indicate either the reproductive structure in conifers
or the type of photoreceptor in the retina for color vision?
A: cone
412 Q: Clock Bearings - An object directly to the port side of a ship is said to be at what o'clock?
A: nine
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413 Q: Suffixes - The suffixes in these words indicate they are what part of speech?
animate, magnify, improvise, characterize
A: verbs
414 Q: Phrases - The object of the preposition in a prepositional phrase is in what case?
A: objective
415 Q: Microscope Use - When you are preparing to look at a wet mount of something through a
microscope, you place the specimen in the center of a slide. Then, what do you place
immediately over the specimen?
A: cover slip (cover glass)
416 Q: Skeletal System - What series of bones protect the spinal cord?
A: vertebrae
417 Q: Lakes - These are classifications for lakes that contain concentrations of what?
A: salt
418 Q: Levers - If a lever is perfectly balanced on its fulcrum, then the fulcrum is directly beneath the
lever's center of what?
A: gravity (mass)
419 Q: Central American History - What is now the name of the Central American country that
encompasses the region originally given this name by the Spaniards?
Provincia De Nuestro Senor Jesus
Cristo, El Salvador del Mundo
A: El Salvador
420 Q: Travel Problems - Two trucks are two hundred miles apart on a straight Nevada highway.
One starts at 9:00 p.m. and drives west at 60 mph. The other starts at 9:00 p.m. and drives east
at 40 mph. What time do they meet?
A: 11 p.m.
421 Q: Dreaming - A person spends about one-third of his life sleeping and about one-quarter of that
dreaming. An 84-year-old has spent how many years dreaming?
A: 7
422 Q: Slavery - In 1619, slavery began in the British colonies of North America when twenty
Africans were first brought to what town in colonial Virginia?
A: Jamestown
423 Q: European History - As legend has it, the history of what great European city can be traced
back to a couple of boys and a carnivorous quadruped?
A: Rome
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424 Q: Elections - These men unsuccessfully ran against whom in different presidential elections?
Herbert Hoover, Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie,
Thomas Dewey
A: Franklin Roosevelt
425 Q: Equations - Any term on one side of an equation may be shifted to the other side by
changing its what?
A: sign
426 Q: Precious Bodily Fluids - Severe diarrhea, vomiting, or simply prolonged exposure to heat can
cause excessive loss of water from the body. Name this condition.
A: dehydration
427 Q: Lightning - All forms of lightning result from an unequal distribution of what subatomic
A: electrons
428 Q: Agricultural Expressions - Distinguishing between the wanted and the unwanted or the
valuable from that lacking value is separating the wheat from what?
A: the chaff
429 Q: Streams - Reminiscent of a piece of flatware, name the place where two streams of
approximately equal volume come together.
A: fork
430 Q: Factions - How were the advocates and opponents of the proposed U.S. Constitution
respectively known?
A: Federalists and Antifederalists
431 Q: Roman Numerals - Express as a Roman numeral the number of labors set for Hercules by
432 Q: Electrical Charges - Any particle that contains more protons than electrons is said to have
what kind of charge?
A: positive
433 Q: Latitudes - Name the two largest countries through which the Arctic Circle passes.
A: Canada, Russia
434 Q: Seas - What sea is between Jordan and Israel?
A: Dead Sea
435 Q: Wit - What form of wordplay is used in this quip?
My dog wrote a novel, but it was terrible.
The plot was too arf-fetched.
A: pun
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436 Q: Sentence Analysis - The simple subject comprises what fraction of the complete subject in
this sentence?
Wandering back and forth in his prison cell
was the former corporate executive.
A: 1/4
437 Q: Spindles - Name the line around which a spindle rotates.
A: axis
438 Q: Evolutionary Improvements - Thanks to an insulating covering of fur or hair, what class of
creatures does not become sluggish or overheated when external temperatures drop below or
rise above their optimum internal temperatures?
A: mammals
439 Q: Peruvian Places - Beneath the scorching sun of the Peruvian desert is Huacachina, a tiny
settlement amidst the sand dunes, complete with a lagoon and lush palm groves. What is the
term for such a lush spot in a wasteland?
A: oasis
440 Q: Fictional Critters - What kind of animals are these fictional creatures?
A: birds
441 Q: Grammatical Voice - If you restate the following sentence in the passive voice, what word
functions as the simple subject?
Lions eat wildebeest.
A: wildebeest
442 Q: Writing - What figure of speech does Francis Bacon use in this passage?
Some books are to be tasted, others to be
swallowed, and some few to be chewed and
A: metaphor
443 Q: Triangles - Name the longest side of a right triangle.
A: hypotenuse
444 Q: Criminal Associations - Sheriff Slayton arrested Larry Lonigan, the lookout, shortly after
Bugeye Butowski assaulted Slim Slamora while robbing Carlotta's Cafe, an event witnessed by
Bonbon Binelli. Who was the accomplice?
A: Larry Lonigan
445 Q: Presidential Goals - What goal stated by President Kennedy in 1961 involving a 240,000-mile
journey was achieved eight years later?
A: manned lunar landing
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446 Q: Change of State - Name the point at which a solid material changes into a liquid state?
A: melting point
447 Q: Explorers - Major discoveries on what continent were made by Vasco da Gama, Sven Hedin,
St. Francis Xavier, and Marco Polo?
A: Asia
448 Q: Aviation Physics - This is about what kind of aircraft?
The pilot increases its buoyancy by adding gas
from pressurized tanks to expand the flotation
bladders, displacing the heavier air.
A: dirigible (blimp, airship)
449 Q: Ratios - Express as an improper fraction the ratio of 3 feet to 5 inches.
A: 36/5
450 Q: Regions - What is the name for the region between 66 1/2 degrees south latitude and the
South Pole?
A: Antarctic
451 Q: Wartime Novels - Complete this title of the Civil War novel in which young Jefferson Davis
Bussey fights for the North and the South at different times.
Rifles for ...
A: Watie
452 Q: Historical Math - In 1650, London's population reached 350,000. Since the city contained
seven percent of the entire English population, how many people were in England then?
A: 5 million
453 Q: Compass Reading - On a compass, what direction is opposite of WSW?
A: ENE (east northeast)
454 Q: Hopeless Situations - When a sea captain realizes that his vessel is about to sink, what order
does he issue?
A: Abandon ship!
455 Q: Homophones - What two words are homophones in this line?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A: would, wood
456 Q: Enduring Puns - According to the pun, what term indicating repudiation “ain't just a river in
A: denial
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457 Q: Big Blasts - The Mount St. Helens eruption of 1980 ejected four cubic kilometers of material.
The eruption of Mt. Tambora in 1815 ejected eighty cubic kilometers of material. The Tambora
eruption was how many times larger than the St. Helens eruption?
A: 20 times
458 Q: Forests - Rain forests are located in more than seventy countries, but more than half of their
total area is in three countries including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, and
what other?
A: Brazil
459 Q: Physics Prefixes - What phenomenon is studied by a physicist in thermodynamics?
A: heat
460 Q: Laws of the Land - Name the constitution of the thirteen American colonies adopted in 1781.
A: Articles of Confederation
461 Q: Compromises - The Connecticut Compromise, otherwise known as the Great Compromise,
was based on establishing what two congressional bodies?
A: Senate, House of Representatives
462 Q: American Government - Which branch of American government neither makes laws nor
enforces them?
A: judicial branch
463 Q: Sprains - In a Type 1 ankle sprain, what tissues are stretched?
A: ligaments
464 Q: Ascents - Photographs taken in the spring of 2019 showed a dense line of people ascending
what peak that Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary climbed alone in 1959?
A: Mt. Everest
465 Q: Square Numbers - If the last digit of a number is 5, then its square must end in what two
A: 25
466 Q: Real Estate - In 1803, negotiations with the French that were originally confined to the
purchase of the port city of New Orleans resulted in what major land acquisition for the United
A: Louisiana Purchase
467 Q: Rhode Island History - Rhode Island was settled mainly by English colonists from what other
A: Massachusetts
468 Q: Legendary Americans - John Luther Jones held what job at the time of his death?
A: engineer (railroad engineer)
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469 Q: Idioms - What idiom that means something is out of place includes “thumb“?
A: stick out like a sore thumb
470 Q: Bouncing - A rubber or steel ball dropped on a concrete surface will bounce. What physical
property is responsible for this?
A: elasticity
471 Q: Special User Fees - Name the fixed charge or tax that people pay for the privilege of
crossing certain bridges or using certain highways.
A: toll
472 Q: Making a Living - What adjective indicates animals that attack and feed on other animals?
A: predaceous (predatory, carnivorous)
473 Q: Felines - What hyphenated adjective describes the exceptionally long, curved, maxillary
canine teeth of certain extinct predatory felines of the Eocene and Pleistocene epochs?
A: saber-toothed
474 Q: Historical Paintings - A famous painting by Emanuel Leutze depicts George Washington
standing in a boat full of soldiers on Christmas night in 1776 on what river?
A: Delaware River
475 Q: Horrid Winters - Malnutrition along with typhus, smallpox, dysentery, typhoid, and pneumonia
were among the afflictions suffered by George Washington's troops when they bivouacked in
what Pennsylvania valley during the winter of 1777-1778?
A: Valley Forge
476 Q: Treaties - The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty was concluded in 1903 between the United States
and what newly independent Central American country?
A: Panama
477 Q: Antecedents - What is the antecedent of the second pronoun in this line?
Boys are beyond the range of anybody's sure
understanding, at least when they are between
the ages of 18 months and 90 years.
A: boys
478 Q: Advertising - What is the general name for these kinds of phrases associated with product
Stronger than dirt.
The happiest place on earth.
When there is no tomorrow.
Fueling the American spirit.
Pleasing people the world over.
Keeps going and going and going.
Solutions for a smart planet.
A: slogans
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479 Q: Epitaphs - What nonce word completes this epitaph?
Here lies the body of Samuel Crane
He ran a race with a passenger train
He got to the crossing and almost across
Sam and his car was a total loss
Sam's spirit now tolls his knell
That Sam is on his way to, well,
If he only took time to stop look and listen
He'd be living now instead of ...
A: missen
480 Q: Military Songs - What term in the official U.S. Air Force song means “the far distance“?
A: yonder
481 Q: Reciprocals - What is the reciprocal of 3x - 2y?
A: 1/(3x - 2y)
482 Q: Presidential Statements - Who said this?
My political nominations must be exceedingly
circumspect. No slip into partiality will pass
unnoticed. By having Mr. Jefferson as the
head of the Department of State, Mr. Jay of
the Judiciary, Hamilton of the Treasury, and
Knox of that of War, I feel myself supported
extremely well.
A: George Washington
483 Q: Averages - What is the arithmetic mean of these numbers?
1, 3, 6, 8, 12
A: 6
484 Q: Production Percent - If your company produced 7.5 million left-handed hammers last year
and 9 million this year, what is the percent of increase?
A: 20%
485 Q: Mills - What is ground in a gristmill?
A: grain
486 Q: Animals - If you were a marsupial living in South Australia and your diet was primarily
eucalyptus leaves, what would you be?
A: koala
487 Q: Adjectives - This line by Samuel Goldwyn illustrates what degree of comparison?
The harder I work, the luckier I get.
A: comparative
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488 Q: Physical Science History - What word completes this limerick?
Archimedes, Sicilian by birth,
Mathematician and thinker of worth.
Eureka! So clever,
With fulcrum and lever,
He boasted, “I'll move the whole ...“
A: Earth
489 Q: Civil War Geography - What was the northeasternmost U.S. state during the Civil War?
A: Maine
490 Q: Angles - How many minutes are in three degrees?
A: 180
491 Q: Expressions - Something done out of affection or a deep abiding interest is called a labor of
A: love
492 Q: Mirrors - What adjective describes a mirror that is bulging outward?
A: convex
493 Q: Straits - What strait now exists where once a land bridge connected Siberia and Alaska?
A: Bering Strait
494 Q: Glaciers - What is the term for a deep open fissure in a glacier?
A: crevasse
495 Q: Plant Physiology - What structures on a plant are used to procure inorganic nutrients such as
minerals and water?
A: roots
496 Q: Perimeters - What is the length of a side of an equilateral triangle with a perimeter of 39
A: 13 centimeters
497 Q: Sentence Correction - What word should replace the one wrong word in this sentence?
Hundreds who attended the Star Wars
Convention drove their own vehicle.
A: vehicles
498 Q: Astronomy - Name the nearest heavenly body with a core, radiative zone, and a convection
zone, and whose outer layers include a photosphere, chromosphere, transition region, and
A: Sun
499 Q: Affixes - What suffix is added to most one-syllable modifiers to form the comparative degree?
A: -er
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500 Q: Infinitives - What is the infinitive form of the verb whose past participle is “stolen“?
A: to steal
501 Q: Fraction Exponentiation - What is the square of 1/6?
A: 1/36
502 Q: The Number Line - The origin on the number line is what point?
A: 0
503 Q: Protagonists - In a book by Patricia MacLachlan, what character sends this note in reply to
an advertisement?
I will come by train. I will wear a yellow bonnet.
I am plain and tall. Tell them I sing.
A: Sarah (Sarah Wheaton)
504 Q: Resources - In 1855, a Pennsylvania businessman, George Bissell, sent a sample of some
stuff that was seeping from the ground to Yale University for analysis. The Yale chemist said it
could be used for lighting and that it would also yield products like paraffin and naphtha. What
was this stuff?
A: oil (petroleum)
505 Q: Sentence Parts - What is the indirect object in this example?
The master chef taught our class the art
of ivory-billed woodpecker roasting.
A: class (our class)
506 Q: Ancient Disasters - About two thousand years ago, the same volcanic disaster that killed a
large percentage of the inhabitants of what small city in southern Italy also preserved its streets
and buildings?
A: Pompeii (or Herculaneum)
507 Q: Syllogisms - Complete this syllogism.
Either it is green and has a prehensile tongue
or it is not slimy. It is not slimy. Therefore,
it ...
A: is green and has a prehensile tongue
508 Q: Planets - What planet is known to have a troposphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere?
A: Earth
509 Q: Chemical Reactions - How many molecules of table salt could be made in the chemical
reaction of 1 million atoms of sodium and 1 atom of chlorine?
A: 1
510 Q: Ancient Fortifications - The fortified height of a city in what ancient land was called an
A: Greece
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511 Q: International Economics - International trade is based on imports and what?
A: exports
512 Q: Business Math - Auks-R-Us bought an original auk statuette for $16 and marked it up 25%.
Then, when it didn't sell, the item was marked down 50%. What was its price then?
A: $10
513 Q: Diet - A balanced diet includes appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins,
minerals, fiber, water, and what other nutrients?
A: proteins
514 Q: Writing Errors - What word should be used to correct this sentence?
Neither they nor I were present in class.
A: was
515 Q: Heat Transfer - Name the heat transfer mechanism by which solar energy reaches the Earth.
A: radiation
516 Q: Sentence Subjects - How many subjects are in this sentence?
Beneath the bright stars and the silver moon,
a young frog croaked and hyenas chortled.
A: 2
517 Q: Continents - Name the smallest continent.
A: Antarctica
518 Q: Assassins - What was the profession of the man who killed Abraham Lincoln?
A: actor
519 Q: Matter - What common characteristic of a sample of matter is determined by multiplying its
length times its width times its height?
A: volume
520 Q: Songs - These are the introductory words to what song in a musical set in London?
In ev'ry job that must be done
There is an element of fun.
You find the fun and snap!
The job's a game.
A: A Spoonful of Sugar
521 Q: 20th-Century Africa - This is about what country?
Africa's richest country became a republic in
1961, but its policy of racial separation called
apartheid made it an outcast among nations.
A: South Africa
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522 Q: The Solar System - This is a description of what planet?
Like the Moon, it is a small, airless world
pockmarked with craters and scoured by
intense sunlight with insufficient interior
heat left to drive surface activity.
A: Mercury
523 Q: Industrialists - This is about whom?
He built his first car in 1893, his first Model T
in 1908 and, by 1920, he had built most of the
eight million horseless carriages rattling
around the American countryside.
A: Henry Ford
524 Q: Perimeters - What is the perimeter in yards of an equilateral decagon if each side is 6 feet
A: 20
525 Q: Town Histories - These are cities and towns occupying land that was purchased from what
Bethel, Palmer, Soldotna, Kotzebue, Wrangell
A: Russia
526 Q: Homonyms - What word has all these meanings?
-a pulsation or throb
-a type of news that a reporter usually covers
-to flap repeatedly
-a regular rhythmical unit of time
-to mix rapidly with a utensil
-to defeat someone in a contest
-to strike repeatedly
A: beat
527 Q: Implants - Surgeons sometimes implant a pacemaker to help what organ function regularly?
A: heart
528 Q: Pet Purchasing Problems - At Andy's Alien Pet Emporium, there are 80 creatures for sale.
Every third one has orange hair. Every fourth one has a toothy grin, and every eighth one has a
spiral horn. How many of Andy's creatures have all of these highly desirable characteristics?
A: 3
529 Q: Averages - What is the mean of this set of scores?
12, 17, 46, 53, 222
A: 70
530 Q: Steam - On the Celsius scale, what is the value of the steam point?
A: 100 degrees
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531 Q: Flubbed Metaphors - What word should Al Gore have used when he made this statement?
A leopard can't change his stripes.
A: spots
532 Q: Palindromes - What is the first palindromic prime number greater than 100?
A: 101
533 Q: Numbers - What are the fourth and fifth ordinal numbers?
A: fourth, fifth
534 Q: Equestrian Stories - In the novel, “National Velvet,“ how does Velvet acquire her first horse?
A: in a raffle
535 Q: Chords - Name the chord that passes through the center of a circle.
A: diameter
536 Q: Skin Problems - What condition that can usually be controlled simply by daily shampooing
causes millions of people to think twice before donning basic black outfits?
A: dandruff
537 Q: Autotrophs - What kind of energy do photoautotrophic organisms use to manufacture food?
A: light (electromagnetic)
538 Q: Adjectives - What is the adjective form of the proper noun, Argentina?
A: Argentinian (Argentine)
539 Q: Legislative Bodies - What federal body includes a chaplain, parliamentarian, clerk, sergeant
at arms, doorkeeper, and speaker?
A: House of Representatives
540 Q: Prepositions - What preposition usually begins a phrase that follows these verbs?
pay, work, look, prepare
A: for
541 Q: French Territories - In 1701, name the province of France that covered most of the area
drained by the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers.
A: Louisiana
542 Q: The Roots of Arts - These plays and novels were inspired by the history of what ancient
Quo Vadis
The Last Days of Pompeii
Antony and Cleopatra
Julius Caesar
A: Rome
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543 Q: Algebraic Ratios - Express this ratio in lowest terms.
4ab to 3ab
A: 4 to 3
544 Q: Figurative Language - What figure of speech is used repeatedly in this poem?
I am a streak of metallic blue mixed in with
shiny silver. / I am a brave dog helping others
and scavenging for food. / I am a diminutive
rain shower brewing up a great storm. / I am
a blue leather arm chair comforting all who
take a seat.
A: metaphor
545 Q: Interjections - In the U.S. national anthem, what two interjections appear next to one another?
A: oh say
546 Q: Cavalry Units - What unit of volunteers in the Spanish-American War, commanded by
Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt, got its name from a show entitled “Buffalo Bill's Wild
West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World“?
A: Rough Riders
547 Q: Gears - If you have two equal-sized gears, A and B, being driven by a larger gear between
them, what is the direction of rotation of gear B in comparison to that of gear A?
A: It is the same.
548 Q: Boats - Name the flat-bottomed boats that are often pushed by tugboats and carry heavy
bulk goods like oil and grain on rivers, lakes, and canals.
A: barges
549 Q: Leaves - What is the name for the stiff narrow leaves of conifers?
A: needles
550 Q: Temporary Headquarters - The first home of the U.S. government was on what New York
street now known as the American financial center?
A: Wall Street
551 Q: Batting Averages - One baseball season, Superman got a hit every time he was at bat. If he
was up 83 times, what was his batting average?
A: 1 (or 1000)
552 Q: Farming Practices - Some farmers will plant corn one year and soybeans the next in the
same plot. Others may plant sunflowers one year and potatoes the next. Name this kind of
agricultural practice which helps to maintain nutrient-rich soil.
A: crop rotation
553 Q: Ecology - Polar bears are to carnivores as pandas are to ...
A: herbivores
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554 Q: County Counts - With 254, what state can boast that it has more counties than any other?
A: Texas
555 Q: Map History - Early maps and charts were drawn on stretched animal skin called what?
A: parchment
556 Q: Math Suffixes - What is the meaning of the suffix in such words as nonagon, tetragon,
polygon, and hexagon?
A: angle
557 Q: Journalism - Name the time that a story must be submitted in order to be included in a
newspaper edition.
A: deadline
558 Q: Science Homonyms - What term may mean either one of the four fundamental states of
matter or the clear yellowish fluid portion of blood?
A: plasma
559 Q: Custer's Last Stand - Since the Battle of the Little Bighorn occurred while the U.S. was
celebrating its centennial, in what year did this battle occur?
A: 1876
560 Q: Emergency Measures - The effects of what are counteracted by an antidote?
A: poison (toxin, venom)
561 Q: Statistics - What is the range on a test if the highest score was 123, the lowest was 81, and
the mean score was 107?
A: 42
562 Q: Percentage - What is the percentage change from 10 to 30?
A: 200%
563 Q: Fractions - How does the value of the fraction change if the values of X and Z in the fraction
XY/Z are both doubled?
A: remains the same
564 Q: Figurative Language - What figure of speech is in this line?
A library is thought in cold storage.
A: metaphor
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565 Q: Sayings - These are contemporary versions of a quotation by what former president?
Speak loudly and carry a boiled carrot.
Speak softly and carry a big lightsaber.
Speak loudly and carry no stick at all.
Speak softly and carry a blank check.
Speak loudly and carry a lipstick.
Speak softly and carry a camera.
A: Theodore Roosevelt
566 Q: Fractions - Change 16 1/4% to an equivalent fraction reduced to lowest terms.
A: 13/80
567 Q: Traditions - Although it is not a federal holiday, name the day that has been celebrated
annually since 1916 on which Americans are encouraged to display Old Glory?
A: Flag Day
568 Q: Photography - What kind of camera lens is a form of telescope?
A: telephoto lens
569 Q: Homonyms - What term can mean either a type of insect with long antennae and legs suited
for leaping or a game played with bats, balls, and wickets?
A: cricket
570 Q: Writing - Early in a western, the protagonist is walking down the street. As he passes, a guy
with a scruffy beard, an old black hat, and an eye patch spits where the hero just walked,
suggesting something unpleasant is going to eventually happen. This illustrates what literary
A: foreshadowing
571 Q: Wartime Letters - This is from a letter written during what war?
The Hessians, the best of the German troops,
are by no means equal to the British in any
respect. They are steady, but their slowness
is of the greatest disadvantage in a country
almost covered with woods, and against an
enemy who runs from fence to fence and keeps
up a galling fire on troops who advance with
the same pace as at their exercise.
A: Revolutionary War (American Revolution)
572 Q: Failed Construction Projects - In 1881, the French Canal Company under Ferdinand de
Lesseps attempted to build a sea-level waterway across what isthmus?
A: isthmus of Panama
573 Q: Line Postulates - Two lines in the same plane must either run parallel to each other or they
must do what?
A: intersect (crisscross, meet, cross)
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574 Q: Polygon Perimeters - What is the length of one side of a regular octagon with a perimeter of
160 inches?
A: 20 inches
575 Q: Triangle Angles - If one angle of a triangle is twice as large as another and three times as
large as the third, how many degrees are in the largest angle?
A: 90
576 Q: Planets - The name for what flower can be made from the first letters of these planets in this
order from the Sun?
4th planet
7th planet
1st planet
A: mum
577 Q: Government - As used in an Amrican pledge, the obligation to support and obey a leader or
government in return for protection is called what?
A: allegiance
578 Q: Archaic Language - The archaic expression “thou art“ is equivalent to what modern words?
A: you are
579 Q: Mass Media - In journalism, “photo ops“ is short for what?
A: photo opportunities
580 Q: Parallel Structure - What two words complete this line by Mark Twain illustrating parallel
It is better to deserve honors and not have
them than to have them and not to ...
A: deserve them
581 Q: Factories - This is about an industrial plant set up by whom in 1910?
A huge conveyor moved thousands of parts.
Axles were assembled along the lines that met
the lines on which the car frames were
assembled. Assembled wheels joined the line
to be fastened to the ends of axles.
A: Henry Ford
582 Q: Vocabulary - A conflagration is a large and destructive what?
A: fire
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583 Q: Rodent Poems - What German town is the setting for the poem that includes these lines?
Great Rats, small rats, lean rats, browny rats,
Brown rats, black rats, gray rats, tawny rats,
Grave old plodders, gay young friskers,
Fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins,
Cocking tails and prickling whiskers,
Families by tens and dozens,
Brothers, sisters, husbands, wives
A: Hamelin
584 Q: Age of Exploration - These people were from what country?
Vasco da Gama
Ferdinand Magellan
Henry the Navigator
Juan Cabrillo
Bartholomeu Dias
A: Portugal
585 Q: Theater - In what kind of play is the audience urged to cheer the hero and boo the villain?
A: melodrama
586 Q: Australian History - Around 1770, what European country claimed Australia?
A: Great Britain (England)
587 Q: Substance Deterioration - What is produced as the nuclei of uranium or plutonium
disintegrate over time?
A: radiation
588 Q: Simplification - Simplify the ratio of 4 feet to 6 yards.
A: 2 to 9
589 Q: Constitutional Authority - The Constitution states that all of what kind of powers “shall be
vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of
A: legislative powers
590 Q: Printing - What was the nationality of the 15th-century inventor who came up with using
movable type printing?
A: German
591 Q: Revolutionary Quotes - Complete this quote by Ben Franklin.
We must all hang together or most assuredly
we shall ...
A: all hang separately
592 Q: Electrical Costs - If you are paying 20 cents per kilowatt hour, what does it cost to keep a
100-watt light bulb burning for 8 hours?
A: 16 cents
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593 Q: Muscles - What specialized skeletal muscle is involved in the gustatory sense, swallowing,
speech, and chewing?
A: tongue
594 Q: Old West Commerce - In the Old West, what was the name for the stores that, for most of
their transactions, relied on barter instead of the exchange of currency?
A: trading posts
595 Q: Calculators - The wires define place value and the beads on each wire represent the digits of
a particular number on what device?
A: abacus (counting frame)
596 Q: Minor Disorders - Blackheads and whiteheads affect which body system?
A: integumentary (skin)
597 Q: Commanders - In 1775, the Continental Congress appointed whom as commander in chief of
the “Continental forces to be raised for the defense of liberty“?
A: George Washington
598 Q: Repeating Decimals - The repeating decimal 0.142857... is equivalent to what fraction?
A: 1/7
599 Q: Poems - Name this poem by Langston Hughes.
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go
Life is a green field frozen with snow.
A: Dreams
600 Q: Inertia - According to the law of inertia, if an object is at rest, it tends to do what?
A: stay (remain) at rest
601 Q: Tolkien - In contrast with the benevolent Elvish race, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote of what
aggressive, foul, repulsive, malevolent species?
A: orcs (goblins)
602 Q: Athletic Training - In relation to athletics, what is a synonym for stamina?
A: endurance (fortitude)
603 Q: Proverbs - According to the proverb, all work and no play makes whom a dull boy?
A: Jack
604 Q: Weight - Rounded to the nearest thousand, how much would the 66,000-pound Sherman
tank in your backyard weigh on the Moon?
A: 11,000 pounds
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605 Q: Polytheism - These are gods of what ancient civilization?
Amun, Hathor, Thoth, Osiris, Horus, Isis
A: Egypt
606 Q: Venezuela - What is the capital of Venezuela?
A: Caracas
607 Q: International Relations - The United Nations was founded at the end of what war?
A: World War II
608 Q: Animal Behavior - As soon as sea turtles hatch on the beach, they begin to work their way to
the ocean. Honeybees all seem to understand communication by dance. Birds build nests and
beavers build dams without instruction. These are all examples of inborn patterns of behavior
called what?
A: instincts
609 Q: Deserts - The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world. What is the world's largest cold
A: Antarctica
610 Q: Measurement Problems - There are 5.2 liters of water in a bucket. A jug holds 3.9 liters less
than the bucket. What is the volume of water in the jug?
A: 1.3 liters
611 Q: Ancient Civilizations - On what continent did the kingdoms of Cush, Axum, Mali, and Songhai
A: Africa
612 Q: Wildlife Classifications - While anteaters are insectivores and lions are carnivores, what are
A: herbivores
613 Q: Physical Properties - A gold doubloon sinks to the bottom of the sea because what property
of gold exceeds that of saltwater?
A: density (specific gravity)
614 Q: Wars - This is about what war?
Pyongyang fell and U.N. troops pushed the
enemy forces north to the Yalu River.
A: Korean War
615 Q: Rhyme - This verse from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner“ illustrates what rhyme scheme?
It is an ancient Mariner,
And he stoppeth one of three.
'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp'st thou me?
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616 Q: Stories - Complete this line from the novel, “National Velvet.“
“I don't like people,“ said Velvet.
“I only like ...“
A: horses
617 Q: American Revolution - American colonists during the Revolutionary War were either loyalists
or members of what other faction that wanted independence from Britain?
A: patriots
618 Q: Allusions - This line alludes to a character created by what British author?
Stewart didn't like to spend money. He was
no Scrooge, but he seldom purchased anything
except the bare essentials.
A: Charles Dickens
619 Q: Contractions - “It's“ is the contraction either for “it is“ or for what else?
A: it has
620 Q: Distinctive Name Geography - In what U.S. state are these sites located?
Haleakala National Park
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park
A: Hawaii
621 Q: Geology - Name the hot, viscous liquid that forms when rock partially or completely melts
below the Earth's crust.
A: magma
622 Q: Organs - What organ of the integumentary system consists of multiple layers of ectodermal
A: skin
623 Q: Algebraic Addition - What is the sum of the following?
5a + 3b - 2c
-2a + 3b + 2c
A: 3a + 6b
624 Q: Courtrooms - In the courtroom, the two sides in a criminal case are called the prosecution
and what other?
A: defense
625 Q: Temporary Disabilities - What physiological condition results in your biceps if you do curls,
even with light weights, over a prolonged period?
A: fatigue
626 Q: Warfare - What was the first country to use jet aircraft in warfare?
A: Germany
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627 Q: The Solar System - The planets and many lesser bodies orbit the Sun. The lesser bodies
include the Moon, comets, and what else?
A: asteroids (planetoids)
628 Q: Time Periods - How many days are in a fortnight?
A: 14
629 Q: Cool Bugs - The North American versions of these creatures spend most of their lives as
underground nymphs, but they emerge as full grown insects in cycles of either 13 or 17 years.
What large-eyed, very loud insects are these that emerge together in huge numbers?
A: Cicadas
630 Q: Numbers - Integers may be expressed as fractions with a denominator of what value?
A: 1
631 Q: Impeachment - If a U.S. president were to be impeached, members of what organization
would serve as jurors at the trial?
A: Senate
632 Q: The Declaration - In support of the Declaration of Independence, the signers pledged their
fortunes, their sacred honor, and what else?
A: their lives
633 Q: Seashore Sites - In what state is the Canaveral National Seashore?
A: Florida
634 Q: Substances - What common transparent substance is actually a super-cooled liquid or a
solid solution?
A: glass
635 Q: Pronouns - What is the object pronoun that corresponds with the subject pronoun “I“?
A: me
636 Q: Spheres - What is the name for precisely half of a sphere?
A: hemisphere
637 Q: Business Ventures - This is about what venture?
These unarmed horsemen galloped on, summer
or winter, day or night, through dust or snow,
past Indians and bandits and only missed one
trip during the eighteen legend-leaving months
this organization existed.
A: Pony Express
638 Q: Body Systems - What major body system regulates breathing, balance, coordination,
heartbeat, digestion, emotions, sensation, and perception?
A: nervous system
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639 Q: Ratios - Express this ratio in lowest terms.
7/4 to 1/8
A: 14
640 Q: Stringed Instruments - Standard guitars have how many strings?
A: 6
641 Q: Stories - “It was not that Omri didn't appreciate Patrick's birthday present to him“ is the first
line of a story by Lynne Reid Banks. Complete the title of that story.
The Indian in the ...
A: Cupboard
642 Q: Interest - In one year, what is the amount of simple interest on $4000 at 8.5%?
A: $340
643 Q: Writing Errors - What phrase is misplaced in this line?
The cause of the blaze has been determined
to be arson by Sheriff Ronald Walker.
A: by Sheriff Ronald Walker
644 Q: Consonants - Another name for a consonant cluster is a consonant what?
A: blend
645 Q: Cubes - What is the sum of the faces, edges, and corners of a cube?
A: 26
646 Q: Speaking - What word that rhymes with “fiction“ indicates the degree of clarity and
distinctness of pronunciation?
A: diction
647 Q: Homonyms - What term can indicate a plant that establishes itself in a previous barren
region, someone who opens up new areas of research, or someone who ventures into
unclaimed territory to settle?
A: pioneer
648 Q: Poisons - Many young children have become very ill and have even died after chewing on
painted objects. What substance in old paint is to blame?
A: lead
649 Q: Latin America - The official name of what Latin American country literally translates as
“Republic of the Equator“?
A: Ecuador (Republica del Ecuador)
650 Q: Enumerations - In 2010, more than six million workers were hired to conduct a national
census of what country that, by some estimates, had a population exceeding 1.3 billion?
A: China
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651 Q: Nuclear Physics - The Sun consumes about 700 million tons of what element per second?
A: hydrogen
652 Q: Continents - What is the only continent that lies entirely north of the tropic of Cancer?
A: Europe
653 Q: Past Professions - The development of what technology put most scribes out of business?
A: printing
654 Q: Arachnids - What two colors are in the names of the spiders that cause about half of all
spider bites reported to poison control centers annually in the U.S.?
A: black, brown
655 Q: Declarations of Independence - In 1903, with the support of the U.S. government, Panama
issued a declaration of independence from what South American country?
A: Colombia
656 Q: Landforms - What are these?
Great Sandy
A: deserts
657 Q: Revolutionaries - Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar led rebels against what country?
A: Spain
658 Q: Big Lands - What country is north of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China?
A: Russia
659 Q: Imperialism - Hong Kong was the last Asian colony of what European country?
A: Great Britain (United Kingdom)
660 Q: Fictional Characters - Charles Dickens considered “Little Fred“ and “Tiny Mick“ as names for
a character in “A Christmas Carol“ before choosing what other name?
A: Tiny Tim
661 Q: Vocal Music - Yodeling is a form of vocal music that developed in what European mountain
A: Alps
662 Q: Light - When light rays diverge, they spread out. When they converge, they can reach a
point called a what?
A: focus
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663 Q: Assassinations - In 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in what country?
A: India
664 Q: Verb Choice - Supply the present tense form of the verb “to be“ in this sentence.
Half of the boys ---- in camp.
A: are
665 Q: Polynesian Watercraft - What kind of canoe used by Polynesians has a long, thin float
attached parallel to the hull by projecting spars to prevent capsizing?
A: outrigger
666 Q: Advertising in the Old West - An 1874 ad began with “Farmers! Take Notice! The Greatest
Invention of the Age!“ This advertisement was for what new product invented by Joseph
Glidden to keep livestock from roaming onto other settlers' lands?
A: barbed wire
667 Q: Algebraic Simplification - Simplify this expression.
4x + 3y + x -7y - 3
A: 5x - 4y - 3
668 Q: Gases - Through the process of methanogenesis, microorganisms produce what combustible
A: methane
669 Q: Heat - You are roasting a hot dog over an open campfire on the end of a straightened steel
coathanger. When the end of the coathanger in your hand becomes too hot to hold, this
illustrates what form of heat transfer?
A: conduction
670 Q: Field Fencing - You have a rectangular field with dimensions of 22 by 66 yards. To build a
fence around the entire field and also divide the field into three equal squares, how many yards
of fencing are needed?
A: 220
671 Q: Wars - Latin American wars of independence were primarily directed against what country?
A: Spain
672 Q: The Ocean Floor - What continent lies between the Somali Plain and the Angola Plain?
A: Africa
673 Q: Woodwinds - What woodwind has a shrill brilliance associated with the highest pitch levels,
and may depict the whistle of the wind, birds chirping, a flash of lightning, or piercing pain?
A: piccolo
674 Q: The Senate - The terms of what fraction of U.S. senators expire every two years?
A: 1/3
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675 Q: The Sun - When the Sun is visible at 12 p.m., as it is annually north of the Arctic Circle, it is
known as what kind of sun?
A: midnight sun
676 Q: Punctuation - Adding a hyphen after what word drastically changes the meaning of this
Cornville has little town charm.
A: little
677 Q: Urban Economics - In a city of 400,000 residents where the municipal budget is $900 million,
what is the per capita spending?
A: $2250
678 Q: British Myths - This is from an oft-repeated tale about what British navigator, colonizer, and
A small quantity of mud interrupted the queen's
passage, and as Elizabeth hesitated to pass on,
the young gallant took the cloak from his
shoulders and laid it on the miry spot so as to
ensure her stepping over it dry-shod.
A: Walter Raleigh
679 Q: Heteronyms - What heteronym completes this sentence?
The abandoned organic farm used to produce ...
A: produce
680 Q: Tension - What is the tension on a slack rope?
A: zero (none)
681 Q: Mammals - These are characteristics of what flippered marine mammal?
The live in the Arctic Ocean.
Adult males may weigh 4400 pounds.
Adults have prominent tusks and whiskers.
They are exceeded in size only by certain
elephant seals.
A: walruses
682 Q: Ultimatums - If you tell someone to either do as you say or get out, the idiomatic way of
expressing this is “my way or the“ what?
A: highway
683 Q: Peninsulas - What 800-mile-long peninsula borders the Gulf of California?
A: Baja California
684 Q: Rights - In government, the term “franchise“ refers to the rights of individuals to do what?
A: vote
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685 Q: Plane Speed - If an airplane with an air speed of 400 kilometers per hour is flying into a 150-
kilometer per hour headwind, its ground speed is how many kilometers per hour?
A: 250
686 Q: Chicken and Egg Math - In 1998 there were about 250 million laying hens in the U.S. that
produced about 66 billion eggs. On average, how many eggs did each hen produce?
A: 264
687 Q: The Constitution - According to the Article I of the U.S. Constitution, members of which
congressional body were to be selected by state legislatures for six-year terms?
A: Senate
688 Q: Geographic Basics - The height of Polaris in degrees of arc above the horizon tells you what
about your location on Earth's surface?
A: latitude
689 Q: American Revolution - What form of punishment popularized by the Sons of Liberty and used
against British loyalists and offensive British government officials involved a viscous
hydrocarbon and plumage?
A: tar and feathering
690 Q: Geographic Centers - Which of the contiguous states in the U.S. has the southernmost
geographic center?
A: Florida
691 Q: Gases - You have a beaker of a pure gas. When you mix it with oxygen and ignite it, the
resulting product is water. What is the gas?
A: hydrogen
692 Q: Ratios - Simplify this ratio.
24 to 60
A: 2 to 5
693 Q: Shadows - What is the term for the passing of one luminous or illuminated object into the
shadow of another?
A: eclipse (occultation)
694 Q: Rights - You have just completed the great American novel. What right do you have to sell
your book to a publisher?
A: copyright
695 Q: Textile Technology - Name the device that turns thread or yarn into cloth by weaving strands
together at right angles.
A: loom
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696 Q: Game Numbers - Add the number of squares on a checkerboard to the number of squares
on a chess board.
A: 164
697 Q: Writers - In 1863, Samuel Clemens was working as the city editor for Virginia City Nevada's
newspaper, the “Territorial Enterprise“. In February of that year, he first used what nickname
under which he soon became famous?
A: Mark Twain
698 Q: Cold Air - The Siberian Express, a flow of cold air that moves into Alaska and Canada,
originates above what country?
A: Russia
699 Q: Historical Verbiage - These verbs are found, in this order, in the text of what important
document in American history?
becomes, dissolve, assume, requires, should
declare, are created, are endowed
A: Declaration of Independence
700 Q: Explorers - Amerigo Vespucci referred to the area he discovered as the “Mundus Novus,“
which means what?
A: New World
701 Q: Physicians - Cardiologists, internists, hematologists, podiatrists, pediatricians, and
neurologists who devote their practices to patients in particular categories are called what?
A: specialists
702 Q: Symbolic Math - What is the total value in cents of x quarters and 6 dimes?
A: 25x + 60
703 Q: Depressions - In sinkholes, what is the primary agent responsible for removing the soil and
A: water
704 Q: Planets - What metallic element is most abundant in the windblown dust on Mars?
A: iron
705 Q: Floods - What is the probability of a 100-year flood occuring in any given year?
A: 1% (1 in 100)
706 Q: Ships - Between 1557 and 1580, who captained the Golden Hind on a round the world
A: Sir Francis Drake
707 Q: Relative Humidity - At 20 degrees C, a cubic meter of air holds 12 grams of water vapor. If
only 6 grams are present, the relative humidity is what percent?
A: 50
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708 Q: Islam - What is the bible of Islam?
A: Koran
709 Q: Machines - A lever is a bar that pivots on a fixed point called a what?
A: fulcrum
710 Q: Education - What academic degree do most public defenders hold?
A: law degree
711 Q: Springtime Hazards - Frequently producing local flooding, an accumulation of broken river
ice blocking a channel is called an ice what?
A: jam
712 Q: Time Measure Etymology - What term for a span of time was derived from Old English words
meaning “fourteen nights“?
A: fortnight
713 Q: English Literature - This line is from what book by Daniel Defoe?
I let him know his name should be Friday,
which was the day I saved his life.
A: Robinson Crusoe
714 Q: Harsh Winters - Name the army that wintered in Valley Forge beginning in 1777.
A: Continental Army
715 Q: Mistaken Myths - These are unfounded conceptions about what kind of storms?
-a greenish sky predicts them
-opening windows will reduce their damage
-overpasses provide adequate shelter
from them
A: tornadoes
716 Q: Disasters - Ecological disasters involving what natural resource are associated with the
Torrey Canyon, the Amoco Cadiz, and the Exxon Valdez?
A: petroleum (oil)
717 Q: Elements - In the periodic table, all elements are classified either as nonmetals or what?
A: metals
718 Q: Clouds - Dense clouds consisting mainly of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid surround what
A: Venus
719 Q: Laws of Motion - According to Newton's first law of motion, what does a bowling ball that is
sitting on the ice covering a pond do?
A: It remains there (doesn't move).
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720 Q: Weathering - What substance is always involved in the weathering process called frost
A: water (or ice)
721 Q: Revolutions - What revolution involving the transition to new manufacturing methods
extended from about 1760 to the start of World War I?
A: Industrial Revolution
722 Q: Drama - In a dramatic presentation, what is the collective term for objects used by the actors
onstage such as a wallet, a handkerchief, a map, a cigar, a sword, a book, or a telephone?
A: props
723 Q: Superscripts - What is the name for those superscripts that indicate how many times a
number is to be multiplied by itself?
A: exponents
724 Q: Acronyms - The acronym for the National Organization for Women is NOW. The acronym for
the Bay Area Rapid Transit is BART. What is the acronym for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks?
725 Q: Pronouns - What two possessive pronouns could be the missing word in this sentence?
The ship reached ---- home port.
A: her, its
726 Q: Tissues - What is the everyday name for the fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an
A: scar tissue
727 Q: Displacement - If you halfway submerge an empty, sealed, one-gallon container in water,
what volume of water will be displaced?
A: 1/2 gallon
728 Q: Trees - What tree commonly raised in the Mediterranean region is a major source of oil?
A: olive tree
729 Q: Wildlife - Before 1800, some 60 million of them lived in North America, but by 1900, perhaps
as few as 300 remained. Today, there as some 360,000 of them on public and private land.
Name these bovine mammals.
A: bison (buffalo)
730 Q: Gears - What is the gear ratio if the diameter of driven gear is five times that of the driver
A: 5 to 1
731 Q: Science History - According to Thomas Edison, what is one percent inspiration and ninety-
nine percent perspiration?
A: genius
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732 Q: Arithmetic Operations - The set of integers is closed under what three arithmetic operations?
A: addition, subtraction, multiplication
733 Q: A Big Feed - You are planning dinner for 26 professional wrestlers. Allowing 3/4 pound of
meat loaf per wrestler, how large a meat loaf will you need?
A: 19.5 pounds
734 Q: Mystery Novels - In what novel is the clue “FRUITED PURPLE WAVES FOR SEA“ given to
Grace Wexler and James Hoo?
A: The Westing Game
735 Q: Mathematical Palindromes - What is the last word in this palindrome?
I prefer ...
A: pi
736 Q: Political Subdivisions - These are among the counties in what state?
Baylor, Fannin, Travis, Comanche, Bowie,
Crockett, Brazos, Goliad, San Jacinto
A: Texas
737 Q: Planes - How many non-collinear points are needed to determine a plane?
A: 3
738 Q: Novels - In what novel about a voyage from Liverpool, England, to Providence, Rhode Island,
does thirteen-year-old Charlotte end up being named as a ship's captain after the Captain
Jaggery fell into the briny deep while attempting to kill her?
A: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
739 Q: Birds - What structure on the feet of geese and ducks is lacking on rails and coots?
A: webs
740 Q: Medical Tests - Arteriography is a method of examining the interior of what?
A: arteries
741 Q: Regolith Relocation - What is the term for the removal, transport, and deposition of parts of
the surface of the land, by mechanical forces such as water and wind?
A: erosion
742 Q: Tremors - Ground tremors after a major earthquake that are caused by the repositioning of
rock beneath the surface are called what?
A: aftershocks
743 Q: Foils - What character in “The Wind in the Willows“ is the foil to Mr. Toad?
A: Mr. Badger
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744 Q: Capes - In what state are Cape Coral and Cape Canaveral located?
A: Florida
745 Q: Wordplay - The word “ushers“ is the only English word that contains what five personal
pronouns in succession?
A: us, she, he, her, hers
746 Q: Vocabulary - What is the term for the inability to read or write one's native language?
A: illiteracy
747 Q: German Language - Translate the German phrase, “guten Tag.“
A: good day
748 Q: The Declaration - What phrase early in the first line of the Declaration of Independence
means to “break away,“ “split off from,“ or “tear away from“?
A: dissolve the political bands
749 Q: Compasses - The compass direction of 225 degrees is halfway between what two cardinal
A: south and west
750 Q: Speed Measurement - To the nearest second, how long does it take a soap box car to travel
650 feet at 18.5 feet per second?
A: 35 seconds
751 Q: Songs - These are famous songs from what country?
Santa Lucia
O Sole Mio
Funiculi, Funicula
A: Italy
752 Q: Consecutive Integers - What three consecutive integers add up to 204?
A: 67, 68, 69
753 Q: Wildlife - About 70% of the world's marsupials are found on the island of New Guinea and in
what country?
A: Australia
754 Q: Metals - What metal comprises about 5.6% of the Earth's crust and almost all of the Earth's
A: iron
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755 Q: Earnings Problems - The amount of money a gandy dancer earns varies directly as the
number of hours he works. If he earns $400 by working 25 hours, how much would he earn by
working 18 hours?
A: $288
756 Q: Triangle Area - What is the area of a triangle with a base of 20 centimeters and a height of 9
A: 90 square centimeters
757 Q: Fields of Science - What scientific field is particularly concerned with studying the material
remains left by humans?
A: archaeology
758 Q: Hairy Electricity - When you comb your hair, the comb becomes negatively charged because
what has been transferred to it?
A: electrons
759 Q: Volcanoes on Moons - Because it has been active during every observation of it since first
being seen by Voyager 1 in 1979, the Prometheus volcano on Io has been given what nickname
reminiscent of a certain geyser in Yellowstone National Park?
A: Old Faithful
760 Q: Anagrams - “Tubed“ is an anagram for what term indicating a first public appearance?
A: debut
761 Q: Open-Ended Stories - What story by Frank Stockton ends with this?
So I leave it all with you. Which came out of
the opened door?
A: The Lady or the Tiger
762 Q: Bays - The Bay of Biscay is an arm of what ocean?
A: Atlantic Ocean
763 Q: Superstitions - What are all of these things supposed to bring you?
a cricket in your house
a lock of hair from a baby's first haircut
a buckeye in your pocket
clothes worn inside out
goldfish in your pond
wearing new clothes on Easter
a rabbit's foot
A: good luck
764 Q: Mutations - What is the term for an organism affected by a mutation?
A: mutant
765 Q: Say What? - What disorder involves inflammation of the larynx?
A: laryngitis
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766 Q: Novels - “Caddie Woodlawn“ is a novel about pioneer life in the 1860s in what north-central
U.S. state?
A: Wisconsin
767 Q: Rock - An aquiclude is a rock formation that may store but cannot transmit what in significant
A: water
768 Q: Plant Resources - China has long used what natural botanical resource for construction,
furniture, crafts, musical instruments, and paper?
A: bamboo
769 Q: International Competition - The Olympic Games were held in London in 1948. Why had they
been cancelled in 1940 and 1944?
A: World War II
770 Q: Stuff that Binds - What is the general name for substances such as paste, mucilage, cement,
and glue?
A: adhesives
771 Q: Experiments - In an attempt to grow longer string beans, a botanist tried using several
different fertilizers, concentrations of different gases, and various background music such as
“It's a Long Way to Tipperary,“ “Long Black Veil,“ “Long Time Gone,“ and “Long, Long Way from
Home.“ What is the dependent variable in all these tests?
A: length of beans
772 Q: Quadrilaterals - How many right angles are in a rhombus?
A: none
773 Q: Invertebrates - Arthropod bodies are usually segmented and covered by an exoskeleton
made up of separate plates. What flexible structures between the plates allow the animal to
A: joints
774 Q: Historic Speeches - In a famous speech given by Martin Luther King in 1963, he repeatedly
said that he had what?
A: a dream
775 Q: Visitor Calculation - The spectacular Great Auk Museum opened on Monday. On Friday, the
number of visitors was 2000. If attendance doubled every day, what was the attendance on
opening day?
A: 125
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776 Q: U.S. Rivers - The mouths of these rivers are in what body of water?
A: Gulf of Mexico
777 Q: Explorers - What was the nationality of Amerigo Vespucci?
A: Italian
778 Q: Mechanics - Because their shapes resemble the shapes of the simple machines, some
letters of the alphabet can be mnemonic devices to help you remember the names of
machines. For example, there is N for inclined plane and O for wheel and axle. For what
simple machine could V stand?
A: wedge
779 Q: Energy - Name the most abundant fossil fuel in the U.S.
A: coal
780 Q: Elections - What American national legislative body has one-third of its members up for
election every two years?
A: Senate
781 Q: High Tech Trash - What term formerly associated with a brand of canned meat has come to
indicate unsolicited email?
A: spam
782 Q: Inequalities - If q + 3 < 7, then q is less than what?
A: 4
783 Q: English English - In England, what are subways called?
A: tubes
784 Q: Fishy Problems - In a certain pond, 40% of all the fish are 8 inches or less. The number of
the remaining fish is 120. How many fish are 8 inches or less?
A: 80
785 Q: Jovian Planets - Name the two largest gas giants in the solar system.
A: Jupiter, Saturn
786 Q: Drainages - Name the two westernmost states that partially drain into the Colorado River.
A: Nevada, California
787 Q: First Aid - The three Bs indicate the order in which first aid treatment ought to be given to an
accident victim. If bones is third and bleeding is second, what is first on this list?
A: breathing
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788 Q: Presidential Appointments - George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton as the first
secretary of what?
A: secretary of the treasury
789 Q: British Government - In Great Britain, what representative assembly limits the governmental
power of the monarch?
A: Parliament
790 Q: Long-time Leaders - This is about what contemporary national leader?
His beard, cigars, and frequent wearing of
combat uniforms have given him a distinctive
appearance among heads of governments.
A: Fidel Castro
791 Q: Camping - You are camping in an arroyo in the foothills of the Superstition Mountains and
notice enormous black clouds forming. You could be in danger from what kind of flood?
A: flash flood
792 Q: South America - Name either of the two South American countries that extend farthest north.
A: Colombia, Venezuela
793 Q: Signers - The first governor of the state of Massachusetts elected in 1880 is also
remembered as the first person to sign what document in 1776?
A: Declaration of Independence
794 Q: The Weapons of War - At the outset of the war, the American army had fifty-five planes. By
war's end, there were nearly 17,000 planes in service. What war was this?
A: World War I
795 Q: Territorial Occupation - In the early 1840s, Oregon Country was jointly occupied by what two
A: U.S., Great Britain
796 Q: Physiology History - In 1667, the English chemist Robert Hooke showed that blood alteration
in what organ is the essential feature of respiration?
A: lung
797 Q: Exploiting India - In 1600, the British East India Company was formed to unite the English
traders doing business in southeastern Asia. The Netherlands followed England in 1602 and
set up what other company?
A: Dutch East India Company
798 Q: Sports Jargon - These words and phrases are related to what sport?
audible, scramble, shotgun, sack,
red zone, pick six, bootleg
A: football
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799 Q: Folksongs - These words are from a folksong about what valley?
Come and sit by my side if you love me,
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
A: Red River Valley
800 Q: Physical Properties - Using a spring scale, an astronaut who weighs 180 pounds on Earth
weighs only 30 pounds on the Moon. But, using a balance scale, that same astronaut who
balances a 82-kilogram weight on Earth also balances that weight on the Moon. This is
because what physical property remains the same at both locations?
A: mass
801 Q: Nonfiction - These titles are about what seafaring people?
What Life Was Like when Longships Sailed
Explorers of the Americas Before Columbus
The Age of Leif Ericson
A: Vikings (Norsemen)
802 Q: Unusual Creatures - What South American arboreal mammals have very low metabolic
rates, relatively low body temperatures, thick brown fur tinged in green, and generally move at
less than one foot per minute?
A: sloths
803 Q: Ornithological Poems - This poem is about what American bird?
We flew in flocks of billions, in waves we
darkened skies,
A thunderous tornado sweeping the continent
on our wings riding the winds.
Now, our slate-blue backs and pale-red breasts
are gone, forever,
An American symbol of plenty, yet also of
humanity's greed.
A: passenger pigeon
804 Q: Engines - What kind of engine generally includes a rotary air compressor powered by a
turbine that produces thrust through a nozzle?
A: jet engine
805 Q: Numbers - What is the absolute value of -1/16?
A: 1/16
806 Q: Nutrition - If you completely avoid any vitamin C in your diet for the next few months, you
could share what disease that afflicted great numbers of the 15th-century sailors?
A: scurvy
807 Q: Spanish - El perro is to dog as la vaca is to what?
A: cow
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808 Q: Rectangles - For a 10 by 20 foot floor, how many whole tiles measuring 3 feet by 5 feet could
fit within this area?
A: 12
809 Q: Planets - Name the two largest rocky planets.
A: Earth, Venus
810 Q: Congressional Constituency - The constituency of what official elected to Congress consists
of all the citizens who reside within his or her state?
A: senator
811 Q: Petrology - Rainbow Natural Bridge in Utah, the largest in the world, is composed of what
kind of rock?
A: sandstone
812 Q: Percent - 108 is what percent of 90?
A: 120%
813 Q: Diphthongs - What two letters comprise the diphthong in the word for the sound of a cat
A: ow (from meow)
814 Q: Capitals - Lisbon is to Portugal as Stockholm is to what country?
A: Sweden
815 Q: Planets - The temperature range on the surface of what planet is the most extreme in the
solar system?
A: Mercury
816 Q: Figurative Language - What figure of speech is masterfully used in this excerpt from a poem
about thriftiness?
The thrifty that teacheth the thriving
to thrive,
Teach timely to traverse, the thing that
thou 'trive,
Transferring thy toiling, to timeliness taught,
This teacheth thee temp'rance, to temper
thy thought.
A: alliteration
817 Q: Rivers - What is the world's most extensive river basin?
A: Amazon
818 Q: Musical Terminology - Adagio, allegro, andante, and accelerando are terms describing the
speed at which music is to be played. What is the musical term for speed?
A: tempo
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819 Q: Novel Quotations - This is from an American novel that is mostly set in what camp in Texas?
A lot of people don't believe in curses. A lot
of people don't believe in yellow-spotted
lizards either, but if one bites you, it doesn't
make any difference whether you believe in
it or not.
A: Camp Green Lake
820 Q: Astronomy - Astronomically speaking, name the world's best-known “dirty snowball.“
A: Halley's Comet
821 Q: Bad Days - Franklin Roosevelt's “day of infamy“ occurred in what month?
A: December
822 Q: Pronouns - Objective personal pronouns include me, you, him, her, it, us, and what other?
A: them
823 Q: Sayings - Complete this quote by Seneca.
One hand washeth the ...
A: other
824 Q: Scientific Laws - According to Newton's third law of motion, what is a rope doing while you
are pulling on it?
A: It is pulling back.
825 Q: Transportation Tales - Santa's sleigh and a witch's broom are similar in function to what
mythical conveyance in Arabic mythology?
A: magic carpet
826 Q: Refuges - Machu Picchu was one of the last places of defense against invaders from what
A: Spain
827 Q: Plot Parts - Name the moment of greatest danger for the protagonist in a fictional work.
A: climax
828 Q: Polygon Perimeters - What is the length of each side of a pentagon whose perimeter is 41.5
A: 8.3 centimeters
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829 Q: Homelands - What European country was the homeland of these people?
Louis Braille
John Calvin
Claude Monet
Paul Gauguin
Claude Debussy
Louis Pasteur
Joan of Arc
A: France
830 Q: Lakes - Since Lake Karba is behind the Karba Dam on the Zambezi River, Lake Volta is
behind the Akosombo Dam on the Volta River, and Lake Mead is behind Hoover Dam on the
Colorado River, these are called what kind of lakes?
A: reservoirs
831 Q: Bird Poems - This verse is from a poem about a bird of what country?
Digging in the soil in search
Of worms and grubs
A tasty platter of pure delight
For any little kiwi
Beneath the southern skies.
A: New Zealand
832 Q: Herbivore Groups - Krill, sea urchins, parrotfish, and flamingoes may be classified as
algivores because what makes up a great part of their diets?
A: algae
833 Q: Machines - What is the general name for a machine designed to convert energy into
mechanical motion?
A: engine (motor)
834 Q: Meteorology - What does virga consist of?
A: water (rain, ice)
835 Q: Physical Science - What is the general name for low-conducting materials used to prevent
heat transfer?
A: insulation
836 Q: Scientific Fields - Geology and meteorology are two of the four fields in the earth sciences.
Name the others.
A: astronomy, oceanography
837 Q: Musical Notation - What is the amount of music contained between two bars?
A: measure
838 Q: Gases - What happens to the temperature when a gas is compressed?
A: higher (warmer, raised)
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839 Q: Ireland - Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland which encompasses about five
sixths of the island and Northern Ireland which is part of what other country?
A: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
840 Q: Grammatical Constructions - Through inversion, change the following interrogative sentence
into a declarative one.
Are you dreaming?
A: You are dreaming.
841 Q: Cubes - There are nine square inches on each face of a cube. What is the volume of this
A: 27 cubic inches
842 Q: Military Maneuvers - In what battle maneuver does a force advance towards its enemy at its
best speed in order to engage in close combat?
A: charge
843 Q: Borrowed Words - These words came into English from what European language?
imbroglio, belladonna, minestrone, salvo, Mafia
A: Italian
844 Q: Insects - In social insects, what is the term for the fertile female whose function is to lay eggs?
A: queen
845 Q: Energy - The movement of what subatomic particles is the basis for electrical energy?
A: electrons
846 Q: Olympics - If the eighth modern Olympiad occurred in 1924, in what year was the first
modern Olympiad?
A: 1896
847 Q: Animals - Roughly eighty percent of all the Earth's animals have how many legs?
A: 6
848 Q: Art Materials - Stencil, rice, transfer, parchment, tracing, and onion skin are types of what?
A: paper
849 Q: U.S. Territories - In 1867, what territory became known to some as Andrew Johnson's Polar
Bear Garden?
A: Alaska
850 Q: Pottery - What substance affixed to pottery in a kiln renders the surface impervious to water?
A: glaze
851 Q: Silhouettes - As the distance from an object to its shadow increases, what happens to the
size of a projected silhouette?
A: It becomes larger.
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852 Q: Deadly Dramas - “Our American Cousin“ was the last play ever seen by what U.S. president?
A: Abraham Lincoln
853 Q: Atolls - Most atolls are in the Pacific and what other ocean?
A: Indian Ocean
854 Q: Tense - What tense is illustrated in this sentence?
Sarah sulked sadly on Saturday in the silver
sailboat named Sally's Sloop.
A: past tense
855 Q: Ratios - Simplify this ratio.
80 cents to $3.20
A: 1 to 4
856 Q: Bird Evolution - The wings of penguins have evolved into flat limbs called what?
A: flippers
857 Q: Inverses - What is the multiplicative inverse of 9?
A: 1/9
858 Q: Classical Music - What term for a classical musical composition is hidden in the word
A: opus
859 Q: Sentence Order - Express this sentence in inverted order.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
A: A dangerous thing is a little learning.
860 Q: Linear Equations - What is the number if 4 more than half the number equals 29?
A: 50
861 Q: Sentence Parts - What is the last prepositional phrase in this?
There are more living organisms on the skin of
a single human than there are human beings on
the surface of the Earth.
A: of the Earth
862 Q: Sports Venues - A modern open-air sports stadium is most similar to what ancient Roman
A: amphitheater (coliseum, arena)
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863 Q: Regional Poetry - These are verses from a poem about a man in what country?
Old Bluey was a swaggie who
had traveled on the road,
with his worldly goods all bundled.
He had no fixed abode.
Possessions swung across his back
secure in calico,
a waterproof sheet and blanket
in his swag were set to go.
A: Australia
864 Q: World Nations - Name the largest country of the Arabian peninsula.
A: Saudi Arabia
865 Q: Oceania Islands - What Pacific island, well-known for its hundreds of carved stone statues,
was named in 1722 by the Dutch explorer who discovered it on Easter Day?
A: Easter Island
866 Q: Percentage - If 40 is 30% of a number, what is the number?
A: 133 1/3 or 400/3
867 Q: British Legislation - In 1867, the British North America Act united the provinces of Nova
Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Quebec as the Dominion of what?
A: Canada
868 Q: Congress - Which branch of the U.S. Congress does not have the power to originate
appropriation bills or bills authorizing the expenditure of federal funds?
A: Senate
869 Q: Ships - In what enterprise were these sailing ships involved?
Charles W. Morgan
Kate Cory
Two Brothers
A: whaling
870 Q: Math Roots - Eight is the cube root of what number?
A: 512
871 Q: True Fiction - “The Boy Who Dared“ is a fictionalized account of Helmuth Hubener, a young
man sentenced to death for opposing the government run by what political party?
A: Nazi
872 Q: Islands - What island is bordered by the Davis Strait, the Atlantic Ocean, Baffin Bay, the
Denmark Strait, and the Arctic Ocean?
A: Greenland
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873 Q: Dance - These directions relate to what kind of dance?
back by the left, ladies grand chain,
star by the right, allemande left,
down the center and back, do-si-do
A: square dancing
874 Q: Nouns - Words such as shovel, sheep, and shale are concrete nouns. What kind of nouns
are words such as duty, democracy, and dread?
A: abstract nouns
875 Q: Homographs - What is the last word below, given that it is a homograph for another word in
the sentence?
She wound the bandage around his horrible ----
A: wound
876 Q: Ships - What ship was speeding along in 1912 from England to New York with more than
2,200 people aboard when it sideswiped an iceberg and sank within a few hours?
A: Titanic
877 Q: Phrases - The prepositional phrase in this line functions as what part of speech?
The deer in my neighborhood always enjoy rose
and dahlia hors d'oeuvres.
A: adjective
878 Q: Earth's Spheres - The hydrosphere includes all of Earth's liquid water, frozen water, floating
ice, and the water vapor in which of the planet's spheres?
A: atmosphere
879 Q: Dialogue - Dialogue occurs when two or more characters exchange words. What is the term
when only a single character is talking for an extended period?
A: monologue
880 Q: Grammatical Errors - Contractions may be confused with what type of pronouns?
A: possessive pronouns
881 Q: Work Problems - If eight roustabouts can set up a well head in six hours, how many would it
take to do the same job in two hours?
A: 24
882 Q: Ecological Warfare - Retreating Iraqi troops ignited some 650 oil-well fires in what small
Mideastern country in 1991?
A: Kuwait
883 Q: Churchill's Words - In his famous World War II speech in which Winston Churchill said, “We
shall never surrender,“ name any place where he said the British people would fight.
A: beaches, streets, fields, hills, landing grounds
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884 Q: Deltas - The delta of what North American river contains about 40 percent of all coastal
wetlands in the lower 48 states?
A: Mississippi River
885 Q: Horses - The walk, trot, canter, and gallop are varieties of the rhythmic movement of a
horse's feet and legs called its what?
A: gait
886 Q: Money Problems - You have twelve nickels and some dimes, which gives you exactly
enough money to buy two bobble-head auks for 95 cents each. How many dimes do you have?
A: 13
887 Q: Latitude - Lines of latitude begin at zero degrees and increase to a maximum of how many
A: 90
888 Q: Handling Substances - Name the process by which the particles of a gas can be squeezed
into a smaller space.
A: compression
889 Q: Metric Areas - The George Washington Carver Museum in Missouri is a perfect square with
a perimeter of 4000 meters, giving it an area of how many square meters?
A: 1 million
890 Q: Continents - A relatively shallow area surrounding a continent is called a continental what?
A: shelf
891 Q: Monomial Operations - What is the sum of the following?
A: 7xy
892 Q: Islands - Which Hawaiian island is almost twice as large as all the others put together?
A: Hawaii
893 Q: Islands - Cuba has a total area of about 44,000 square miles. What Danish island is about
nineteen times larger?
A: Greenland
894 Q: Separation of Powers - Which branch of government determines if laws have been broken
and determines punishment for offenders?
A: judicial branch
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895 Q: European Geography - Today, about 27% of what northern European country is actually
below sea level?
A: Netherlands
896 Q: State Capitals - The capital of what state was originally at Portland but later moved to
A: Maine
897 Q: Presidents - Who became president as a direct result of the Watergate scandal?
A: Gerald Ford
898 Q: Velocity Problems - What is the speed of a bullet that travels 528 meters in 4 seconds?
A: 132 meters per second
899 Q: Newtonian Physics - When your car accelerates, you are pressed backwards and, if the car
slows down suddenly, you are thrown forward. This is explained by what concept associated
with Newton's first law?
A: inertia
900 Q: Pronouns - What is the second person possessive pronoun?
A: your
901 Q: The Electoral College - Of the U.S. states adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico, which two have the
largest number of votes in the Electoral College?
A: Florida, Texas
902 Q: Measurement Ratios - Express this continued ratio in lowest terms.
4 pints to 4 quarts to 4 gallons
A: 1 to 2 to 8
903 Q: Surgical Instruments - Obsidian flakes have been used as what thin, sharp, surgical blades?
A: scalpels
904 Q: Hinky Pinkies - What is a hink pink for a slightly wet hobo?
A: damp tramp
905 Q: Novels - This is from what novel?
What I saw was more than I could stand. The
noise I heard had been made by Little Ann.
All her life she had slept by Old Dan's side.
And although he was dead, she had left the
doghouse, had come back to the porch, and
snuggled up by his side.
A: Where the Red Fern Grows
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906 Q: Ocean Zones - In oceans, what is there plenty of in the photic zone that is insufficient in the
aphotic zone?
A: sunlight (light)
907 Q: Shipboard Health Measures - Captain Cook gave his sailors pickled cabbage and a type of
orange marmalade to keep them from being afflicted with what disease?
A: scurvy
908 Q: Historical Perspectives - To what country was Michel Crevecoeur referring when he said this
in 1782?
Here individuals of all nations are melted into
a new race of men.
A: United States
909 Q: Chemicals in the Kitchen - Sodium nitrite, sulfur dioxide, ascorbic acid, and potassium nitrate
are among the compounds added to prevent microbial growth or undesirable chemical changes
in foods. How are these additives collectively known?
A: preservatives
910 Q: Navigational Instruments - The astrolabe allowed sailors to determine the relative height of
stars and planets. Using this information, they could calculate a ship's distance north or south
of the equator, or what geographers call what?
A: latitude
911 Q: Bays - These are located in what U.S. state?
Espirtu Santo Bay
Nueces Bay
Matagorda Bay
Corpus Christi Bay
Galveston Bay
A: Texas
912 Q: Voice Chemistry - Inhaling what light gas causes a person's voice to sound much higher?
A: helium
913 Q: Political Gaffes - What number should have been used when a former president said this
about Supreme Court justices?
And they are charged with the vital task of
applying principles put to paper more than 20
centuries ago to some of the most difficult
questions of our time.
A: 2
914 Q: Seas - In what ocean is the Sargasso Sea?
A: Atlantic (North Atlantic)
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915 Q: Running Math - If you can run 1 mile in 8 minutes, how many seconds does it take for you to
cover 1/10th of a mile?
A: 48
916 Q: Rivers - In what state are all these rivers found?
Trinity, Brazos, Guadalupe, Nueces, Pecos
A: Texas
917 Q: Reptilian Behavior - What is the term for what a reptile is doing when it lays in a warm area to
raise its body temperature?
A: basking (thermoregulating)
918 Q: Lush Parks - What American national park is a vast complex of subtropical wetlands and
coastal-marine ecosystems featuring fresh and saltwater marshes, hardwood hummocks, pine
rocklands, and mangrove forests?
A: Everglades National Park
919 Q: Art Forms - What kind of art may include pieces of photographs, magazine and newspaper
clippings, paintings, currencies, advertisements, colored papers, and found objects glued to a
A: collage
920 Q: Animal Idioms - What animal is missing in these idioms?
---- business
---- around
a ---- on one's back
---- see, ---- do
A: monkey
921 Q: Fantasies - Who wrote this?
Frodo was now safe in the Last Homely House
east of the Sea. That house was, as Bilbo had
long ago reported, “a perfect house, whether
you like food or sleep, or story-telling or
singing, or just sitting and thinking best,
or a pleasant mixture of them all.“
A: J.R.R. Tolkien
922 Q: Percentage - The Farm Store has reduced the price of a harrow by 15%. If the sale price is
$1275, what was the original price?
A: $1500
923 Q: Grains - What cereal grass is the staple food for about half the people on Earth?
A: rice
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924 Q: Advertisement - These are actual examples of what kind of ads?
-American Flag: 60 stars and pole included.
-Electric self-cleaning oven/stove. Needs good
-Circus going out of business. Small elephant
free to good home.
-Jack Russell terrorist puppies for sale.
A: classified ads
925 Q: Tornadoes - Although a precise location cannot be defined, the region of the U.S. called
Tornado Alley is definitely between what two American mountain ranges?
A: Rockies, Appalachians
926 Q: Revolts - California's Black Bear Revolt began in 1846 when settlers in the Sacramento
Valley proclaimed a republic independent of what country?
A: Mexico
927 Q: Country Compliments - This quote is about what country?
Driven from every other corner of the earth,
freedom of thought and the right of private
judgment in matters of conscience direct
their course to this happy country as their
last asylum.
A: America
928 Q: Participles - What is the present participle of “giggle“?
A: giggling
929 Q: Force - In a tug-of-war, name the kind of force exerted on the rope by the two teams?
A: tension
930 Q: Integers - Determine three consecutive even integers whose sum is 84.
A: 26, 28, 30
931 Q: Resistance - What term indicating a secret organization dedicated to the overthrow of a
government also means “beneath the surface of the earth“?
A: underground
932 Q: Murder - The murder of a public figure is called what?
A: assassination
933 Q: Empires - What pre-Columbian civilization arose in the Peruvian highlands with its
administrative and political center in Cuzco?
A: Inca
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934 Q: Fantasy Schools - On what island created by Ursula Le Guin is there a school in which these
teachers are found?
Master Windkey, who teaches weather control
Master Hand, who teaches illusions
Master Herbal, who teaches healing
Master Changer, who teaches transformation
A: Roke
935 Q: Factoring - What is the prime factorization of 630?
A: 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 7
936 Q: Technological Advances - In the same year that Fidel Castro launched a revolution in Cuba,
what country launched the world's first artificial satellite?
A: Russia (Soviet Union, U.S.S.R.)
937 Q: Teenage Detectives - Edward Stratemeyer, and later his daughter writing under the
pseudonym, Carolyn Keene, created what eternally eighteen-year-old supersleuth who never
fails to solve a mystery?
A: Nancy Drew
938 Q: Towns of the Old West - Because Deadwood, South Dakota, Goldfield, Nevada, Tombstone,
Arizona, and Cripple Creek, Colorado underwent sudden population and economic growth, they
were known as what kind of towns?
A: boomtowns
939 Q: Earth's Spheres - Life on Earth is almost entirely limited to which two “spheres“?
A: lithosphere, hydrosphere
940 Q: Muscular Manipulation - Using tools to hammer, bend, and cut, what kind of craftsman
makes wrought iron gates, railings, grills, light fixtures, and sculptures?
A: blacksmith
941 Q: Historic Rivers - What river, famous in the Old West, has the same name as a small, male,
Rocky Mountain sheep?
A: Little Bighorn River
942 Q: Animals - A pack animal is also called a beast of what?
A: burden
943 Q: Paleontology - In 2019, researchers announced they had discovered perfectly preserved
skeletal remains of tiny animals trapped under 3500 feet of ice on what continent?
A: Antarctica
944 Q: Disasters - The enormous airship that caught fire in 1937 at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station
in New Jersey had been built in what country?
A: Germany
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945 Q: GCFs - What is the greatest common factor of 42 and 30?
A: 6
946 Q: Colonial Restrictions Unheeded - Originally, slavery was expressly forbidden in what colony
established by James Oglethorpe?
A: Georgia
947 Q: Anchovy Sales - If the Auk Anchovy Emporium sells anchovies for 20 cents per ounce, what
is the cost of 25 pounds of anchovies?
A: $80
948 Q: Radiation - What is the term for any device that focuses beams of radiation?
A: lens
949 Q: Rivers - What is the only U.S. state bordering the St. Lawrence River after it passes Lake
A: New York
950 Q: Acids - What dilute acid is used in Italian salad dressing?
A: vinegar
951 Q: Short Days - The day with the fewest number of daylight hours is called the winter what?
A: solstice
952 Q: Critters - It does not bark but yelps and howls more like a wolf and especially likes to chow
down on sheep. Name this creature of Australia.
A: dingo
953 Q: Provinces - The abbreviation “MB“ stands for which Canadian province?
A: Manitoba
954 Q: Science Fiction - What story includes three mysterious characters called Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs.
Who, and Mrs. Which?
A: A Wrinkle in Time
955 Q: Novels - In what book by Richard Adams is a band of Berkshire rabbits forced from their
home in Sandleford Warren?
A: Watership Down
956 Q: Legendary Projects - This Biblical excerpt is about what ancient construction project in
Come, let us build ourselves a tower
with its top in the heavens, and let us
make a name for ourselves.
A: Tower of Babel
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957 Q: Lizards - What poisonous lizards of the American Southwest hang on tenaciously when they
A: Gila monsters
958 Q: Proverbial Warnings - According to the proverb, why should you be careful about what you
wish for?
A: You might get it.
959 Q: Wartime Munitions - In 1776, King Louis XVI of what country secretly committed one million
livres in arms and munitions to the American revolutionaries?
A: France
960 Q: Profit Percentage - A bookstore sold 800 copies of a great book on river running for $5.00
each. The dealer makes a profit of 40% on each sale. What is his total profit on the sale?
A: $1,600
961 Q: Explorers - What primary color is included in the name of the Norse navigator who founded
the first settlement in Greenland?
A: red
962 Q: Tax - At a supermarket, a guy buys $200 worth of groceries. At the bottom of the receipt it
says, “Tax, $16.“ This is what kind of tax?
A: sales tax
963 Q: Weight - At the point that a 140-pound astronaut in a rocket achieves a vertical acceleration
of 4 G's, she would be tipping the scales at what weight?
A: 560 pounds
964 Q: Presidents - Who is the only U.S. president to have served more than two terms?
A: Franklin Roosevelt
965 Q: Cliches - Complete the last anatomical cliche in this list.
foot in my mouth
finger in the pie
ear to the ground
nose to the ...
A: grindstone
966 Q: Scotland - Scotland lies between the Atlantic Ocean and what sea?
A: North Sea
967 Q: Archimedes' Principle - If the weight of an object in a fluid is greater than the weight of the
fluid it displaces, what will the object do?
A: sink
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968 Q: Governmental Functions - The broad functions of most governments are the legislative,
executive, and what else?
A: judicial
969 Q: Science Plurals - Vertebrae is to vertebra as strata is to what?
A: stratum
970 Q: Poem Accents - In the first line of Poe's “The Raven,“ on what syllable does the third accent
A: mid
971 Q: Force - The braking of an automobile to a stop depends mainly on what force?
A: friction
972 Q: Last Words - What word completes this epitaph?
I was Carolina born
and Carolina bred
and here I lay
Carolina ...
A: dead
973 Q: Areas - How many square inches are in 2 square yards?
A: 2592
974 Q: Ice - The obstruction of stream flow caused by the accumulation of ice in a channel is called
an ice what?
A: jam (or dam)
975 Q: Word Endings - Words belonging to what part of speech have these endings?
-ate, -en, -ify, -ize
A: verbs
976 Q: Labor - What is the term for the mass refusal of employees of a business or service to work?
A: strike
977 Q: Nutritional Suggestions - Your intake of what element can be dramatically reduced by
avoiding potato chips, pretzels, soy sauce, hot dogs, ham, canned soups, and processed
A: sodium
978 Q: Music - What is the name of the scale on which a musical composition is based?
A: key
Academic Hallmarks 2022
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979 Q: Long Days - The day with the greatest number of hours of daylight is called the summer
A: solstice
980 Q: Seats of Government - The U.S. has three seats of government in Washington D.C. including
the legislative seat in the U.S. Capitol, the executive seat in the White House, and the judicial
seat in what building?
A: U.S. Supreme Court building
981 Q: Congressional Action - In 1958, the U.S. Congress passed legislation establishing what
civilian agency to coordinate American activities in space?
A: NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Admin.)
982 Q: Monuments - In what city can you see Gustave Eiffel's greatest engineering achievement?
A: Paris
983 Q: Allusions - This is an allusion to what mythical character?
You look like you're carrying the weight
of the world on your shoulders.
A: Atlas
984 Q: Square Root - The square root of 50 lies between what two integers?
A: 7, 8
985 Q: The Water Cycle - In the three-phase model of the water cycle, what phase occurs after
precipitation and before condensation?
A: evaporation
986 Q: Sister Statue - The new statue is named "Little Sister" and sat in France for 10 years before
transportation to the U.S. in 2021. It sat on Ellis Island in New York Harbor for the 4th of July
weekend before being transported to the French Embassy in Washington D.C. It is one-
sixteenth of the size of which "Big Sister" for which it is a replica and whom it faced in the New
York Harbor?
A: Statue of Liberty
987 Q: Driving Math - If you can peddle your bike 10 feet per second in the Kansas flatlands, how
many feet can you travel in 30 minutes?
A: 18,000
988 Q: Presidential Nicknames - What president sometimes called the Sage of Monticello was also
known as the Pen of the Revolution?
A: Thomas Jefferson
989 Q: Bogs - What small nonvascular bryophytes mostly form peat deposits?
A: moss (peat moss)
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990 Q: Guerrilla Units - On what island was there a guerrilla force called the National Organization of
Cypriot Fighters?
A: Cyprus
991 Q: Earthquakes - Name the many smaller earthquakes over several hours or days after a major
A: aftershocks
992 Q: Military Commitments - Who was the last U.S. president to send troops to fight in the
Vietnam War?
A: Richard Nixon
993 Q: Archaeology - These sites are nearest to what river?
Temple of Luxor
Valley of the Kings
Temple of Karnak
A: Nile
994 Q: Decorative Carving - Name one of the oldest and most durable materials for carving that
comes from the tusks and teeth of walruses, sperm whales, narwhals, hippopotamuses, and
wild boars.
A: ivory
995 Q: Legends - Robin McKinley's “The Outlaws of Sherwood“ is a retelling of whose legend?
A: Robin Hood's
996 Q: Jamestown - The site chosen for Jamestown did offer security but was low and swampy,
intolerably hot and humid in the summer, and a terrific habitat for mosquitoes carrying what
A: malaria
997 Q: Science Fiction - What story features the Black Thing, the Happy Medium, and the dark
planet Camazotz?
A: A Wrinkle in Time
998 Q: Exponents - In the expression x cubed, what is the exponent?
A: 3
999 Q: Fraction Cancellation - X times Y/X equals what?
A: Y
Q: Festivals - In what state are these festivals held?
Coconut Grove Seafood Festival
Epcot International Flower Festival
De Soto Heritage Festival
Okeechobee Music and Arts Festival
Downtown Boca Film Festival
A: Florida