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BIOA1H3 F - Module 3: Lecture 04

Chemical Reactions and Enzymes

Topics Review

Q: The reactions in the pathways of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle break down glucose into smaller molecules. Therefore, these pathways are?

A: Catabolic pathways → the breakdown of molecules into smaller units

Lecture Question

Q: Why are some mushrooms toxic to human beings? The example used is; Amanita phalloides

A: Amanita phalloides contains Amatoxins which are selective inhibitors of RNA Polymerase II, which is a vital enzyme in the synthesis of mRNA, microRNA, and snRNA

Core Concepts

  1. Chemical Reactions involve the breaking and forming of bonds

  2. Energetic Coupling: spontaneous reactions drive a non-spontaneous reaction

  3. Enzymes: protein catalysts that can increase the rate of biochemical reactions

  4. Allosteric Enzyme: an enzyme that is activated or inhibited when binding to another molecule changes its shape

Chemicals Reactions

  • involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds

  • atoms keep their identity and integrity but the bonds are what are altered

  • hydrogen-oxygen bonds are the ones that normally break

  • carbon dioxide + water → carbonic acid

Free Radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species)

  • atoms or molecules that contain unpaired electrons making them highly reactive and unstable

  • will pick up electrons from the cells within the body

  • causes damage to cells and tissues

  • Antioxidants → provide electrons and serve as a reducing agent and limit the oxidative damage to cells and molecules; Selenium is a popular one

  • Prof’s Lab Investigation

    • have been investigating Selenoprotein translation

Gibbs Free Energy

  • Endergonic Reaction (+): if the products have more free energy than the reactant → these reactions are non-spontaneous and anabolic

  • Exergonic Reaction (-): if the reactants have more free energy than the products → this reaction is spontaneous and catabolic

Energy Available

  • Total energy or enthalpy (H) = energy available to do work + energy lost to entropy (disorder)

  • ΔG = ΔH - TΔS

    • ΔG = total Gibbs Free Energy

    • ΔH = total Enthalpy Change

    • T = Temperature in Kalvin

    • ΔS = total Entropy Change

ΔG in Anabolic and Catabolic Reactions

  • G and H are inversely proportionate to T and S

Energetic Coupling

  • a process in which spontaneous reactions drive a non-spontaneous reaction

    • Example; the coupled reaction proceeds since ΔG is negative and Pi is shared between the two reactions

Intermediate ΔG

  • whether ATP will be produced or consumed is dependent on the intermediate ΔG

  • allows ATP to drive reactions as well as be replenished

Rate of A Reaction

  • as a new compound is forming, a Transition State briefly occurs

  • it has a high energy compared to all other states and is unstable

  • the reaction requires an input of energy to reach this state = Activation Energy

  • depending on where the reaction is high or low, it may need a greater or smaller amount of energy input to reach the transition state

Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions

  • Substrate ←→ Product

  • S + Enzyme ← → ES ← → EP ← → E + P

  • help speed up the chemical reactions in the body

  • they are proteins (normally end in ‘-ase’)

  • enzymes possess an active site that a substrate binds to and converts it to the product

  • the interactions between the substate and the active site are weak noncovalent interactions or transient covalent bonds that stabilize the transition state and decrease the activation energy required for the reaction

Active Site Formation

  • extremely small compared to the enzyme itself

  • the amino acids that compose the active site are often far apart in the linear sequence of the unfolded enzyme

  • protein folding brings specific amino acids close to each other to form the active site

Enzyme Specificity

  • partial due to the structure of the active site

  • is the basis of Bio-element Transducers

Activators & Inhibitors

  • Activators: can increase enzyme activity

  • Inhibitors: can decrease or inhibit enzyme activity

    • can be reversible or irreversible depending on how tightly they are bound to the enzyme by their bonds (ionic or covalent)

    • can also bind to a site that’s not the active site - these sort of inhibitors will change the shape of the enzymes active site so then the enzyme itself cannot recognize the substrate anymore

  • can also be classified on how they inhibit or bind with enzymes

  • they can compete with the substrates

Regulation of Chemical Reactions

  • allosteric enzymes are important in the regulation of chemical reactions

BIOA1H3 F - Module 3: Lecture 04

Chemical Reactions and Enzymes

Topics Review

Q: The reactions in the pathways of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle break down glucose into smaller molecules. Therefore, these pathways are?

A: Catabolic pathways → the breakdown of molecules into smaller units

Lecture Question

Q: Why are some mushrooms toxic to human beings? The example used is; Amanita phalloides

A: Amanita phalloides contains Amatoxins which are selective inhibitors of RNA Polymerase II, which is a vital enzyme in the synthesis of mRNA, microRNA, and snRNA

Core Concepts

  1. Chemical Reactions involve the breaking and forming of bonds

  2. Energetic Coupling: spontaneous reactions drive a non-spontaneous reaction

  3. Enzymes: protein catalysts that can increase the rate of biochemical reactions

  4. Allosteric Enzyme: an enzyme that is activated or inhibited when binding to another molecule changes its shape

Chemicals Reactions

  • involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds

  • atoms keep their identity and integrity but the bonds are what are altered

  • hydrogen-oxygen bonds are the ones that normally break

  • carbon dioxide + water → carbonic acid

Free Radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species)

  • atoms or molecules that contain unpaired electrons making them highly reactive and unstable

  • will pick up electrons from the cells within the body

  • causes damage to cells and tissues

  • Antioxidants → provide electrons and serve as a reducing agent and limit the oxidative damage to cells and molecules; Selenium is a popular one

  • Prof’s Lab Investigation

    • have been investigating Selenoprotein translation

Gibbs Free Energy

  • Endergonic Reaction (+): if the products have more free energy than the reactant → these reactions are non-spontaneous and anabolic

  • Exergonic Reaction (-): if the reactants have more free energy than the products → this reaction is spontaneous and catabolic

Energy Available

  • Total energy or enthalpy (H) = energy available to do work + energy lost to entropy (disorder)

  • ΔG = ΔH - TΔS

    • ΔG = total Gibbs Free Energy

    • ΔH = total Enthalpy Change

    • T = Temperature in Kalvin

    • ΔS = total Entropy Change

ΔG in Anabolic and Catabolic Reactions

  • G and H are inversely proportionate to T and S

Energetic Coupling

  • a process in which spontaneous reactions drive a non-spontaneous reaction

    • Example; the coupled reaction proceeds since ΔG is negative and Pi is shared between the two reactions

Intermediate ΔG

  • whether ATP will be produced or consumed is dependent on the intermediate ΔG

  • allows ATP to drive reactions as well as be replenished

Rate of A Reaction

  • as a new compound is forming, a Transition State briefly occurs

  • it has a high energy compared to all other states and is unstable

  • the reaction requires an input of energy to reach this state = Activation Energy

  • depending on where the reaction is high or low, it may need a greater or smaller amount of energy input to reach the transition state

Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions

  • Substrate ←→ Product

  • S + Enzyme ← → ES ← → EP ← → E + P

  • help speed up the chemical reactions in the body

  • they are proteins (normally end in ‘-ase’)

  • enzymes possess an active site that a substrate binds to and converts it to the product

  • the interactions between the substate and the active site are weak noncovalent interactions or transient covalent bonds that stabilize the transition state and decrease the activation energy required for the reaction

Active Site Formation

  • extremely small compared to the enzyme itself

  • the amino acids that compose the active site are often far apart in the linear sequence of the unfolded enzyme

  • protein folding brings specific amino acids close to each other to form the active site

Enzyme Specificity

  • partial due to the structure of the active site

  • is the basis of Bio-element Transducers

Activators & Inhibitors

  • Activators: can increase enzyme activity

  • Inhibitors: can decrease or inhibit enzyme activity

    • can be reversible or irreversible depending on how tightly they are bound to the enzyme by their bonds (ionic or covalent)

    • can also bind to a site that’s not the active site - these sort of inhibitors will change the shape of the enzymes active site so then the enzyme itself cannot recognize the substrate anymore

  • can also be classified on how they inhibit or bind with enzymes

  • they can compete with the substrates

Regulation of Chemical Reactions

  • allosteric enzymes are important in the regulation of chemical reactions