Lesson 1
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) -
The government agency which had been set up during the Depression, made loans to companies to help them with the cost of converting to war production.
Cost- plus - was a contract agreeing to pay a company whatever manufacturing cost, plus guaranteed percentage of the costs as profit.
Liberty ships - a basic cargo ship used during the war. These ships were welded instead of riveted, making them cheaper and easier to build and difficult to fall apart and sink
The War Production Board (WPB)-
Created by FDR to set priorities and production goals and to control the distribution of raw materials and supplies.
The Office of War Mobilization (OWM)-
Set up by FDR to settle arguments between the different agencies.
Disenfranchised - to deprive of the right to vote
Double V - a campaign to urge readers to support the war to win a double victory over Hitler’s racism abroad and racism at home
Tuskegee Airmen -
The first African Americans pilots
The Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) -
Created by Congress in May 1942. It was the first time women were allowed to serve in the military.
Oveta Clup Hobby - 1st director of WAAC
Selective Service and Training Act - a plan for the first peacetime draft in america history - by a wide margin.
Rosie the Riveter - A symbol for the campaign to hire women
The Bracero program - It arranged for Mexican farm workers to come to the U.S to harvest fruit and vegetables on farms in Midwest
Sunbelt - The growth of southern California and the expansion of cities in the Deep South created a new industrial region called the Sunbelt.
Zoot suits - Men’s clothing of extreme cut typically consisting of thigh-length jacket with wide padded shoulder and baggy, pleated pants with cuffs
Rationing - Restricting the amount of an item an individual can have due to a limited supply
Victory gardens - Garden planted by citizens during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more for the troops
Work labor boards - Tried to prevent strikes
E - bonds - Victory bond
Lesson 2
Chester Nimitz - the commander of the U.S. Navy in the Pacific
Douglas MacArthur - commander of the Americans and Filipinos defending the Philippines.
James Doolittle - FDR put James Doolittle in command of the mission to bomb Tokyo
Battle of Midway - It was a turning point in the war. The Americans shot down planes and destroyed 4 Japanese carriers. The battle stopped Japanese advances into the pacific.
Island hopping - Americans military leaders created a plan to defeat Japan that called for a two- pronged attack. Admiral Nimitz and the Pacific Fleet were to hop from island to island to get close to Japan.
The Battle of Tarawa - Natural defenses such as coral reefs can cause problems, water was not always deep enough soldiers need to wade to the beach. Very high casualties, 1 in 3 marines made it to shore
Amphtrac - An amphibious tractor used to move troops from ships to shore
The battle of Mariana Islands - B-29 bombers were used to invade these islands (could fly farther, able to bomb Japan)
The battle of Ledge Gulf - The battle was the largest naval battle in history and it was the first time the Japanese used kamikaze attacks.
Lesson 3
The battle of Kasserine pass - The Americans faced the German army for the first time.
Outnumbered and outfought, the Americans suffered huge losses. American and British forces finally pushed the Germans back.
The battle of Stalingrad - The Soviets were determined not to lose the city and poured men and women into the city to stop the German advance. The Soviet army would surround the German army in the city. After months of hard fighting and freezing temperatures, the German Army surrendered.
Tehran Conference - FDR, Stalin, and Churchill met in Tehran, Iran. They reached several agreements about the plans for the rest of the war and after the war.
Operation Overload - The code name for the planned invasion of France by the Allies.
General Eisenhower was selected to command the invasion.
Lesson 4
Hedgerows - An enclosure made of dirt walls covered in shrubbery built to fence in cattle and crops
The battle of Bulge - Hitler attempted one last offensive to cut off Allied supplies coming through the port of Antwerp, Belgium. As the Germans raced west, their lines “bulged” outward, resulting the battle’s name. The U.S. won the battle and on January 8, the Germans withdrew with little left to stop the Allies from entering Germany. This will be the last German offensive of the war.
Rhine River - The Allies knew in order to defeat Germany they needed to cross the Rhine River.
V - E Day - Victory in Europe
Harry Truman - He became president when fdr died due to a stroke
Joe Rosenthal - He took a photograph of five marines and one navy corpsman raising an American flag on top of Mount Suribachi.
Manhattan project - The American program to build an atomic bomb.
Little boy - the Americans drop an atomic bomb called “little boy” on Hiroshima
Fat man - The Americans drop a second atomic bomb called “fat man” on Nagasaki.
V - J day - Victory in Japan and ends the war.
The united nations - To prevent another war, FDR wanted a new international political organization. Responsible for international peace & security, investigate problems & propose solutions, can take actions to preserve peace including using military force
Nuremberg trials - Germans officers and soldiers were a trial for the terrible things they did during the war. Took place in Nuremburg, Germany.
Enola gay - the first plane to drop the atomic bomb