H - Hydrogen - 1
He - Helium - 2
Li - Lithium - 3
Be - Beryllium - 4
B - Boron - 5
C - Carbon - 6
N - Nitrogen - 7
O - Oxygen - 8
F - Fluorine - 9
Ne - Neon - 10
Na - Sodium - 11
Mg - Magnesium - 12
Al - Aluminum - 13
Si - Silicon - 14
P - Phosphorus - 15
S - Sulfur - 16
Cl - Chlorine - 17
Ar - Argon - 18
K - Potassium - 19
Ca - Calcium - 20
H (Hydrogen) - 1 He (Helium) - 4 Li (Lithium) - 7 Be (Beryllium) - 9 B (Boron) - 11 C (Carbon) - 12 N (Nitrogen) - 14 O (Oxygen) - 16 F (Fluorine) - 19 Ne (Neon) - 20 Na (Sodium) - 23 Mg (Magnesium) - 24 Al (Aluminum) - 27 Si (Silicon) - 28 P (Phosphorus) - 31 S (Sulfur) - 32 Cl (Chlorine) - 35 Ar (Argon) - 40 K (Potassium) - 39 Ca (Calcium) - 40
Chromium (Cr) - 24
Manganese (Mn) - 25
Iron (Fe) - 26
Cobalt (Co) - 27
Nickel (Ni) - 28
Copper (Cu) - 29
Zinc (Zn) - 30
Bromine (Br) - 35
Silver (Ag) - 47
Tin (Sn) - 50
I - Iodine 53
Ba - Barium 56
Pt - Platinum 78
Au - Gold 79
Hg - Mercury 80
Pb - Lead 82
Rn - Radon 86
Ra - Radium 88
U - Uranium 92
Pu - Plutonium 94
Group 1: Alkali Metals
Group 2: Alkali Earth Metals
Group 1-13 except the last 109-112 elements: Transition Metals
Group 18: Noble Gasses
Group 17: Halogens
Where are Metalloids located: Staircase starting from Boron, going to the right down to period 5
What elements are Metalloids/starred: Boron, Silicone, Atomic num 32, Atomic num 33, Atomic num 51, Atomic num 52.
Higher separated row (and technically in period 4, doesn’t have uranium): Lanthanides.
Lower separated row (and technically in period 5, contains uranium): actinides.
Other metals: elements left to the Metalloid staircase/elements, ends at transition metals.
Non-Metals: rest of the elements right to the Metalloid staircase/elements.
S group: groups 1, 2 and helium.
P group: right side of the periodic table, ends at transitions metals.
D group: transition metals.
F group: separated group (actinides and lamtidines).
Period 7, groups 9 to 18: IGNORE!!!
What are the charges formed by the A families and 4 univalent metals: Al³+, Zn²+, Cd²+, Ag^+.
What are the 7 diatonic: H, N, F, G, I, Cl, Br
Positive charged elements: Group 14, group 13, group 2, group 1.
Negatively charged elements: Groups 15-18.
Transition metal groups: -1 current group.