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1984: Part 1, Chapter 6

We are introduced to Winston’s anger as a result of the external oppression he faces. We are also introduced to Winston’s wife Katharine and her usage as a device to further delve into the world of human relationships and sex under the dominion of The Party.

‘the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some sort of visible symptom’

  • In making people responsible for things they can’t control it overwhelms them with responsibility which may be another method The Party uses to control people.

‘inextricably mixed up with fornication’

  • Brave New World baby association.

‘brought up in public institutions’ ‘it was curious how seldom he thought of her’

  • Removes love from the family unit so people have nothing to fall back on - all love under that Party is conditional.

'impregnable, as the party intended that they should be’

  • Oxymoronic ideas - meant to confuse people?

  • Or does it show a double standard?

1984: Part 1, Chapter 6

We are introduced to Winston’s anger as a result of the external oppression he faces. We are also introduced to Winston’s wife Katharine and her usage as a device to further delve into the world of human relationships and sex under the dominion of The Party.

‘the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some sort of visible symptom’

  • In making people responsible for things they can’t control it overwhelms them with responsibility which may be another method The Party uses to control people.

‘inextricably mixed up with fornication’

  • Brave New World baby association.

‘brought up in public institutions’ ‘it was curious how seldom he thought of her’

  • Removes love from the family unit so people have nothing to fall back on - all love under that Party is conditional.

'impregnable, as the party intended that they should be’

  • Oxymoronic ideas - meant to confuse people?

  • Or does it show a double standard?