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ad (n)

advert (n)

advertise (vb)

advertising (v+ing)

advertisement (n)

the impacts of advertising are frequently subtle

targetting children - в отношениен детей, орентировано на детей

literal - буквально

We could argue that they should take special care that ads targeting children make absolutely no exaggerated claims, because children are less capable of seeing through the usual puffery that most of us ignore.

Children are more literal, and once they gain the ability to understand messages directed toward them, especially when voiced by adult authority figures, they typically accept these as truthful statements.

persuasive (adj)



Do you think adverts have a big impact on what people buy?

Are adverts useful for people?

What kind of adverts are most common in your country ?

Which are more effective: adverts on TV or adverts on social media ?

Do you think advertising aimed at children is acceltable ?

What do you think about advertising for fast food ?

Do you think what types of adverts should be banned ?


Do you think adverts have a big impact on what people buy?

Advertising significantly influences consumer behaviour and permeates (go into) all parts of our lives.

not seldom, it happens subconsiosly and we even didnt aware of it

Frequently, we make decisions based on marketing trends, such as which clother to pick, where to buy coffe, what to buy for dinner.

advertising is ubiquitous

Are adverts useful for people?

well, as everything advertisement has advantages and disadvantages, however ed, i supose has more disadvantages for ordinary people than for bussineses. yes it actualy inform us about new goods and servises or about modified products. However, in many cases it manipulates and persuades us to buy unnecessary purchases

What kind of adverts are most common in your country ?

well, let me think… the most common type of Ad…

So, in Russia the most popular type of advert is billboars. they are almost everywhere to be seen.

Which are more effective: adverts on TV or adverts on social media ?

i completely sure that advertisement in social midea is the more effective then on TV. Due to less and less people espessialy young whatch TV programs. and companies are frequently more orientated on youth category. and futhermore, in last decades the profession such as a bloger has been appeared and those kind of people usually advertise products and goods. by the way, it looks more trustfully when real people reccomend products by heart, rather then constant ad on tv.

Do you think advertising aimed at children is acceltable ?

it is quit a complicated question to think.

give me a second to contemplate.

it is understandable that children more susceptible to ad. commonly, they don’t have a sufficient jugment to know what products are good for them and which are not so the a liberal and don’t have critical mind so they are accept ad trusfully

So, it is obviously, that if people who create ad want it to be acceptable, they should not provide any exagerating claims and be represented in play form, so children would enjoy it rather then have a desire to buy it.

What do you think about advertising for fast food ?

i definitely cant appreciete this kind of advert. foremost, it works and many people buy junk food fairly frequently, which leads to obesity and health problems. Of course, I understand that it is everyone’s choice. however, in my view, people who create ad for fast food are liable for harm, whick they bring to peolpe.

Do you think what types of adverts should be banned ?

in my opinion, the all the printed types of advertisement should be banned.

Firstly, an extremely small amount of people pay attention on printed ed it used to be commonly in the past, but now everyone are used to digital type of ad. Paper advert is old-fashion now and probably only eldory people use it unlike youth

Secondly, it is dramatically harmful for environent, could you image how many trees are cut for the sake of the flyers?

in our digital world it is hightly important to reduse the production of printed products, especially ed, which in my opinion didnt have any usefulness


Advertising significantly influences consumer behaviour and permeates (go into) all parts of our lives.

The advertising industry revolves around creating commercial messages urging the purchase of new or improved products or services in a variety of media: print, online, digital, television, radio, and outdoor

Because as consumers we need and want to be informed, this feature of advertising is to the good. Yet some advertising is intended to lead to the purchase of goods and services we do not need. Some ads may make claims containing only the thinnest slice of truth or exaggerate

Undeniably, a digital environment provides lightning-quick access to potential customers

It offers astute companies nearly unlimited capacity to brand themselves positively in the minds of purchasers

By definition, advertising aims to persuade consumers to buy goods and services, many of which are nonessential.

inherently wrong with that?

psychological appeals

psychological appeals try to reach our self-esteem and persuade us that we will feel better about ourselves if we use certain products. If advertising frames the purchase of a popular toy as the act of a loving parent rather than an extravagance, for instance, consumers may buy it not because their child needs it but because it makes them feel good about what generous parents they are

about children

No one would argue that children are particularly susceptible to the ads commercial television rains over them regularly. Generally, young children have not developed sufficient judgment to know what advertised products are good for them and which ones have little or no benefit or perhaps can even harm. Research has even shown that very young children have difficulty separating what is real on television from what is not.

What restrictions could we reasonably impose on those who gear their ads toward children? We could argue that they should take special care that ads targeting children make absolutely no exaggerated claims, because children are less capable of seeing through the usual puffery that most of us ignore. Children are more literal, and once they gain the ability to understand messages directed toward them, especially when voiced by adult authority figures, they typically accept these as truthful statements.

Advertising plays a useful role in informing consumers of new or modified products and services in the marketplace, and wise purchasers will pay attention to it but with a discerning eye. Even the exaggerated claims that often accompany ads can serve a purpose as long as we do not unquestioningly accept every pitch as true.

Profitable companies are those that can influence people via advertising. 


The Influence of Advertising – Society and Business Anthology

How ads influence our everyday lives | The Business Standard


ad (n)

advert (n)

advertise (vb)

advertising (v+ing)

advertisement (n)

the impacts of advertising are frequently subtle

targetting children - в отношениен детей, орентировано на детей

literal - буквально

We could argue that they should take special care that ads targeting children make absolutely no exaggerated claims, because children are less capable of seeing through the usual puffery that most of us ignore.

Children are more literal, and once they gain the ability to understand messages directed toward them, especially when voiced by adult authority figures, they typically accept these as truthful statements.

persuasive (adj)



Do you think adverts have a big impact on what people buy?

Are adverts useful for people?

What kind of adverts are most common in your country ?

Which are more effective: adverts on TV or adverts on social media ?

Do you think advertising aimed at children is acceltable ?

What do you think about advertising for fast food ?

Do you think what types of adverts should be banned ?


Do you think adverts have a big impact on what people buy?

Advertising significantly influences consumer behaviour and permeates (go into) all parts of our lives.

not seldom, it happens subconsiosly and we even didnt aware of it

Frequently, we make decisions based on marketing trends, such as which clother to pick, where to buy coffe, what to buy for dinner.

advertising is ubiquitous

Are adverts useful for people?

well, as everything advertisement has advantages and disadvantages, however ed, i supose has more disadvantages for ordinary people than for bussineses. yes it actualy inform us about new goods and servises or about modified products. However, in many cases it manipulates and persuades us to buy unnecessary purchases

What kind of adverts are most common in your country ?

well, let me think… the most common type of Ad…

So, in Russia the most popular type of advert is billboars. they are almost everywhere to be seen.

Which are more effective: adverts on TV or adverts on social media ?

i completely sure that advertisement in social midea is the more effective then on TV. Due to less and less people espessialy young whatch TV programs. and companies are frequently more orientated on youth category. and futhermore, in last decades the profession such as a bloger has been appeared and those kind of people usually advertise products and goods. by the way, it looks more trustfully when real people reccomend products by heart, rather then constant ad on tv.

Do you think advertising aimed at children is acceltable ?

it is quit a complicated question to think.

give me a second to contemplate.

it is understandable that children more susceptible to ad. commonly, they don’t have a sufficient jugment to know what products are good for them and which are not so the a liberal and don’t have critical mind so they are accept ad trusfully

So, it is obviously, that if people who create ad want it to be acceptable, they should not provide any exagerating claims and be represented in play form, so children would enjoy it rather then have a desire to buy it.

What do you think about advertising for fast food ?

i definitely cant appreciete this kind of advert. foremost, it works and many people buy junk food fairly frequently, which leads to obesity and health problems. Of course, I understand that it is everyone’s choice. however, in my view, people who create ad for fast food are liable for harm, whick they bring to peolpe.

Do you think what types of adverts should be banned ?

in my opinion, the all the printed types of advertisement should be banned.

Firstly, an extremely small amount of people pay attention on printed ed it used to be commonly in the past, but now everyone are used to digital type of ad. Paper advert is old-fashion now and probably only eldory people use it unlike youth

Secondly, it is dramatically harmful for environent, could you image how many trees are cut for the sake of the flyers?

in our digital world it is hightly important to reduse the production of printed products, especially ed, which in my opinion didnt have any usefulness


Advertising significantly influences consumer behaviour and permeates (go into) all parts of our lives.

The advertising industry revolves around creating commercial messages urging the purchase of new or improved products or services in a variety of media: print, online, digital, television, radio, and outdoor

Because as consumers we need and want to be informed, this feature of advertising is to the good. Yet some advertising is intended to lead to the purchase of goods and services we do not need. Some ads may make claims containing only the thinnest slice of truth or exaggerate

Undeniably, a digital environment provides lightning-quick access to potential customers

It offers astute companies nearly unlimited capacity to brand themselves positively in the minds of purchasers

By definition, advertising aims to persuade consumers to buy goods and services, many of which are nonessential.

inherently wrong with that?

psychological appeals

psychological appeals try to reach our self-esteem and persuade us that we will feel better about ourselves if we use certain products. If advertising frames the purchase of a popular toy as the act of a loving parent rather than an extravagance, for instance, consumers may buy it not because their child needs it but because it makes them feel good about what generous parents they are

about children

No one would argue that children are particularly susceptible to the ads commercial television rains over them regularly. Generally, young children have not developed sufficient judgment to know what advertised products are good for them and which ones have little or no benefit or perhaps can even harm. Research has even shown that very young children have difficulty separating what is real on television from what is not.

What restrictions could we reasonably impose on those who gear their ads toward children? We could argue that they should take special care that ads targeting children make absolutely no exaggerated claims, because children are less capable of seeing through the usual puffery that most of us ignore. Children are more literal, and once they gain the ability to understand messages directed toward them, especially when voiced by adult authority figures, they typically accept these as truthful statements.

Advertising plays a useful role in informing consumers of new or modified products and services in the marketplace, and wise purchasers will pay attention to it but with a discerning eye. Even the exaggerated claims that often accompany ads can serve a purpose as long as we do not unquestioningly accept every pitch as true.

Profitable companies are those that can influence people via advertising. 


The Influence of Advertising – Society and Business Anthology

How ads influence our everyday lives | The Business Standard