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evolution of computer

  • Mechanical Computers:

    • Developed in the early 20th century, mechanical computers used physical components like gears, levers, and switches to perform calculations.

    • Examples include the Analytical Engine designed by Charles Babbage and the Harvard Mark I.

    • These machines were slow, large, and required manual operation, limiting their practicality.

    • Mechanical computers were primarily used for tasks like calculating artillery firing tables and solving mathematical equations.

      Pascaline (1642):

      • Invented by Blaise Pascal.

      • First mechanical calculator.

      • Used a series of gears and levers to perform addition and subtraction.

      • Limited to 6 digits.

        Step Reckoner (1673):

      • Designed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

      • Improved upon Pascaline.

      • Could perform multiplication and division as well.

      • Utilized gears and levers mechanism.

        Babbage's Difference Engine (1822):

      • Designed by Charles Babbage.

      • Intended to calculate polynomial functions.

      • Used a system of gears and levers.

      • Never completed due to funding issues.

        Babbage's Analytical Engine (1837):

      • Designed by Charles Babbage.

      • Considered the first general-purpose computer.

      • Used punched cards for input and output.

      • Included an arithmetic logic unit and memory.

    Difference Engine:

    • The Difference Engine was an early mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage in the 1820s.

    • It was intended to automate the calculation of polynomial functions, eliminating human error.

    • The machine used a series of gears and levers to perform calculations based on the method of finite differences.

    • Although Babbage never completed a working version, his designs laid the foundation for modern computing.

    Analytical Engine:

    • The Analytical Engine, also designed by Charles Babbage, was a more advanced mechanical computer concept.

    • It featured a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and the ability to perform complex calculations.

    • The Analytical Engine used punched cards for input and output, similar to modern computer programming.

    • Despite never being built, the Analytical Engine is considered a precursor to modern computers.

    Relay Computers:

    • Relay computers were developed in the 1930s and 1940s and used electromagnetic relays as their primary components.

    • These machines were faster and more reliable than their mechanical counterparts.

    • Relay computers were used for various applications, including scientific calculations and code-breaking during World War II.

    • Examples include the Harvard Mark I and the German Z3, which was the world's first fully functional, programmable computer.

      Zuse Z3 (1941):

    • Created by Konrad Zuse.

    • World's first fully functional, programmable computer.

    • Utilized electromechanical relays.

    • Operated using binary arithmetic.

  • Harvard Mark I:

    • The Harvard Mark I, also known as the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), was a relay-based computer developed in the 1940s.

    • It was one of the first large-scale, general-purpose computers.

    • The Mark I used punched paper tape for input and output and could perform complex calculations.

    • It was primarily used for scientific and military applications, such as calculating ballistic trajectories and designing atomic bombs.

    ABC Computer:

    • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) was an early electronic computer developed by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

    • It used vacuum tubes for computation and binary representation of data.

    • The ABC was designed to .

    Harvard Mark I (1944):

    • Developed by Howard Aiken and IBM.

    • Large electromechanical computer.

    • Used punched paper tape for input.

    • Performed complex calculations for scientific research.

      IBM 650 (1954):

    • Developed by IBM.

    • First mass-produced computer.

    • Used magnetic drum memory.

    • Widely used in scientific and business applications.

    Note: Mechanical computers were the precursors to modern electronic computers and played a crucial role in the development of computing technology.

Evolution of Computers Over Time

  • First Generation (1940s-1950s):

    • Eckert and mouchly developed the first computer ENIAC

    • Vacuum tubes were used as the primary electronic component or the core element

    • punched-cards and tapes used as secondary storage;

    • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic computer.

    • machine codes like FORTRAN and COBOL were used

    • Computers were large, expensive, and consumed a lot of power.



        ENIAC (1946):

    • Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.

    • Developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

    • First general-purpose electronic computer.

    • Used vacuum tubes for processing.

      EDVAC (1951):

    • Electronic discrete variable Automatic Computer.

    • Developed by Eckert and Mauchly's company.

    • First commercial computer.

    • Used magnetic tape for storage.

      IAS (Institute for Advanced Study) Computers

      • Developed in the late 1940s at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

      • Designed by John von Neumann, a mathematician and computer scientist.

      • Considered one of the first successful electronic stored-program computers.

      • Utilized vacuum tubes for processing and magnetic drums for memory storage.

      • The IAS computer had a word length of 40 bits and a memory capacity of 1,024 words.

      • It introduced the concept of a stored program, where both data and instructions were stored in the computer's memory.

      • The IAS computer used a single address format, where instructions and data were stored in the same memory space.

      • It employed a sequential execution model, executing instructions one after another in a linear fashion.

      • The IAS computer was used for various scientific and mathematical calculations, including weather prediction and atomic energy research.

      • It served as a foundation for the development of subsequent computer architectures.


      • Commercial computers are designed for business and commercial applications.

      • They are primarily used for data processing, financial transactions, and administrative tasks.

      • Commercial computers are typically characterized by their reliability, scalability, and ease of use.

      • They often feature specialized software and hardware components tailored for specific business needs.

      • Commercial computers are designed to handle large volumes of data and perform complex calculations efficiently.

      • They may include features such as multiple processors, high-speed networking capabilities, and redundant storage systems.

      • Commercial computers are commonly used in industries such as banking, retail, healthcare, and telecommunications.

      • They are utilized for tasks such as inventory management, customer relationship management, and financial analysis.

      • Commercial computers often incorporate security measures to protect sensitive business data and ensure compliance with regulations.

      • Examples of commercial computer systems include mainframes, servers, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

  • Second Generation (1950s-1960s):

    • Transistors were used as the core element

    • Transistors replaced vacuum tubes, making computers smaller, faster, and more reliable.

    • Tape and magnetic disk were used as secondary storage

    • Magnetic core memory was introduced and was used as primary storage providing faster and more efficient data storage.

    • High level languages like COBOL and F

    • IBM 1401 ,ATLAS and UNIVAC 1107 were popular computers of this era.

  • Third Generation (1960s-1970s):

    • Integrated circuits (ICs) were developed,

    • They allowing multiple transistors to be placed on a single chip.

    • Magnetic disk was used as the secondary storage

    • operating systems were developed

    • development of minicomputer started

    • Computers became smaller, more powerful, and less expensive.

    • IBM System/360 and DEC PDP-8 were notable computers of this generation.

  • Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s):

    • large scale circuit was used as the core element(LSC)

    • Microprocessors were invented, integrating the entire CPU on a single chip.

    • semiconductor as primary storage

    • Personal computers (PCs) were introduced, making computing accessible to individuals.

    • High level languages such as C++, java and others were used.

    • Apple II, IBM PC, and Commodore 64 were popular PCs of this era.

  • Fifth Generation (1980s-Present):

    • VLSC(Very Large scale circuit) technology was the core element

    • It allowed for the creation of more powerful and compact microprocessors.

    • HDD(hard disk drives) and SSD(solid static drive) were used as secondary storage

    • this is because they are non-volatile and store data permanently

    • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and mouse input became common.

    • ROM(read only memory) and RAM(random access memory) were used primary storage.a

    • Laptops, smartphones, and tablets emerged, providing portable computing options.

  • Sixth Generation (Present and Beyond):

    • Advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and nanotechnology are shaping the future of computers.

    • Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are revolutionizing how computers are used and connected.



    • What is a computer?

    • Define the terms:

      1. data

      2. information

    • Differentiate between data and information.

    • Explain why a phrase such as '1980' is data and not classified as information.

      ANS: it lacks context and meaning on its own .it will become an info when its interpreted within a specific context like “i was born in 1980”

    • Draw a well labelled diagram to illustrate information processing cycle.

    • State the three functions of a computer.

    • What is the major purpose of a computer?

    • State advantages and disadvantages of computers.

    • State six computer features that makes them smarter than humans.

    • State five similarities between computers and humans.

    • State five differences between humans and computers.

    • Describe the four major parts of a computer.


    • Why is a computer described as:

      1. electronic device;

      2. processing device

      3. programmable

    • Why is a computer chassis also referred to as the system Unit?

    • State the importance of a monitor in computer operations and why it is referred to as the video display unit (VDU).

    • What is a computer program?

    • What are peripheral devices?

    • List any six peripheral devices.

    • Differentiate between the CPU and the System Unit.

    • List six components housed inside the computer chassis.

    • Using a well illustrated diagram, explain how a computer operates.

    • Why do we study computer studies?

    • State the difference between a desktop system unit and a tower system unit

      1. Other than a desktop and a laptop, state any other six devices that can be described as a computer.

      2. What features/characteristics made you classify those devices (above) as computers.

    • Write the following acronyms in full and describe what they are:

      1. VDU

      2. ICT

      3. PC

      4. CPU

      5. µP


evolution of computer

  • Mechanical Computers:

    • Developed in the early 20th century, mechanical computers used physical components like gears, levers, and switches to perform calculations.

    • Examples include the Analytical Engine designed by Charles Babbage and the Harvard Mark I.

    • These machines were slow, large, and required manual operation, limiting their practicality.

    • Mechanical computers were primarily used for tasks like calculating artillery firing tables and solving mathematical equations.

      Pascaline (1642):

      • Invented by Blaise Pascal.

      • First mechanical calculator.

      • Used a series of gears and levers to perform addition and subtraction.

      • Limited to 6 digits.

        Step Reckoner (1673):

      • Designed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

      • Improved upon Pascaline.

      • Could perform multiplication and division as well.

      • Utilized gears and levers mechanism.

        Babbage's Difference Engine (1822):

      • Designed by Charles Babbage.

      • Intended to calculate polynomial functions.

      • Used a system of gears and levers.

      • Never completed due to funding issues.

        Babbage's Analytical Engine (1837):

      • Designed by Charles Babbage.

      • Considered the first general-purpose computer.

      • Used punched cards for input and output.

      • Included an arithmetic logic unit and memory.

    Difference Engine:

    • The Difference Engine was an early mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage in the 1820s.

    • It was intended to automate the calculation of polynomial functions, eliminating human error.

    • The machine used a series of gears and levers to perform calculations based on the method of finite differences.

    • Although Babbage never completed a working version, his designs laid the foundation for modern computing.

    Analytical Engine:

    • The Analytical Engine, also designed by Charles Babbage, was a more advanced mechanical computer concept.

    • It featured a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and the ability to perform complex calculations.

    • The Analytical Engine used punched cards for input and output, similar to modern computer programming.

    • Despite never being built, the Analytical Engine is considered a precursor to modern computers.

    Relay Computers:

    • Relay computers were developed in the 1930s and 1940s and used electromagnetic relays as their primary components.

    • These machines were faster and more reliable than their mechanical counterparts.

    • Relay computers were used for various applications, including scientific calculations and code-breaking during World War II.

    • Examples include the Harvard Mark I and the German Z3, which was the world's first fully functional, programmable computer.

      Zuse Z3 (1941):

    • Created by Konrad Zuse.

    • World's first fully functional, programmable computer.

    • Utilized electromechanical relays.

    • Operated using binary arithmetic.

  • Harvard Mark I:

    • The Harvard Mark I, also known as the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), was a relay-based computer developed in the 1940s.

    • It was one of the first large-scale, general-purpose computers.

    • The Mark I used punched paper tape for input and output and could perform complex calculations.

    • It was primarily used for scientific and military applications, such as calculating ballistic trajectories and designing atomic bombs.

    ABC Computer:

    • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) was an early electronic computer developed by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

    • It used vacuum tubes for computation and binary representation of data.

    • The ABC was designed to .

    Harvard Mark I (1944):

    • Developed by Howard Aiken and IBM.

    • Large electromechanical computer.

    • Used punched paper tape for input.

    • Performed complex calculations for scientific research.

      IBM 650 (1954):

    • Developed by IBM.

    • First mass-produced computer.

    • Used magnetic drum memory.

    • Widely used in scientific and business applications.

    Note: Mechanical computers were the precursors to modern electronic computers and played a crucial role in the development of computing technology.

Evolution of Computers Over Time

  • First Generation (1940s-1950s):

    • Eckert and mouchly developed the first computer ENIAC

    • Vacuum tubes were used as the primary electronic component or the core element

    • punched-cards and tapes used as secondary storage;

    • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic computer.

    • machine codes like FORTRAN and COBOL were used

    • Computers were large, expensive, and consumed a lot of power.



        ENIAC (1946):

    • Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.

    • Developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

    • First general-purpose electronic computer.

    • Used vacuum tubes for processing.

      EDVAC (1951):

    • Electronic discrete variable Automatic Computer.

    • Developed by Eckert and Mauchly's company.

    • First commercial computer.

    • Used magnetic tape for storage.

      IAS (Institute for Advanced Study) Computers

      • Developed in the late 1940s at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

      • Designed by John von Neumann, a mathematician and computer scientist.

      • Considered one of the first successful electronic stored-program computers.

      • Utilized vacuum tubes for processing and magnetic drums for memory storage.

      • The IAS computer had a word length of 40 bits and a memory capacity of 1,024 words.

      • It introduced the concept of a stored program, where both data and instructions were stored in the computer's memory.

      • The IAS computer used a single address format, where instructions and data were stored in the same memory space.

      • It employed a sequential execution model, executing instructions one after another in a linear fashion.

      • The IAS computer was used for various scientific and mathematical calculations, including weather prediction and atomic energy research.

      • It served as a foundation for the development of subsequent computer architectures.


      • Commercial computers are designed for business and commercial applications.

      • They are primarily used for data processing, financial transactions, and administrative tasks.

      • Commercial computers are typically characterized by their reliability, scalability, and ease of use.

      • They often feature specialized software and hardware components tailored for specific business needs.

      • Commercial computers are designed to handle large volumes of data and perform complex calculations efficiently.

      • They may include features such as multiple processors, high-speed networking capabilities, and redundant storage systems.

      • Commercial computers are commonly used in industries such as banking, retail, healthcare, and telecommunications.

      • They are utilized for tasks such as inventory management, customer relationship management, and financial analysis.

      • Commercial computers often incorporate security measures to protect sensitive business data and ensure compliance with regulations.

      • Examples of commercial computer systems include mainframes, servers, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

  • Second Generation (1950s-1960s):

    • Transistors were used as the core element

    • Transistors replaced vacuum tubes, making computers smaller, faster, and more reliable.

    • Tape and magnetic disk were used as secondary storage

    • Magnetic core memory was introduced and was used as primary storage providing faster and more efficient data storage.

    • High level languages like COBOL and F

    • IBM 1401 ,ATLAS and UNIVAC 1107 were popular computers of this era.

  • Third Generation (1960s-1970s):

    • Integrated circuits (ICs) were developed,

    • They allowing multiple transistors to be placed on a single chip.

    • Magnetic disk was used as the secondary storage

    • operating systems were developed

    • development of minicomputer started

    • Computers became smaller, more powerful, and less expensive.

    • IBM System/360 and DEC PDP-8 were notable computers of this generation.

  • Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s):

    • large scale circuit was used as the core element(LSC)

    • Microprocessors were invented, integrating the entire CPU on a single chip.

    • semiconductor as primary storage

    • Personal computers (PCs) were introduced, making computing accessible to individuals.

    • High level languages such as C++, java and others were used.

    • Apple II, IBM PC, and Commodore 64 were popular PCs of this era.

  • Fifth Generation (1980s-Present):

    • VLSC(Very Large scale circuit) technology was the core element

    • It allowed for the creation of more powerful and compact microprocessors.

    • HDD(hard disk drives) and SSD(solid static drive) were used as secondary storage

    • this is because they are non-volatile and store data permanently

    • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and mouse input became common.

    • ROM(read only memory) and RAM(random access memory) were used primary storage.a

    • Laptops, smartphones, and tablets emerged, providing portable computing options.

  • Sixth Generation (Present and Beyond):

    • Advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and nanotechnology are shaping the future of computers.

    • Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are revolutionizing how computers are used and connected.



    • What is a computer?

    • Define the terms:

      1. data

      2. information

    • Differentiate between data and information.

    • Explain why a phrase such as '1980' is data and not classified as information.

      ANS: it lacks context and meaning on its own .it will become an info when its interpreted within a specific context like “i was born in 1980”

    • Draw a well labelled diagram to illustrate information processing cycle.

    • State the three functions of a computer.

    • What is the major purpose of a computer?

    • State advantages and disadvantages of computers.

    • State six computer features that makes them smarter than humans.

    • State five similarities between computers and humans.

    • State five differences between humans and computers.

    • Describe the four major parts of a computer.


    • Why is a computer described as:

      1. electronic device;

      2. processing device

      3. programmable

    • Why is a computer chassis also referred to as the system Unit?

    • State the importance of a monitor in computer operations and why it is referred to as the video display unit (VDU).

    • What is a computer program?

    • What are peripheral devices?

    • List any six peripheral devices.

    • Differentiate between the CPU and the System Unit.

    • List six components housed inside the computer chassis.

    • Using a well illustrated diagram, explain how a computer operates.

    • Why do we study computer studies?

    • State the difference between a desktop system unit and a tower system unit

      1. Other than a desktop and a laptop, state any other six devices that can be described as a computer.

      2. What features/characteristics made you classify those devices (above) as computers.

    • Write the following acronyms in full and describe what they are:

      1. VDU

      2. ICT

      3. PC

      4. CPU

      5. µP