Period 1: 1491-1607
Spanish colonization
1491: last year of pre-columbian Native Americans
Period 2: 1607-1754
English colonization
1607: first permanent English settlement founded, Jamestown
1660s: Navigation Acts
1676: Bacon’s Rebellion
Period 3: 1754-1800
Causes and effects of the American Revolution
1730s-1740s: Great Awakening
1754-1763: French and Indian War
1775-1783: American Revolution
1776: Declaration of Independence
1787: Constitution written
1799: Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Period 4: 1800-1848
Young Republic, Jacksonian era, Market Revolution
1800: Revolution of 1800
1803: Louisiana Purchase
1819: McCulloch v. Maryland
1828: Election of Andrew Jackson
1832: Nullification Crisis
1790’s-1840’s: Second Great Awakening
1848: Seneca Falls Convention
1790’s-1860’s: Market Revolution
Period 5: 1844-1877
Causes and effects of the Civil War
1844: Election of President Polk (manifest destiny platform)
1846-1848: Mexican-American War
1850: Compromise of 1850
1854: Kansas-Nebraska Act
1861-1865: Civil War
1865-1877: Reconstruction
1877: Compromise of 1877
Amendments 13-15 (see at the end of the document)
Period 6: 1865-1898
Gilded Age
1865-1890’s: Gilded Age
1870’s-1920’s: Second Industrial Revolution
1882: Chinese Exclusion Act
1890: Battle of Wounded Knee
1890: End of the open frontier
1896: Plessy v. Ferguson
Period 7: 1890-1945
Progressive era, imperialism, WWI, roaring 20s, great depression, WWII
1890’s-1914: Progressive Era
1898: Spanish-American War
1899-1902: Philippine-American War
1914-1918: World War I
1917: U.S. entered World War I
1920-1929: Roaring 20’s
1929: Black Tuesday, stock market crashed
1929-1939: Great Depression
1939-1945: World War II
1941: Pearl Harbor, U.S. entered WWII
Period 8: 1945-1980
Cold War and civil rights
1945-1991: Cold War
1950-1953: Korean War
1957: Sputnik launch, beginning of the space race
1955-1975: Vietnam War
1968: Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination
1969: Lunar landing, end of the space race
Period 9: 1980-present
Current Events
1980: Election of Ronald Reagan
1990-1991: Persian Gulf War
2001: September 11th terrorist attacks
2001-2021: War in Afghanistan
2003-2011: Iraq War
13th: abolition of slavery
14th: guarantees citizenship to those born in the U.S. and equality for all citizens
15th: all men can vote
16th: graduated income tax
17th: direct election of senators
18th: prohibition
19th: all women can vote
24th: elimination of the poll tax
26th: lowered voting age to 18
Free citizens vote, in comes senators with wine and women