Subject: Social Psychology
Schema Theory
Lack of interest on the self.
Defined by:
Family Membership
Social Rank
Birth Order
Place of Birth
Focus on the study of the self due to:
Sigmund Freud:
Concepts: Id, Ego, Superego
Focus on Individual Self
Wilhelm Wundt:
Collective Self: Concept of 'We'
William James:
Symbolic Interactionist Self: Concept of 'I' and 'Me'
Describe yourself with close neighbors
Note down words used
Look for patterns in descriptions
How many ways did you describe yourself?
What are the collective examples?
What makes you different?
Insight by Hogg & Vaughan (2017):
"Knowledge of identity regulates human interaction and is influenced by societal structures."
A question about self-description in social context
Private Self: Awareness of internal thoughts and feelings
Public Self: Image seen by others
Reduced self-awareness leading to 'crowd behaviour'
Participants read statements while looking in a mirror
Increased private self-awareness leading to extreme emotional responses
Positive Statements:
No Mirror: 8.1
Mirror: 8.9
Average: 8.5
Negative Statements:
No Mirror: 6.0
Mirror: 4.4
Average: 5.2
Overall Mood Scores:
Column Averages:
No Mirror: 7.0
Mirror: 6.6
Focus on Anterior Cingulate Gyrus and related neural structures
Mitchell, Banaji, & Macrae (2005):
Prefrontal cortex activation linked to social perception
Similarity in images influences predictions of behavior
Schema Theory
Defined as a cognitive framework to organize and interpret information
Contains knowledge about self derived from past experiences
Guides and organizes self-related information
Example: James Bond attributes
Self-schematic attributes:
E.g. "Sophistication is important to me."
Aschematic attributes:
E.g. "Being considerate is not important to 007."
Investigated processing speed of self-related information
Used independence-related adjectives with female participants
Types of self-schema:
Actual Self
Ideal Self
Ought Self
Goal: Reduce discrepancies between self-schemas through self-regulation
Impact of self-discrepancy on emotional states
The self as an area of modern psychological research
Connection between cognitive tasks and self-awareness
Some biological underpinnings related to brain areas involved in self-description
Evidence of self-awareness in animals but differing social behaviors compared to humans
Self-schemas guide expectations of behavior and emotions
Our self-concept is complex and multilayered
Importance of saliency in self-schemas for guiding and reducing uncertainty
Congruent information is processed quickly; incongruent is often rejected.