A comparison not using like or as - metaphor
Gives the history or origin of a word - etymology
Words that have completely passed our of usage - obsolete
Words that are rarely used - archaic
The word or phrase that is to be defined - entry word
Highest form of writing - standard formal
Colloquial, everyday speech - standard informal Careless writing, uneducated, incorrect - nonstandard
When spellings are equally acceptable what word is between them - or
Flew like a bird - simile
The sun smiles - personification
He heard her voice as though it had the sound of 1,000 angels - hyperbole
The book was a treasure chest - metaphor mm - misplaced modifier ww - wrong word coor - faulty coordination dm - dangling modifier frag - fragment
100 ADtBD 300 i.e. -that is e.g. - for example
What is the language of officialdom - gobbledygook
How much is a new paragraph indent - 1/2 inch
Where do you divide a hyphenated word - at the hyphen
Numbers that are below 2 words - spell out
When reverend is after a "the" is it abbreviated or spelled out - spelled
What teaches man to be sincere not hypocritical - To A Louse What type of writing dominated the romantic period - poetry
Characterized by somber meditations on death - elegiac
Who was immortalized in London 1802 - Milton
Who does the Mariner stop to tell his story to - wedding guest
What story introduced the Byronic hero - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage A rebellious, brooding, proud man - Byronic hero
In the Prisoner of Chillon who was in prison - François de Bonnivard
What is the most famous ode in english - Ode on a Grecian Urn
Who popularized the historical novel - Sir Walter Scott Who popularized the novel of manners - Jane Austen
What did Rebecca wear to protect her when she was looking out the window - shield In pride and prejudice who was full of himself - mr Darcy
Who danced with mr Bingley twice - Jane
Who was mr Bennetts favorite daughter - Eilzabeth
The conflict between the beauty if nature and the depravity if man - Lines Written in
Early spring
the power of nature to impress our minds - Expostulation and Reply Nature is a better teacher than man - The Tables Turned A reflection on the death of Lucy - A Slumber did my Spirit Seal
A mans patriotic feeling for his country as a father would feel for his wife and child -
When I Have Born in Memory
The love which should bind together all related things - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Permanence in a world of change can be satisfied by art - Ode on a Grecian Urn All things are prone to change - Mutability
A poets love for his homeland - My Native Land
The first significant novel to deal with an entire family - Pride and Prejudice
I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud - William Wordsworth
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Samuel Taylor Coleridge Childe Harold's Pilgrimage - George Gordon Lord Byron Ivanhoe and Rebecca - Sir Walter Scott
Have I not reason to lament what man has made of man - Lines Written in Early Spring
The Rainbow comes and goes and lovely is the rose - Ode: Intimations of Immortality
Even so doth God protect us if we be virtuous and wise and God will protect - Near
Dover (Wordsworth)
Water water everywhere...nor any drop to drink - The Rime of The Ancient Mariner
Secret organs praise - Song for St Cecilias Day (Dryden)
Alph sacred river run through caverns measureless to the man down to the sunless sea
- Kubla Khan (Coleridge)
Twas a famous battle - Battle of Blenheim (Southey)
If winter comes can springbe far behind - Ode to the West Wind (Shelly)
Beauty is truth and truth is beauty - Ode on a Grecian Urn (Keats)
Father of English Hymnody - Watts
Who was Scotlands greatest poet - Robert Burns
Who wrote The Life of Samuel Johnson - James Boswell
Meeting God in the Morning - Matthew Henry
Who wrote Jesus Shall Reign - Watts
Who wrote Auld Lang Syne - Burns
"O wad some pow'r the gift he give us To see ourselves as others see us" - To a Louse (Burns)
What is theme of the Task - presents nature as God's creation for man to enjoy
A concise saying that is often witty and satirical - epigram
Type of extended prose fiction - novel
A song for St. Cecilias Day - John Dryden:
An Essay on Man - Alexander Pope
“say first of God above or man below what can we reason but from what we know" - An Essay on Man
The Tatler - Richard Steele
"fair sex.. the title of whom i name this paper" - the tatler
The spectator - Joseph Addison
character in the spectator - roger de coverly
How tall were the Lilliputians - 6 inches
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard - Thomas Gray
“Full many a gem of purest ray serene the dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear" - Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
The Deserted Village - Oliver Goldsmith
theme of the deserted village - a lament of times that are no more and the simplicity of normal life
The Cotter's Saturday Night - Robert Burns
"An honest man's the noblest work of God" - The Cotter’s Saturday Night