Consciousness: is a person’s awareness at a given moment
Altered States: is shift in the quality of the pattern of mental activity
Altered States - Sleep
It is a part of our circadian rhythm.
Purpose is understood by both Adaptive Theory and Restorative Theory as a conservation of energy while keeping the same from night predators, and an opportunity to restore systems, and cell tissue growth/repair, respectively.
Different stages of sleep
Non-REM Stage One sleep: light sleep, hypnagogic images, sleep spindles, myoclonic jerks.
Stage Two sleep: sleep spindles, bursts of EEG.
Stage Three sleep: the first appearance of delta waves, growth hormones released.
Stage Four sleep: predominantly delta waves.
Delta Waves hits 50% (deeper stage of sleep)
REM Sleep & Dreaming:
REM Sleep occurs four or five times a night.
Associated with dreaming.
Nightmares: unpleasant dreams during REM.
REM behavior disorder: REM paralysis fails, acting out dreams.
Sleep Deprivation: causes include sleep disorders such as apnea and narcolepsy, failure of people to go to sleep or stay asleep for an adequate amount of time, worry, and drug usage.
Altered States - Hypnosis
Hypnosis can: produce amnesia, reduce pain, and alter sensory impressions.
Hypnosis cannot: give increased strength, reliably enhance memory, or regress people into an earlier age.
Theories of Hypnosis
Hilgard: the hidden observer; state of dissociation, in which one part of consciousness is hypnotized, while another part is aware.
Social-Cognitive Theory: views hypnosis as role-playing due to social situation.
Altered States - Meditation
“Peace of Mind”
Reachable by rituals and exercises.
Method ranges from ritualistic prayers to simple focus on one’s breath.
Altered States - Psychoactive Drugs
Physical & Psychological Drug Dependence:
Physically addictive drugs: the user’s body craves drugs. Deprivation causes withdrawal.
Drug Tolerance: The body becomes conditioned to the level of the drug, leading to increased drug usage.
Signs of Physical Dependency: Compulsive use, loss of control, disregard for consequences of use.
Psychological Dependence: users believe that they need drugs to function and well-being.
Types of Drugs:
Stimulants: drugs that increase the functioning of the nervous system. (i.e., caffeine)
Depressants: slow down the nervous system. (i.e., beer)
Hallucinogens: alter the brain’s interpretation of sensations, creating hallucinations.
Narcotics: pain-relieving substances based on opium poppers.
Restorative Theory: chemicals used up in the day are replenished & cells are repaired.
Body growth may occur during the deeper stages of sleep.
Adaptive Theory: sleep is a by-product of evolution and is therefore necessary for humankind’s survival by avoiding the night full of predators by sleeping instead.