•                                                                                                             STUDY GUIDE FOR MONGOL UNIT TEST

    Names, Dates & Places

    Temujin - was Ghengis Khan’s name before he became the first ruler of the Mongol empire.  

    Genghis Khan - The name Temujin took after he became ruler of the Mongol empire and began to conquer people

    Hoelun - was Genghis Khan's mother and instilled a lot of values in Temujin that led him to become a great leader. She also advised him when he became Great Khan  

    Börte - she was Genghis Khan's first wife and was known as the Grand Empress and Head of the first court of Genghis Khan. She advised him on many things that played a pivotal role in him becoming so successful. 

    Torogene - she was the wife of Ogedei, Genghis Khan's first son. Since Ogedei was almost always drunk and useless, Torogene was responsible for ruling the empire. Even while Ogedei was still alive, she made a lot of choices that helped the Mongols, and was a very successful leader for the 5 years she led the empire. 

    Sorghaghtani - She was the wife of Tolui, who was Genghis Khan's youngest son; she set the stage for a long line of Great Khans and advised many of them. She was known as the mother of the Great Khans because she created and nurtured a large line of Khans that would go on to successfully lead the empire for years to come.

    Boraqchin- she was a princess in the golden horde in the mongol empire and she was responsible for leading the migration of a city every six months which required a lot of planning and strategy 

    Tengri- he is the sky god in tengrism and was the motive for a lot of Ghengis Khan's actions because he did everything in the name of Tengri 

    Hulagu Khan- he was a grandson of Ghengis Khan and he continued the job Ghengis Khan left behind by conquering much of western asia and he was responsible for laying siege and destroying Baghdad.

    Kublai Khan - He was the brother of Hulagu Khan and created the Yuan Dynasty after finally taking over Southern China which had alluded the great Khans for years. 

    The Four Khanates- The four khanates were the Golden Horde, which is located in present day russia; Ilkhanate located in present day Iran;
    Chagatai Khanate, located in present day Turkmenistan; and the Yuan dynasty located in present day Beijing. 


    Al-Mansur - He was the one that founded the city of Baghdad, which was a cultural hotspot for years that impacted the whole world for centuries until the Mongols sacked the city. 

    Abbasids - They are the empire that founded Baghdad and was led by Al-Mansur. 

    Marco Polo - He was a merchant that traveled the Silk Road from 1271 to 1295 and recorded his travels in the Book of Marvels in the worlds which shared a lot of the mysteries of the eastern world 

    1162-1227- this was when Gengis Khan united the tribes of the Mongol empire and created one of the most dominant and the largest contiguous land empires ever.

    1258- the Mongols sacked and laid siege to the city of Baghdad, laying it to ruin and waste, killing millions and destroying culture.

    1271- Kublai Khan created the Yuan dynasty after taking over southern china which would last for almost a century 

    1206-1368- this was the lifespan of the mongol empire which expanded very quickly but only lasted for a short while and eventually declined 

    Mongolian steppe- the large grasslands of present day Mongolia where Ghengis Khan was born and the Mongol empire began.

    Baghdad- it was a city that influenced the whole world and still influences the world with its invitations and culture and the translation movement.  

    Beijing- it is the current day capital of china and was the capital of the yuan dynasty and was a hub of culture and invitation.

    Concepts & Ideas

    Nomadism/pastoralism - Traveling from place to place to hunt and gather. Pastoralism is a more rooted-in settlement that moves less often to allow their livestock to thrive.

    Tengriism - Belief in Tengri, a Sky God that has no physical form.

    Shamanism- the practice of communicating with the spiritual world.

    Aristocracy - a group of wealthy people in charge.

    Meritocracy - Those who are most loyal and most useful/helpful are highest up. It values hard work over bloodline.

    Mandate of Heaven - a divine mandate, order from a supernatural source, what motivated Genghis Khan to conquer. 

    Religious tolerance - allowing for any religion to thrive as long as they follow the rules

    Siege tactics- the tactic of cutting off a city's supplies and trade so they don't have any access to food and are forced to surrender.

    Psychological warfare- spreading fear and rumors in the enemy to demoralize them. The Mongols used this by spreading rumors of how fierce and terrifying they were to scare away enemies. 

    Utilitarianism - caring more about the results than the process. “I killed one person to save three, so I’m a good person”

    Deontology - caring more for the process than for the results. “I can’t kill anyone because that is bad.”

    Line of succession- a bloodline of a family in power that typically the power is handed down to the youngest some after the king or queen dies.

    Value system- the principles and beliefs cultures have. The Mongols valued bravery, honor, loyalty, and religious freedom. 

    Translation Movement -  the movement where many important writings and ideas were translated into other languages giving many people around the world access to those ideas

    House of Wisdom- it was the center of the translation movement in Baghdad and contained a large library and a lot of scholars and scientists.

    Key Terms

    Khan - leader/ruler

    Khanate- The area or the kingdom that the khan rules

    Concubine- essentially sex slaves taken from conquests of war. 

    Caliph- is the name of the ruler in the Middle East

    Caliphate- an islamic state with a caliph as a ruler with both religious and political rule. 

    Epitaph - words or a phrase written on a tombstone

    Mosque - A religious place of worship for Muslims

    Qu’ran - The central religious text of the Islamic faith

    Astronomy - The study of the cosmos beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

    Silk Road - trade route that extended from eastern coast of asia to the border of asia and europe

    Polygamy- Having more than one wife or husband at one time

    Contiguous - unbroken, connected landmass

    Yurt - a mongolian home/tent that the mongolians camped and lived in

    Brocade - a fabric made by the mongols that combined chinese silk with gold from tibet, and was woven by weavers from baghdad

    Cavalry - soldiers on horses, this tactic was utilized by the Mongols in their warfare. 
