history ww1 and russain revo Vocabulary

  1. Entente- nonbinding agreement to follow common policies 

  2.  Militarism- glorification of the military 

  3. Ultimatum- the final set of demands 

  4. Neutrality- a policy of supporting neither side in a war 

  5. Stalemate- deadlock in which neither side can defeat the other 

  6. Zeppelin- large gas-filled balloon

  7. U-boat- German submarine

  8. Conscription- “the draft,” which required all young men to be ready for military or other services 

  9. Armistice- agreement to end fighting in a war 

  10. Lusitania- british liner torpedoed by a German submarine in May 1915 

  11. Atrocities- highly physically violent acts in war 

  12. Propaganda- spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause 

  13. Proletariat- working class 

  14. Soviet- council of workers and soldiers set up by Russian revolutionaries in 1917
