Implicit Spirituality Emotional level of knowing God,emotional responses to the deepest parts of our soul, comes through experiences or other people
Explicit Spirituality Knowledge we learn about God from study or scripture Danger of over emphasis of explicit or implicit spirituality
Explicit: From only knowing facts and or knowledge of God it would be difficult to share outside of just facts, we would not be able to share emotions or soul convictions
Implicit: From only having emotions we could easily get lost from what God truly wants from us and or what it is we are meant to do
Best way to integrate explicit and implicit spirituality (sharing stories) explicit-Explicit: when people are asking questions about God and other spiritual knowledge
Best way to integrate explicit and implicit spirituality (sharing stories) Implicit -Implicit: when people are feeling convicted or on fire for the spirit
Ephesians 4:11-16 the church is the impetus for spiritual formation Churches are places for prevention and equipping not just crisis intervention, preach and teach the gospel, confront idols and false gospel/teachers
5 ways the church helps us grow 4 R's 1 I Receiving: A place to receive God's love, grace, connection, guidance, and life Remembering: A place to remember God and what he has and is losing Responding: Respond to God's love with love and service to God and others Relation: Moving from independence to a healthy intermediate Imitation: As a means of formation - consistent circumstances, patterns of community, and experiences have helped produce many of the genuine Godly folk
4 outward disciplines (Simplicity) "simplicity is freedom" -Foster, focusing on one thing at a time, inward reality that results in outward lifestyle, living in the Divine center, all things are a gift from God, Luke 16:13 "you cannot serve both God and money"
4 outward disciplines (Solitude) "loneliness is inner emptiness, solitude is inner fulfillment" -Foster, state of mind and heart rather than specific place, solitude and silence are inseparable, Jesus practiced solitude as a regular practice, after hard times, encouraged the apostles to do the same
4 outward disciplines (Submission) Ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get our own way, not about self pity or martyrdom, voluntary submission and joy, works hand in hand with service, submit to God, scripture, family, church, in scripture: take up your cross daily, submission in the home
4 outward discipline (Service) "to reflect the helping, caring, and sharing of God in the world" -Calhoun, service fosters humility in our hearts towards God and others, listening takes time to hear people and you don't necessarily need to respond, bearing each others burdens not taking them, sharing the word and gospel
Thaddeus William quote "social justice is not optional for the christian"
3 social justice passages Isaiah 1:16,17 - clean yourselves before you go and clean others" Micah 6:6-8 - God appreciates us giving gifts but He loves us to do justice and love kindness Matthew 22:34-40 - the greatest command, pharisees caught up with the law but the two laws are love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself
Define righteous anger being angry about righteous matters and for God's justice
Define tribalism Strong loyalty and identity to a particular group
Danger of social justice and the church Like anything else it needs a balance, too much social justice and the church can lose the gospel or their main goal, not enough and the church isn't doing its duty to love their neighbor and seek justice
One way to practice social justice Show equal love to everyone and participate in things like benevolence closet or food banks
Define rule of life and the two questions "intentional, conscious plan to keep God at the center of everything we do" Who do I want to be? How do I want to live?
Foundational scripture about spiritually formed body Genesis 2:2 "God saw all that He had done and rested" We need to be like God in the sense of doing what is asked and expected of us, but when we finish to say it is good/leave it to God and rest
3 primary ways to practice a spiritually formed body Rest, Nutrition and Exercise, and Sexual Holiness
Benefits of sleep to the body God made our bodies for sleep, renewal for our mind and body, helps log memories
Define chastity "to revere God by receiving and honoring my body and the basis of others with purity of thought and action"
List HALT for sexual sin Hunger Anger Lonely Tired usually when you're at your weakest physical is when temptation is the hardest to overcome
3 strategic values of disciple making Prayer and Fasting Inviting Along Multiplication
Define stewarship voluntary and generous offering of God's gifts of resources, time, talent, and treasure for the benefit and love of God
Key principles of stewardship delayed gratification: pay high price now for greater treasure later God owns everything, I just manage it our heart goes where our money is the borrower is always slave to the lender
Four disciple making rythms Learn: Jesus taught His disciples about the gospel and the kingdom Serve: Jesus served with those who went with Him Eat: Jesus shared meals with the people around Him Rest: Jesus rested and Sabbathed with those he invited
Five steps to start a disciple group Pray Invite Expectations Covenant Live it