While Ethan still has a girlfriend Ethan and Lydia (who was the weird new girl at the time) both join the Drama club and they end up both getting the main character roles. Meanwhile Lydia tries to separate them and eventually succeeds. While Ethan and Lydia are still friends Lydia pressures Ethan into getting a tattoo of Chinese letters which end up being Lydia name. Ethan and Lydia start to date but then Ethan finds out Lydia is obsessed with Ethan. He finds notebooks in her backpack full of his name, and obsessive love letters. He also finds pictures on her computer of him and his ex girlfriend. Even though Ethan finds these things he still wants to date Lydia for some odd image he has in his mind of them. He ends up telling a guidance counselor who doesn’t believe him and Lydia gaslights the counselor into thinking Ethan is lying. Finally when the play happens (which is a hollywood version of Macbeth) Lydia stabs Ethan while they are backstage. But Ethan doesn’t notice because she also laced his water with ecstasy. They end up in the hospital where Lydia is put into a mental health facility and eventually let go on reasons of insanity.