The evolving concept of american democracy & Andrew Jackson’s Shaping of the Presidency
Changing Economy in the 1820’s
Factory Systems →
Samuel Slater → British but comes to America in the early 1800’s
brings knowledge of textile mills and the understanding of technology
Beleives that streams and bodies of water can be used to create energy to run textile mills in America
Mills are created and are all located in the Northern States
US has an abundance of natural resources like:
cotton - new cash crop
can now be sold to factories and out of the country
Not as good at making cloth as the British as the British were still #1 for finer clothes
needed to find a cheap labor force:
young un-married women who had no economic opportunity outside of their households
Henry Clays American System created protective tariffs so that people would buy from these textile mills in the upper New England area
Eli Whitney → creates interchangable parts
creates the cotton engine(gin)
revolutionizes cotton production
once cotton is picked, you still need to separate the cotton from the seed and it is very labor intensive
demand for cotton increases and so southern states grow more of it and slavery is even more important
Transportation →
Robert Fulton → created the idea of a steam engine and put it on a boat to create steam boats which makes it much more efficent for transportation
Canals are being built during this time period to allow more transportation for steam boats
built by state funding to connect natural bodies of water to connect regions
part of Henry Clay’s American System
Market Revolution → connecting all the regions because of the innovations in technology
helps to grow internal economy in America and helps to reduce buying from places like Britian
Country is growing and population is more dense
Urban population(cities) is growing
more cities are emerging but majority of the people still live in rural areas
by 1800 5.3 million people in cities
by 1840 17 million people in cities
specifically in cities in the North where textile factories are
American Generation
1824 - Jefferson and Adam die on the same day
Founding fathers are no longer a part of America and the population is now truly an American generation
One of the factors that Henry Clays American System was so supported
Imigration increases from countries in Eruope
mainly for economic reasons
Universal White Male Suffrage →If you are a white male you can vote even if you don’t own land
most states have removed the requirment to own land in order to vote
occurs first in the Western States
Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois
want to see the average common folk voting
changes the ideal of democracy
1828 Presidential Election
A. Jackson v J.Q. Adams v
J.C. Calhoun(current vice-president) wants to remain vice-president
‘Common Man’ - Jackson is wealthy and owns lands and slaves but wants to be seen as the man’s ‘common man’
A. Jackson wins majority of the electoral votes and over ½ of the popular votes in this election
Opens up the white house and has a party to celebrate winning the election
this creates the Democratic party - the true democracy
creates a cabinet →
‘Spoils System’ or Rotation in Office
fires his enemies and hires his friends
regularly fired and rehired people in his cabinet if he didn’t like what they were doing or how they were behaving
‘Kitchen Cabinet’
newspaper people, politicians, friends from the west
people who got their names from coming to the white house through the kitchen door
occured when he ignored his cabinet and asked advice from the ‘common man’
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Jackson agreed with the state of Georgia that Native American land should be opened up to the white man
remove tribes from their land and move them to indian territory on the other side of the mississippi river
5 civilized tribes → five tribes that tried to asimilate into the white culture
Trail of Tears → forced to leave their native land and traveled through snow, hundreds of miles without proper supplies
60,000 forcfilly relocated and thousands die en-route or shortly after arrival
some historians say that Jackson was just trying to protect the Native Americans by moving them away and preserving their culture
The Brink of Civil War - Nulification Crisis (1832-1833)
Vice President and the President don’t get along
Calhoun wanted to protect slavery as slaves became a minority
high tax on cloth used to clothe slaves
Calhoun wanted to create nulification so states could ignore any law that they considered unconstitutional
reamergance of the Kentucky Resolutions
Divided colonies as the southern states wanted nulification while the northern states beleived that it would ruin the country
Calhoun arote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Jackson states his beleif as he was entirely against nulification
1832 - State of South Carolina nulified the high tax and said that if Jackson tried to stop them, that they would withdraw from the union
Force Bill
approval to use military force if South Carilina does not remove their nulification and if they try to leave the union
Jackson issued a proclomation to try and get them to stop the nulification and showed that if they tried to leave the union, then a war would occur
a union of people not a union of people
South Cariliona could not leave the union or it would cause a war as it was considered a removal from the union by force
Compromise Tariff of 1833 → Clay passed a bill that largley decreased the tax on cloth and then SOuth Carilina removed their
Clay wants to try and be president as he does not like Jackson
Jackson beleived that the bank of the United States was corrupt
he thought it was unconstitutional
gave too much power to private bankers over the country as a whole
Biddle was the man in charge of the bank
bank was using the money to pay for people to get into congress
Clay and Biddle created a bill to protect the bank for another 12 years
Jackson vetoed the recharter bill and made the bank the issue of the re-election
Henry Clay beleieved that Jackson was trampeleing on the US Constitution and used it in his election
1832 - Jackson re-won the election
Biddle wants to show Jackson to stay out of this
Biddle made it hard for the averge man and business owners by increasing taxes and declining loans
Jackson vetoes 12 bills in congress while Madison was the 2nd highest and only vetoed 7 times
Jackson vetoes anything that isn’t in the interest of the common man while the presidents before him were cautios and only used it if they considered it unconstitutioanl
‘Killing the Bank’
Jackson pulled deposits out of the bank which destroyed the national bank and payed off the national debt
put all the national money into state banks
Pet Banks
negative term by Jacksons enemies on his view of removing the national bank
Banks had to loan money to make money and the loan was handed out in paper cirtificates
paper cirtificates were also handed out when people bought land
Inflation occures because of the paper cirtificates
‘Specie Circular’
If you want to buy land from the national government, you have to pay in hard cash not in paper certificates
people with paper certificates go back to the bank and try to get the hard cash so they can buy land
Bank Runs
banks had to close because they could not keep up
The Panic of 1837
second economic crisis that the country faces
Martin Van Buren replaces Jackson as the new president
serves his presidency during this economic decline
The Whig Party
beleive that Jackson is a king and a tyrant
W.H. Harrisson - war hero who won a battle during the war of 1812
wins the election
goes into the inogeration underdressed for the weather to show he is strong
gets nemonia and dies 30 days in
Tyler is the vice president and has to step up
doesn’t have.a very successful presidency
The age of reform → 1800-1848
The Second Great Awakening → 1800-1840
succession of religious revivals that remade americas religious landscape
Many preachers a traveling from church to church and don’t stay in one place
traveled mostly to rural areas to go to revivals as they popped up
more people are flocking to urban cities
American generation - no longer the founding fathers (moral and philisophical values) and americans now want to get in touch with their religious roots
Religion becomes a haven for some of the people that are struggeling with the changes taking place in Jacksonian era
Cane Ridge, Kentucky is seen as the first revival that sparks this awakening
1 in every 10 people in Kentucky was present in a revival
white males, white women, and free african americans are all present
provides a space for previously marginalized groups
philosphy is that everyone deserves a change while the original philosphy revolved around pre-determined
emotional, passionate revivals
fainting, crying, speeking in tounges, etc.
in 1831, churches across the nation reported about a 100,000 converts
one of the most inclusive movements
did not have to have a preaching license to preach
Charles Grandison Finney → former lawyer that converted and became a preacher
extremley popular internarant preacher that travels from place to place
says that it is up to the individual when they want to recieve forgivness and no longer beleives in the alter call
had an anxious bench → people that were torn between asking for forgivnes would sit on this bench right next to Finney
critized by established churches mostly for breaking away from the statu quo
tried to expand the role of women in these revival meetings
Revival allowed african americans to create their own churches
Joseph Smith → beleives that he is seeing a series of visions in the early 1820’s
told that the christian denominations have straied from the truth
gold tablets have the real truth on them
given acess to reading what is on these gold tablets
Smith dictates these writings to friends
Creates the book of Mormon
Latter-Day Saints → derogitory name for Mormons
mostly located in New York
run out of town and is the start of the westward migration for Mormons
The Search for an American Zion → eventual promised land for Mormons
go to Ohio but so many people flock to Ohio that they are run out of town
move to Missouri but are once again run out; partly because it occured during the Panic of 1812
head to Navu, Illinois
Smith is advocating for plural marriage
followers become wary of Smith
followers turn on Smith with the issue of plural marriage
Smith flees but returns and is shot and killed by a mob
followers moved again to Salt Lake City, Utah
propose State of Desserai
majority of followers still reside here
Millerites → William Miller is a farmer from Upstate NY and interrpreates the end of the world in the bible to mean that the world will end in 1843
Becomes known as the Great Dissapointment
Miller losses credibility
some followers break off and create their own religion
The Shakers → first experiment in Communal living
share property and items
relied on getting people to convert to their cause
beleived that men and women should be seperated at all times
made it hard to grow the religion
when people turned 21 they could stay or leave
primarily agriculturally based
Nathaniel Hawthorn observed behabior(writter of the Scarlett Letter)
Sopontanious dancing untill it was converted to choriagraphed and then back to spontanious in teh 1840s
Was not a huge community
small community in rural Maine and is the only known Shakers community to still exist
Upstate New York → ‘Burned-over district’
Mormons, Shakers, Revivals, and Antislavery churches
John Humphrey Noyes → starts the Oneida Community
originally wants to be a preacher but decides that the informality of the 2nd great awakening is odd
beleives that humans can achieve perfectionism
beleieved they could be perfect once they converted
community established in 1841 in Upstate New York
Every man and every woman is married to each other
each memeber of the community that was being repremanded was put in front of the community and looked down upon
beleive that men and women are equal
people who convert are in a state of sinlessness
no confession
abandoned in 1881
George Ripley → originally a minister
founds Brook Farm in 1841 with his wife and 15 followers
physical labor → condition of well being and good mental health
10 hours in the summer
8 hours in the winter
intellectual community → plays, music
Nathaniel Hawthorne is a part of this
becomes disalusioned and talks badly about it in one of its books
very good school system
1846 - fire destroyes the main part of the farm and religion is never the same
Transcendentalism → mainly in New England
extremley disaludioned with organized relgion
philisophical, political, and literature movement
beleive that man is perfectable and naturally good
man has freedom of will
nature is good
when man goes into nature and treates it good, then he will meet God
man must follow his own heart
extremley distrought at the Manufacturing Industry
concerned that nature is going to be taken away from them
sceptical of capitalism
against west-ward expansion movement
Ralph Waldo Emerson → Dean of the movement
rails against Manufactuing industry
emphasized the reliablity of the individual sole
believed that the time had come for American to start its own intellectual movements
Birth of American Literature
printers are better and can print quicker
publishing offices are popping up
magizines grow in popularity and writes can publish short stories in these
novels that come out by chapter each week in magizines become popular
Herman Melville → takes trip on the whale ship and enspires Moby Dick
Nathaniel Hawthorne → writer of The Scarlett Letter and also writes short stories
vivid paintings of New England
Edgar Allan Poe → gains international fame for stories and poems
the telltale heart
Temperance Movement → 1826, temperance society created to get people to obstain from alchol
women become the driving force behind the temperance movement because they are the ones that suffered if a man drank too much
became a staple of everyday household
average man drinks 7 gallons of alchol in a year
some households don’t have clean drinking water so they drink alcohol
some beleived that it was created to target the lower class
in the 1840s, americans drank ½ of what they had drank in the 1820s
Healthcare Reform →
Dorothea Dix → sickly child that becomes a tutor
told to go to Europe to look at her medical problems
sees that Europeans are building special buildings for people with mental issues
called Lunatic Hospitals
before these facilities, people were thrown into general population prisons because they had nowehere else to go
contends that our prison system needs to be reformed
men and women need to be put into separte facilities
asylums and institutions established in places like New England and North Carolina
pioneer in the field of nursing which is just starting to kick off
Education Reform →
Horace Mann →
advocated for universal public education for all
in the beginning, it was the rich people that could get a formal education
Mann did not get a high quality education and beleives that the teachers he had were not fully equpit to deliver his education
beleives that american cannot remain ignorant
beleives that education must be payed for by the people of the US
education needs to be free of any religious influence
education needs to be provided by well equipt teachers
establishes the board of education
Bronson Alcott →
adds art, music, physical education, nature study all added to education
pushes against the educationoal current
father of Louise May Alcott who wrote Little Women
Anti-slavery → beleive that slavery is immoral and socially wrong but are not advocating for equality among races
many of these advocates that enslaved people should be free
enslaves should be payed or release gradualy
want emancipated slaves to be sent back to Africa and do not want them to be a part of america
American Colonization Socity: John Marshall, Henry Clay, James Madison, etc.
want to send free slaves to Monrovian in Africa
very few free slaves go back
The Abolition Movement →
William Lloyd Garrison starts this movement
Jan 1, 1831, published the first copy of his newspaper and advocates for the freedom and staying of african americans
passivist and beleives that it should not be violent
attempts to convert peopple with moral persuasion by trying to show them how slavery is wrong
one of the earliest followers is Fredrigh Douglas
Frederick Douglass → lecter for the Massachusets Anti-Slavery Society
Douglass beleives that slavery will not go away without violence
Womens Rights → women are upset that african americans are getting all the attention
beleive that they should have the right to vote, etc
Seneca Falls → womens declaration of independence
68 women adn 32 men sign this declaration
movement continues into the 20th century
The Consequences of Manifest Destiny
Americans beleive that it is their right and thier destiny to move west
slogan from a journalist, John O’Sullivan, that claimed it was the manifest destiny of the power and beleived that the country needed to grow
by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continetnt which Providence had given us for the development of the great experiment
greatest support in Northern and Western States
large % supports expansion
The Whig party was against manifest destiny
The Texas Issue →
Mexico is an independent country after defeating the Spanish by the 1830s
Texas is not very populated and only a few native mexicans and tribes live their
Mexican government beleives that they need to populate Texas
needs to come up with incentives:
open the territory up for settelment and let Americand live here
give emprearios (large mexican land grants)
you have to become a citizen of Mexico
You have to convert to the Catholic religion
Slaves are not allowed
By 1835 35,000 Americans have populated Texas
don’t see themselves as Mexicans, don’t convert to Catholisism, and some still bring slaves
By 1836, Americans argue that they need to overthrow and establish their own government
War for Independence → starts in 1836
The Alamo is just a small portion of this event but starts the war cry
“Remeber the Alamo”
Government of Mexico will eventually surrender
The first thing that Americans will do once they acheive freedom from Mexico is to ask for statehood
they want to be anexxed and join the US
ask multiple times
President Andrew Jackson is in power whent they ask the first time
Jackson says no
Van Buren is next and refuses to touch the issue
beleived that bringing this issue of statehood up to congress would lead to political unrest
Abolition movement is ocurring during this time
Abolitionist Petitios → Abolitionist movements are creating petitons and taking it to congress to bring ths issue up for debate
Flood of abolitionist petitions coming into congress to the point where they are not getting anything else done
Gag Rule → put in place by members of congress that tabled all topics of slavery and stopped the debate of said topic
put in place in 1836 and lasts untill about 1850
vast majority of politicians are not strong abolitionists and don’t care about these problems
Because of this reslolution, the annexation of Texas cannot be brought up
was the Repuclic of Texas
James K. Polk’s Aggressive Foreign Policy →
Polk is a democrat and a follower of Jackson
Elected in 1844 and is a “dark horse”
Polk ran against Henry Clay (part of the Whig party)
Polk is in support of annexating Texas and also supports expanding
wants to take Oregon - 54 -40 or fight (line of latitude) is his campaign speech
Enforcment of Monro Doctrine → Polk supports this doctrine and beleives that all of North America is our land
Polk negotiates and gets is to the 49 line - the compromise line
agressive in his push that military force should be used to gain this land
this causes the British to step back
1846 Treaty grants the 49 degree line
Victory for Polk
Remember Texas
President Tyler annexxes Texas because he knows the Polk will do it
Slidell’s Mission → sent by Polk to see if the Mexican Government will sell the US California
Mexico says they won’t sell
they only way to get California is by going to war
Causes dispute of where the southern boundary line is drawns which leads to disputed territory
Polk talks one of his generals and sends them to the newaces river and then decides to march the soldiers onto the other side of the river
soldiers are killed and congress declares war
The Mexican -American War (1846-1848)
American strategy →
Gain California & New Mexico
gain California without almost any violence
Unpopularity of the War →
Lincoln’s “spot resolution”
knows that Polk caused the squrmish to expand territory and knows that the blood was spilled in disputed terrioty
Whig criticism
David Wilmot
Wilmot Proviso → in this war, whatever land is gained should not allow slavery
Impact of the War
Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty →
formerly ends the war
Mexican cession → name given to terrioty that America gets from the war
California Gold Rush →
Discovery occurs in 1848
Causes a massive population boom
Within one year of cession, their are enough people in California to ask for statehood
Diverse population → mexicans, americans, chinese
Consequences →
California wants to be a free state
Southern members are against it
Sectionalism → people are viewing this from their own lense and not seeing whats good for the whole country
Causes tensions to increase
Henry Clay says this is tearing the country apart
Compromise of 1850
California is granted statehood as a free state
Popular Sovereignty is allowed in the Utah and New Mexico territory
is population vote for slavery then they will have slavery and if they vote against then their won’t be slavery
No more public sale of slaves in the capitol but slavery can still exist in the capitol
Stronger/ Stricter fugitive Slave law
Northern Citizencs must assist in the return of run-away slaves