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→ lies about Desdemona + Cassio

→ lies about being Othello’s friend

→ lies about giving Roderigo’s money / jewels to Desdemona

→ pretends to offer advice and help

He claims he never lied - that he just said what he thought

→ ‘Honest Iago’


→ Jealous of Cassio - Cassio was made lieutenant

→ Jealous of Othello - believes he slept with Emilia


→ Makes Cassio talk to Desdemona about regaining his position

→ Manipulates Roderigo to give him his money

→ Manipulates Othello into believing his wife is unfaithful

→ Manipulates Othello into killing Desdemona


→ Tries to get revenge form Othello for over-looking him

→ Tries to get revenge for sleeping with Emilia

→ Vengeful towards Cassio for being attractive and for his position

→ Hates women - sees them as collateral damage

Smart / Sly:

→ Knows how to trick people

→ He gathers ‘evidence’ to prove his point

→ Finds a way to make it look like Cassio is talking about Desdemona

→ Knows Emilia will follow his instructions

→ He knows what people want and manipulates that

→ Tricks Roderigo




→ lies about Desdemona + Cassio

→ lies about being Othello’s friend

→ lies about giving Roderigo’s money / jewels to Desdemona

→ pretends to offer advice and help

He claims he never lied - that he just said what he thought

→ ‘Honest Iago’


→ Jealous of Cassio - Cassio was made lieutenant

→ Jealous of Othello - believes he slept with Emilia


→ Makes Cassio talk to Desdemona about regaining his position

→ Manipulates Roderigo to give him his money

→ Manipulates Othello into believing his wife is unfaithful

→ Manipulates Othello into killing Desdemona


→ Tries to get revenge form Othello for over-looking him

→ Tries to get revenge for sleeping with Emilia

→ Vengeful towards Cassio for being attractive and for his position

→ Hates women - sees them as collateral damage

Smart / Sly:

→ Knows how to trick people

→ He gathers ‘evidence’ to prove his point

→ Finds a way to make it look like Cassio is talking about Desdemona

→ Knows Emilia will follow his instructions

→ He knows what people want and manipulates that

→ Tricks Roderigo