what is the meaning of equlaity , deversity and rights? equality means to ensure tha a person is treated fairly and given the same opportunities regardlses of differences and treated according to their individual needs
diversity encompasses recognising and respecting individual differences
.valuing diversity involvse accepting and respecting differences by seeing everyone as unique individual.
diversity :
cultural differences
gender and gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
family structure
sexualtiy or sexual orientation
social class
choice - gives indivudals control over their life
confidentiality - means that private information should be shared only with individuals who are involved with their care
portectoin from abuse and harm - care settings should have safeguarding procedures and safety measures in place
equla and fair treatment -
right to life
what are values of care
values of care are principles that underline the work of those providing health social and child care services they are a set guideline and wyas of working for care settings and their staff.
the values of care in health and social care servcies
promoting equality and diversity - wheelcair ramps, braile etc
promoting individual rights and belifs - mobility, dietary and communication needs met
maintaining confidentiality - private information is only shared with people on a "need to know" basis
the values of care in child care services
making the welfare of the child paramount- childs needs come first
keeping children safe and maintaining a healty enviourment
working in partnership with parents guardians and families
encouraging childrens learning and development
valuing diversity
ensuring equality of opportunity
anti discriminator ypractice
matining confidentialty
working with other proffesionals
advocacy servies:
going with an individual to meetings, or attending for them
writing letters on the individuals behalf
speaking on behlaf of the individual at a case ocnference to express their wishes
an advocate will: be completely independant and represent the individuals views
ensure an individuals rights and needs are recognised
represent an individuals a wishes and views
speak on behalf of an individual who cannot speak for themselves
act in the best interests of the person they are representing
an advocate will not : judge the individual
give their own personal opinon
make decisions for the individual
support groups speak to people
informal support : house things and cleaning the person
discrimatory practices:
people treated unfairly based on;
social calss
sexual orientation
abuse- this is a negative and harmful bahviour towards other people
direct discrmination - inentionally treating someone unfailry based on their differences
indirect discrimination - policy has a bad effect or disatvantage some people
prejudice - bad attitude to some people based on bad ideas on certain people
stereotyping - generilsations which are exaggerated are made about a certain group of people
labelling - negative approach that identifies people as members of a particular group saying that they are " all the same "
buillying - this is threatening , humiliating or frightening others
low self esteem
poor health and wellbeing
unfair treatment
effects on mental health
legislation(laws passed by parliament that protect rights of people):
the care act: adult safeguardnig , continuity of care
the health and social care act: no decision about me without me , public health
the equality act:women can breastfeed in public places, prohibits discrimination
the mental capacity : support to make own decisions, best interests
the children act: the child has right to be consulted,encourages partnership working
the data protection act: used only for the purpose for which it was intended, processed failry and lawfully
the children and families act:allows people who adopt children have time off work, court should help parents do right for their kdis if they're splitting up
the human rights act: right to life, right to freedom of thought and religion
The care certificate: safeguarding adults, duty of care, basic life support
ofsted: ofsted carries otu inspectoins that rate child care settings and schools from outstanding to inadequate
CQC: it registers and licenses care services to ensure essential sttandards of quality and safety are met
EHRC: a website that provides information, advice and guidance about discrimination
NICE: asseses new drugs as they become available to the public