the nations obligation under the constitution
republican form of government
No clear definition is generally understood to mean a representative government to be decided by congress and the president, not by the court.
Making war, keeping peace
The national government is required to protect the states against domestic violence
in re-debs 1895 the president can act to protect federal property or in order to insure that the national government can carry out its duty.
Admitting new states
congress and new states
Only congress can admit new states
states cannot come from the territory of existing states without approval of that states legislature
admission procedure
congress muster pass an enabling act for the proposed states to form a constitution which must then be approved by congress
an act of admission must then be approved by the president.
Conditions for admission
Utah admitted after it agreed ro ban polygamy
Alaska could not claim lands legally held by native Americans
gongress cannot enforce conditions that compromise the independence of a state to manage its own affairs
recall of judges in Arizona
William Howard Taft
Federal grants in aid
Grants of federal money got the states, cities and counties
Grants of federal land for schools roads canals flood control etc
Cash grants began during the new deals efforts to combat the effects of the Great depression
Around 400 billion a year today
28 billion to farmers to make up losses due to tariffs
Block funds used for broad purposes where states have freedom to decide how to spend the money
Categorical funds used for closely defined purposed with conditions set by the federal government
Project used for individual projects that states facilitates and private agencies compete.
Other forms of federal aid
FBI aids state and local enforcement
The military trains the states national guard units
Lulu payments to states with large federal land holdings
State aid to the national government
Conduct national elections
Agreements among states
The constitution reduces interstate frictions
Interstate compacts
Agreements between states and with foreign states with the consent of congress
Port authority of NY and NJ 1921
Over 200 in existence today
Compact for the supervision of parolees and probationers and the compact for juveniles have been signed by all 50 states.
How the law crosses state lines
In article IV section 1 the constitution commands that full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, Records and judicial proceedings of every other state.
Applies only to civil, not criminal, matters
Divorces are not recognized if the person granted the divorce is not a resident of the state where it is granted
Marriage and divorce
Must establish state residency in good faith
Williams vs North Carolina, 1945
Most states recognize same-sex marriage’s 14 states have prohibited them.
The definition of extradition in the constitution makes provisions for those who flee to another state to avoid punishment for a crime
Changes in extradition law
Kentucky v Dennison 1861 shall in the extradition clause had to be read as may
Puerto Rico v Brestad federal government can order an unwilling government to extradite a fugitive.
Privileges and immunities
The Constitution also protects citizens who move between states
Unreasonable distinctions
No state can draw an unreasonable distinction between its own resident and those who live in another state
Reasonable distinctions
Residency requirements to vote or hold public office or to practice law medicine, dentistry etc
Game and fishing licenses in state college tuition.