Untitled Flashcards Set

  1. What was the main purpose of the Old Deluder Satan Law of 1647?

a) To enforce religious instruction in schools
b) To prevent ignorance by ensuring literacy
c) To provide funding for higher education
d) To establish private schooling as a requirement


  1. Which of the following best describes Horace Mann’s contributions to education?
    a) He opposed public education and supported private schooling.
    b) He advocated for universal public education and teacher training.
    c) He promoted religious-based education in public schools.
    d) He founded the first university in America.


  1. What was the significance of Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?
    a) It established the “separate but equal” doctrine.
    It ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
    c) It introduced compulsory education laws in the U.S.
    d) It required federal funding for all schools.



  1. How were schools primarily funded in the U.S., leading to disparities in education quality?
    a) Federal income tax
    b) Property taxes
    c) State lottery funds
    d) Corporate sponsorships


  1. What was the impact of the FHA Housing Act of 1934 on school demographics?
    a) It promoted school integration through housing policies.
    b) It denied Black families access to federally backed home loans, reinforcing segregation.
    c) It mandated equal housing opportunities for all races.
    d) It introduced public housing near integrated schools.


  1. What was the purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785?

a) To allocate land for military bases
b) To fund public education through land sales
c) To establish a federal education department
d) To create private school funding programs


  1. What legal precedent was overturned by Brown v. Board of Education?

a) Roe v. Wade
b) Plessy v. Ferguson
c) Marbury v. Madison
d) Dred Scott v. Sandford


  1. Which technique from Lemov's book focuses on ensuring students participate in answering questions?

a) Retrieval Practice
b) No Opt-Out
c) Replace Self-Report
d) Double Plan


  1. What year did Massachusetts enact the first compulsory schooling law?

A) 1647
b) 1785
c) 1852
d) 1934


  1. What does "redlining" refer to?

a) The process of highlighting school curriculum changes
b) A discriminatory housing practice denying mortgages to Black families
c) A method of prioritizing students for elite schools
d) A federal initiative to integrate urban schools


  1. What is the main focus of the Urban Suburban Short Film?

a) The impact of suburban expansion on minority families
b) The benefits of online education
c) The role of technology in classrooms
d) The history of private schools


  1. Which of the following best describes the Great Schools for All Inter-District Proposal? a) A plan to privatize public schools
    b) A proposal for school integration across district lines
    c) A movement to eliminate standardized testing
    d) A funding initiative for teacher salaries


  1. What was a key finding in Murphy’s research on racial segregation in Rochester?

 a) Schools became more integrated over time
b) Segregation was reinforced by suburban expansion
c) Public education was equal across racial lines
d) All students had access to the same resources


  1. The 10th Amendment primarily places education under the control of:

 a) The federal government
b) State and local governments
c) The Supreme Court
d) Private institutions


  1. What was one of the goals of the Teach Us All film?

a) To highlight ongoing racial disparities in education
b) To promote online learning over traditional schooling
c) To advocate for the removal of all standardized tests
d) To showcase elite private schools




  3. What is the main goal of Lemov’s "Double Plan" technique?

a) To plan both teacher and student actions
b) To eliminate unnecessary classroom discussion
c) To focus only on lecture-based learning
d) To encourage self-assessment


  1. What did exclusionary zoning laws accomplish?

 a) Created diverse school districts
b) Limited where Black families could live, reinforcing segregation
c) Established federal funding for low-income schools
d) Encouraged mixed-income housing


  1. What does Lemov’s "Retrieval Practice" technique encourage?

a) Students making up their own questions
b) Active recall to strengthen memory retention
c) Eliminating homework assignments
d) Using only open-book assessments


  1. Which of the following was a consequence of suburban expansion in Rochester?

 a) Increased racial integration in schools
b) Decreased funding disparities among districts
c) Black residents were excluded from suburban housing opportunities
d) More affordable housing was built for low-income families


  1. What is one drawback of local control over school funding?

 a) It prevents communities from deciding how to run their schools
b) It leads to funding inequities between wealthy and poor districts
c) It allows the federal government to regulate all schools equally
d) It requires the elimination of school boards




  1. What was the primary reason for early education laws in the colonies?

 a) To prepare children for college
b) To ensure religious literacy and prevent ignorance
c) To create a workforce for the Industrial Revolution
d) To promote global education initiatives


  1. Who benefits the most from property tax-funded schools?

 a) Low-income families
b) Wealthier communities with higher property values
c) Students in rural areas
d) Private school students


  1. What was a major barrier to Black homeownership due to redlining?

a) Limited access to bank loans and mortgages
b) A government mandate against Black homeowners
c) A preference for single-family homes
d) A lack of interest in suburban living


  1. How does "Replace Self-Report" improve student assessment?

a) Encourages independent student evaluation
b) Uses objective checks instead of relying on student opinions
c) Allows students to grade their own work
d) Focuses solely on standardized test scores


  1. What year did the FHA Housing Act pass?

a) 1852
b) 1934
c) 1954
d) 1968
