whap unit 7

Russia (Tweakers)

Karl Marx and Marxism

  • Economic relations that led to class conflicts

    • Two economic classes in constant power struggle: Bourgeoisie, who owns the means of production, and proletariat, who sell their labor for wages. (workers)

    • Marxists believed proletariat/working class would overthrow bourgeoisie and establish communist societies

  • Critiques on other economic systems

    • Capitalism is exploitive, alienating, and degrades working

    • Free Market (Adam Smith, government leaves economic alone) blocks people’s ability to control their destinies

Communism - Derived from Karl Marx, class war will lead to a society where everything is communicable/publicly owned and everyone is paid according to their abilities and needs (Equity situation) COLLECTIVE OWNERSHIP = COLLECTIVE PROSPERITY

  • Government owns major resources of a society and everyone shares benefits equally

  • Suppressing
